Wolf RPG
Redtail Rise Sometimes the best part of my day is imagining what I'm gonna eat when I get off work - Printable Version

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Sometimes the best part of my day is imagining what I'm gonna eat when I get off work - Smash - June 07, 2015

With pups presumably on the way, Smash was busy proving that she was so much more than a pretty face and quick wit. She could actually contribute meaningfully by keeping an eye on the borders, hunting small game and otherwise pitching in as a contributing member of the pack. Unfortunately, she did not get to socialize as much as she would have liked. The longer she hung around Redtail Rise, the more Smash realized it was quite different from home. Back there, concepts like solitude and privacy simply didn't exist. It was quite different here; she had rather more than she wanted of both.

She hoped to remedy that soon. In the meantime, Smash wrapped up a rather boring patrol of the Rise's base and then began to climb. Images of dead bunnies and deer legs danced in her head and drool began pooling at the corners of her mouth. She wasn't even the pregnant one, so why was she so hungry? Maybe she was getting depressed and eating her feelings. Although honestly disappointed by the lack of a roaring social scene here, the idea of her, Smash, being depressed was so absurd that when she arrived at a stockpile, she had to stop and have a long laugh before opening the proverbial refrigerator door.

RE: Sometimes the best part of my day is imagining what I'm gonna eat when I get off work - Arion - June 08, 2015

Ever since the incident at the borders with Heron Bloodclaw and being named an official Warrior, Arion had been patrolling the borders even more frequently than before, chasing away (read:nearly killing) wolves who lingered by Redtail Rise's scent markers and when questioned, albeit rather roughly, couldn't seem to come up with a good reason why they were by the borders. He was harsher than before, true, and probably crueler but all had been done for a good reason. The safety of the pack mattered most in the end.

Patrols were boring, sure, and more often than not it meant being alone to his thoughts. That wasn't too bad, the bad part was he had no one to complain to or aim his sarcastic comments at. It couldn't be helped, he supposed, even if someone was patrolling with him, their focus was not on chatting but on making sure the pack was safe.

Finishing another solitary patrol, Arion quickly made his way up the hillside, wishing to eat something before going on another patrol or a hunt. Someone arrived before her though, a brown figure. Black nostrils flared, inhaling the scent of the wolf before realizing who she was. A smirk on his face, the stallion bounded forward, attempted to shove her aside with his shoulder and grasped a dead rabbit by its scruff.

RE: - Smash - June 08, 2015

I totally just got an error because the title's too long. Haha, whoops!

Before she could reach out and grab something tasty to feed her face, someone bumped into her, shoving her away from the cache. She lost her footing and fell onto her right hip. It didn't hurt, though as soon as her orange eyes apprehended her assailant, the she-wolf cried, "Worker's comp! Worker's comp!" She then blew a raspberry and stood, brushing some dust and debris off her chocolate pelt.

While Arion lifted a dead rabbit from the stockpile, Smash roughly but playfully rammed right back into him, pushing him maybe an entire inch to the side as she snatched up a fat gopher. She hoisted it into the air, smacking it against the Warrior's shoulder, then turned and flounced a yard or two away to avoid a counterattack. She dropped the dead rodent but did not begin eating.

"Well, hey there, Arion. It's so nice to bump into you," Smash drawled sarcastically, winking at him. She then lapsed into silence for a beat before observing aloud, "Brown fur? Check. Orange eyes? Check. Unnecessarily shovey around food? Check. Man, you check all the boxes. I think you might actually be my long lost older brother."

RE: Sometimes the best part of my day is imagining what I'm gonna eat when I get off work - Arion - June 10, 2015

Arion's ears swiveled towards her direction for a brief moment after he successfully shoved her out of the way, an amused smirk began to spread across his maw while he rolled his eyes at her, the dead rabbit hanging from his jaws. She rose to her paws and playfully rammed into him, normally, she would not have been able to move him at all but he allowed himself to be shoved about an inch to the side, a warm chuckle escaping his maw.

A moment later, he felt a rough smack to his, spinning towards her direction as fast as lightning but she managed to run off. The stallion glared at her playfully with narrowed golden eyes as she drawled sarcastically and took note of their similar features, saying that he might be her long lost brother. "If I was, I would've murdered you the moment you were given birth," then Arion began running towards her direction, accelerating as he moved, hoping to catch her, shove her onto the ground and tickle her until she begged for mercy.

RE: - Smash - June 10, 2015

When he issued a death threat, Smash's eyes grew wide in mock horror. "That's exactly what a mean older brother would say!" she pointed out, then squealed loudly when he began running at her. Purely out of reflex, Smash scooped the dead gopher with her paw and lobbed it in the general direction of his face, then turned and began bounding uphill.

She felt certain she could outrun him if necessary, though where was the fun in that? After putting some space between them, Smash whirled and suddenly hurtled herself back downhill, charging at Arion like a runaway train.

RE: Sometimes the best part of my day is imagining what I'm gonna eat when I get off work - Arion - June 21, 2015

Arion couldn't help but smile as Smash's eyes grew wider and pointed out that what he had said was exactly what a mean older brother would say. He said nothing in reply to that but simply began running after her, eliciting a squeal from his so called twin. She scooped up the dead gopher and lobbed it in his direction, pausing in his steps, Arion side stepped while cursing openly, barely avoided the incoming prey.

"Oh you little shit," the chocolate warrior yelled at her, sure that he would be able to catch her sooner or later. He wasn't named after the stallion who could run so fast, he could run over water for no reason. But suddenly, Smash whirled around and hurtled back at him. "Man, seriously?" he shouted, quickly moving out of her way.

Sometimes the best part of my day is imagining what I'm gonna eat when I get off work - Smash - June 21, 2015

Arion sidestepped her so effortlessly that she flew past him, though Smash quickly whirled and nipped at the tip of his tail before playfully headbutting his shoulder and plopping down next to him. "Did you just call me a little shit, brah?" she asked, momentarily pretending to be affronted. But she smiled as she panted, lifting a paw to give him a playful shove which wouldn't even budge him an inch.

Of course, if Arion was her brother, that meant Reek had to be too, considering how close she felt to the two of them. Which meant... "Hey, did you hear the good news yet? About how Reek and Wynter are totes gonna be parents in about..." She bobbed her head from side to side, then clicked her tongue. "Two months? I think that's how long it usually takes. We're gonna be uncles!" she exclaimed, orange eyes shining with excitement.

RE: Sometimes the best part of my day is imagining what I'm gonna eat when I get off work - Arion - June 25, 2015

He watched, a smile playing at his lips as she whirled around and nipped the tip of his tail as well as headbutting his shoulder. He decided that seeking revenge because of a playful action would be too tedious, too dull and boring. Arion didn't do dull and boring, so he let it go this time. Next time however...he might just be able to find the right amount of energy to chase her, but until then, there wouldn't be any revenge.

"What? Would you rather be big shit?" Arion snorted, his tail flicking in an amused manner which stopped abruptly at the sudden news Smash delivered him. "Whatthehell?" he spluttered out. "Reek's going to bang Wynter?" The stallion grinned, gods be good, he wondered if the ragged man was even ready to take on the role of a responsible father. Arion knew he, himself wasn't ready.

"No, you're going to be the aunt!" the Greek rolled his eyes.

Sometimes the best part of my day is imagining what I'm gonna eat when I get off work - Smash - June 25, 2015

Sorry to rush an ending but I wanted to wrap up her threads. <3

Before Smash could drum up a witty reply, Arion blurted something about Reek banging Wynter, eliciting a loud belly laugh from the chocolate she-wolf. "That's usually how it happens," she concurred, "although if they were feeling creative, perhaps they could come up with a workaround." Smash paused. "But why the hell would they do that?" Banging was one of the funnest things to do, in her sage opinion. She imagined it would be even better, doing it for a purpose (beyond pleasure)!

"Hey now," she scolded playfully, "if I want to be an uncle, I'm going to be an uncle. Who's gonna stop me? You?" she taunted playfully. As if to punctuate this jokey remark, her stomach suddenly snarled, loudly, announcing to Arion and the rest of the world that Smash was still very, very hungry.

"You made me lose my gopher," she grumped without any sincerity at all, grinning and winking at Arion as she moseyed back over to the stockpile. There were a few more items in there, though her lips twisted into a thoughtful line before her orange eyes locked on Arion's face again. "For that, you shall pay! By being my hunting partner. Come on! Giddyup!"

Smash dove toward him again, though instead of ramming him or biting him or any of that nonsense, she swept past him, swirled around just long enough to give him a sound slap to the rump, then began to run downhill. She hoped he would give chase, first to her and then, hopefully, to some juicy prey.

RE: Sometimes the best part of my day is imagining what I'm gonna eat when I get off work - Arion - July 02, 2015

Arion shook his head, a smile curling at the edge of his lips as Smash spoke. Only a few wolves could make him smile, and somehow, the chocolate female had managed to become one of them. Perhaps it was because of her lightheartedness and her wit, it would be hard for anyone not to laugh whenever she made one of her jokes. It was a natural talent, he supposed, one that was not granted to his 'twin' instead of himself. Not that he wanted that gift.

A laugh rumbled from Arion as Smash's stomach grumbled and he could not manage to keep the smirk from playing on his lips as she spoke once more. A playful growl escaped the stallion warrior's maw as she slapped his rump and began running downhill. He did not bother with words this time, instead, began running down the hill, chasing her. He was hungry too, after all, Smash made him forget his rabbit.