Wolf RPG
The Heartwood You Got That, Kitten? [m] - Printable Version

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You Got That, Kitten? [m] - Iqniq - May 17, 2015

More exploring. That was the gist of it. Paws drifting one over the other, carving new trails and paths into the earth. This was the life. With each stride the adventurer's heart within him grew more satisfied until he felt at peace with himself once more. To venture meant to see and learn new things. It meant new encounters and grand adventures that filled life with so much more than the mundane repetitiveness of life.

Alas, he could combine the two. His new status as a pack wolf could take it's cues from the things he'd learned in the wild. He took care to rid himself of the scent of pack, releasing himself from scents and smells that hadn't had the time to fully embed themselves within his fur. A bath. A roll in the mud. Another bath. A good rub down in a field of wildflowers and dew soaked grass. He felt alive again. And wild. There was newness and energy with each step as he picked a new direction and set forth.

This forest was lovely. There was a warm and pleasant sensation that continued even as the overhead clouds stole away the beams of sun. The air was electric. He could feel the tingle of humidity spike as the skies above began to grumble and murmur their warnings. A storm was rolling in. No sooner had he thought it than the light dusting of the edges of the rain began to roll over the area. Kero tucked himself beneath the tangle of trees and hugged their trunks in an attempt to avoid the worst of it, but the rain would ultimately slip through the edges of the leaves and soak him to the core.

Until then, he'd not let a little rain distract him from his course. He could explore and seek shelter simultaneously.

RE: You Got That, Kitten? - Tiger - May 18, 2015

Tiger had been collecting more herbs. Herbs specific to Wifi's allergies. Not all of them could be found on pack territory, and she alerted Peregrine that she'd be back the following morning. The weather seemed dismal, and she wasn't sure she'd make it back as quickly as the trip would take if the weather were great. That being said, she was off like a bullet; she did want to be as quick as possible. She would soon be Wildfire's primary physician (cool stuff), but first, for her own peace of mind, she'd like to become a medic, first.

She had learned a lot in the days that had passed. Now, to put some of that herbal learning to use and find those herbs! Tiger very nearly missed the male hunkered down between two oaks as she sniffed loudly at herbs near the roots... and then her eyes came upon him and she let out a giant shriek. If it'd have been a bear, she wouldn't have made it. Shit, she still might not make it, depending on the character of this dude... she reeled backward, "SORRY SORRY," obtaining a sizable distance.

RE: You Got That, Kitten? - Iqniq - May 18, 2015

Thunder rolled. Kerosene turned his eyes skyward as the storm continued to brew. The rain was picking up. The soft patter became a dull roar as the lightning caused the forest to brighten for a moment. The duration between thunder and lightning was growing shorter. No doubt the heart of this storm would fully roll in soon.

He tucked himself within a hollow to wait it out. He found no great purpose in moving over ground that would only become slicker with every step he took. Wet, his usually fiery fur had dulled into dismal browns. His legs were slowly catching mud as he'd moved. For all sakes and purposes, he appeared to blend as well as a wolf of his stature could. He almost wasn't surprised when the female mistook him for something else. 

Kero smirked. "Sorry for what? Sniffing my toes?" he stepped forward, offering a casual shrug of his shoulders to suggest no harm had been done. "Maybe I should be apologizing to you. Pretty sure my feet stink." His grin spread deeper as he offered a wag of his tail. Friendly. She was startled, but he meant her no harm. In his mind, wolves on their own in unclaimed areas were equals. "What's a pretty little thing like you braving this storm for?"

RE: You Got That, Kitten? - Tiger - May 21, 2015

"I don't smell 'em," she replies in earnest. "Anyway, I got all-up-in-yo personal space. That's why." She nodded, as dots of rain hit her spine. She was about to go when he asked her a question, and Tiger licked her chops. "I'm herb-hunting. I wanna be a medic so I'm just exploring. I know diddly-squat, though, so, you know, just trying my luck. Hopefully nothing kills me." She was only half-kidding. It actually could happen, if she came across a yew berry. She'd bite to the seed, none-the-wiser she'd die however long that sort of death took.

She paused, about to leave, but reconsidered for a moment. "What's a handsome big thing like you braving this storm for?" Tiger could flirt with the best of them, and grinned winningly at the bulky dude. "You wanna keep me dry? I could totally find shelter beneath you. Seems safe," she waggles her brows, and there was nothing to suggest that she was joking. Really, she wasn't. Without Jaws around, she had no boo to scratch her itch. Thunder rolled again. 

RE: You Got That, Kitten? - Iqniq - May 21, 2015

Herb-hunting? Now that sounded like something he could partake in. Seeing as he knew next to diddly-squat himself... maybe they could do a little experimenting together. Kill each other all romantic like and let whoever came across their half-rotting corpses write up some fancy story about forbidden lovers. Nah. That'd probably been done before.

He snorted. "You have no idea." Half the time he just snagged something and hoped it worked. So far, so good. He'd figure it all eventually. Learn a few more real things here and there. Wrangle up a few stubborn and frustrating females and cow them into letting him work his healer magic. Pfft. Piece of cake. 

"Also looking for herbs," he bull shitted. Like... He totally could have been doing that if his eyes had been more on the ground than the sky. "Saw a mushroom over there." Another lie. "Wanna try 'em? I'll pitch a tent and you can ride on down to the love shack." He was down.

RE: You Got That, Kitten? - Tiger - May 21, 2015

"No, I seriously don't." She'd learned a few things from Blue Willow... more than she had ever learned before. Anything else was fair game to learn by trial and error. He mentioned doing the same thing. "Looked more to me like you were hiding," she interjects, snickering. She was teasing of course; he could've found something quite useful in there... She looks down, searching, but finds nothing.

He speaks of mushrooms, and her eyes go back to his. She had no reason to think him lying, so Tiger nods. "Lead the way, Romeo," she hums. Love shack? Kay. Wherever that was, she'd go.

RE: You Got That, Kitten? - Iqniq - May 21, 2015

Damn. She caught him. Thinking fast, he put his hind foot out and managed to find some acorns in the cubby hole behind him. Taking them between his toes, he pulled the forward and set them set in front of him. Flexibility for the win. "Just guarding my nuts." He shrugged. It was no big. Really. Those acorns were damn safe. Damn straight too.

As long as she was on board? "This way," he said, picking a direction and hoping and praying he stumbled across something soon. He wandered for a bit, letting her follow along behind and just like that. A miracle. A leaf fluttered out of the way and revealed a glorious patch of shrooms. It was the holy grail of finds. He laughed. Lightning cracked above. Totally not evil.

"Here. Take one?" Kero plucked one off the ground, looked at it for a moment, and figured what the hell. Ya only lived once right? He nudged one in her direction. "Totally safe." He had no idea. He ate one anyways.

RE: You Got That, Kitten? - Tiger - May 27, 2015

"You've got quite a pair," she snorts upon seeing them, though the sound was far from derisive. More amused. When he proclaimed "this way" she shimmied on after him, a pit-pat beginning to fall from the sky. Leaves protected them from the first volley; wouldn't be long before they were weighed down and betrayed 'em, though.

But this dude pointed out a mushroom patch. His question was going to be met with one of her own, but she swallowed the words you're serious when he licked one right off the ground. She inspected the earth. Yes, one was definitely taken by his tongue. She turned and looked to his esophagus. Oh, shit, he was doing it. Now, he did it. Fuck.

Well, whatever. True to character, Tiger was trusting and licked one right off the ground, and swallowed it just as quickly. "Kay," she looks to him, and grins. Rain begins to fall now, leaves giving way as she knew they would. She whirls around and throws that ass in a circle, 'cos that's a thing, and still in her right mind--believe it or not--she said, "Come be my umbrella,"

RE: You Got That, Kitten? - Iqniq - May 28, 2015

So sad to see her go. :( Are you okay with another round or so to finish this before your little Tiger lily is gone forever?

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She didn't seem to believe him and then he proved her wrong. He gobbled that mushroom down like there was no tomorrow, but really, YOLO. You only live once. Might as well make the best of it and turn it into a night that couldn't be forgotten. The weather was enough of a buzz kill all on its own. The addition of cloudy skies and the onset of rain made it worse, but then, now he had all to eager company and that was quite enough to switch things up a bit.

Sure enough, she followed suit and made quick work of another shroom. Kero grinned as the rain became to heavy for the leaves and began to slip into the lower layers of the forest. It fell on him, quickly damping the fur on his head enough that he gave a quick shake to rid himself of the  water dripping into his eyes and called it good. Of course, by then this princess had turned and put her lovely lady bits in his face. With a wiggle like that? Who could refuse?

He sniffed her, noting the distinct lack of season upon her and instantly succumbed to the primal urges within him. With an opportunity like this and his otherwise depravation, he had an instant hard on and wasn't about to deny a lady her wish. "Hold on tight then," he said, taking her up on her invitation. "'Cuz I'm about to cover you in love." He lifted, placing himself above her and made true on his promise.

RE: You Got That, Kitten? [m] - Tiger - June 10, 2015


And cover her in love he did. Any and all things forgotten, the rainstorm powered down around them, but the drugged Tiger felt only the greatest things. They were quick about it, and itches scratched, Tiger thought it best to turn back home. She'd been gone long enough... and had learned only a lesson in "love". Whatever, though. Still good.