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Bearclaw Valley everyone dies someday - Printable Version

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everyone dies someday - Raziel - May 18, 2015

Maybe @Kove or @Scarlett? Want to use this as a counselor/healer thread :)

He had spent most of his time in the den drifting between the realms of sleep and consciousness, the herbs had cured him of his fever as well as the water that the albino gave him frequently. Raziel had been unable to move from his bed, everytime he shifted, agony ran through him and sometimes, new blood seeped from his wounds. He was improving significantly though, the wounds had mostly healed into scabs although he still kept them clean and applied poultices to them daily.

He hadn't been able to collect herbs by himself but with the help of the caretakers, they brought back the suitable herbs needed. Cobwebs stretched over his wounds to keep the poultices in and to stop the bleeding in case his calculations were wrong.  

Today, Raziel felt better than before and after stretching his long form carefully, he rose to his paws and was surprised to feel only a bit of pain. He took a step and gone was the excruciating agony that tormented him before, with a wide grin, the Roman trotted to the entrance of the den and let out a happy whoop along with a howl that announced his small recovery.

However, the moment anyone arrived, he would collapse from the sheer exertion it took.

RE: everyone dies someday - Kove - May 18, 2015

After learning that Scarlett was pregnant, the male was left not knowing what to do. He was going to be a father, and he would need to watch over the albino to ensure her safety, as well as the safety of their unborn children. Even though he knew that, he still found himself keeping away from the den as if it were the plague. He'd started busying himself more with keeping watch over the territory, as well as the land surrounding it. There was no way he would allow anyone to harm his lover normally, but knowing she had little wolves growing inside her womb made him all the more on edge. It made him think of his life within Blackfeather, and the possibilities of any delayed repercussions that could come forward. He even thought of anyone he might have angered during his time in his birth pack, as well as his time a wandering loner. There were only a few that came to mind, and he was quick to realize that his train of thought was getting out of hand. No one from Moonlit would come after him due to his family name, any one he'd met during his days as a lone wolf probably wouldn't even remember him, and he hadn't heard anything happening with Blackfeather. Logically speaking, he was in the clear and perfectly safe, but his instincts still forced him to stay alert and make sure everything was alright.

When the howl rang out, Kove's ears perked up and he instantly started towards it, despite the fact that the howl was not one signaling an emergency. He still wanted to check it out, to see what was going on, as well as see what condition the Roman was currently in. The sooner he healed up, the sooner the Inuit could return to the den and keep a closer eye on his lover. It was a bit selfish, he knew, but he couldn't help but think in that manner. Not wanting to let his inner thoughts show through his features, he put on a neutral expression as he drew closer to the den—which had already grown to be unfamiliar to him. He was met with the sight of Raziel at the entrance, but Scarlett was nowhere to be seen. A bit disappointing, but he'd take it. It would give him the opportunity to see how the other male was doing on his own, without risk of the crimson-eyed woman hovering. He wished the woman could appear there, though, as he witnessed the silver wolf collapse. Since teleportation was not possible, however, he found himself needing to approach the other alone. “You alright there?” he inquired once close enough, certain he already knew the answer to the question. He made no move to help him up or anything, in spite of that, not wanting to risk causing a rift between them by potentially harming the Roman's pride.

RE: everyone dies someday - Raziel - May 19, 2015

sorry for the crappy post

The grey prince stood there with a large, crooked grin on his face but the moment Kove arrived, he collapsed. Well, it was expected he supposed. After all, he had just started recovering, and being able to walk without dying of agony was an improvement enough. Raziel's ears swiveled backwards, catching the soft pawsteps of the white king approaching and inquiring if he was alright. "Course I am," the Roman said in his lightly accented voice and after a moment of rest, he rose onto his paws once more, this time much steadier than the last. "Feels a lot better to be back on my paws, man, it felt really bad just sitting there and doing nothing," he flashed Kove a smile.

Now that he was fairly well, Raziel knew it was time to leave the Alpha pair's den, he did not want to keep the two mates apart, especially since one of them was pregnant. They needed to do whatever mated pairs do, have sex, think of baby names, all that kind of boring old shit. And the prince needed to start serving the pack once more, to earn the healer and counselor trade that he had set his mind on. "I'll be leaving the den, I'm much better now."

Then he winked at the other man, "Besides, you two need to spend more time together and I've been depriving you of that. Have you heard the news? You're gonna be a father soon!"