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Ouroboros Spine what beasts they are - Printable Version

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what beasts they are - Tonravik - June 09, 2015

Aspiring warriors!

Tonravik knew that soon, she would reveal to the entirety the pack her success, or her lack of it, in bringing to them their future. But for now, there was that period of quietude. The wolves here now had an alpha male, who wasted no time in establishing this. It was better this way, Tonravik thought. No room to ask, to wonder. It was simply known and recognized.

The leader moved throughout her territory, the sun just beginning to set and the day cooling. The leader loosed a howl to any of her nearby subordinates. It mattered not who it was, only that her call was answered. Tonravik felt now was as good a time as any to begin training the wolves here. [url=http://wolf-rpg.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=1927][/url]

RE: what beasts they are - Arverk - June 09, 2015

He had not forgotten what the Alpha female had told him upon his acceptance. To run with us, we require you to train to become a warrior, and to become a guardian of this pack. He patrolled the borders whenever he had time, which was basically whenever he was not sleeping or hunting, however, he had yet to begin training to be a warrior. It was somewhere on his list of things to do, he just needed a sparring partner.

The Roman had just finished his afternoon patrol, the sun was just beginning to set and a beautiful variety of fiery colors touched the sky. He paused for a second to admire to view before turning and walking back into the territory. It seems though, that he needn't go and find a packmate to spar with for the familiar voice of his leader rang through the air, calling for her subordinates.

The black whale was quick to approach, his tail dipping lower, his ears sliding back to his skull in submission to his Alpha. He realized he did not know her name, but that did not matter now, he would ask later. The swarthy male uttered a soft growl to announce his presence, blue eyes brushing over her form quickly before landing on the ground once more.

RE: what beasts they are - Tonravik - June 10, 2015

One near to her was swift to heed the call. Her mate and Kroc need not come; she knew well they had been training. But she wished to check on the progress of her other subordinates, to see how they were faring. It was her newest subordinate that had come, and her dark eyes fell to him. Her eyes again surveyed his form, not at all shy in her assessment. He had a strong look about him. Time to test it. 

Tonravik made her intent known by feinting toward him, then withdrawing entirely. Her lifted tail waved invitationally, but as her defenses set her eyes told him there'd be no choice but for him to accept said invitation. He could go first. 

RE: what beasts they are - Arverk - June 10, 2015

He could feel her cool gaze analyzing him, his own blue ones surveyed his leader's black paws, slowly ascending upwards though he made sure not to make eye contact, he was not here to challenge her. She was strong, bulky and robust, which meant she was not as speedy as himself. That was his advantage. She was probably a seasoned fighter, trained since she was young, like those of Rome. It was an assumption, but his assumptions had never been wrong before.

The Alphess feinted towards him, then withdrawn entirely, her tail waved, inviting him to fight. But the black whale knew it was not an invitation, it was an order, this was the way he'd always known. Smoky velvety ears slid back against his skull in defense — she wished for him to start first, he preferred to let the other make the first move but it did not matter. Without hesitation, the Roman struck, quick as a serpent. He aimed for her left shoulder, though his bite would be gentle, it would not break skin. Averk's first move was simply to test the waters. 

RE: what beasts they are - Tonravik - June 10, 2015

She was large. It was a detriment and advantage both. Detriment in that it made her slow to catch others; advantage that when she did, they were done for. Tonravik was able to foretell his own first move, if only because it was so typically her own, lowering her muzzle over her throat and stepping sideways. His jaws did not find their mark, hitting open air. She circled loosely, so that they now made a T, where he was broadside at the second and she straight on. Tonravik moved to snap at his heel as though to grab it, rear end well away from him and her eyes ever watching to maneuver herself as needed. 

RE: what beasts they are - Arverk - June 10, 2015

He was made for battle, trained to fight. Unlike Tonravik, he was strong but not bulky and agile and fast. It meant that he would be able to use his strength when he wanted and move quickly at the sametime, the weakness of it was he would not be as strong as her or as speedy as one who's strength was only his quickness. But to the Roman, having a balance between both was the best, it meant he had both skills at hand, ready to dish out either at anytime.

The black bear sidestepped, and his jaws snapped at the air. She had anticipated that move. Tucking his snout downwards to protect his throat, the swarthy whale began to move in a panther like manner, prowling along. She made to snap at his heel, but he jumped out of the way with catlike grace and quickly began circling her. Blue eyes searching for an opportunity to strike.

The Roman swiftly moved forward, snapping gently at her forelimb, hoping to knock her off balance.

RE: what beasts they are - Tonravik - June 10, 2015

second attack a hit

The wolf was able to evade her snapping jowls quickly, and Tonravik was quick in assessing that even with the bulk he carried, he was swift. As he moved to circle her, Tonravik too moved in tandem with him, hackles lifted but utterly silent. As he moved to snap at her foreleg, Tonravik drew that very leg backward (hearing fangs click at air) before her muscles coiled and she sprung at him lowly, to cause him to stumble with her heavy weight in turn.

RE: what beasts they are - Arverk - June 10, 2015

When he began circling, she too moved in tandem with him. Spotting an opportunity, the Roman lept forward to snap at her foreleg but she drew it away and his fangs snapped at the air once more. Immediately, she sprung at him lowly, her heavy weight pushed him off balance and he stumbled. Quickly, Arverk steadied himself and once again, began circling her. The black bear was not clumsy though she was bulky, that made her harder to defeat.

The swarthy whale leapt forward, this time attempting to snap at her heel, pull it away from her, to unbalance her like she had to him.

RE: what beasts they are - Tonravik - June 11, 2015

Tie thus far, 2/5 for both!

The leader had succeeded in unbalancing him, and moved toward him again to retaliate swiftly. He was quick to gather himself and lashed toward her even as she came toward him, and when his fangs went to grab at a rear leg he did, pulling it as she turned to unbalance her in turn. Her counter was swift. She used her great weight in this loss of balance to her advantage and as she fell into him, fangs seeking to grab scruff to thrust him down with her. He was a wolf that liked going for the legs; she would have to keep them out of his reach. The wolf was swift, she would give him that. The spar was a good one; wherever he had come from, he was no stranger to the fight.

RE: what beasts they are - Arverk - June 11, 2015

Every wolf failed sometimes, but a failure would sometimes result in death or a life crippling injury. He needed to remember to always have his defenses set up at all times, if the fight with Tonravik had been a real one, perhaps he was dead already, descending into the underworld and going, hopefully, to Elysium. But that were thoughts for later, he wasn't going to die so soon after he'd just begun to actually live his life.

Arverk's teeth snapped at her rear leg, carefully making sure not to break through skin. She was swift in counter attacking though, using her heavy weight, she fell upon him, fangs grabbing his scruff and thrusting him down with her. Mentally cursing himself, the swarthy whale attempted to arch his back, to throw her off him. Though he was swift, it did not mean he was weak too.

RE: what beasts they are - Tonravik - June 11, 2015

3/5 for both!

His arch did little for him but cause her to slide some. For this, she needed to adjust her grip. Enough so that she was able to gather her footing before a total fall, and that she needed to release his scruff. They were side by side now, and the leader dipped her muzzle to reaffirm her defenses, lobes flattening atop her head again as her eyes squinted. Simultaneous to this did the leader again seek to make him stumble, shoving her shoulder into his side and throwing her weight into the movement.

RE: what beasts they are - Arverk - June 11, 2015

His arch worked and now they stood side by side. Like his leader, he began readying his defenses once more, black velvety ears settling firmly upon his skull and his smoky black snout dipped to protect his vulnerable throat. But his leader moved first, shoving her shoulder into his side and along with it, her weight. Stumbling once more, Arverk quickly steadied himself and moved swiftly forward before turning around so he was facing her. Without pausing a beat, he reared up on his hind legs like a stallion, placed his paws on her shoulder and shoved with all his strenth, hoping to push her off balance.

RE: what beasts they are - Tonravik - June 11, 2015

Tonravik was a heavy, large beast. She would be hard to shove and move by one of his weight. He was by no means small, but she was by all means massive. One paw managed to jar a shoulder, and the leader shifted, parted her jaw, and made move to catch the other paw heading toward her in this move. She moved quickly, but was somehow gentle in this attempt to catch the object headed her way. With his paw in tow, she would have a one-up on him automatically, compromising his balance.

RE: what beasts they are - Arverk - June 12, 2015

Missed hit Ton wins!

A smoky black paw connected onto an ebony fur, managing to jar Tonravik's shoulder but his leader managed to catch his other paw with surprisingly gentle jaws. Now, she had an heavy advantage over him and Arverk could almost hear the annoyed voice of his former Roman trainer chastising him in his head. Quickly, he lost his balance and fell roughly onto the ground. Not uttering a single sound of pain, the swarthy whale aimed for her scruff now, hoping to pull her down with him. It might be fruitless in the end, but the Roman was never one to give up so easily, he was determined to fight to the end.

RE: what beasts they are - Tonravik - June 15, 2015

Oh I didn't even see I had 5!

As he fell to the earth, Tonravik was swift to move over him, dipping her jaw over her throat as she released his leg and made a move for the throat to gently hold it, to alert him that were this real combat, his life would be in her hands. His own move toward her, although a miss, was enough to cause her to take a step back, deter the move, and change her course. She was not brought down with him in his miss, but the leader again feinted forward to show that in his fall, as he lost control, that would be the time for her to make that move. But she did not make it, only let him continue until his body hit the ground.

Her tail waved. He was a good fighter, that much was clear. He required very little teaching; it was clear he had learned more than the basics. As for any critique's? "When a wolf is larger than you, be careful not to try and throw their heavier weight off of you. It will waste energy. Go for whatever is most vulnerable, and nearest to you." She referred to the move where he had tried to buck her off of him; while it was only mildly uncomfortable, and had caused her to slip some, if any true fighting was involved, she would have fought to stay on top. In comparison, that energy expended would be very little for her until he exhausted himself beneath her. He was not weak; there were simply better moves to be utilized there.

RE: what beasts they are - Arverk - June 16, 2015

His move had been a miss but she still stepped back and changed her course before trotting towards him once more. Tonravik moved towards him, feinting, alerting him that if this was a real fight, he was at her mercy. It had been a good fight, a good spar nonetheless and Arverk had missed it a lot. He didn't realize until now. Although he liked adventuring and exploring, it would never be able to give him the thrill of battle, the adrenaline rushing through his veins, the feeling of being truly alive.

The swarthy whale's blue gaze followed the movement of his leader's tail before blinking, velvety smoky ears pricked as the black bear gave him some comments, any improvements he could make with his fighting moves. Her advice was right, he should've noted that when he made the move. Nodding, Arverk rose to his paws and straightened himself, a small smile snuck up onto his features for a brief moment.

RE: what beasts they are - Tonravik - June 16, 2015

Tonravik watched him, appreciative of his silence. She nodded to him, giving him one last quick look. They would do this again sometime, surely soon. Her own tail waved at his smile, though her countenance as per usual remained still. After he had risen, she looked him over quickly before she gestured in an invitational manner to her side. If he would like, he could join her on her patrol.