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Hoshor Plains [M] Try this amazing plant - Printable Version

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[M] Try this amazing plant - Zaria - May 31, 2015

@Zoratto going for this; 'Rhubarb leaves: Uncontrollable drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, and may have bloody urine.' Lets leave the latter, Zhavvi won't give him that much. Just maybe vomiting, diarrhea and lots of drooling :D

Zhavvi was starting to grow more interested in poisonous plants. Not only was she keeping up her training with Kivi but she was also trying another trade. After she thought it would be under healer but then she realized that what she was planning to do was no healing. The young female wanted to kill other wolves with poison. That was something that would definitely suit her. And thanks to her amazing brain she figured she could hide it under the Naturalist trade. A sly little grin came upon her lips. She had gathered a lot of random plants, careful not to poison herself.

She had tried some leaves and roots on several victims already but until now there wasn't anyone that experienced a negative effect. Zhavvi disliked that. She had still a few plants left. Her green eyes then fell on Zoratto, her lips curving into a sly smile. "Oh Zorattoooooo," he called out sweetly as she sat by her stash of herbs. "Come here," she snapped slightly afterwards. She could have been more nice to him, you know, because the male might die within a few moments. Was it bad that she hoped he did? Not because she wanted him dead. She just wanted to have a plant that she know would work.

RE: Try this amazing plant - Zoratto - May 31, 2015

The bodyguard sat quietly in a warm patch of grass, far away from his Khaleesi as not to disturb her, but close enough to come to her rescue if needed. His eyes were alert and roving, resting on dark figures in the distance for brief moments, before flitting away. The tang of unknown herbs drifted from behind, and he gave looks towards his Khaleesi, wondering what she was doing with them. She did not seem the healer type.

His sentry duty was over when the woman called him to her. Dutifully, like a dog, he rose and walked towards her, even before she said come here. The male stopped a few pawsteps away from her, gazing at her curiously. "Khaleesi?" He asked. "What do you need?" 

RE: Try this amazing plant - Zaria - June 03, 2015

The self proclaimed Khaleesi looked over her bodyguard. "A Zoratto excellent," she pointed out, having a bit of that evil smirk on her maw. She then pushed the rhubarb leaves forward with her paw. Was she going to admit that she wanted to poison him? Or at least, that she wanted to know if these weird looking leaves were poisonous? Or was she going to give him an excuse? Hmmm...

Zhavvi looked over her guard. "I want you to eat these leaves," she spoke seriously and on a tone one almost could not protest against. The slender girl looked at Zoratto, her green orbs sharply looking into his. "You will be a good guard right? Try it for me?"

RE: Try this amazing plant - Zoratto - June 03, 2015

Zoratto was familiar with Zhavvi now, with her habits, the subtle moves she made. He recognized that smile, and it did not bode well for him. The young boy looked at his Khaleesi with a hint of wariness in his eyes, but he listened to what she had to say. His pale eyes flitted to the movement of leaves as she pushed them forward, and already he knew what she was going to ask. She's trying to kill me, isn't she. He said to himself, deadpan.

The boy sniffed the leaves curiously. He had never seen their type before, and he figured Zhavvi didn't either. I'm her test subject now. This is what he signed up for, after all. "All of it?"

RE: Try this amazing plant - Zaria - June 05, 2015

By the looks of the looks on Zoratto's face it seemed that he wasn't as stupid as she thought he was. Well good to know that she had no emotional connection to her guard. Her head tipped lightly with that horrible smirk of hers. "Of course. All of it. I need to see if it has any effect on you," she pointed out, not being very coy anymore. She needed to know, maybe after that she would try another leaf on him, if they didn't work that is.

The slender female sat down, something she rarely did in someone's presence. Her green eyes stayed focussed on Zor. She was eager to see if she finally found a poisonous plant.

RE: Try this amazing plant - Zoratto - June 06, 2015

Zoratto looked up at Zhavvi, matching her green eyes with his pale green-gray, questioning and untrustworthy, before he begrudgingly snapped up the leaf and swallowed it swiftly, to lessen the bitterness he was sure would follow him eating this unknown leaf. He stood their for a moment, licking his lips gently, wondering if this was nothing, but found that his saliva was accumulating at such a fast rate that it dribbled on the floor. He tried to lick it up, but the saliva kept pouring out of his mouth. "What in the Rhoa's name..." He managed to murmur before he started to feel his stomach churn uncontrollably. That wasn't good.

RE: Try this amazing plant - Zaria - June 07, 2015

I've created a monster xD

Zhavvi watched how Zor started to eat one leaf, only his expression was already priceless. Her green eyes went from boredom to pure excitement. Almost having a deadly glint in them. A soft quirk on her lips showed that even more. It didn't need to take long that she for once succeeded. Soon the male was drooling all over which looked hilarious. She could almost hear this stomach protest. This was going to be good. Not that this plant was dangerous but maybe if she gave a wolf more than one leaf it would suffocate in its own saliva. Excellent.

For once Zhavvi showed one of her more wickedest smiles, watching intently how Zoratto's body was reacting to the leaf he ate. Maybe he would die, that would be cool to watch.

RE: Try this amazing plant - Zoratto - June 07, 2015

Those are the best characters, though. XD

Zoratto had no time to look at his Khaleesi's reaction to his sudden sickness; his bowels were rumbling like a storm in the distance, and he needed to take a dump right now. The young Ezok ran off, away from his mistress, slobber flying everywhere until his body could take no more and the dams broke.

He squatted over one spot, groaning as it came out, to his disgust, loosely. Diarrhea. What was that crazy woman trying to do to him? Kill him? The thought came, but quickly went as he felt a peculiar taste in his throat, and promptly keeled over, vomiting violently. This was going to be "fun".

RE: Try this amazing plant - Zaria - June 08, 2015

Yeah but sometimes she is so crazy that I don't know how to write her in a good way or come up with new stuff xD

Zhavvi watched with a widening wicked smirk as Zoratto was really turning sickly. He watched him speed in another direction. The slender girl got to her feet and followed him at almost a gleeful trot. She watched the horrible scene unfold. This was only from one leaf? Well that was good to know. She wondered if more things would happen to him. Mentally she was writing and archiving this all. Perfect to hide pulp of this between meat maybe. "Poor Zoratto," she hummed mockingly. "I think you need to see a healer," she added.

The young girl's nose wrinkled with the scents that came from Zoratto. "I think you are rotten inside what did you eat?!," she spoke rather insulting. Poor Zoratto even having to go through the humiliation of Zhavvi watching him. Though once the leaf was out of his system, she wondered if the plant kept its effect.

RE: Try this amazing plant - Zoratto - June 14, 2015

It sucks that I've been sick like this before. Horrible feeling. Poor Zoratto. D:
Zoratto had been sick before, nearly every Dotharan wolf had, but he had never been this sick. In minutes his bowels became devoid of waste and his stomach was emptied. But still, his body clenched in need to expel in both exits. His stomach was a vice now, and the red-masked wolf gagged futilely, only spewing up bile. As the waves of sickness lessened, he became aware of Zhavvi's voice. She was insulting him. First she poisoned him, and now this? His loyalty to the Khal's daughter was shaky before, but now it was completely destroyed.
"Maegi." He hissed to her between gags. "Iosta Govak." Zoratto was aware of Zhavvi's escapades with her father's brother; he was her bodyguard after all, he smelled the male on her plenty of times. He had kept silent about it, but he had had enough with this woman and her blatant abuse of her followers. If she wanted loyalty and respect, then she would have to earn it, instead of poisoning him. With whatever strength he had left, the young boy slinked away as fast as he could to a healer, or somewhere safe where he could wait out this poisoning.

RE: Try this amazing plant - Zaria - June 15, 2015

I feel bad too, Zhavvi is a monster. I will archive.

Zhavvi watched how her bodyguard got really sick. The evil girl really embodied an evil spirit, she was so angry how she was treated and locked up she was turning into a vile monster to others. She didn't have much social skills because Rakharo was so protective of her. Zhavvi's smirk fell when he called her something that was unacceptable. She could kill him for that. Though one voice was telling her that she might have earned it. She quickly shook his off. Wanting to yell something back at the other wolf but she realized that she didn't know anything about Zoratto.

Zhavvi wondered if Zoratto was going to tell her father. Then she might have to kill the wolf that once was her body guard. She couldn't have her father know about that. Ever. Then it might be her own life on the line and her own plan would fail. Zhavvi would have to do damage control and instantly ran to her father to keep him busy. Zoratto wouldn't have the time to talk to him. 

Thread end.