Wolf RPG
Hoshor Plains The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - Printable Version

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The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - Rakharo - May 18, 2015

Finally, the Caiming Howl and Discovery Thread of Hoshor Plains.
I know not all of you are done with the pledge thread, but if you want the EXP for founding a pack you're more than welcome to post a vague reply howling along. It would not be cool to leave someone out :P

[Image: VLv1EUR.png]

indentA morning just as dull as the last forty recieved the golden Khal with coldness. Ever since the day they reached the lake it had been the same, boring, quiet, discouraging. The hopes of truly finding what Awazzi had promised so many moons ago had already faded away, and the Khal, just by a reflection of his regretful heart, could only keep walking forward, to the unknown, to the uncertainty of yet another mountain to cross, another lake to surround, another starless night to spend far away from the Dotharan world.It was weakening, hard to keep moving forward for the proud warrior king of Rhaesh Dahaan. He had never spent so much time traveling, not even when he had always been part of a nomadic culture. Only one direction he'd walked since his departure. West. And it had only proved as bad a desicion as it would have been walking south or east. There was no place like the great grass sea.

Rakharo opened his eyes to find a thick fog covering everything around him. It was just like that every morning around the lake. But this time he just couldn't find the strength to get up and get to walking once again. There was no point in doing it. He would keep finding anything but plains for miles and miles. So he just stared at the water from the warmth of the sleeping Khalas all around him. He watched its movement. How it went back and forth. How the waves created peaks and pushed the stones away just to pull them back again. How the colors of the sky and the trees around it reflected specks of light. White. Blue. Green... Golden...

Rakharo blinked confused. A reflection in the water. A shape he hadn't seen for moons and a color that made it all seem unreal. He got up slowly, narrowing his eyes in an effor to see through the fog which started fading away to reveal a signal of the gods just across a narrow in the lake. The blood flowing through Rakharo's veins started pumping in excitement as he got up and took a few steps forward. There was no mistake. It was so real. He barked aloud to wake up the group of loyal wolves that had followed him without question, they who had out their faith on him. But it startled the beast away, and Rakharo, in an rush of adrenaline, leapt forward to give it chace. Across the river, splashing water all over and getting soaked. It didn't matter. He entered the forest that surrounded the lake once again, folloing the gold. He lost iot for a moment, just the moment he ran into open field to see the Golden beast blend into a full herd of Bison, gathered by the thousands and covering a golden sea of grass that stretched for miles. The sun was shining. Golden and bright in the blue sky above everything. And Rakharo knew he had found the place. The promised land. A Dotharan paradise. His new home.

A loud howl echoes in the air as Rakharo, elevated by his discovery, rose his snout to the sky. He was claiming this land for his Khalas, and he was calling for them to do the same themselves. All the worries faded away in that instant. He had found the place he'd benn looking for for moons, and it was perfect. Guarded to the northeast by rocky wall-like mountains, and bathed to the southwest by miles of rushing fresh water. He was claiming the land that was promised to him, the Golden Plains announced in the prophecy, and he would guard it and it's beastly inhabitants with the strength that only a Dotharan warrior king had. The strength only Khal Rakharo had.

RE: The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - Tomahawk - May 18, 2015

Unlike the wolves who had lain claim to this new land, Tomahawk did not add her voice to the mix. She was not one of them, even if she belonged to them. They were her keepers, and she would serve them, but she was not foolish enough to think that her own voice should sing alongside their own. Instead, she stood obediently at the Khal's side, ears pricked forward as she heard the voices sing out. Their song was a beautiful one, and it made her own heart thrum in her chest. Her masters would rule here, and she would be with them.

Her efficiency in the language had been coming along nicely, and she would continue to be a translator between the common tongue and the Dotharan's foreign sounds. Tomahawk was content with her place, so long as she could live among them.

RE: The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - Kivi - May 18, 2015

Kivi was awake and sitting by a tree, watching as the morning dew clung to grass. She was ready to leave again setting off to search for the plains she, and everyone else do desperately wanted to discover. While the rest of the Khalas were asleep Kivi stood and began to leave the area where they had been taking shelter. A traveler woke early in the morning just as the sun rose to shine in the sky, and went to sleep when the moon was glowing and the nocturnal creatures came out to play. A deep breath in....wait.

The scent in the air was different from those every other morning. It smelt of home, of, of.... Out of nowhere a bark cried out for the Khalas, and Kivi looked towards the lake to see the same silhouette figure she had spotted a few nights prior to today. Rakharo. What was going on? Was he in danger? The wolfess started trotting toward him curious what her Khal had called for, but he broke out into a sprint before she could reach him. She waisted no time in running after her leader, and due to her natural gift of speed and her training over the years she quickly caught up to him.

It was then the female was blinded by the most glorious sight she had ever seen. Bison...that was what she had smelt in the air. A sea of golden grass dancing in the wind. It was perfect. Kivi looked towards Rakharo as he lifted his muzzle to claim this land. The female let a few moments pass by before joining in with her Khal, letting her song be heard by all those around her. 

RE: The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - Zaria - May 18, 2015

Zhavvi woke up when her father bark and was quick to spring to her feet and chase after him. She was all in for an adventure, and it seemed that her father was seeing things. The slender girl was quick to catch up with her Father's heavier body. She went through the water with him and watched the right unfold. A bison! A bison!!!! Zhavvi howled with glee and jumped forward, chasing after the massive beast with her tons of energy. She soon returned when her father stopped and watched over the herd.

"Father!!! The promised lands," she cried out happily and then howled with the pack. Finally. A place they would settle, a new home. Her new home. Zhavvi was keen on exploring every corner of it, and getting to know the bison. For once it wouldn't be frowned upon by her father if she went exploring since it where the homelands of their Khalas. The girl looked genuinely happy for once in her life and then gave her father a lick on his cheek. He did it!

RE: The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - Raezho - May 18, 2015

Raezho had took his place on the tallest ledge there were. A lot of wolves may think he was being cocky, but in truth he was just keeping an eye out for nature cycles. A small breeze picked up yesterday, making him wonder if rain was coming. The moon was just done from being full, signalling a change of wind. His ivory eyes glances around, as a quick paw swiped out and slammed into a foolish weasel which decided to scuttle past.

Silence. He watched as a single drop of water dripped down the grass beneath his feet. Well, at least, he tried to. A howl pierced him from his thoughts, before several joined. Curiosity picked at him, before he leaped to his feet. His golden blonde fur flew in the wind as he winded down the ledge, paws thudding to reach his current leader. He almost flew in the wind as he cross the the forest, twigs snapping underneath him.

He emerged, finding several packmates he hadn't bother to meet yet looking down at something. He joined them, standing several feet behind their leader, his eyes scanning downwards for what they saw. Target, acquired. A herd of....bison? His jaw all but dropped open before lifting his head and joining into the howl. Ivory eyes glanced around as he tried to find his brother. It would be nice to see him, even if it was for a pack activity.

RE: The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - Zoratto - May 18, 2015

Zoratto slept close to Zhavvi, not close enough to arose suspicion in her father, Rakharo, but close enough that he may keep constant watch on her. When she jolted awake at the khal's bark, he did so too, his pale green eyes blinking for just a moment before he trailed after his Khaleesi. He followed her through water and grass before he heard the khal's howl. His head cocked curiously at the noise, until he heard the rest of the pack joining in the chorus.

Zhavvi's voice rose to mingle with the wild sounds, and he caught a glimpse at what she was happily declaring. Bison! The young boy yipped with excitement. His tail wagged fiercely before he tipped his head back, adding to the bass line of this claiming howl. Rhanno had been right for once, but that did not matter to him anymore. He could bring Navi here now, and she would be safe, happy, and fed.

RE: The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - Azzaro - May 18, 2015

[Image: LR3AH2c.jpg]

Azzaro had woken up in the early morning, before the sun had risen, when darkness still reigned. His ivory gaze watched the grass sway beside him and wished with all his heart that the promised lands were indeed here and that they need not travel for endless years until they found it. The youth was growing restless, he yearned to move and continue exploring, to discover their new home, but as a follower, he had to wait for the Khal and the rest of the Khalas to rise until they could move. He could not help but wonder if he had made the wrong choice to follow the Khal but shook the negative thought away, a vow was a vow after all.

Sighing softly, the Ezok slept once more, but he did so restlessly and fitfully, when he realized he could not sleep, he moved away from the sleeping Khalas to simply gaze at his surroundings. He did not know how much time had passed before the howl pierced through the air, the familiar voice of the Khal ringing through the morning air. Then several other familiar voices joined, the voices of his packmates, creating a beautiful harmony. When the voice of his brother joined the call, Azzaro gave in to the curiosity and ran towards the howl.

He weaved through the tree trunks expertly, paws making not a single sound on the forest floor, and then he emerged on the other side. Ivory eyes took in the scene, the Khal, his brother and several other followers. A golden sea of grass stretched on from all sides and great large beasts, Bison inhabited them. The promised lands. A rare grin spread across the youthful warrior's face, spotting his brother among the other Dotharan, he sprinted forward to greet the male with a friendly bump of his shoulder before tilting his head to the sky and allowed the sweet melody to flow from his lips, joining the voices of his Khalas.

RE: The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - Rhanno - May 19, 2015

Unlike the others, who seemed restless with the seemingly never-ending goose chase the Khal had led them on, Rhanno was content with lazing in the clearing they had chosen for the night. He had only just began to follow the Khalas, and had not yet grew weary of the Khal's continued promise that they would find the great golden plains that would be their new home. Which didn't mean he was still not sceptical of Rakharo and his claims. So far, all he had seen were mountains and waterfalls and dewy grass — a far cry from the lands the Dotharan had grown accustomed to.

Still, the man was happy enough that his nose had not failed him, that he had found the source of the scent he and his captive had seemingly followed for weeks. Rhanno's eyes snapped open at the thought, searching for Zoratto as he fully awoke from his rest. In the dim light of morning, coupled with a shroud of fog that hovered just above the ground, it was hard to make out who was who. The elder narrowed his eyes as a commanding yet excited bark echoed from the forest, quickly followed by the sound of eager footfalls splashing through the river as a few of the figures scrambled to their feet to follow after the Khal. Curious, he watched them disappear into the forest before pulling himself to his own paws, shaking out his pelt and beginning to pad after the younger wolves.

The sight and the sounds that met him as he neared the rest of the group sent his heart pounding and, in a rare display, his tail began to wave feverishly. He was not an emotional wolf, but as he soaked in the sight of the tall, golden grasses swaying before them, he felt something stir in his chest. The hunched, unmistakable brown figures of bison herds dotted the fields, a dome of the clearest blue enveloping the area, with mountains standing sentinel, forever watching over the golden fields. Here, they would make their claim.

As Rakharo's howl echoed around the plains, joined by his loyal companions, Rhanno loped towards them, the sunlight hitting the tips of his tufted ears before encompassing his white face as he pulled up beside the group. He regarded their new home a few moments longer before adding his own voice to their claiming howl, a long drawn out song that let the world know that this land now belonged to the Dotharan.