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Redhawk Caldera sundown over ghost town - Printable Version

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sundown over ghost town - Nochtli - May 28, 2015

Nocta is on the outskirts!! Calling anyone who would want to know about @Tiger's demise. :(

She travelled immediately South, following the still fresh trail of the one she'd found on the ground. That had been a few hours ago now; dirt still clung to her fur but with every stride, more fell away. The Amazon had set a cycle, one in which she would run for a bit, slow to catch the trail and make sure she was still on the right path, and speed up again to get to her destination as soon as possible. The smell of pack had been on the pale form, sadly crumpled to the ground. The image crested in her mind once more, almost as if...

Drawing in a breath, Nochtli drew up and slowed, vaguely recognizing the scent. It smelled like the girls pack but even so, she stayed back. If any of these packs were like the Amazonian home-base, they would be fiercely territorial. Even if they were not, Nochtli was much more respectful than that. Simply barging up on the borders was for heathens, which she was not, or in acts of war. Judging by the fact that there was no battle raging around her, Nocta was doubtful of that as well.

Sending up a short howl, the dark woman politely requested the presence of any that would hear her words.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Sebastian - May 29, 2015

Due to the lockdown Fox ensured Sebastian didn't have much time to think about his healer duties yet. He had a lesson from the beautiful Tiger but he hadn't done a bigger study on it yet. He wished he could spend more time with her. Sebastian was getting a bit of a crush on the girl. The reasoning for this lockdown was because of the attack that happened on Wildfire. The large tank of a male would do well as a warden because his size could make him look quite intimidating. It was not what Sebastian envisioned for himself but he would do it nevertheless. Plus he could test his memory by recognizing certain plants and the shapes of their leaves as he walked past the border. Not that he knew any of their names yet.

The large male was patrolling more towards the outskirts. He figured it would be better place to stop anyone from entering. His head lifted when he heard a howl. Would it be someone who wanted to join their pack or was it someone calling out to create trouble? Sebastian was instantly rushing towards the howl. Though his large body didn't make him too fast. Luckily he had been close. His ears flatted and his eyes were rather unfriendly as he approached the other. "You called?,"he asked. He glanced over the pale female, he thought he scented something familiar on her but he wasn't entirely sure.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Nochtli - May 29, 2015

Fiery eyes found the one that approached, and immediately, the dark Amazon's tail fell quite limp. She wasn't here for any other reason than to pass on the girl's death so vying for dominance was not a move to be made right now. "I did. Thank you for coming." For a moment, she had been unsure if anyone would come. "I found a female that smelled of your pack... Pale, with striped markings on her hid flanks and tail?"

Briefly, Nocta wondered if he would recognize that description. Unfortunately, it was all she had to offer unless she took him back to where she'd found the body and he could confirm it after they dug her body up.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Sebastian - May 29, 2015

Sebastian glanced over the dark female unsure what to think of her. He nodded courtly when she thanked him for coming, at least she was polite. Sebastian made his disposition a bit more respectful towards her. He would otherwise feel horrible about himself. His pale eyes widened when he recognized Tiger's description. He would know it by heart. "Tiger?," he then questioned. A worried frown came upon his face. "You found her? Is she okay?," he instantly questioned.

Sebastian didn't even know that Tiger had been gone. She was probably looking for some herbs and he thought she mentioned something about a teacher in another pack. Did they hurt her? Sebastian instantly dropped his previous demeanor and swapped it for his worry. 

RE: sundown over ghost town - Nochtli - May 29, 2015

The question stopped her, made her hesitate. Her thoughts churned, wondering if his concern was just for a pack mate, or deeper. She was glad that he identified her, though. There was no way to know, however and she gave a slow, solemn shake of her head. "I apologize that you find out like this but... No... I found her body." Her voice was soft, trying to gently deliver such news. 

To alleviate the idea that an enemy of some kind did this, Nochtli spoke again. "I could find no immediate cause of death. No wounds. Nothing." Falling quiet, her weight shifted, her expression sad as they stood there, waiting for a response of some kind.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Sebastian - May 29, 2015

Sebastian's whole world stopped when she spoke about finding her body?! "What do you mean you found her body!?," he let out, knowing perfectly well that it meant that Tiger was gone. Tiger was dead. Sebastian's heart clenched and his stomach twisted. He needed a moment to gather himself. But.. what if this stranger was lying?! Then he would look like a fool, yet she brought it so genuinely. "I will be the judge of that," he then returned more harshly than he intended but he was trying not to have a breakdown. "I want to see her. I don't-- I don't believe it."

He didn't want to believe it, to be honest. He couldn't bare to think that the girl he was starting to picture his life with, the girl he would see himself with old and .. even more grey. Sebastian wasn't sure why all these things were happening. Why did Wildfire get attacked what reason was needed, and what was the cruel reasoning for Tiger to be assumed dead? Sebastian felt a bit sick. But he wanted to see her, and bring her body back to the Caldera. Bring her back home, for the last time.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Nochtli - May 29, 2015

His sudden outburst was... To be expected, if she was being honest. Remaining quiet, the Amazon let him work through the initial shock, making no move to leave or press to convince him. He would come to understand at his own pace. If he had been someone she knew, Nocta would have come closer to comfort him, but they were strangers and nothing more.

His words were received only with a nod; she would take him to where she had buried the girl. Actually, it would probably be best if she told him about that. "I will certainly lead you there. However, you should know, I buried her body. There were scavengers overhead and I sought to protect her from them." Spoken once more with an even tone, the female watched him, bright eyes looking for any tells that he would not receive this well.

She wondered if he would tell anyone of his absence, and perhaps why. But it was not her business. "It's a few hours North of here. If you like, I can help you bring her home. Her final place should be with her pack. With her family." That's how she saw it anyway.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Sebastian - May 29, 2015

Sebastian felt a bit more grateful along with also feeling like a jerk. He treated the dark female rather horribly while she was so kind to bury her and even offer her help to bring her back. "I'd like you to bring me to her," he then spoke, not thinking of leaving a message that he would go outside the borders. His mind was filled with Tiger and her death. He felt gloomy. Sebastian would also be the one that would bring her body home. Maybe that was also the point that he might break down. Now his first primary was to get her body home.

"Thank you. I apologize for my behavior before. You have been nothing but kind," he spoke in a softer tone. "I'm Sebastian. What is your name?" Sebastian wanted to know so he could refer to her with her given name instead of 'a black female'. The large grey walked forward, swallowing thickly to keep his emotions at bay. With each step he took from the Caldera and towards Tiger's grave made his heart grow heavy. "She should be here with her family, yes." This would be another low point for the Caldera. Now all eyes were on him if he would become a healer.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Nochtli - May 29, 2015

His demeanor changed once more and yet she still took it in stride. He was grieving a sudden change in his life, which likely meant he had a deeper place for her in his heart than just pack mate. But his request was met again with a nod. She had offered and would make good on it. They turned away from the pack borders and she took the slightest lead to indicate their direction. 

"No worries," The Fire sister replied smoothly. "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news." Someone had to do it though. Having her pack simply wonder where she'd gone off to was not ideal. "I'm Nochtli Tlachinolli." She withheld her normal pleasantries. Now was not the time for them. They headed towards the forest, Nocta following her own scent trail easily, letting him talk as he wanted. 

RE: sundown over ghost town - Sebastian - May 29, 2015

Sebastian glanced over her with somewhat of a sad expression. "I'm glad you came to tell us," Sebastian returned and then got her hint to follow. He was quite the pack animal and was very happy under a leadership. The big male walked next to the girl, his mind going over her name. "That name sounds... exotic,' he returned quietly. His thoughts more with Tiger rather than with the other girl. He hoped that it was another pale female and golden eyes. It had to be someone else. She couldn't really be dead. She was in the prime of her life. 

A silence fell over him, as he couldn't really believe that this was happening to him. Why did everything good in his life turned into something foul. Everything he touched it seemed to poison. Of course he didn't know how the Caldera was before him but ever since he joined all sorts of bad things were happening. Maybe he was cursed, and his father knew this and that is why he ignored him. Sebastian gave himself a mental kick for even be tempted to believe in such thing. He followed the darker female, sulking a bit. 

RE: sundown over ghost town - Nochtli - May 30, 2015

"Of course," She answered easily. There was no way she would leave the girl's fate a mystery and now, she was glad she hadn't. Wondering, like they had with Tezcacoatl, was more stressful than she'd been willing to admit at the time. At least this way, they would know. They would have closure. And they wouldn't go wandering all over hell's half acre to find her. 

Bright eyes flickered to him at the comment, making an agreeable sound as if she knew that he was just talking to talk. The big male (gosh he practically dwarfed her) was not in a state to have a conversation right now, which she was okay with. She was here if he wanted to talk. She was here if he didn't. Either way, they would experience this leg of sorrow and grief together. Slowing a bit, she bumped his shoulder gently with hers, a comforting gesture. Sure, she was a stranger but sometimes it was nice to have something to remind you that you weren't alone. 

Evenutally, with much silence and an equal amount of unspoken sorrow, they reached the patch of upturned earth. Vultures no longer circled over head but they might return as they carried her back. She would keep an eye out for them. "Here," She announced softly, going to begin the process of removing the dirt over her body.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Sebastian - May 30, 2015

Sebastian walked with her in silence, his mind throbbing with hope that it wasn't Tiger that he would find. The male was a bit startled when her shoulder bumped into his. Although soon afterwards he gave her a grateful smile. His face quickly turned saddened. His pale eyes focussed on moving forward. The male inhaled sharply when he saw the upturned earth before him. He helped the female with digging, careful not to damage the body that would soon be revealed. A pluck of white fur made his heart jerk. He continued, realizing he had been digging close to her head. Once the body was freed he dragged her out with his strength by her scruff.

The moment he got a glimpse of her full and lifeless body, he let her go and looked away. What was probably the worst was her empty golden eyes. Sebastian let himself fall on his butt, slowly letting his eyes roam over her body. He hadn't even gotten the chance to say goodbye to her. "It's her," he whispered, which the girl probably had noticed by his body language. He swallowed thickly swallowing his tears away. He didn't want to cry in front of Nochtli. Sebastian then pushed himself back to his feet and nosed over her. No wounds indeed.

He then sniffled at the muzzle which give him a hint of what might have happened. His ears fell to the side like a kicked puppy, it only felt so much more real now. "Life is so unfair," he then whispered. "You were right, she doesn't have any wounds. By the looks of it she might have been poisoned. I am not sure since I only started recently with herbs and plants. It could also have been a heart attack maybe," he spoke, trying to even his voice.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Nochtli - May 31, 2015

They dug. The work was silent, strenuous, and just as tough as it should have been. A lost life was never an easy burden to bare and as soon as it became easy, then not even the Gods could save you. Only Mictlantecuhtli could do anything for you at that point, and that was simply to guide and trap you in the kingdom of Mictlan. Lives were precious and despite her not being completely true to the faith, that was something she stuck to. 

The body. Pale, covered in dirt, but still untouched. She had been protected and now, she would be forever safe in the arms of her family. Sebastian pulled the girl, Tiger, from the temporary grave before he sat unceremoniously on the ground. Continuing her silence, Nochtli stood there, covered in dirt and let him grieve how he would. The dark Fire sister would pass no judgement on him for anything she saw here and now. 

He rose to inspect to Tiger's body, his posture solemn and sad. Her ears flickered backwards when he mentioned poison, her brows furrowing. Who would poison the -- Her eyes flickered down to the ground, to the scattered herbs and plants. 'Unfair, indeed.' Her death seemed to be... an accident, pain and simple. There were no other smells on her, no other visible causes. 

There was pain in his voice, in his eyes. She knew that pain, not through death, but she knew the pain of loss. "She no longer suffers. I know it's not much and certainly not what you'd like to hear, but..." She trailed off, her voice soft as she spoke only once more. "I'm sorry for your loss."

RE: sundown over ghost town - Sebastian - May 31, 2015

Sebastian looked up from her body towards the dark female to then look back at Tiger. A soft sigh came from him. He felt like a child, he wanted to cry and yell how unfair the world was but he didn't he kept it all in. The dark female was so kind and he had been such a jerk. On top of feeling sad he also felt horrible how he acted towards her. Sebastian's eyes glanced over the herbs that were scattered around Tiger. One of them might have been the poison, remembering how she would always carry everything in her mouth. Sebastian was definitely not going to do that. He would find a different way.

Sebastian wasn't going to dwell, he shouldn't. His pack should know what happened. Sebastian then looked at Nochtli. "I know this is morbid to ask, but, can you help me carry her?,' he felt even worse to ask her. "I am sorry I know you offered but.. you don't have to if you were just being polite," he spoke to her in kind. Otherwise he might needed to lift Tiger on his back somehow, that might be a good idea, carry her like Muirgen was always carrying her selkie skin. "I might carry her on my back...," he then spoke, not wanting to burden Nochtli.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Nochtli - May 31, 2015

The Harry Potter movies are so distracting. xD And I'm sorry this is so short!

Things happened. It was the way of life, as unfortunate as it was sometimes. She could have laughed had it been a more appropriate time but it was not, so she stayed collected in her reply. "I told you I'd help and that's what I'll do. No need to ask." A wolf of her word, Nochtli had no intentions of backing out of the off the offer she'd made. "Just tell me how I can help best." She, personally, had never carried a body and especially not in tandem with another, but she'd give it a shot if only to assist.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Sebastian - May 31, 2015

I know right! Love Harry Potter! Don't worry <3

Sebastian nodded at the female in a more formal manner. "Thank you again,' he spoke politely and then looked over the contrasting bodies. "Okay. I will sit down, you will have to drag her onto my back and hold her in place. Maybe her legs on each side of my body so it balances out. I will get up as you hold her. While we are walking I'd like you to make sure that she doesn't... Fall off."

Sebastian glanced over Nochtli to see if he was clear, he sat down as he just explained and looked expectantly at the other. He never really carried a dead body either but Muirgen did carry a dead seal without effort so maybe he could carry dead bodies too. 

RE: sundown over ghost town - Nochtli - June 01, 2015

Her repeated "of course's" didn't seem to end. She had no qualms with helping, however she could. This girl, this Tiger, deserved to rest at home with those that loved her, deserved to live on in their hearts and memories while she ascended to meet with Tlacol and be at peace. This tragedy would have at least a sliver of a silver lining in that she would not be alone and forgotten. She would be cared for, even now. And to see this wolf doing that, honoring her life by carrying her weight the many miles between here and there... she respected him for that.

He sat and the Amazon moved to do as he had asked her to, being gentle but firm with the body. She worked quietly, methodically, while Seb stayed stone-stilli; guiding a paw leg over on one side, she paused, examining their set up. "Lay down?" A calm, gentle request. When he complied, she leaned over him to grasp Tiger's scruff and slide her forward a bit. Situate her back leg on the other side, pull her forward, adjust. It was slow work but she finished after several long minutes.

"Go ahead and stand. Slow, and all fours at the same time." If he rose just his front first, the pale form would slide right off his back and they'd be where they had started. She watched him rise, stepping back to gauge things. Bright eyes flickered over his face, ears twisting to point in his direction. "How're you doing?" He could answer however he wanted, emotionally, physically. It was a general question for a reason.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Sebastian - June 01, 2015

Sebastian easily obeyed when the female told him to lie down. He felt a bit stick to his stomach when he felt the cold and stiff turning body on his back. He slowly got up, very careful not to make her body slip off his large frame. Once he got onto all his fours Sebastian tried his first step. He wouldn't be as quick as he was before but he slowly got the hang of it. He walked with the girl and wasn't really tempted to talk about how he was feeling. He let out a soft sigh. "I'm doing alright even though what happened," he spoke quietly. 

Sebastian then glanced at her. "I am not really sure what I feel to be honest. I think I am still in this state of disbelieve," he then muttered and let out a light pout. He didn't want to admit to the other girl that the dead girl on his back was his former crush. It was weird how life could turn on someone. Yet if he stayed positive it might have been a dodge for a very unhappy life. Maybe he and Tiger weren't meant to be. 

RE: sundown over ghost town - Nochtli - June 01, 2015

Alright. It was... a premature answer. He was likely suffering from shock, comprehending that the girl had passed but not truly understanding. Such a thing would come, in time. It was not to be rushed or withheld but allowed to happen on its own. She didn't say anything to agree or disagree, just nodding. He continued, and she listened as she was known to do, closing the distance between them to walk directly next to him, their shoulders touching to keep the girl from sliding off.

"I understand. It will... sink in. Depression is common, so... stick close to your friends and pack-mates. Things won't be easy, but you'll get through them." In the past few hours, Nocta hadn't learned too much about him other than the fact that he was resilient. Strong. Good features to have but so too did he need to be aware of the fact that it was okay to lean on others in times of distress. "You know..." She began after a while, his pack's territory on the horizon now. "Should you ever need to talk, I live up north in Frostfire Ridge. Near the lone peak. It's a trek, but still. I'm there if you need me." She fell quiet again and this time, she didn't look to break it.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Sebastian - June 01, 2015

Sebastian knew that he was pushing everything away to feel later, though some part him never wanted to feel it. He wasn't sure if he could handle it. Sebastian knew that the girl was most definitely right about getting a depression, although, maybe it sounded a bit too dramatic since she was only a crush. Sebastian swallowed thickly. Okay don't think don't think. He could feel the emotions bubbling though he wasn't sure what for emotion. Was it Anger? Sadness? Maybe it was both.

"Thank you. That is good to know. I will probably do that. And if you need someone big to help you out please, let me return the favor and help you. Don't forget that okay?," he offered. He started to repeat that name into his head, knowing that he would remember it later. He might even passed it on his way down from his original home, the place where he was born was even further north. Sebastian was close to the border and the looked at the dark female. "You have no idea how much appreciation I have for what you did," He spoke more softly. "Thank you."

RE: sundown over ghost town - Nochtli - June 01, 2015

Thanks for the thread! We can archive it here, or after your post. Your choice!

She laughed, a soft sound, though it was not malicious in any way. The Amazon did not bother to shoot down his offer with the knowledge of what she was and what even a runt Amazon could accomplish. It was a kind gesture and she was not tactless enough to brush it off. "I will not forget. I appreciate the offer." It was the thought that counted right? Actions too but he was not in a position to do anything more than provide his words. 

They slowed, the scent marks that warned of pack territory invading her nose. She did not want to be thanked, for she would have done the same for anyone but the sentiment, again, was accepted. "You're welcome. Don't try and carry this weight alone. She is best lived on in spirit, so remember her well, Sebastian." She gave him a gentle nudge and turned, now allowing him to conclude this journey with his packmates.

In the wake of these events, the Fire sister turned north, her long legs carrying her with easy speed to her home to her sisters and her Prince.

Nochtli exits.

RE: sundown over ghost town - Sebastian - June 02, 2015

Thank you! I will archive

Sebastian was grateful to the black woman's words. They were valuable and he considered her a wise wolf. One that he wouldn't mind hanging out with more. He carefully started to move back into his homelands, leaving Nochtli behind. A soft sigh came from him and he really disliked having to tell the pack what happened. Sebastian grew more sad every step. Once he found the right spot to place her he felt himself crumple. His eyes filled with tears as he looked over her body. The only thing that seemed right was to sing a song.

End thread.