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Hoshor Plains Glide - Printable Version

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Glide - Vitihi - June 06, 2015

ee! :D Vitihi arrives at HP!

Go on, her father had instructed, catch Rakharo. The familial trio had trailed the young Khal's agile tribe, her aging parents lagging behind in the haste to search for new lands. But that was the way of the world — harsh as it may be — and Vitihi, in observance of her sire's words, departed to meet the relocated band. This area was strange to the young maiden, its high mountains and deep ravines held new perils, but eventually she caught a familiar scent of her Khalasar on the wind. 

She stopped only to drink and ran until the earth opened into rolling verdant plains. Surely these were the lands her Khal sought? The young woman ate up the earth as she traveled, arriving just before the camp's borders.

RE: Glide - Rakharo - June 07, 2015

Sorry for the bad post. I'm kinda distraught atm.
I'm really excited for you joining HP though!

Rakharo had taken the entire Khalas to the place he'd claimed as the pack's main settlement with Zoratto. He didn't expect to be around that place the whole year, only during the breeding seasons which were the ones that demanded the most protection both for the pack and for the new lives. The place was greener than the rest of the plains, closer to the mountains and bathed by creeks from every angle. It was perfect, peaceful, and it was theirs.

Marking the borders was the first thing Rakharo had instructed his wolves to do, howling once wouldn't be enough to keep intruders away forever. He was doing it himself since his scent was supposed to be the strongest one throughout the territory, he was the Khal. And there was where he got a glance of a red silhouette in the distance, elegantly padding closer to his sacred land. He knew that silhouette, he was sure he'd seen it before. The Khal approached the female, holding an authoritarian posture without being aggressive, and once close enough to recognize her eyes he knew exactly who was in front of him.

The Khal didn't say a word, instead, he walked even closer to breathe in her scent, meticulously sniffing around as he circled around her with his tail held high above his head. The female was Nevakko's daughter. Rakharo remembered the wise elder, he respected him greatly but he and his family had strayed from the Khalas as it started to move away from Rhaesh Dahaan. That had been a sad loss.

RE: Glide - Vitihi - June 07, 2015

Its a great post! Awww hope you feel better! ...Also I'll replace the italicized text with Dorthraki when I find a good translator :V

Only a few moments passed before the strong and rugged outline of Rakharo made itself known, just as Vitihi predicted. The Khal would not stray too far from his Khalasar or the bison herd, though she had yet to lay eyes upon the latter. The scents of her people were strong near the camp... and even though the young maiden longed to rush back into the arms of her tribe, she held her ground and awaited the approaching man. She stood perfectly still, posture neutral and relaxed as he advanced to inspect her figure. Though her orange gaze drifted away with respect, she couldn't help but steal a glimpse of the young Khal out of her peripheral. He was an intimidating warrior, a good head taller than herself, and well cut. The deep shade of his face intensified the vivid color of his eyes in a powerful way — truly a destined Dotharan Khal if she had ever seen one.

Though his presence was assertive, the young Silakeesi did not shrink away from his meticulous inspection. Even if she was of the softer variety, no proud Dotharan woman deigned to cower like a slave. "M'athchomaroon," she said with a calm inflection, "My father has sent me to run with you, great Khal."

RE: Glide - Rakharo - June 07, 2015

Thanks <3
I wouldn't waste my time looking for a Dothraki translator... There aren't any so we use this instead to make it feel foreign. I still use some Dothraki words from the dictionary -here & here- to make it feel more Dothraki to myself.
I love your writing btw :3

The female stayed still, allowing the Khal to do his recognition without opposition. Nevakko was a calm man, Rakharo remembered, and for what he'd seen his daughter shared the same behavior. And her voice, soft, gentle, reminded him a lot of the elder as well. He was a wise man, one of the few Rakharo had put at his side to lead the Khalas back in Rhaesh Dahaan when the terror hadn't killed the little tranquility the golden Khal had.

"M'athchomaroon." the Khal greeted respectfully as he returned to facing her. Vitihi would get just as much respect her father had earned his family, for his years of counsel had been good years for the Khalas. "Did Nevakko stay behind? Is he well?" he asked with concern.

RE: Glide - Vitihi - June 09, 2015

The Khal met the maiden with a level head and proud spirit, speaking their customary greeting with a smooth tongue. Vitihi was privileged to have good standing in the Khalasar — a product of her father's positive reputation. However, though the Dothoran did not recognize power in blood ties, they were not blind to its promises. The hope that the strong, wise, and courageous would beget more like themselves was any wolf's ambition, but it didn't mean the child of any warrior or Khal would be born with a silver spoon in its mouth. Each had to make their own way in the world, and though her sire's hard earned position gave his children a head start in the world, Vitihi would have to prove herself to ensure her rapport remained unchanged.

Lucky for her, Nevakko saw much of himself within his daughter. Though she had not inherited his brawn or rich color, they shared a cool temperament. She was no beserker or warrior, but loved -- and was devoted to -- every aspect of their culture, people, and customs. It had pained her to leave Nevakko behind, but she would never, ever, disobey his command. "He means to make his way to you, Rakharo," she told the Khal, "but the journey is long and age makes the road arduous. He will arrive before winter."  That is what her father had promised, at least. However, Vitihi had been across the mountains and the impossible terrain made her worry for him. It was clear to her that the aging Nevakko did not wish to anchor his daughter's budding future with his own slow pace."My mother, Jassi, accompanies him."  

Vitihi's fiery gaze swept across Rakharo's golden shoulder, "It is my ambition to follow in my sire's foot steps: to uphold our traditions and interpret the ways of the Rhoa." As a young girl, Vitihi shadowed her parents with an insatiable mind for knowledge, but it was not enough. She still had so much to learn. "As a girl I served our Dosh Khaleen. Have any traveled with you, Khal?" she asked, head tipping ever-so-slightly to the side. 

RE: Glide - Rakharo - June 09, 2015

too lazy to do translations :P

Nevakko's blood in Vitihi was more than clear. The way she spoke, so gently with carefully selected words, that was what had made the elder the great man he was. Rakharo hoped that somewhere between Rhaesh Dahaan and Hoshor Plains, he still moved towards their new home. It would be a shame losing sich a wise Fozak.

"I hope they make it." The khal said truthfully, looking at Vitihi's bright eyes. "I was expecting the Dosh Khaleen to put their faith on us, but only Laqikki dared move away from Kraza Dothar." Rakharo explained, he had expected at leas Awazzi to come along, ,her being the one to tell Rakharo where to look for his destiny, but only laqikki had been bold enough to cross the mountains in search of Rakharo.

"Are you well enough to meet her now?" Vitihi's appearance, aside from attractive, pointed out that she had done well enough in her journey to the promised land, but Rakharo couldn't help feeling concerned about her health. He knew that the way there was a long one, and food was scarce at its best.

RE: Glide - Vitihi - June 13, 2015

Vitihi nodded as her Khal explained that only one woman of the sacred Dosh Khaleen sect dared leave the motherland on the promise of Awazzi's prophecy. The Dothoran were a hearty bunch. Stubborn. Even in the worst of times, their kind was not prone to change. It was why Rakharo could be considered a unique and aberrant leader. These new plains were uncharted, as far as their breed was concerned, and held great promise for their company if they could weather its challenges.

"Is that so?" Vitih murmured, troubled that only Laqikki had chosen to be apart of their new garrison. A Khalasar relied so much on spiritual guidance its elders provided. Could they make their way in the world should something terrible happen to her? From what Vitihi remembered, Laqikki was a strong and tenacious crone. Surely, she had a few good years left. 

"Sek, k''athjilari," she answered Rakharo, straightening her posture to the ready. Truth was, the maiden was fatigued from the long journey... but physical weakness was never a flattering to Dothoran and so she would hide her weariness, especially in the presence of the Khal. "Oh," she said, "Forgive me. My Name. I answer to Vitihi, if it pleases you."

RE: Glide - Rakharo - June 15, 2015

Last post! <3

With a nod Rakharo cleared Vitihi's doubts. He knew that the Dosh Khaleen's reaction on his decision of leaving Rhaesh Dahaan would never be the most supportive, even from Awazzi herself, but he was thankful that at least Laqikki had seen enough strength in the promise as to leave the homeland herself. A crone outside of Kraza Dothar was an event that not many get to see.

"This way. Wellcome to Hoshor Plains." the Khal invited as he turned around to lead Vitihi to the old crone. "She's been distant from the pack but I wouldn't have expected otherwise." he explained as he moved forward, hoping that the maiden was behind him.

When Vitihi offered her name, the golden Khal turned around to meet her warm gaze; Rakharo may have forgotten the maiden's name, but those eyes he would never forget. "It is an honor to have you here, Vitihi." he replied and continued leading the way towards Laqikki.

RE: Glide - Vitihi - June 15, 2015

Vitihi fell in line besides her Khal,feeling refreshed by his good reception. It helped ease the pain of leaving her father behind — leaving Rhaesh Dahaan behind. All she knew of the world was now in the past... but there was little time for sadness. There was a new land to be conquered, and their Khalaasar would be the greatest known in the land.

The maiden gracefully nodded her burnt crown as she was lead to Laqikki. "I hope to learn much from the wisewoman," she said, both eager to serve the crone and to be recognized for her aptitude.

She smiled at the Khal as they walk. "San athchomari yeraan, Rakharo. Your Kahals will run free and strong beneath your guidance. Me nem nesa."

RE: Glide - Rakharo - June 17, 2015

omg I seriously thought we already had 10 posts!

Rakharo bowed his head at the maiden's words of honor. She sounded just like old Nevakko, so polite, so gentle. Rakharo's thoughts drifted back to Rhaesh Dahaan where him and his strong Khalas once ruled with an iron fist. With two strong Khasaks by his side, his own littermates, and Nevakko behind him guiding him in the right direction. Maybe here, with Lavakho and Vitihi things would be the same again, maybe they would tame this land with their strength. They surely would.

The Khal made sure to tell Vitihi where the herd and the rest of the pack was before dropping her at Laqikki's, as well as telling her as much as he knew about the land they inhabited now. He wanted to make sure every single one of his followers knew the land at perfection, and Vitihi to be comfortable. Rakharo owed a lot to her father.