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Firestone Hot Springs Wandering crow - Printable Version

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Wandering crow - Crete - January 19, 2014

Weird post is weird. xD

Large, puffs of white clouds drifted across the blue sky of the mid-morning, shifting to cover the sun in turns, with temporary breaks in their movements that allowed the sun’s warming rays to skim across the silken tendrils of ebony fur along Crete’s spine as he quietly, slipped out of the borders of his relatively new home in Blacktail Deer Plateau. It was taking some time to adjust to the stark difference in scenery between the Plateau and Flightless Falcons, and despite Peregrine and Atticus’ presence in the pack Crete felt slightly homesick - only to further feel physically ill when the knowledge that he was never allowed to go back home slammed into him like a wall of bricks. Home was not a word that existed anymore for Crete, if he was being honest, yet he found himself pining for that which he could not have. Piteous and pathetic though it was. He missed March Owl, he missed being able to visit Aether’s burial site. He missed his non-tyrannical siblings. Tyrannus’ betrayal had hit Crete hard, and took him wildly off guard, for it always been assumed that Crete would never leave the Falcons due to being mute. It de-habilitated him because while he had acutely learned to communicate via his body language and facial expressions alone, it was frustrating when in the presence of wolves who were not used to relying solely upon physical communication, and one sided conversations.

Snow crunched lightly under each step Crete took, breath expelling from his leathery, black nostrils in tendrils of white steam, before the stark cold, too, claimed his breath. Sea green eyes, took in the unfamiliar territories around him, figuring that maybe some time out from under his brothers’ attentions would help to allow him to brood in private, and work through the mess that was his emotions and the chaos that was his thoughts most days; and Crete had a lot to work through. Adaptation. Tyrannus’ betrayal. Coping. How he felt about Hawkeye’s bizarre (as far as he’d seen) leading methods, which troubled him though out of her generosity this was something he did not wish to bring to anyone’s attention. The ease of which she accepted wolves into her pack caused unease within Crete. The times were harsh, yes, but was Blacktail Deer Plateau so desperate that they took any cripple (in his case) and straggler that came their way into the fold? Aether and March Owl had done things so different. Crete would have done things so differently - not that he ever had any semblance of a chance at leadership - his muteness had all but made such a thing impossible for him.

A errant shake of his head was given, as if he wished to chase those thoughts away. There was a lot of inner turmoil going on inside him, and Crete knowingly accepted that. It was clouding his thoughts, feelings, and judgment and until he was at peace with the demons inside, he had no right to judge any one else. It was as simple as that. Steps paused as he felt a rush of steam, warm as it was, causing his fur to curl slightly, as he entered the hot springs, shivering slightly from the rush of warmth that worked to chase away the chill that settled in during the winter months. He paused at a pool and sniffed at it cautiously, wondering if it would be wise to soak in the warm waters for a bit, before he hesitated, unsure. Perhaps he could find something more practical to do - like search for medicinal herbs instead. The last thing he wanted to do was become ill from a poor choice.

table by houkie

RE: Wandering crow - Blue Willow - February 01, 2014

ooc: hello love been awhile

Blue Willow was searching the surrounding area of her new home for remnants of medicinal herbs and plants to not only learn the new plants, but also to familiarize herself with the ones she did know. That way if the occasion called for it, she could be of service. Truth be told she felt like a slacker of late, not being able to hunt large game, though that was no fault of her own, she hadn't grown in a pack it had just been her and her two elderly parents they would have never been able to take down big game. Her father once upon a time would have been able too. She allowed a small ghostly smile cross her face as she thought of the gentle giant her father had been. He had been a warrior in a former life, and it had taken quite a deadly toll on his body and his soul. He was still trying to do pennance for it. It used to make her sad that he tried so hard to erase the bad he had done and sometimes he over worked himself trying to make some good overcome the darkness that he felt lied deep within in his soul and body.

Blue Willow reflected on this for a moment, she had seen aftermath of war, she had healed the sick and the infirm, she had held the wounded paw of a warrior as he took his last breath, but she had never herself known violence intimately just the aftermath. It was a strange thought that crossed her mind filling her up and making her think distractedly.

She was actually so distracted she almost didn't notice the other wolf until she was almost on top of him. With a small yelp she quickly backpedaled and hit the ground he smelled like Peregrine yet not like him. "I"m sorry my head was in the clouds i didn't realize you were there until i was on top of you. She tucked her tail between her legs and kept her eyes averted she did not know this wolf he was clearly part of the pack so he was on a higher tier than her obviously, but she did not know him.

RE: Wandering crow - Crete - February 02, 2014

OMG Danni, hiiiii! :D <3

Aether had been generous with his skills, teaching his children any of them that they wished to know, March Owl as well. Crete had never been particularly malevolent - he was a peaceful creature by nature, docile, and gentle. He did not inherently support acts of war, feeling that it was only useful to bring about death and unnecessary carnage. Vengeance and revenge were of the same fold, both borne of underlying selfish desires to seek punishment for wrong doing. What Crete believed to be selflessness of those actions was Justice. There were times in which Justice needed to be administered - there were some crimes beyond forgiving and forgetting, it was true. If Crete could have spoken he would have apprenticed to be a Peacekeeper as well as a medic; but such a thing was never to happen. Peacekeepers relied heavily upon their verbal communication to tease brewing tensions between wolves, and at times, packs. As it was, apprenticing as a medic was hard enough. He assess outside wounds and feel for painful areas well enough but he could not urge wolves to speak about what was ailing them with prodding. They had to tell him straight out or the point of coming to him for medical aid was rendered useless.

These days, Crete didn’t feel like his normal benevolent self. These days, his thoughts were harshly judgmental, disapproving, and un-accepting. Not to the mention of his discord with his Alpha female inherently had him on edge. She did not seem to like his opinions, and he was troubled by how she chose to handle things as Blacktail Deer Plateau’s leader. In truth, he was not sure how long his time was there for if he did not find his butt kicked out for his opinions he had been pondering the idea of just leaving on his own. The thought of leaving his brothers caused him pain, but he was feeling discontented and he could not follow someone whom could not accept opinions of others and instead of trying to console them throw them petty words they knew nothing about.

A sigh was given, barely audible.

Crete hadn’t particularly, been paying all that much attention to his surroundings beyond the pools of steaming water in the ground, either. As it was, he was rather startled by the sudden scent of another, familiar though it was in the coiling steam that surrounded them, causing his fur to dampen and curl. The other yelped and Crete turned around quickly, sea green eyes studying her with caution, hackles bristling slightly as she apologized to him. As it was, he did not particularly fault her. It’s ok, He shook his head and offered her a small smile in attempts to communicate that he wasn’t angered or upset with her, though he realized a moment later that she probably hadn’t noticed since she had tucked her tail between her legs and diverted her eyes in what Crete quickly realized was a form of submission. Not sure if he wanted to silent laugh amused or be startled he didn’t know. He guessed hierarchy wise he was of a higher rank than her - for she had Blacktail Deer Plateau’s scent all over her, mixed faintly with Peregrine’s scent.

After composing himself from the shock of seeing someone submit to him, he took a step closer and touched his nose to her cheek in a platonic manner, nudging her muzzle up in an effort to communicate that she could stand and look at him.

table by houkie

RE: Wandering crow - Blue Willow - February 02, 2014

ooc: HIIII! <3

If Blue Willow had been able to read the other's thoughts and she had heard him thinking about acts of justice. She would have wholeheartedly agreed, there were some things that just needed justice. Though she did not support being overly cruel or robust with such acts, she felt that they did need done. Her father had instilled that sense of justice in her, the two things he took from his past without a heavy heart, was his belief in Justice and duty. Also if she had known at the time that he was also looking for herbs and was also trying to be a healer she would have wagged her tail in happiness she always felt alone in this endeavor, as most wolves wanted to be warriors and hunters and guardians, at least the ones she had met throughout her travels.

Blue Willow did not have an opinion fully of the alpha or the pack yet, but if she had known that the other was hurting she would have tried to help. She herself felt that the alpha could be a bit rude and rather callous, but she would never voice that opinion that was something she would keep to herself. She did not like conflict as a rule.

She hadn't noticed his smile, more afraid that he may fly into her which some males were prone to do, especially when you were new and you practically bowled them over with your body because you were not paying attention. She was startled momentarily by the soft nudge to the cheek and she turned her head to look up at the other and saw him trying to get her to stand. He was a quiet wolf the one in front of her, but she was able to read his body language easily as if he worked at it. She stood and smiled a small smile and offered up another apology and her name. "Oh i'm sorry again for running into you. I'm Blue Willow, you can call me blue or Willow if you prefer. She did not yet know this was the mute brother Crete of Peregrine.

RE: Wandering crow - Crete - February 03, 2014

There were too many demons screaming and clawing in his head, in his heart, agitating the wound that Tyrannus had left upon him, causing it to fester every time Crete gained a small sliver of hope that he was letting go of it. Crete’s inherent problem was he thought too much, saw too much. His gift was in reading others, and typically Crete had learned to trust his gut instinct and sense of judgment. Usually, he was right. Not always, of course, no one was perfect but he was extremely perceptive. Perhaps it was the fact that he was mute, or maybe it had nothing to do with his disability at all. It wasn’t as if he would ever really know why he was perceptive when it came to much of the world around him, he simply was. The demons within were not particularly something he wanted to face, admittedly, yet at the same time Crete understood that they would need to be dealt with before he could make any sort of decision on his future and Blacktail Deer Plateau -- if he didn’t manage to get his ass kicked out first, that was. He got the feeling that Hawkeye wasn’t exactly pleased with him. All he had done was voice his concerns - in Crete’s manner of voicing anything - and she had not approached them as an Alpha should have. Though if her dislike of him came because he was not blinded by her, and panting after her as his brothers were, or because she did not like what troubled him about her, he couldn’t be sure.

Not every wolf was going to automatically agree with her just because she was the Alpha.

Shaking his head of the dangerous thoughts that consumed him, tucking them away to a dark corner of his mind to be drawn upon at a later date. He had company now. Not that Crete would consider himself good quality. She stood at his urging, and contended the Redleaf-DiSarinno man took a step back, giving a bubble of space between them once more. She apologized for running into him, and he shook his head in an attempt to communicate that she didn’t need to apologize. Everything was fine. She introduced herself, adding that he could use one of two nicknames that she rattled off to him. At that, Crete offered her a soft, sad smile. He couldn’t call her either, but in his head -- though he was partial to calling her ‘Blue’ for some random reason. I would if I could, The thought resounded through Crete’s mind, and his lips parted pushing out breath as his lips moved to the soundless words he had previously thought. He had no other way to tell her that he was mute than attempt to talk. It was as futile as it was every other time Crete had ever tried to vocalize.

table by houkie

RE: Wandering crow - Blue Willow - February 03, 2014

One thing that Blue Willow could easily boast of was the fact that she was very at peace with herself and the choices she made and very open minded about the things that had happened to her as she had grown. Granted nothing very bad had ever really happened to her. She did not know the other had demons, though she did know some of the situation with the brother who was cruel, and unloving. She knew that kind of deception and betrayal was sure to chafe and cause much strife within another. She did not know the demons that dwelled around the other's wolf's eyes, but as it slowly dawned on her at his small sad smile that he was Crete, she was able to see some of the sadness there lining his eyes and jawline.

If Blue Willow had been able to read his mind and knew that Crete thought himself not good quality of company she would have scolded him slightly. She herself was just glad to find another wolf out here. She hated to be by herself, borne from years of never being alone. She could honestly not think of a single time she had been alone other than on her trip overland to here. She was sure the two of them could come to some way of conversing, she could draw pictures and his body language she noticed was superb, so she was sure that he would be good company even if he did not think so though she did not know it.

She tilted her head softly and smiled at him, "Ah you must be Crete. Your brother Peregrine told me of you. Though he didn't tell me that your nonverbal skills were phenomenal. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, so far i've only met Peregrine and Alpha Hawkeye and Kuno Klug though i am partial to calling him Kuno. His name is rather long, granted as is mine. So, What are you doing out here Crete all by yourself? I don't really like to be by myself, never have the longest i've been by myself was when I was searching out a home, to find this place. I'm looking for remnants of where healing herbs grow right now, hoping to put the one thing i know how to do to good use for the pack and myself. She chuckled at herself and hung her head slightly with a small blush. " Oh dear I'm sorry I tend to talk a lot. She looked at the ground a little sheepishly, she had been rambling, something she was very good at. It caused her some embarrassment sometimes.

RE: Wandering crow - Crete - February 03, 2014

There seemed to be some sort of recognizing within her when Crete offered her his response to her introduction: a forlorn, wistful sort of small smile, one that had not been meant to express mirth. Despite that she seemed to recognize him he was fairly sure that he had not even caught a glimpse of her before, and if not for her introduction would have not even known her name. Unlike others ’Blue did not seem to struggle with understanding his body language. This made communication measurably easier and kept the frustration that tended to follow trouble with the bridge of communication at bay. Some wolves were better at interpreting it than others, Crete had found. She explained as the flicker of knowledge danced in the depths of her irises, that Peregrine had spoken of him to her, and that was how she had known his name. Crete nodded once to confirm that he was indeed, Peregrine’s mute brother. It was true that they did not particularly look all that alike. Crete, as his name suggested, took after Aether’s younger brother physically that had passed away in Aether’s youth, and in turn his father and uncle’s mother: Athena.

Blue complimented Crete’s non-verbal skills, calling them phenomenal; as Crete processed her flattering words a soft rush of heat crept like a thief into his cheeks, warming him, causing him to give her a sheepish sort of shrug. He supposed he had never considered it before. Silence and the according non-verbal communication was all Crete had ever known. He had never felt the gentle thrum of speech beginning in his chest, never felt the vibrations rumble up his throat, was never to know the soft tenor of his voice as it slipped from spliced lips, rolling off his tongue. Would never hear the sound of his own howl as it was to cut through the air. As it was, he didn’t even know the ferocity of growls and according snarls as they would tear from something deep and feral in his chest. Body language was all he ever had, all he would ever have, so it was not unusual for Crete to simply think nothing of it. At her inquiry, Crete considered his responses. When he had first slipped from the Plateau he really had not had a destination in his mind, had not really harbored any purpose other than he liked exploring. It was then that Crete remembered he could be doing something more productive, and that he had begin to have designs of hunting for medicinal herbs -- not that he was overtly confident he would find any. Instead he shrugged his broad shoulders once more, communicating the truth: he really hadn’t had a purpose.

In her ramble, of which Crete really didn’t mind -- he had plenty of sisters and associated over talking with the female gender given this -- she expressed that she actually was searching for herbs. So she was a medic too? Maybe I can help? Crete’s body shifted slightly, his expression stating his inquiry and interest in helping her gather herbs. It would be an easy enough task for Crete if she told him what she was looking for - he was well versed in medicines and would likely know what it looked like by name.

table by houkie

RE: Wandering crow - Blue Willow - February 03, 2014

I'm kinda in love with your character he's so sweet

Blue Willow studied him for a moment after she had realized she had been talking so much. He did not look like Peregrine that was for sure, as she had not yet met the other brother she did not know if Crete looked like him or not. And of course she had never seen their parents or family so she could not know that he really looked like his father's brother. She herself took after her father, though the gray came from her mother and her green eyes also. Her brothers had been carbon copies of her father, that much she could remember. She had taken after her father's size too, her mother being on the smaller side of their breed.

She chuckled softly at his sheepish shrug, not to be mean it was just a delight was all to see him warmed at her words. His body language was indeed phenomenal. She imagined if she had been not raised as a healer she would not know his body language or be able to interpret it. However, she had seen the dark pits of hell that some fell into after battles and attacks and she had met many with crushed windpipes or voice boxes, those that would never speak again. Some had just been in so much pain they did not talk and she had to learn to read their cues find out what they wanted to ease their discomfort as best she could. She couldn't help but wonder if he had been able to speak how he would sound, would he have a soft gruff voice, or a high whispery one. Would it be like honey soft and smooth or would it be rough and coarse. She would never know as he wouldn't but it was nice to imagine, maybe she could give him a voice in her head his own so that in away he had his own voice.

She smiled again at his shrug and said quietly, "my father used to often go off on his own to gather his thoughts and meditate and explore. He always explored before us, so that he knew what we would face. She noticed his interest and her smile grew wider, "Oh I would love some help. I am afraid though that I am not from this area originally, so I was just walking through trying to find things i recognized and would be able to find later. I know we won't find many plants right now, but I would like to find at least where they will grow so I can revisit them. So i guess in a way this is going to be an adventure as I don't know exactly what I am looking for. She blinked her gaze curious and hopeful, she would dearly love some company.

RE: Wandering crow - Crete - February 03, 2014

Aw, thanks (and he's not always sweet. :p).

Blue’s chuckle was soft as Crete’s modest shrug of indifference at her compliment, having never paid any particular attention to his communication skills. It tickled Crete’s triangular ears, which slid down to half mast despite that he understood she was not mocking his humility. It was not often that Crete found himself embarrassed, or flattered, even. He was not particularly used to compliments, but then again all the girls he had grown up with had either been his siblings, or goo-goo eyed for Tyrannus or Perry or Att. Crete had always pretty much assumed that while he was as equally as good looking as any of his brothers, that he never stood a chance with the female species because he couldn’t talk to them. Literally. Not that he had ever been taken with a female, beyond the complex simplicity of a boyhood crush. It had been a long time ago, and while Crete had trained with her in some things, he figured she was probably one of Tyrannus’ many wives, consorts or something. Putting those thoughts hastily out of his mind, Crete focused back upon Blue.

Crete had focused back upon Blue in time to catch what she had just began to say to him. She told him that her father had used to explore so he had an awareness of what his children would be facing. Aether and March Owl had never done that - pretty much it had always been explore at your own risk, be careful and come home alive, or at least in one piece. Of course, both March Owl and Aether had a pack to run and did not have the time to devote to making sure their numerous children weren’t getting into mischief. She admitted, after she seemed to equally hop off memory lane as he had moments before, that she was not familiar with this region. Crete was new to it as well, though knew it’s flora and fauna a tad bit better than her, if only because he’d been there a little longer. He’d came across a few plants he recognized, though in truth, he would be of little to no help to her if they stumbled across something she didn’t know but he did, or if they came across something neither of them knew.

Still, he had offered to help in his Crete-like way, and he was a gentleman of his word. He offered her a soft smile as if to say That‘s ok,.

table by houkie

RE: Wandering crow - Blue Willow - February 04, 2014

Blue Willow was afraid that she had offended him when his ears slid to half mast, but she soon realized it was not so. He was just not used to such kind words and that bothered her more than she cared to admit. She did not think it fair that he had not heard good compliments on his behalf, but that others chose to focus on what he couldn't do rather than what he could do. It was a shame really and she would have liked to give a few others some stern talking too. Blue Willow had never been in love, nor had she ever had a crush, something that both pleased and worried her. She had never been around any others enough to even form attachments and it worried her a bit. What if she was incapable of forming such attachments and she had to admit during the darkening of night as she lay still by herself these were dark thoughts that haunted her.

She offered him a small smile and then nodded her head, "I thought I saw some Sword fern growth or a place where it would grow? Are you familiar with that one? I also think that Peregrine would like me to find some herbs for Hawkeye and her impending conception. Shall we start in the forest? or do you think there may be some here near this spot that we would do well to explore and look at first? She looked at him in her matter of fact way, ready to get started, she found that she was excited to get started and she wanted to wiggle like a pup.

RE: Wandering crow - Crete - February 15, 2014

Sword Fern; it's spores were useful for relieving pain, Crete recalled as if he'd just recently wrapped up a medic lesson from Aether. To her question Crete offered her a knowing nod, gesturing for her to follow with an incline of his muzzle. If he remembered correctly he had passed a small clutch of them not too far from the hot springs. The steam curled around him as he sliced through it, generally assuming that Blue was followin him, though he did not pause to glimpse back. Sea green eyes scanned the flora dusted in snow, knowing that even bent by the weight of snow he would be able to find the sword ferns once more. They were distinctive and hard to confuse with something else - unlike some of it's flora brothren. There were berries like that as well, one was edible while it's bear identical twin was poison. It was a thin line, Aether had once confessed to him, between being a healer and a killer. In small doses it could heal and in larger doses it could kill; and that being a medic took practice and preciseness. At Blue's words of finding herbs to help Hawkeye conceive, however, Crete stopped suddenly, looking back sharply at the woman. Despite Crete's unconditional love of his brother in that he would not aid her. If she could not conceive without the help of medicines then perhaps it was better if she didn't bother at all. Crete shook his head no, clearly stating his stance on that subject. His reasons were many, half based on his distrust of Hawkeye who acted like a spoiled child more than she did an Alpha because she did not like his concerns, and because he was afraid that Peregrine would ultimately end up heartbroken.

RE: Wandering crow - Blue Willow - February 15, 2014

Blue Willow followed behind the male her eyes scanning the ground as well as sniffing tentatively at the hot spring. She would have to remember that it was here, it was a pretty spot and there may even been some foliage here she may not find other places in the winter due to the warmth curling from it's edges. Blue Willow knew of different poisons and things that could be easily confused, though she was no master and felt that one was always learning.

Blue Willow froze for a moment at the look she was slanted by the other. She quickly realized it was just to make known his opinions on the matter of what his brother wanted though at first she had thought him angry. She was torn she agreed full heartedly, she did not think one should try and induce conception, as pups were a natural thing and if you were to have them you were to have them simple as that. However, at the same time she felt that she should at least try, only because she was asked too. She to however had her own worries about the alphess and how she was running the pack as of late. It made her nervous and perhaps pups coming into the tension would not be good. She was very clearly torn, weighing on the side of caution however she made a quick decision.

Blue Willow nodded her head, "I agree with you though i do not know all your reasons. I think conception should be a natural thing and some of us are just not meant to have pups, not that she won't just pointing it out. So I will look for some different herbs, mostly for colds as this weather is going to make a lot of us sick unfortunately. She hoped her choice would be met with a better result.

RE: Wandering crow - Crete - February 18, 2014

Blue didn't need Crete's approval for he was not important enough to demand such a thing. He already been deemed disloyal in an underhanded manner by Hawkeye at the meeting and if she wanted to banish them then fine, Crete wished she would just do it instead of sending childish threats his way. Though, Crete wasn't sure what he expected for she had already painted herself as childish to him, in more ways than one. That was not something he desired in leader, and what kind of mother would she be? Blue spoke, agreeing with him, and a part of Crete felt guilty that he'd convince Blue to disobey Peregrine's wishes - only because Peregrine had asked for them. Not guilty enough though, to attempt to get her to change her mind. As far as Crete was concerned Blue was an adult and more than capable of making her own decisions without his influence. Crete nodded before he started forward, quickly coming across the cluster of Swordfern, gesturing to them with his muscle, though he had half of a notion to grab a couple and start his own medicine cache himself.

RE: Wandering crow - Blue Willow - February 18, 2014

Blue Willow knew she did not agree with him, but it was in her nature to do so. Though she was not a meek little mouse, if she disagreed with someone and the occasion came that she neeeded to speak out she would do so, but in this case she did not need too, nor did she want to.

Blue Willow herself did not know that Hawkeye had been threatening Crete personally at the meeting, but she had heard the threat none the less and she did in a way take it personally. It irked her, as well as made her nervous as a rule she stayed far away from conflict, only to help in the aftermath. She was not disobeying Peregrine in anyway, he had asked only if she could find some and if she didn't find any well there was no harm nor foul. She actually could not truly think of any herbs that could help with that anyway.

Blue Willow let out a happy yip and strode forward sniffing at the sword fern. She quickly looked around to gather her bearings and find all the landmarks so she could find this again. With a small step forward she nipped a few fronds and roots off of the plant and then with a quick movement of her paws separated what she had taken in two piles being sure to leave enough for it to grow higher in the spring and she pushed some towards Crete. "Here you go Crete you helped me find some so you should have some too.

She looked around again wondering what to look for next, then looked over at him and said quietly, "Do you think we have time to find anymore herbs or do you think we should head back to our dens?

RE: Wandering crow - Crete - February 19, 2014

This seemed like a good place to wrap this up. Feel free to post once more or just go ahead and have it archived. <3

A chuckle vibrated soundlessly in Crete's throat when Blue dashes forward with a happy tip, not used to seeing such a pure excitement at the discovery of plants. As it turned out, Crete did not have to gather any sword fern for his own, for Blue had made two piles while he surveyed the territory and offered one of them to him, generously. Crete was unable to break the old habit of vigilantly watching; he was not an advocator of violence but that hardly meant that he was not expecting it. They seemed to be alone in the hot springs ab when he had contented with his assessment he had turned his attention back to Blur. Thank you, Crete conveyed, minutely surprised. He had not expected the small gift. At her question he glimpsed down at the pile thoughtfully for a few seconds, before glimpsing back towards Blue. I should probably get back, He hates to cut their time short but he had two motivating reasons to return. First, he did not want to be away from Blacktail Deer Plateau for too long given the most recent threat, and two he was kind of obsessive compulsive and didn't like his medicines to touch too much. But we should definitely get together and do this again some time. Crete offered wordlessly, unsure if she would even understand before he have her a small smile, bowed his head to grasp his small pile in his jaws and headed back towards the plateau.

RE: Wandering crow - Blue Willow - February 19, 2014

Okay i'll add one more post and archive. Thanks for the thread. We must do it again, it's always a pleasure to thread with you love. <3

Blue Willow had been to excited to keep watch and ever vigilant, but she was glad that Crete had done so. In a way he reminded her a bit of her father, he always did that keeping an eye out even when he was relaxed and he was kind like Crete.

She smiled at his surprise and gave a small smile "You're welcome. She enjoyed showing him some kindness, he, Kuno and Peregrine were the only to show her kindness thus far and their life had been far from kind in the last year or so. Hawkeye had even been a little standoffish and rude when first meeting her, granted it was to be expected as she was the alpha and was making sure that Blue Willow had been a good fit.

Blue Willow nodded in agreement and whispered as he was walking away, "Yes we should do this again. With a bend of her head she bent and picked up her own pile and started back the same way as her pack mate.