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Redtail Rise what is gained, is quickly lost - Printable Version

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what is gained, is quickly lost - Arion - May 27, 2015

After the fight with Heron Bloodclaw, he had howled for Reek and Saena and while his wounds were tended to, explained what had happened to the two of them. They were the ones who bore higher ranks and they were the ones he trusted. Sure, he trusted the rest of his packmates but his level of trust with the homely man and the yearling went deeper. His first encounter with Reek had gone off the bad start, but over the weeks, Arion believed they had become friends. But perhaps the ragged man might say different, the Greek was a hard man to like after all.

Arion did not go on patrol or hunt as often as he had before the battles, for his injuries wore him down, so he rested when he could, hoping to recover enough to serve the pack as best as he could once more. With a potential war just around the corner, Redtail Rise needed all the warriors and fighters they could have and Arion was needed, more than ever. He cursed his stupidity at being so reckless, but he could not go back in time, the best he could do was to keep training, and rest, to allow his wounds to heal.

The afternoon sun found him pacing at the top of the ridge, gazing into the distant horizon as if waiting for an enemy to emerge, the loner named Heron. Or perhaps the whole Caldera marching up from the plains to his home. But nothing appeared, and Arion did not know whether to be glad or not.

RE: what is gained, is quickly lost - Lacinia - May 27, 2015

Although the sun continued it's normal cycle the light that it provided was just darker. Maybe it was just all in her mind but it doesn't change the fact that dark days await. Actions will need to be taken, soon decisions will have a much larger impact on everything. Which means no room for mistakes. 

Lacinia was walking along the ridge, calmed and quiet she moved slowly. Shortly after she found Arion gazing at the horizon. She approached him and noticed a few of his injuries. Seems like everyone was having their share of problems. "Hey Arion." She said softly as she walked to his side. "The season is getting rough, I hope everyone will be able to handle it."

For now she wasn't concern over past conflict. She was more worried about the future more than anything right now. She knows there was going a time where she was going to struggle as much as she did before. She didn't want to but she was willing to go far for her happiness. With up coming struggles coming it was best to make sure there were allies that could be counted on. Arion may not be fun to play with but Lacinia wouldn't mind the warrior as a servant. But was calling himself a servant meant that he would follow through with it right? He was under her command was he? Or was it all a trick? She wondered that but decided to keep quiet about it for now. There were other things to worry about.

RE: what is gained, is quickly lost - Arion - May 28, 2015

He sensed a presence nearby and sure enough, the swarthy form of Lacinia came into view, she greeted him nicely and politely and proceeded to state that the season was getting rough and that she hoped everyone would be able to handle it. Arion did not speak but gently inclined his proud chocolate crown in her direction. "Its getting hella rough alright," he stated with a mirthless laugh. "But I reckon we can handle it just fine." They had good wolves in the pack, strong wolves with different strengths and weaknesses, with a bit of training and strategy, they'll survive.

Then the warrior remembered something he had meant tell Aklaq before but could not find the time to do so. Now, however, was a good time. They were both here and he had some free time, the swarthy female probably had heaps and heaps of free time each day as she did not seem like the hardworking type, but he on the other hand....or paw for that matter.

"I've been meaning to tell you something," he began in his typical, rather cool tone. "I've decided that I will no longer by your 'servant," he spat the word servant. "From now on, we will become normal pack members, with the pack's ranks ranking us. That means, currently I am of higher rank than you as I am no longer your servant." Arion turned as face her, hard honey orbs softening slightly as his gaze alighted on her form.

RE: what is gained, is quickly lost - Lacinia - May 28, 2015

The news coming from Arion wasn't that much of a surprise. It proved that he was just toying with her, He was never serious about it in the first place. Lacinia wasn't in the mood to be angry at him but that didn't mean it meant nothing to her. It must be because things were getting serious that there wasn't really any room for fun. The talk about ranks meant very little to her. Every wolf had a purpose and they could choose their path or way. To Lacinia, Arion had decided to cut all connects right this moment. There was no going back.

She thought about it for a moment. "It makes no difference." She said firmly. "If your loyality comes from rankings then you're useless to me. I won't place any trust in you for my own sake." But that wasn't the only thing she was worried about. Having a set enemy has already changed many things around. As long as enemies existed she wasn't going to be able to settle anywhere happily. Maybe if she had dealt with the enemy pack sooner she could prevent such events. If only she had known sooner.

"The dark world I used to be stuck in is coming back. I guess it's unavoidable, I'm going to have to be my old self again." She said quietly. But now that Arion was no longer her servant she decided to avoid the details of her plan and goal. She did want company but something tells her that she was going to have to go on own soon. Setting up an assassination mission was better off done alone. It was best to avoid telling everyone so that avoids the risk of endangering her as she goes on her own mission. The mission of removing all the takers.

RE: what is gained, is quickly lost - Arion - May 29, 2015

Lacinia spoke, saying it made absolutely no difference and that if his loyalty came from the rankings then he was useless to her and that she won't place any trust in him for her own sake. Arion inclined his head, a weary smile spreading over his sharp features. "My loyalty is to the pack, to the leaders and to my packmates, which does include you by the way. Just..not in that manner anymore." His tone was gentle but with the same rough edge to it, for gentleness really wasn't what he was great at.

Aklaq then said something about a dark world that she used to be stuck in was coming back but that it was unavoidable and that she had to be her old self once more. "Just remember, Aklaq," Arion paused, fixing his stern golden gaze on her. "Remember what Reek said at the pack meeting, whatever we do, we do as a pack. Please don't get us deeper into this mess." But by his tone, it was clear that the 'please' word did not mean shit. It was simply an informing way of directing.

And if you do get us deeper into this mess, I don't care what the fucking leaders say, I'll kick you out and chase you down. We'll play..my way.

RE: what is gained, is quickly lost - Lacinia - May 29, 2015

Just as Lacinia thought before they were already in a deep mess. She knew what she needed to do or what she thought was right. Arion comfirmed this, it was best to not share her plan with any of the others. If they stood against her it would make things difficult for her. But now she knows what she needed to do. There was a clear shadowy path she could take. She wasn't able to see what she would get in the end of it but if it was her happiness then it didn't matter.

"Don't worry I don't count on doing anything without thinking through it first." She said calmly as she hid her annoyance with him. All she was going to do now was say what he wanted to hear, nothing else. "Working together as a pack would be more effective but I believe we shouldn't stay on the defensive. I think it's smarter to prove that we can be dangerous so they shouldn't mess with us." 

Waiting usually did leave to a downfall. Every decision mattered and Lacinia made up hers. But based on reactions, this was going to have to be done solo. As long as she doesn't tell anyone it should be fine. She was going to make this her own mission no matter what anyone says.

RE: what is gained, is quickly lost - Arion - May 29, 2015

Arion's stare remained locked at Lacinia's fiery eyes for a moment before exhaling softly and turning his honey gaze back to the distant horizon. Truthfully, he did not trust Aklaq's judgement, he did not trust the fact that she wouldn't do anything without thinking it through first. She brutally attacked him, probably without thinking of the consequences that would occur should he report her to the leader. To him, she was either mad, or she acted before she thought.

But really, he couldn't blame her. Sometimes his curiosity made him rush headfirst into danger and nearly got him killed. But that was a story for another day.

"We don't want a war right now, Redtail Rise is a newly established pack and lets be honest, if we were wiped off the map, nobody would care, nobody would remember us. Provoking them is unwise and is the last option we should consider." Arion said calmly. Her thinking was right, in a way, but it was not wise and right now, the pack's health mattered the most.

RE: what is gained, is quickly lost - Lacinia - May 29, 2015

Arion to Lacinia was thinking as if he had a weak mind. Even if a war was unwanted it had already begun. Pretending a war didn't exist yet was foolish. Right now it felt like this pack was the beaten dog. The enemies had already gotten their way. Lacinia was not the type to forgive and let go. She wasn't dumb enough to charge into death itself but she will return the damage caused at full price and more. 

Alone it will likely take time, lots of it. She sighed then spoke softly. "So lets do nothing, pretend Saena wasn't injured and hope the news doesn't spread. Lets wish something bad happens to our enemies and pray that other packs won't think they could do whatever they want with us because of these events." She was being sarcastic but hidden within what she says did give a hint of something.

"I don't think our pack has done anything big enough to be remembered yet but I doubt that being known is important right now."

Since Lacinia didn't count on sharing her plans. Being known is not what she seeks. She doesn't even use her real name. Staying among the shadows is key to her success even if it means to keep secrets from allies. Soon she'll have to begin her mission no matter what. She has to do something.

RE: what is gained, is quickly lost - Arion - June 06, 2015

Lacinia was truly single minded sometimes, and Arion withheld a sigh as she spoke, her sarcasm which would have once made him laugh, was unwelcomed now. He felt like she was mocking him, mocking his friend Reek, mocking their leader Saena, mocking everyone who agreed with the leader. He felt as if she was purposely goading him, taunting him into losing his temper. It might not be her true intention, but it was what the Greek felt.

Arion gazed stoically at Lacinia as he uttered two words emotionlessly, "Shut up," he said in a soft, dangerous tone. "We are all doing what we think is best for the pack, all of us who are loyal to Saena, and you, you will do well to follow her orders if you wish to have a home." There was no emotion in his words or voice and he gazed resolutely into her fiery eyes, his own, stony and unyielding.

And if you don't want a home, I'll gladly show you the way out.

RE: what is gained, is quickly lost - Lacinia - June 10, 2015

It's been a while since she really had to play things correctly. Arion was no longer an ally to her. Being near him was just meaningless work. The only thing she could do now was to try to keep him from hindering her plans. His loyality towards Saena made it seem like he had no will of his own. A servent that just follows orders, Lacinia found that uninteresting. She prefered servents that would do things on their own but for her. That idea sounded nice but it's clear that she wouldn't get anything like that soon.

"I've been living without a home longer than I ever had one. I don't want to lose a possible place I could call home. But If everyone turns against me after a gave my option I wouldn't call that place a home." She said calmly. Although the mood was sour she did her best to keep cool. Based on how everything went there was now just one thing to do. "I'm going to go find Saena. I have something important I wanted to say to her so try not to interfere." She said, warning him not to try anything.

After that she attempted to take her leave in order to search for Saena. It was time to begin her plans.

RE: what is gained, is quickly lost - Arion - June 21, 2015

last post from me :)

In the end, Arion was his own man through and through. For now at least. Time would changed things, it always did, but the stallion had always been an expert in escaping the change it brought, perhaps this time he wouldn't be as quick. Was it a good thing or a bad thing to escape what life brought him? Probably both. His loyalty towards Saena was strong and true, but just as he said before, Arion was his own man (for now), his loyalty was unstable and he would willingly change if the other offered better benefits. He betrayed Nova Peak without blinking and joined Redtail Rise. But once again, perhaps this time he would truly stay.

"If Saena listens to the lowest ranking wolf that outwardly challenged her in the pack meeting, then the moon's made out of rabbit carcasses," Arion said sarcastically, posture changing to indicate his higher rank. He wanted to spit at her, to push her onto the ground and show her who was truly boss but in the end, decided against it. Without a word, the stallion turned and left. He had better things to do than talk to this maniac.