Wolf RPG
Firestone Hot Springs your only smoke and mirrors - Printable Version

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your only smoke and mirrors - DeadLusa - June 08, 2015

Open to anyone!

  After the fight, Lusa wanted to go as far away from that place as possible. Not out of the fear from being hurt, but the fear for her future pups. Now she was certain she was pregnant. All the sickness and urination and sleep. All signs lead to it. And it made her a bit paranoid. She feared that if she was attacked to much it might hurt the pups. "Maybe I should head back," she said aloud. But the quiet relaxation (exception of the fight) made her want to wander a bit longer. Couldn't hurt anyone right? But still, it might be a bad thing. For all she knew, the Pack could be under attack. But even if it was, she wouldn't be much help. She was like a burden at this state.

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - oliver1 - June 10, 2015

Newly accepted into Redtail Rise, Oliver was already starting to regret making such a commitment to the pack. After all, it would only be a matter of time before his slothful nature frustrated his superiors to the point where they'd just be rid of him. Perhaps it would be better to quit while he was ahead.

The rangy black wolf had told his new leaders he wanted to do a bit of exploring and would return in a day, but now he was thinking about just running away, rejecting the pack before they could reject him.

He'd been searching for hours, and he was still nettle-less. And not only that, he was really hungry, too. Oliver's long legs carried him over the ground at an easy trot as he continued his search. He was close to giving up, but the thought of Reek's smug face when he returned empty handed kept him going. Nettle was a common enough plant, surely he'd find some sooner or later.

He paused to investigate a plant that caught his eye, thinking he might have finally stumbled across the target of is search. A voice suddenly spoke up behind him, startling him. Oliver whirled around to see a black she-wolf standing nearby. "Oh, hey," he said breathlessly. "Didn't see you there. You scared me."

edited for timeline

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - DeadLusa - June 10, 2015

  She hadn't noticed that someone was right in front of her. So the sight had made her jump. Maybe it was just her drunken feeling making her see things. But still, what was in front of her was no dream, so why did it feel like so.

  "I'm sorry if I frightened you," she said with a drowsy voice. The fight had worn her down quite a bit. She was still angry about it. The girl wasn't even by the borders and now she got a dislocated foot or something. "I didn't notice anyone here." Even though he was practically right in front of her.

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - oliver1 - June 10, 2015

Hadn't noticed him? Oliver was used to being invisible to girls, but this was a whole new low for him. "Ha ha yeah don't worry about it, I scare easily," he said, hoping his smile would mask his damaged self-esteem. His embarrassment gave way to concern when he noticed the girl's injured paw. "Man, you don't look so good, you feeling okay?"

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - DeadLusa - June 10, 2015

  He gave her a warm smile and told her not to worry. But it faaded when he looked down at her injured paw. He asked if she was ok. "It hasn't been the best two weeks for me," she answered. "I was attacked wrongly a few days ago. And nature readys me for a litter of puppies." The part of having children excites her, but not the process. It's to painful for her.

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - oliver1 - June 10, 2015

Oliver's jaw went slack when the she-wolf told him she'd been attacked. "I'm so sorry to hear that," he said. Recalling his first meeting with his new pack, he wasn't at all surprised to hear she'd been attacked. The Teekon Wilds didn't seem at all like a friendly place. Not even a pregnant female was safe from harm.

"My name's Oliver, by the way," he said. In all the excitement, he'd forgotten to introduce himself.

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - DeadLusa - June 10, 2015

Sorry this took a little longer ;-;

 "No, you don't need to be sorry." It wasn't him who attacked her after all right. The male had introduced himself as Oliver. "Pleasure to meet you Oliver. I am Lusa." It was nice to inroduce herself normally for once. "I'm Gamma at the Blackfeather Woods. I suppose you are from another pack? You don't smell familiar, nor smell to much like a Lone Wolf."

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - oliver1 - June 11, 2015

"Well, I'm sort of a new member in Redtail Rise. I'm still working on my initiation," he explained to Lusa. The search for nettles wasn't quite going as easily as he'd hoped, and he was starting to get discouraged. Of course, that could be because he wasn't looking where Reek told him to look. Oliver was notoriously bad at following directions.

"Hey, have you seen any stinging nettles growing around here?"
He asked Lusa, ears perked up in hopeful anticipation of an affirmative response.

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - DeadLusa - June 11, 2015

 Redtail Rise. She had never heard of that place before. Than again she hadn't heard of any other Pack but her own. Right when she arrived at the Teekon Wilds her paws lead her to the Blackfeather. And Blackfeather was the only place she had known. 

 The man then told her he was on an initiation to get into the Pack. Initiation huh? Why hadn't she been initiated? But that wasn't something to be complaning about really. He asked her if she had seen any needles around here. "Afraid not. Even if I had run into them, I probably wouldn't know what they were. I'm more into fighting then herbs."

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - oliver1 - June 11, 2015

Oliver's face dropped. "Oh," he said quietly, trying not to let on how disappointed he was. Why couldn't anything ever come easy? "You would know it if you ran into some, they sting like a beeotch," he added, reluctant to actually use profanity.

Well, if she couldn't help him find nettles, maybe she could help him find food. "Hey, are you hungry? Want to go hunting with me?" As soon as the words left his mouth, he remembered her injured paw. He mentally kicked himself for his insensitivity. "I mean, if you're feeling up for it."

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - DeadLusa - June 11, 2015

 When Oliver asked to go hunt, she shook her head slightly. "I don't think I would be any help. With my injury and all." And it probably wouldn't only be the injury. Her sickness would probably knock her off track. But still the sound of hunting sounded nice. If only she hadn't met up with the bastard white wolf who done this to her.

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - oliver1 - June 11, 2015

Oliver shifted uncomfortably. He really wanted to excuse himself from her company and continue his search for food and nettles, but he didn't want to be rude. "Okay, well, I really need to find those plants," he told her, hoping Lusa would catch the hint and let him go on his way.

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - DeadLusa - June 11, 2015

Last post for me!

  She nodded her head as the dark wolf spoke. "Yes, you can go to it then." She turned round and walked a few steps. "It was nice to speak with you Oliver. I hope you find those thorns." And with that, she walked off towards her next destination.

RE: your only smoke and mirrors - oliver1 - June 11, 2015

ty for the thread

Much to his relief, Lusa left him to his search. "Safe travels," he said with a smile and a nod. He thought about offering to escort her home, but he'd already wasted so much time with this detour. He wanted to get back on track and find those plants before the sun went down. Still, he was torn about leaving the injured female on her own.

He assured himself that she'd be just fine on her own. She was a fighter after all, right? Even injured, she could probably take better care of herself than he could. He turned away from her retreating figure, pointed himself North and trotted away in that direction.