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Redhawk Caldera [m] This is the War Room - Printable Version

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[m] This is the War Room - Wildfire - June 04, 2015

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: some mild adult content below.

The first few nights following her harrowing encounter with the coyote (not to mention the spooky sleepwalking Peregrine), Wildfire didn't sleep very well. It wasn't fear of the small canine that disturbed her rest; rather, she was anxious that her dad would get up and wander away into something more dangerous than a single crafty coyote. But the family took measures to prevent Peregrine from sneaking away in his sleep and they appeared to be working. Last night, she slept just fine. She rose feeling pretty dandy, actually. The only thing bothering her was the marks on the back of her neck, which were very itchy. She wished Tiger was still around to help with those.

After breakfast, @Fox indicated that she wanted to speak to her daughter about something. Wildfire obediently followed her mother to the far side of the rendezvous site, then seated herself and looked expectantly at her mother. Her parents had been shocked upon discovering what had transpired and grateful that nothing more terrible had happened. Otherwise, they had given Wildfire some time to process and heal rather than grill her too much about it. The youngster wondered if her mother would ask for more details now. She thumped her black tail to indicate she was ready and willing to offer up whatever information Fox might need.

RE: This is the War Room! - RIP Fox - June 04, 2015

So much had happened so fast. Finley revealed that she was pregnant, Peregrine had been caught sleepwalking, Luke had come looking for Peregrine, and Wildfire had nearly been attacked by a trespassing wolf. It seemed their life was constantly in turmoil, but Fox was under the impression that it wasn't going to stop for her to catch her breath. When Wildfire had caught Peregrine sleepwalking and recapped the events of that evening, Fox knew that she was ready to gain another title. Maybe titles didn't mean much, but one of their children earning that title was the criteria for Peregrine redeeming himself.

She'd pulled Dhole aside, wanting to give her one last test before she bestowed the title on her. "You’re not in trouble," Fox clarified, "Actually, quite the opposite!" A smile appeared on her lips then, beaming at her mini me. "I want you to tell me everything you’ve learned about being a warrior." And then, Fox waited, ears open to whatever her daughter had to say about her latest passion.

RE: This is the War Room! - Wildfire - June 05, 2015

When Fox assured her she wasn't in trouble, Wildfire's lips twitched. She bobbed her head, then bit her bottom lip a bit shyly when her mother's tone became praising. The pup didn't know what to expect to pop out of Fox's mouth next—she was still expecting some more questions about the coyote encounter—but then her dam asked Wildfire to tell her what she'd learned about being a Warrior so far.

She didn't answer right away. Her brow furrowed thoughtfully as she tried to recollect all her recent teachings. "I learned how to do offense and defense," Wildfire began slowly, her amber eyes fastened but unfocused on Fox's dainty front paws. "I learned how to make mean faces." Her eyes flicked up and she smiled, thumping her tail briefly. Her mother had taught her that. Her expression grew contemplative again as she continued, "I learned to protect my home 'n' family from 'truders..."

There was probably a lot more she couldn't recall off the top of her head. But that was a good start, right? Out of all those experiences, she considered the confrontation with the coyote the realest experience of all. She had watched Fox and Sebastian dispatch a trespasser days before, yet she had single-handedly stood up to the conniving prairie wolf. She had made sure her father got home safe. Now that some time had passed, Wildfire felt properly proud about that feat.

RE: This is the War Room! - RIP Fox - June 05, 2015

Wildfire rattled off what she had learned (or what she could come up with on the spot), and her mother radiated with pride. Her eldest daughter was certainly one of the most motivated wolves she'd ever met, and that was not something she was about to take for granted. Not to say that Nightjar and Raven were bad children, they just had different qualities about them. NJ was a bit, well, dumber, like his mother. Raven seemed more shy and easily frightened by the world. They all had plenty of time to grow and change, and they would continue to morph and grow into awesome adults.

"Very good," Fox replied, her praise with an added hint of finality to it. "You've done so well, my little Dhole, that it's time for you to become the very first warrior apprentice of Redhawk Caldera. Do you think you can do that?" she asked, tilting her head to one side and attempting to gauge Wifi's reaction. Hopefully, it would spur Raven into action, too. NJ was already making good progress, but Raven had become withdrawn since she'd witnessed her half-sister's death. Fox intended to have a heart-to-heart with her sooner rather than later.

RE: This is the War Room! - Wildfire - June 05, 2015

Although proud of her accomplishments, Wildfire nonetheless looked down bashfully when Fox lavished her with praise. She felt her cheeks heat, albeit in a good way. She smirked at the nickname, then her expression became one of delighted surprise at her mother's proposal. Was she ready? Was she worthy? Wildfire wasn't entirely sure but who was she to question her mother, the Alpha female? She was nothing if not obedient.

"Yes, mama," she said in a voice that was shaky from both nervousness and excitement. She wouldn't claim to be the best—Nightjar would surely take that title—but Wildfire would put her entire heart into the pursuit and continue to train, now formally, as a Warrior. "I'm a Warrior!" she proclaimed quietly, mostly because the youngster couldn't raise her voice much... but she would have been a little too bashful and humble to go screaming about it regardless.

RE: This is the War Room! - RIP Fox - June 05, 2015

"An apprentice warrior," Fox corrected, patting Wifi on the head. "That means that you shouldn't go getting yourself into trouble needlessly." Once she was older, Fox would probably encourage tom-foolery and danger-seeking, but she wanted to make sure they were old enough to handle themselves first. "What you can do is continue learning. Ask to spar with the adults; spar with your siblings; watch what we do." It was an ongoing process, even for an experienced adult. If Dhole took her warrior role seriously, she'd likely end up with just as many (if not more) scars, bumps, and bruises as her mother.

"Can you go get Dud for me?" Fox asked. "You can tell him about your new apprenticeship!" Peregrine would be thrilled, she assumed, and she had every intention of reinstating him as her equal once more.

RE: This is the War Room! - Wildfire - June 05, 2015

Wildfire accepted her title humbly, bobbing her head at her mother's advice. Of course, she wasn't the type to go looking for trouble. The opposite was true, actually. But if it somehow found her, she would be ready. Fox didn't even need to remind her to continue with her training. Maintaining her status as Warrior would require ongoing practice, just like any passion or pursuit.

She was about to ask her mother if she wouldn't mind sparring right now, to commemorate this moment. However, the Alpha female evidently wanted to speak with her father. Wildfire's mouth clapped shut and she nodded, eager to please. When Fox prompted her to tell him of her new apprenticeship, her mouth split into a wide grin. She didn't know what else was at stake but Wildfire knew he would be thrilled.

"'Kay. Can we spar after you talk to him?" she asked, pausing for an answer before frolicking off in search of her father. They had just finished breakfast not long ago, so he couldn't have gone far.

RE: This is the War Room! - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2015

Indeed, Peregrine had yet to wander away for the day. When he saw Wildfire trouncing up to him, he dropped the bone in his mouth and turned to face her. "What's up—" he began to ask when the exuberant child delivered the happy news. "Congratulations, little Warrior!" he said, ruffling the red fur atop her head with a broad paw before giving her a few congratulatory licks and nuzzles for good measure.

When Wildfire reported that Fox wanted to see him, Peregrine felt his heart do a little leap. He was pretty sure he knew what this meant. "Go celebrate with your brother and sister!" the Kappa suggested, giving Wildfire a parting nibble before loping across the clearing to join his wife where she sat waiting for him.

He bowed his head, then licked at the bottom of her jaw before sliding into his natural spot beside her. From where they sat, they could see the children's partybration. Peregrine smiled, then glanced sideways at his mate. "Can you believe one of our kids has two trades already?" He exhaled a happy breath. He thought he already knew the answer to this question but he then added, "What's up?"

RE: This is the War Room! - RIP Fox - June 05, 2015

"Of course we can," Fox replied, licking Dhole on the head just before she cantered off to find her father. She watched the distant interaction between father and daughter, followed by the mini party between Wildfire and her siblings. Fox grinned, her tail flapping happily on the ground. Peregrine came over shortly after, and Fox nibbled the top of his snout.

"All three of them are awesome, so it's not that surprising," she teased, grey eyes stopping on the trio frolicking in the grass before returning her gaze to her mate. "We make a good team," Fox declared, "which is why I want you back. We’ve got to put this behind us. I want you to be by my side, Perry." Gently, she took his ear in her mouth and tugged on it, almost like a small child. "Will you be the Big Weenie to this Lil’ Weenie again?" Fox whispered, punctuating the question by licking his ear.

RE: This is the War Room! - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2015

Although his mate made the comment lightly, she couldn't have been more sincere—or more right. There was a reason the three kids were doing so well, and that reason was in large part due to their parents and pack. Peregrine and Fox had come here for them and it was paying off in a big way. Wildfire's accomplishment was neither the first nor the last to illustrate just what a wonderful decision it had been.

Her invitation to rejoin her did not come as a surprise. Unlike the last time, Peregrine nodded his acceptance. But he wanted to say something. "I won't stop righting my wrongs. I learned a tough lesson and I won't be going easy on myself just because I step back up." He had spoken while facing out over their homeland, though now he turned to catch her gray gaze. "And how many times do I have to tell you it's Big Dick?"

Without even giving Fox a chance to respond to that, Peregrine (playfully!) tackled his mate to the ground. They hadn't been intimate since before that awful day, yet he hoped to commemorate this moment—when he resumed his Alpha title and his place by Fox's side—in their usual way: by boning her. He didn't even care that the kids were nearby. They were old enough to learn about the birds and the bees.

RE: This is the War Room! - RIP Fox - June 05, 2015

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: We talk dirty here. ;)

Taken by surprise, Fox crumpled to the ground, giggling and batting playfully at Peregrine's advances. They were animals, through and through, and if there was any shame to be had, Fox was immune to it. She rolled to her feet, slipping herself under Peregrine and coming up by his side. "And just how big is this Big Dick?" she whispered in his ear, breath hot and heavy. Fox wouldn't deny that she'd been fidgety the past couple of weeks, despite (or because of) all the stress that had been loaded on the pack as a whole. She knew a tried and true way to relieve said stress, but her partner had been all but out of commission.

Fox then proceeded to nip at his shoulder, trying to entice him to follow her (which surely wouldn't be that difficult). Fox kicked up her heels and loped a few strides away, then paused, looking back at Peregrine over her shoulder before lifting her head to suggest he come over. She felt as if the world had been lifted off her shoulders, and she wanted nothing more than to be screwed silly by her strong, handsome, regal(?) mate.

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2015

Although they were partners in rank again, Peregrine happily obeyed his lady as she began to lead him away, perhaps somewhere more private or romantic. His eyes remained fixed on her as he glided along in her wake, quickly catching up to her and giving her rump a sound nip. He remembered how she sometimes liked being taken by force. What better way to demonstrate his rise to power than by claiming the Alpha female, by ravishing her?

With gentle force, Peregrine pressed his chest into Fox's hindquarters, then rose and tugged her roughly against him. He then bent over her and grasped her scruff in his teeth. His much larger body enveloped her even as she enveloped him. After a few growling bucks, Peregrine stalled. He did not move for a moment, instead clinging to her and now gently grooming the back of her head and neck with the tenderest of licks.

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - RIP Fox - June 05, 2015

This was not their first walk around the block (so to speak), and when Peregrine nipped her rump, Fox (gladly!) knew what to expect. So much of her life revolved around her being the boss, so having him physically be on top and have his way with her was one of the most satisfying things in the world. Fox gave herself to him, pushing against her lover even when he stalled to groom her neck. Her nails dug into the earth and Fox bit her lip, relishing every second of this.

Fox had always known that she would only ever have one mate, one lover. If she ever lost Peregrine, really lost him, she would lose herself. Life without him was not a life worth living. Not even her children would be able to save her when the day came that he was no longer with her. In the past, she had wondered if this was why Lethe had thrown herself to Swiftcurrent Creek. Perhaps she'd had a lover that had died, leaving her alone in the world.

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2015

When he began again, he moved much more slowly and sensually. He wrapped his forelegs even tighter around her middle and pushed his head between her shoulder blades rather than hold onto her scruff. As he made love to his mate, he murmured sweet (and occasionally dirty) nothings against her back. Steadily, he pushed them both toward the same peak, where they met in hopefully mutual pleasure.

Even when the act was over, Peregrine continued to embrace his mate. "I love you," he said in a low, breathy voice, giving her a squeeze. "It's good to be back."

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - Wildfire - June 05, 2015

Although Nightjar and Raven were happy for her, their attention spans did not last much more than fifteen or twenty minutes. Then they ran off to do other things and Wildfire turned to see if her parents were done talking yet. She was spoiling for that play fight with her mother. Her little brow furrowed when she saw that the space where she'd left them was empty. She trotted across to it, sniffed the ground, then began tracking them into the brush just beyond the clearing.

When she came upon them, she discovered the two of them wrestling... or something. Wildfire tipped her head to the side, then laughed out loud. They looked so silly! If Peregrine was trying to headlock Fox, he was doing a bad job of it. But maybe while he was holding her in place, Wildfire could launch her attack and get this spar started.

With a quiet roar (since she couldn't manage much more), Wildfire sprang at her tethered parents, aiming a bat at her mother's red flank.

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - RIP Fox - June 05, 2015

Every dirty (and not so dirty) word that Peregrine breathed into her back caused another ripple of pleasure to pulse through the Alpha's veins. Fox strolled right into her happy place alongside her mate, a surge of heat bringing them even closer together. She moaned audibly, and whimpered happily shortly thereafter. If there was one thing that could be said about her lover, it was that he never failed to please. "I love you, t—" but she was cut short by the sudden appearance of a certain overachieving daughter.

Fox "oofed," still panting from the strenuous activities and instinctively kicked a hind leg out at her attacker. This, sadly, caused Fox to lose her balance with Peregrine still on top of her, and so they crashed into one very awkward pile. Legs, tails, and other bits and pieces were all tangled together, and Fox writhed to try and free herself.

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2015

Peregrine honestly didn't see any of it coming. One minute, he was reveling in the afterglow of their coupling, exchanging tender I love yous with his beloved. The next, he was on the ground, his crotch throbbing as his and Fox's naughty bits were unceremoniously yanked apart. Peregrine blinked and sat up immediately, eyes widening when he saw the culprit standing over the two of them, looking a little stunned at causing her parents to fall over.

"Wifi, you little... Warrior," Peregrine said, trying to keep his wits about him. Gently untangling himself (and squeezing his legs together to preserve his daughter's innocence), Peregrine stood and batted at her. "Tag, you're it! You'd better run before your mother gets you!"

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - Wildfire - June 05, 2015

They went down like dominoes, much to her surprise. Maybe her new title gave her superpowers or something. Wildfire stared down at the Alpha pair, wondering if they were about to kick her butt. She shrank a little when Peregrine began to rise, saying her name. But rather than rebuke her, he stretched out a broad black paw and swatted her, declaring that she was it and that she had better run before her mother captured her.

"That's not—" the child began to say. That wasn't how it worked! But she saw her mother twitch and the little Warrior apprentice squealed and pivoted, running away and fully hoping that Fox would jump to her feet and give chase. Then they could duel already!

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - RIP Fox - June 05, 2015

Peregrine managed to regain himself quicker than she did, coming up with a quick (and surprisingly effective) way to get Wildfire to run along. Still on the ground, panting and a little bit shaken, Fox let her head fall to the ground. She wondered if they would ever have moments like they had in the past. Surely the children would become more independent and less... nosey as they grew up. But then, wouldn't the next litter be on the way at that point? Fox had no plans to take any years off from making babies, and she was pretty certain that Peregrine felt the same way.

"Quick thinking, Dud." She fully intended to spar with Wildfire... later. Hopefully, the girl would get distracted by something and forget that she was being chased. Maybe she could go... look at plants. "It’s good to have you back," Fox said, raising just enough so she could lick Peregrine's nose. "I mean, it’s really good." She grinned at him, the dropped her head back to the ground.

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - Peregrine Redhawk - June 05, 2015

Wildfire darted away. Peregrine knew that if Fox didn't chase after her, the child would inevitably return. But he had probably bought them five or ten minutes. He would use that time well. He finished gathering himself, sitting upright beside the sprawled Fox. He would have offered to help her up but she looked quite comfy. He scooted to offer his paws as a pillow, then bent down to kiss her temple.

While he was down there, he checked on the state of his bits. They appeared intact. But looking at his own crotch suddenly reminded him of his recent encounter with Pan. He glanced down at Fox, lightly licking his lips. Was now the wrong time to bring up a lover, so soon after making things right? Not to mention the fact that they were literally still breathless from their tryst.

But it wasn't like the two were conventional about anything else, so why worry about the contents of their pillow talk? Sinking down beside her, Peregrine said, "Something interesting happened recently." He curled his forelegs and shifted onto one hip. "My boner reminded me of it." He chortled, then grew a bit more serious as he continued, "I was talking to Pan about relationships and stuff the other day. He seemed to want to tell me something but couldn't get it out. So I was just sort of... physically there for him. We were cuddling, I guess. He totally popped a red rocket, then ran away."

Although he used casual language to describe the scenario, there was no silliness in Peregrine's voice. Pan had seemed truly and terribly embarrassed. As soon as he could, the Alpha wanted to track him down and put him at ease. First, though, he wanted to know what Fox thought, because... "I'm kind of attracted to him. He's so... different. He's sweet and vulnerable. He's virginal. It's... is it bad that I think that's kind of sexy?"

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - RIP Fox - June 06, 2015

"Oooo," Fox replied, obviously interested to hear more when Peregrine mentioned Pan's little (or big?!) slip up. Peregrine went on to say that he was interested in Pan, something that Fox totally and unabashedly supported. "I don’t think so," she said, "I mean, you thought I was sexy for it, right?" Fox had always assumed so, especially considering she'd made him wait ages to finally bone her. The circumstances had been less than sweet, but Fox had never minded a little bit of fucked up in her life. In fact, she seemed to thrive on it.

"I think Pan’s adorable." And there was the fact that Pantaleimon had already proven himself as a trustworthy member of Redhawk Caldera. They wouldn't have to worry about Perry's lover feeling scorned because he wasn't allowed in their inner circle. Nor would they have to worry for their children, who had interacted with Pan a few times already. Pan seemed a natural caretaker, even if he doubted his own abilities. Giving her mate a lick on the nose, she clarified for the sake of everybody involved. "If you want to pursue him, you should."

Wildfire came back just then, and Fox knew she couldn't avoid the inevitable. "Alright, squirt, you ready for some big girl sparring?" she asked, already knowing the answer. Just those few minutes of recovery had been enough for Fox to roll back onto her feet, shake her coat, and prepare herself for "battle."

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - Peregrine Redhawk - June 06, 2015

Hearing Fox speak favorably of Pan made Peregrine's insides feel warm. Depending on how Pan received him, he decided he would pursue the pale Delta. If permitted, he would move at whatever pace Pan set. He almost wanted to get up and seek him out right now, though he wouldn't just run out on Fox. It wasn't his style to hit it and quit it just like that.

"You are sexy," the Alpha agreed, "but since when were you ever sweet or vulnerable? Oh, you were referring to virginal? So you were a virgin? I knew it!" Peregrine teased. He grinned at Fox, nipping her nose, when a flash of red effectively distracted them both. Their little Warrior had returned, looking quite put out considering how even-tempered she usually was.

"Run along, my dears. Have fun. I'll see you later," Peregrine said as Fox bounded forth to play with their daughter. He kissed both their heads, then trotted away to begin his day as the caldera's restored Alpha male.

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - Wildfire - June 06, 2015

She ran to the far side of the clearing, then turned and waited... and waited... and waited. After about five minutes, Wildfire snorted irritably and charged back across the rendezvous site to see what was taking Fox so long. She found her parents lounging around, still chatting away. The pup gave them a look of reproof, though before she could open her mouth, Fox declared, "Alright, squirt, you ready for some big girl sparring?"

"Yes," Wildfire replied emphatically, shooting her mother a look before breaking into a smile. She waved her tail when Peregrine kissed them both goodbye, then focused on the Alpha female again. "I'm gonna eat your face!" she declared in a mockingly vengeful tone right before pouncing at Fox, forelimbs flailing at her mother's muzzle.

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - RIP Fox - June 06, 2015

Fox nipped at Peregrine's butt when he turned around, though her attention turned back to their daughter quick enough to see her plan the first attack. Unlike the other times they had sparred with one another, Fox wasn't planning on letting Wildfire win this time. Instead, she wanted to see how her little Dhole reacted to losing. It was not a fun game, like winning was, but it was a lesson she hoped to teach without completely discouraging her daughter. Hopefully, now that Wifi was an apprentice of the skill, she wouldn't be too downtrodden when she didn't overpower her mother.

Wildfire started by whopping her mother's face with her paws, to which Fox took a few steps back, lowered her stance, and jumped ahead, hoping to knock Dhole to the ground. If she was successful, Fox would pin her with her front feet. If not, well, it would at least give her enough time to regain her footing for the next attack.

RE: This is the War Room! [m] - Wildfire - June 07, 2015

Her paws thumped rather harmlessly against Fox's snout, though the Alpha female quickly retreated out of reach. Wildfire dropped back onto all fours, squealing lightly when she saw her mother winding up for a counterattack. She began to turn, though Fox was too quick for her. She went down beneath her dam's forepaws, pinned to the ground.

It knocked the wind out of her, so for a split second, Wildfire didn't make a sound. Then she recovered and began to giggle and squirm, trying to escape Fox's grasp.