Wolf RPG
Hoshor Plains Me And My Restless Soul - Printable Version

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Me And My Restless Soul - Kivi - May 19, 2015

HP wolves only please

Kivi could no longer sprint it was to tiring and the loss of blood was starting to get to her. She stumbled over her feet, but kept going. She just had to get to the Khalas, surely they would have a medic right? Worry spread over Kivi's face as she couldn't remember meeting a wolf who knew about healing. What was she going to do. Kivi blinked a few time to try and regain her vision, but finally she tripped over her feet and fell to the ground.

The Dotharan wolfess pulled her tail close for inspection. It was still bleeding. Why was it still bleeding...were tails even supposed to bleed? So many thoughts raced though her mind. Kivi sat and lifted her head to call for help. Anyone that could hear her and would prove to be some sort of use. She looked back her her tail which was now more like a stub. How could she let something like this happen? She was stupid for going back to the Spine, and now she had to pay the price.

RE: Me And My Restless Soul - Azzaro - May 19, 2015

being really vague here cause i was going to jump into your other thread :P
[Image: LR3AH2c.jpg]

Azzaro had gone to explore his new home, Hoshor Plains, he had attempted to get one of the Bison on his own but gave up once it got too tiring. He wasn't really hungry anyways, he had satisfied his hunger simply by gazing at the promised lands and at the Bison, finally realizing that this was not a dream and it was indeed real. He sent a small prayer of thanks to the Rhoa, what the Dotharan wolves worshipped before he began exploring. He did not know where he was going, only that it was home.

He had been loping casually along when a howl rang through the air, he recognized the voice, it was one of his fellow Dotharan. The female he had met. Azzaro turned around immediately and raced towards the source of the call, he was rather fast, despite his stocky build and arrived quickly. A brown wolfess was on the ground, and there was blood. The coppery and salty tang was evident in the air around here. He was no healer, but he knew someone who was.

"Sia isthasy ui|ulph vi Koalak, jaci geou patch wux svern persvek vi klewar." Tilting his head back into the air, the muscular yearling called for @Raezho, telling him to come immediately. His blonde brother didn't actually have the title of Koalak yet, but to Azzaro, he was just as good a healer as an experienced one who actually held the title of Koalak.

RE: Me And My Restless Soul - Raezho - May 19, 2015

Oh yasssssssssss! *grinssssss*

He hadn't found a place to permanently reside in, so far he had found open plains. Nothing to complain there, but it might be nice to have a place where he could keep everything. Perhaps when he had time he would find Azzaro and they found find some place together? He shrugged lightly. So far he had been hiding small herb stashes all around the territory, in case somebody needed something urgently. There hadn't been much wolves hurt yet, but it was still good to make sure everything he needed was there.

And so, Raezho strolled through the the forest, gathering up every leaf he saw that did something. So far, he was no short of elder and oak leaves. Both were good and the leaves didn't rot easily. So as he began to pad over the territory, putting the sections bit by bit. He had halfway between the territory, before he heard his brother call for him. It was a quick call, urgent and important, that sent Raezho's paws thudding across the territory, stray leaves flying behind him as he raced towards the call, determined to find out what happened.

As the familiar and soothing sight of his brother appeared, Raezho rushed towards him, horror pulsing through him as he scented blood. He sniffed, catching the scent and finding the source immediately. He thanks Rhoa that he had oak leaves with him, growling as he realise how many came loose. Kneeling down beside the wolfess, he began what would be his first task as a koalak as a member of this khalas.

RE: Me And My Restless Soul - Kivi - May 19, 2015

When the figure of wolf appeared Kivi looked up at him with grateful eyes. Her vision had become blurry as the last of adrenaline was shutting down, and the female was starting to feel the full effect of having her damn tail ripped off. She listened as he spoke about something, but she couldn't quite understand what she was saying simce she was took focused on her wounds. Kivi stared with emotionless dull honey colored eyes at her tail, and at that moment swore she would get revenge for what that pale female had taken from her. A howl pierced her ears and she looked up to see it was the male that answered her call.

A few minutes passed and another wolf came into view. Her vision continued to blur, and for a moment the female thought about crying. She had only experienced a pain as bad as this only one other time, and that was when she lost her mother. However no matter how much she wanted to cry, no emotion or tears showed on her face. Allayi had beat the tears out of her along time ago. Kivi was trapped in the endless void of pain while the two male wolves around her. She blink a few times and turned her head to face the male that was kneeling beside her. "S-svabol re wux gethrisjir ekess tir"

RE: Me And My Restless Soul - Azzaro - June 09, 2015

The female Dotharan gazed at him gratefully when he arrived though she did not speak and to the warrior, appeared to be dumbstruck by the wounds that covered her brown agouti body and her severed tail. Azzaro wondered what she had done to earn such savage injuries, perhaps she had trespassed into another pack's packlands or provoked a pack wolf or a loner. Maybe she had found a bear and decided to spar with it. Either ways, losing was not something any Dotharan should accept easily and if this female was a true warrior, she would not let such a thing slip, but perhaps it had been more than once that she challenged whoever she challenged. If that was it, the wise choice was to let them be..for now.

It wasn't long before his golden healer of a brother arrived, his littermate offered him no words instead immediately went to the injured female's side and began tending to her. Emotions were not something the dark furred wolf was an expert with, and so he did not know what to feel. They had endured much together but perhaps once Raezho saw another older male, a stronger one with more experience, he abandoned his brother. Or maybe Azzaro was simply to sensitive and Raezho simply wished to tend to her quickly.

Azzaro remained silent, ivory eyes sweeping over their two forms as he observed his sibling work.