Wolf RPG
Standing on the Rooftops - Printable Version

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Standing on the Rooftops - Nanuk - June 09, 2015

All Welcome! Discovery of an Internal territory! - Agatil Pit.

Quote:An area of the Spine where the surface shale has eroded away, leaving behind spires of haphazardly stacked monoliths. The ground is uneven and slippery because of the loose shale, the stacks are weak in spots and are known to crumble, and there are spaces between the stacks which allow a wanderer to slip between the spires.

A circuit around the borders complete, the white tank moved with purpose now, scaling the very ridges the Spine was named for. She wasn't a mountainous wolf, but not was she a forest dweller or a sea lover. Kroc was Kroc and she would readily adapt to the places she lived, learning the best way to scale the inclines that made up their home. A creature of habit, she sought to make a new one today, intent upon learning this landscape as well as she knew the rest. 

She walked on. Her purpose drove her, keeping her pace steady and smooth. She would make this trip many times, perhaps not on quite the same path but up the steep sides all the same. Her footing was sure, too, until a paw slipped on a rock, flat and unseeming. She pulled her paw back before she could take a spill, golden eyes glaring at the offending piece only to find that there were more of them, all about. It would seem this section was dangerous. 

Further inspection led to her gaze lifting to a high, uneven obelisk jutting into the sky. The structure seemed precarious at best, sure that she saw one monolith out of the many sway under the pressure of the breeze. Such a location would not stop her, and she would investigate here as well. 

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Arverk - June 10, 2015

The smoky black wolf prowled along the borders, leaving his mark every so often, reminding those who dared to come near the Spine that this land was claimed and was strong. His ears lifted, twitching every time he heard a noise, ocean blue eyes narrowed as he scanned the land in front of him, entirely focused on securing the borders of his new home. Spotting a tree, the Roman rose on his hind legs, scraping the bark with his claws before moving on.

Soon, his patrol was complete, the aspiring warrior decided to explore the territory that was now his home, it wasn't that he hadn't made sure to know his new home the moment he arrived, it was more the fact that he was more focused on patrolling and earning the Warden trade. To fulfil the requirements needed for him to run with the Spine wolves, to be one of them.

The ridges of Ouroboros Spine caught his attention, moving with purpose, he walked on, his pace steady. An explorer at heart, he knew not to waste his energy so soon, it would not do well to tire in the middle of scaling the ridge. Better to have a good and steady pace than to rush it and be unable to finish the climb. The black whale's steps are cautious and sure, but despite his precautions, his paw slipped. He was quick to regain his balance, curiously, he gazed at his surroundings, noting that there were more of them, all around him. From a look, Arverk knew it was dangerous.

He pressed on though, and soon he caught the form of a white wolf, he'd smelled her before, she was the final wolf to approach when he sought acceptance by the borders of the Spine. Shifting his posture to one of a low rank, the black whale chuffed softly, announcing his presence.

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Nanuk - June 10, 2015

An ear flickered in his direction, acknowledging his presence. Though her eyes did not yet turn to him, her posture adjusted, tail curling over her back. She knew the presence of her alphas and being that this one's presence did not register, she simply assumed rank, for she was highest save for their leaders. Her focus was on the layout of the land for the moment, assessing. Only when she was satisfied did the focal point of her gaze switch, head turning to look at him. 

It was the new guy who approached her, his steps as careful as her own,  she noted. A slight nod given, the female moved forward, seemingly satisfied with her newfound company. This would be good, a way to learn of him and his machinations. "What the fuck are you waiting for?" She asked over her shoulder. "Come on."

Instead of up the ridge, now she angled down, intent on exploring this pit that was punctured high rise structures. 

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Arverk - June 10, 2015

His gaze followed the movement of her tail as it rose over her back, and he watched as her posture adjusting to fit a wolf of her rank. Rank meant a lot to the wolves of the Spine, it meant a lot to the Roman, having been born in a pack where discipline and respect was taught from a very young age. He was happy to defer to her now, for he had not yet earned his place among them, but he would make sure to rise from the bottom of the totem pole. With time, he might even be a leader, but those were dreams for now.

The white bear turned, golden eyes gazing at him before a small nod was given, she then began moving forward but not before uttering a few coarse words in his direction. A small smirk found its way up the black whale's lips as he fell in step behind her, though it vanished a moment later, resuming his stoic look. "Your name," he simply said in answer to her question asking what he was waiting for. He sure as hell wasn't going to refer to her as white furred, golden eyed female bear of a wolf. It was too long and too stupid.

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Nanuk - June 10, 2015

He followed as she commanded. Good. If he hadn't, she would have shown him who the hell was the boss when it was just them. Actually, she'd have done so with any of the lower wolves had they not listened to her. But she was not against answering his simple question, for she was not always the quiet creature that their leader was. "Kroc." Her voice was gruff and one ear swiveled back to listen to the sounds he made for a moment. The Warden was attentive to her surroundings, other life forms included and so, part of her attention would remain on him for the duration of their companionship. 

"What do you make of this place?" She asked him, eyes rising now to the structures that towered above them. She realized she hadn't asked his name in return, and honestly didn't care. She'd likely end up giving him her own, probably vulgar, nickname.

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Arverk - June 11, 2015

She answered him in the same gruff manner, reminding him of one of his former trainers and generals in his natal pack. Her name was Falconeyes, or at least that was what she went by. It was probably a nickname granted to her by those that followed her, named after her keen eyes which could spot the tiniest movements from far away. Gruff and coarse though she was, she had been extremely loyal to the pack and were deeply protective of those who were part of it. If Kroc was a similar wolf, it was no wonder she occupied the spot at the top of the subordinates.

Arverk followed her gaze, his eyes landing now on the structure that towered above them before they drifted once more, looking at the land that surrounded him and his companion. "Dangerous," he answered with a birdlike tilt of his head. "But interesting," by that he meant that it was worthy for exploring and not a total loss of energy.

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Nanuk - June 11, 2015

Dangerous, yes. Interesting, also yes. At least he was noting the right things. She nodded to acknowledge his words and let her paws carry her. Their path, though precarious, was easy as long as they watched where they were stepping. The wolves of the Spine did not shy at the idea of danger, but nor did they embrace it; they kept their eyes on it, kept it within their focal range, stayed knowledgable about it. This was the way they operated and succeeded, and she would continue doing so, even if he split off. 

A rock slid the slightest bit under her paw and once more, she lifted it away from the ground, pausing to examine the offensive object. Again, it was flat and slick. Gold eyes cast away from it to search the ground, noting that the ground was littered with rocks much the same. Looking up, the tank studied the skyscrapers. "Eventually, this shit will fall." It was a studious and yet vulgar observation. But judging by the geologic litter on the ground, it was just the process of these... things. 

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Arverk - June 12, 2015

The way of the Spine wolves were similar to how the wolves of his natal Roman pack, Palatine Plains worked. Perhaps it was because of that that he adapted quite easily into the new pack life. Both did not shy away from the idea of danger but neither did they embrace it with open arms, they simply observed, kept their eyes on it and knew about it. It was their way, and it was the way Arverk knew. It was also a rather smart way to operate, keeping honor while keeping alive at the sametime.

Kroc acknowledged him with a nod as they continued moving, the path they walked would be easy as long as they kept an eye out and were cautious. To those accustomed to exploring, this was not too hard. The swarthy whale paused behind the white bear as she lifted her paw and examined the rock. It was once again, flat and slick, slippery. They were surrounded by similar rocks, informing them once again that this path was rather precarious.

"You don't say," he muttered, blue eyes observing the skyscrapers above.

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Nanuk - June 12, 2015

Her eyes narrowed, an odd look shot at him. "Pretty fuckin' sure I did say. So unless you're deaf, what the hell?" In her years as a loner and even prior to that, Kroc had never heard such a statement of agreement. Then again, it was quite possible she had and forgot, or simply hadn't been paying attention. 

"Anyway. We need to mark the path leading in here. If any of the pack chases prey into this shit, they're basically gonna end up like a fuckin' bug." Dead. Pancaked, even. So really dead. "Go back and mark where we came in. Then return and we'll move forward." Especially with parasites on the way, marking the danger within their own realm was important. It had to be done. 

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Arverk - June 16, 2015

His gaze snapped back at her when she spoke, noticing the odd look she shot him. Arverk withheld the urge to smile, to smirk at how....stupid? No...how blind she was with these sayings. But then, why should he be surprised? Most wolves who inhabited the Spine were physical beings, with no use for words, it wasn't a big surprise that she didn't know that saying. "What I meant, what 'you don't say' means is basically that its so obvious you don't need to say it," the whale replied calmly, gaze averted.

At Kroc's next command, Arverk nodded, turned and made his way to the area where they came in, his steps cautious. After marking the path leading there, the Roman padded silently and carefully back to where the higher ranking, coarse female was. He decided that she wasn't too bad, simply a bit rude and rough with her words.

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Nanuk - June 16, 2015

Another look. This one was a considering expression. She was a physical creature, sure, but she was also one who understood words more than her pack-mates (generally). She could learn and did so now, nodding in acceptance of his explanation. Kroc knew she was not a fool but also did not know everything. If this one, Arverk, was knowledgeable of something that she was not, she was not going to be nasty to him for correcting her. He had been respectful about it, after all. 

They split as he listened to her instruction and she moved forward to look for the other exit, if there was one. Large paws carried her carefully, mindful of the slippery surface. This was not going to be a location she visited often. He rejoined her and an ear flickered to acknowledge the action, quiet for the moment as she was intent on her task. 

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Arverk - June 21, 2015

No words were spoken after his explanation, which Arverk took as a good thing. After all, it probably meant that he hadn't annoyed her by respectfully telling her what the words he said meant. Respect meant a lot here in Ouroboros Spine, as did ranks, there wasn't much of a difference between his new home and Palatine Plains, except for the fact that his status as a bastard child did not matter in his new home. None of his past did anymore, it was called a new start for a good reason.

Arverk fell in behind here and remained silent, cautiously trotting forward. She was of higher rank and therefore he was hers to command. He did not know what her task was or what she was going through her head as she explored, but he could guess.

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Nanuk - June 22, 2015

Gonna wrap this one up so I can have a new round of threads! We should have a new one soon! You can make one more post if you like or just PM me and I can get it archived!

They walked on, their steps careful so that they did not slip. No, this was a place to be avoided unless you had time to spare and could be leisurely. Kroc was glad that they had found this, for to know the Spine and its inner workings and territories was to better know their capabilities and maneuverability. At the other entrance that was found, Kroc pissed there to ward others off before she trekked onward. Arverk was free to accompany her in doing so but she likely wouldn't speak too much more, her mind quite focused on her task.

RE: Standing on the Rooftops - Arverk - June 24, 2015

To those who were not experienced in exploring or were clumsy, Arverk would simply tell them to avoid this place. There was absolutely nothing to gain if you came here unless you were a wanderer and liked the risks and dangers in coming here, if you were a unsteady wolf then this place was not for you unless you wanted to die or get injured. Here, even the best explorers needed to be careful, nature could be extremely fickle, one minute they would share with you the prettiest of beautiest, the next thing you know would be your blood splattered on smooth, pale rocks.

Arverk followed the pale woman silently, pawsteps cautious, blue eyes drifting to take in the view before concentrated on the task ahead. He didn't have much to do anyways, and he had always been an explorer, following Kroc for a while wouldn't hurt.