Wolf RPG
Redtail Rise Dark Destiny - Printable Version

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Dark Destiny - Lacinia - May 21, 2015

To ensure a stable future for her there was one thing that had to be done. She had to make sure none of her happiness could be snatched away. Wolves that take away must be punished while those that give must be rewarded. The problem that she realises is that these wolves are difficult to spot. At first she did think it was possible to see a wolf's intention from the outside. But that might not be the case in this world. She couldn't decide who needed to be eliminated this way, she needed to find a way to bring it out.

She continued to think on while drinking water from a nearby stream. What if she could hide her happiness from others instead. A secret place where she could keep everything away while keeping those she wants with her. That would save her the trouble of hunting down all those wolves who take advantage of others but it didn't feel like a shortcut. She was going to need to work hard to get her perfect place set. It would make things easier if only she had help. Maybe she could ask June or even Arion. Atleast share her idea with them. It would be best if this perfect place was created within the pack itself. If that was the case then keeping it a secret from them would be a bad idea. Still what would she do if that perfect place was not here at all? would she leave?

There many things to figure out and find. The hardest part was finding out where to start. It sounded like alot of hard work but if it's to recover everything then just maybe it would all be worth it. She already tried letting it come to her but that didn't work as well as it use to.

RE: Dark Destiny - Gunnar - May 24, 2015

Gunnar unlike most of those in the pack. He was not happy, he wasn't sure if he ever would be again. He actually thought about it for a moment, and he wasn't entirely sure if he had ever been happy. He was always so busy striving to make himself look good, and be good that he didn't have any fun. Perhaps, that was going to be his downfall in life. To die unhappy? He was the middle son, he wasn't as strong as Mercury, and he hadn't been as sweet as Gyda. So what was he? Other than just himself, nothing.

Today Gunnar strode along the stream. His head down, not really paying attention to anything. A soft noise caught his attention and he looked up to see a lone female drinking. She smelled of Saena and the pack, so he knew her to be one of them. But he didn't know her name. As a matter of fact, he only knew Saena and Junior, no one else. He chuffed quietly, hoping to get her attention. Maybe he could pass some time with a little bit of conversation.

RE: Dark Destiny - Wynter Wolf - May 24, 2015

Wynter had taken a stroll through the forest again. She had made it her mission to come down from the ridge more often. She missed too much staying up there. She was trotting downstream when she spotted the midnight black wolf she had met not so long ago. She was drinking from the stream quietly. 

Wynter felt like conversation so she wandered closer. Another wolf caught her eye. One she was unfamiliar with. Damn it. How many wolves showed up while i was up there. The wolf seemed friendly enough however. Wynter gave a friendly smile in the strangers direction. "Hey Lacinia. Hey stranger." she joked. She wanted to greet this wolf but had nothing to greet him by so stranger seemed fit. 

She paused by the stream to take a drink herself before sitting down and seeing if any wolf felt like conversing. She enjoyed having the company and since her mate seemed busy with a few other things she figured she should make some friends. She had only met one other wolf in this pack and that was Arion. She wouldn't consider them "Friends" though. Him and Reek were up to something. What she didn't know. 

Im assuming this is after my thread where i meet Lacinia. Didn't feel it would be worth introducing myself twice to her haha.

RE: Dark Destiny - Arion - May 25, 2015

Arion had just finished a short patrol and was heading to the forest for a hunt. The moment he entered, his ears swiveled forward to catch any sounds of potential prey while his black leathery nostrils flared, hoping to catch a scent. Today, he was in luck, the tail of a squirrel flashed by the edge of a tree and a moment later he caught the sound of it nibbling on its prize. Lowering himself, the hunter stalked gracefully and silently forward, keeping downwind of the prey.

After a few more steps, he decided he was close enough and leapt forward, the squirrel attempted to climb up the tree but the Greek was too fast and within a moment, it was dead and dangled in his jaws. The taste of fresh blood seeped through his mouth and into his tongue but no hunger awoke inside him and Arion simply deposited his catch into a nearby cache.

Then the stallion continued through the forest, hoping to catch another whiff of food but no luck. The scents in the forest were simply the scents of the forest. He strode along the stream, lost in his thoughts when a voice tugged him back towards the present world. Blinking, the Greek took in the view, Wynter was there along with Lacinia and a stranger. Padding forward, the wolf chuffed to get their attention, a small smile touched his lips as he spoke, "Am I late to the party?"

RE: Dark Destiny - Lacinia - May 25, 2015

Welcome everyone, I didn't expect so many to join in, Lets make this interesting :P

She sensed someone approaching her but remained as if she didn't notice. She pretended to not know until the wolf made a sound. She rised her head then gazed at the male with her fiery eyes. She never seen him before but she had to assume that he was an ally otherwise he wouldn't be here. Without really any thought about it she suddenly decided to ask him "Do you wish to be my servant?" in a sweet kind tone. She sat up straight and posed an innocent look, expecting him to atleast think about it.

Before long her ear twitched at the sound of another wolf coming onto the scene. This time it was Wynter. Lacinia turned to look at her with a smile. "Hey there." She said calmly. Seeing her again meant she was moving around more, which was good. That meant Lacinia didn't have to go seek her out. Before she could start saying something another wolf approached without hesitation. It was Arion and she wasn't quite sure how to react towards him.

Last time they saw each other she was pretty sure she made him mad by attempting to 'play' with him. Playing with him was no fun but it was a good learning experience. She needed to find something new to have her way with him, she has yet to discover that. Maybe for now she could test him to see if there is still some loyality left. "The party has only started, why don't you come sit next to me Arion. Unless you're afraid of me." She said in a cold tone.  It was an attempt to intimidate him since he knew a bit of what she really does. Even though Arion is much larger and stronger it was possible that he was rather cautious with her. Based on his reaction will determine if she should keep him as a servant or not. If he fails then there will be nothing left for him to gain from her.

She remained in place and would look at both the stranger and Wynter with a smile, meanwhile gave no attention to Arion. She believe it was clear that she wants him to do something and only when that is completed will she reward him.