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Hoshor Plains without a doubt - Printable Version

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without a doubt - Tomahawk - June 09, 2015

HP wolves, plz!

No longer did she wonder if she was carrying slaves for her Khal. She did not know if he would wish to keep them, but the symptoms were there. Tomahawk had grown tired over the past weeks, finding her daily tasks more difficult. She grew lethargic, though she managed to keep enough energy to please her masters as she was asked. Some were kind, others were not, but it did not matter to the coyote. As long as they were pleased, so was she.

She had awoken to find herself dizzy and craving (of all the things in the world) dirt. Fairly certain that eating dirt would not do well for her gift to the Khal, she headed to the shallow depression in the land where water sometimes pooled. There, she drank, taking in the water (which was coincidentally rather muddy) with quick, nervous laps.

RE: without a doubt - Kivi - June 09, 2015

After her encounter with the annoying bear, Kivi wanted nothing to do with creeks ever again. However like every other living creature she needed water to stay alive and so Kivi trotted to the nearest wate source.  When she saw the dirty water, she decided to not drink but instead look somewhere else when something caught her eye. The coyote slave.

For one of these recent weeks Kivi had noticed the slave in heat and even though it was not as strong to her as it was the males it was still noticeable. Jealousy coursed through her at the thought of this slave being with males. Even though Kivi was not a female to beg for a male's attention,  she was not one to turn them down either.

Kivi knew that she would soon experience the same thing this slave went through and she couldn't help but be curious. Did it hurt? Would she actually want to be with a guy? Kivi was always to busy training to notice other fenale's in heat, but she had noticed the slaves and even though it might have been embarrassing she wanted to learn from her.

"Wouldn't you rather drink clean water" she asked while approaching the coyote. Kivi had become use to speaking in English and only ever spoke in her native tongue if needed. She sat beside the slave and invited her to sit as well.

RE: without a doubt - Tomahawk - June 09, 2015

Others are still welcome to hop through the duration of this thread. ^__^

The woman's voice startled Tomahawk, and she whirled around, immediately flattening herself to the muddy shore. Mud and dirt immediately clung to her stomach and chest, although her legs had already been caked with the stuff from standing in the water. "If it is what you please, I will find clean water," Tomahawk replied, not daring to speak the common tongue unless she was asked to do so. What Tomahawk wanted did not matter. She was only to obey the masters' commands, which she did without question.

Yellow-golden eyes remained locked on the ground, and Tomahawk's ears were splayed to the side as she groveled. She had observed that women were not respected as much as the men, but all the Dotharan were above slaves in the grand scheme of things, so this wolf's sex had no baring on how Tomahawk behaved around her.

RE: without a doubt - Kivi - June 09, 2015

Kivi let out a sigh as she watched how pathetic the slave acted. The coyote cowered in fear when the wolfess had done nothing to hurt her, and it made no sense to Kivi. Is this how slaves are supposed to act because they never acted this way with Kivi. Kivi was particularly kind to her slaves and they were more of an entertainment to her than anything. It was probably frowned upon to treat slaves kindly, but then again Kivi did many things that were frowned upon in her culture.

The wolfess have a huff when the slave spoke of going to find clean water if that is what Kivi wanted. Where was the fun in doing what you were told? "What I want you to do is sit down and relax. I'm not going to hurt you unless you give me a reason. " Kivi looked down and shook the mud from her paw, letting it become silent for a few moments. "Tell me, what you experience like a week ago...does it hurt?" Kivi wanted to get right to the point and she was sure bring up the subject would be strange, but honestly didn't care. She wanted to be prepared and that's all that matters her.

RE: without a doubt - Rakharo - June 09, 2015

Short cameo just to reflect Rakharo's close supervision over Tomahawk.

Rakharo's conversation with Tomahawk seemed to have been effective on the slave, for ever since it happened she hadn't come closer to other males, at least not to "please" them the way she'd done before. Rakharo had spent his time making sure the Zafrak knew that Rakharo had put a close eye on her and would keep doing it, specially when she engaged interactions with other members of the pack.

The Khal shot an intense look at Tomahawk as he walked past the females, getting the tail end of Kivi's words, but not really caring what they were talking about, he had no bussiness with them at the moment, but he made sure she noticed his constant presence. "The herd is moving east. Make sure you don't fall behind." he barked in his native tongue before continuing his way towards the Rhoa, but still looking back every once in a while to keep control of the coyote.

RE: without a doubt - Tomahawk - June 09, 2015

Tomahawk sat, then forced her muscles to extend, hoping to give off some semblance of looking relaxed. Her facial features were still tense, as she did not trust that this was not a game. A test of her will, so to speak. The last time she had been tested, Tomahawk had lost. She did not wish to add another strike to her record with the Khal. Just as he passed through her thoughts, her ears pivoted to hear his voice, and she nodded. The children made her weary, but she would press on once the female released her to do so.

The other girl had asked if it hurt, and Tomahawk shook her head. "It did not," she replied. Perhaps it might have, if the slave girl had resisted, but she had given into her instincts easily. It was the coyote who had not been pleasant, and even that had been easily blocked out by imagining that it was the Khal with her and not some vile piece of filth.

RE: without a doubt - Kivi - June 09, 2015

Kivi waited for her answer when a fimilar voice filled her ears. She turned to look at Rakharo as he spoke with no emotion held on her face. She had fought off a bear for those Bison and at the moment she could honestly care less about them. Her attention turned back to the slave when she spoke. The wolfess smiled and gave a relieved sigh when she heard that it didn't hurt. Allayi had told her so many stories how it was the worst pain she ever experienced,  and how she would die from it.

Allayi was one of the main reasons Kivi never had wanted to be with a male that way. "My mother told me that it feels like a demon crawled inside you and burned your insides." Kivi was left with a horrified face until sge shook her head to snap her out of her thoughts. "I've been terrified of her since then" Kivi said and looked at the coyote who still seemed to be on edge. "Are you afraid of me" she asked in a gentle tone and looked at the coyote. 

RE: without a doubt - Tomahawk - June 09, 2015

@Kivi You wanna finish this?

Tomahawk looked on, confused. Why would a mother tell her daughter such things? Perhaps the Dotharan looked down upon such acts in general. But didn't they want to grow their population? More questions, confusion, and uneasy feelings passed through Tomahawk as she pondered this. Was she even supposed to be speaking of what she had done with Lavakho? Rakharo was her supreme master, and she had half a mind to ask him before speaking anymore of it. The last thing she wanted was to sully either Rakharo or Lavakho further. In the end, she decided not to comment at all.

"No," Tomahawk replied to Kivi's question. She did not elaborate.