Wolf RPG
Redtail Rise Living the life - Printable Version

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Living the life - Wynter Wolf - May 24, 2015

It was a beautiful day outside. Not too hot not too cold. These were the days Wynter enjoyed most because it meant good time for hunting or having fun. She yawned and stood up in the den she shared with her mate. He wasn't around but she assumed he was probably out patrolling or even just on a walk. She wasn't going to follow him if he didn't want to be followed however. Time alone was sometimes good for wolves. 

The thought crossed her mind that Reek could in fact be with Arion. The two seemed to have a friendship of sorts. Not as close as some of the other wolves but it was almost like they were planning something or knew something she didn't know. That concerned her some of the time but she trusted Reek with her life and didn't believe he would do anything to hurt the pack so she tried not to worry too much.

She jumped down of the ridge and trotted into the forest. The sounds of the birds singing and the soft breeze rustling the leaves on the trees. It was quite peaceful in the forest, perhaps the others were all taking naps. That or they were just being extremely quiet. 

Once she came to the stream she stopped and stood in the water letting it run over her paws. The water was cool and it felt good against her skin. Her tail wagged happily as she craned her neck to drink. 

@Arion this could be fun. Haha.

RE: Living the life - Arion - May 25, 2015

Ever since Saena's absence, stress had consumed Arion and had returned him to his previous emotionless shell. It had began to break open the more he spent time in the Rise, for it reminded him of Cerberus's Pavilion and his once hidden spirit began to flourish once more. But with his leader gone, Arion realized if he was going to keep everything the way it was, make sure everything was functioning normally and to keep everyone other than Reek in the dark, he had to put on the mask once more. It wasn't an option he chose eagerly, but it was one that was needed.

Arion had just finished patrolling and would be back for another round after he ate something (read: stared at the food and buried it into the cache once more), just like Reek, he had began obsessively patrolling. Remarking the borders over and over and watching the horizon for any potential threat, or a pack member returning home. Therefore, although his chocolate coat was still presentable, it was clear by the tired manner he walked, the way his eyes lost its previous mischievous light and seemed to sink into his skull that something was amiss.

The warrior padded into the forest, lost in his worrying thoughts. Despite his current condition, Arion still walked with the same light footed grace, making it seem like he was gliding through the forest ground and therefore it would be natural for others to assume no one was nearby.

He was so deep in his thoughts that he did not notice Wynter at all when he bumped into her. Immediately the stallion stepped back, honey orbs wide. His ears flattened defensively against his skull and made him look almost like a frightened mouse. The Greek's hackles rose but settled along the strong curve of his spine when he recognized her form. "I'm deeply sorry," Arion almost stammered as he straightened himself and dipped his head in apology.

RE: Living the life - Wynter Wolf - May 25, 2015

Wynter was  daydreaming about her life back at the sound. The first pack where she had felt like family to the wolves there. Her birth pack never made her feel accepted. Not like she had been in Ankyra. She had become close to a few of her pack mates. One was now her mate. The other. She had no clue what happened to the mute white fae she had come to think of like a sister.

She was quickly snapped out of it though when a wolf bumped into her. She didn't think she was that hard to see but perhaps the wolf was distracted. She turned her head to face the wolf she now recognized as Arion. He looked scared. She must have startled him, he was probably deep in thought. "Hey, its no big deal." she said as she let a small smile crawl across her maw. He looked tired, almost as tired as Reek had been. 

 "You look stressed, what's bugging you?" she wondered if it could be the same thing Reek had told her about just the other day. It wasn't like Arion to be so jumpy. He's worried about something question is what. Where was the slightly arrogant slightly annoying Arion she had met the first time. 

Im playing this as shortly after the thread with Reek. She knows about Saena having not returned yet and that she may have gone to RHC

RE: Living the life - Arion - May 26, 2015

Wynter turned and gazed at him with amber eyes and he watched as a small smile crept up onto her maw. Arion did not smile back in return though, instead, his features still displayed the same tiredness and stress it had a moment ago. His emotionless mask was not working too well for Reek's mate told him he looked stress, like fuck I don't know, and asked him what was bugging him.

The first thing he wanted to say was, go run the fuck away and cuddle with your dear husband why won't you? But Arion could not muster the energy to say such an insult to his friend's mate and so simply exhaled softly, his ears splayed against his skull and his honey eyes darted sideways as if finding a way out of this place.

Realizing he had no way out, the Greek simply spoke nothing and seemed to sink into himself. He sat down, eyes hollow, his back hunched and whispered softly, yet loud enough for Wynter to hear him. "Everything..."