Wolf RPG
Qeya River You're gonna catch a cold - Printable Version

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You're gonna catch a cold - Manauia IA - June 13, 2015

i should really catch up on other threads but one more for her.

Manauia had been lax, but she did not share her sister's views that the prince needed constant watching.  She had not hovered before and did not intend to now... If she wanted to babysit, she might have sought to have children herself.  Since she had no interest in that, she certainly wasn't going to follow Tezca around all day.  If he couldn't deal with minor threats he may come across than he had no right to claim Kingship (ridiculous an idea a king even was).  Even in this cesspit that so many wolves chose to live in.

The larger threats she was wary of, though.  If she was aware of it (idk) she approved of his dealing with that Viking liar.  His blood was rightly spilt, and it was even more proper that the prince deal his own justice.  Such was the Amazonian way.  The result of that action could come back at them at any time, should one of his followers realize who did the deed. It was this threat, and the rival packs around, that worried her most.  When that reckoning came, however, she imagined it would come knocking on Frostfire borders.  The prince was no idiot, she trusted he would avoid inciting alone. And when it came, she would be prepared.

Today she stepped away from the rise, shaking dust from her coat.  Her sisters preferred the use of a den but still she slept outside, a short ways away.  Being surrounded by walls didn't suit her unless necessary... It made her feel cornered.  Put a single ledge at her back and she was content.  Stretching, she made her way down the ridge and towards the river that rode along it's base.  The water was icy, she knew, but the fish were large.  Such prey wasn't the huntress's first choice, but she was apt at the art.  She picked her way down to the water, submerging front paws with a shiver that slowly stilled accustomed numbness took over, and waited.

RE: You're gonna catch a cold - Tuwawi RIP - June 13, 2015

Frostfire Ridge practically overlooked Duskfire Glacier and so it was not long before Tuwawi deigned to traverse the tragic haunt in an attempt to bury her skeletons and put the past to rest. She moved westward, through the alpine forest and skirted round the melt-water lake, admiring just how lush and stoic the land could be. It was a shame that so many terrible things had brought upon Duskfire's downfall. It had been a dream full of promise, but now it was nothing but a fading nightmare inthe back of the ember's mind. She let out a weary sigh and crossed the lupine fields towards the southern river, eager to follow it back to her new home. 

However, a familiar figure stood on its bank. "Manauia?" Tuwawi called out as she moved towards the amazon woman. Tyrr had mentioned she was the only other wolf who had stayed following Ankyara's assault — but it made sense. After all, she had always been most loyal to the dark prince. 

RE: You're gonna catch a cold - Manauia IA - June 20, 2015

As she waited for a fish to come within range, she heard Tuwawi behind her and internally cursed. She knew of Tezca's affections for her, even if it wasn't confirmed the true nature of those feelings, and therefore knew the fire woman's presence here would be a driving force behind him continuing his own. While she was confused still on her own views of his remaining vs leaving, orders were orders. And if it came down to them attempting to bring him home, she would make that task near impossible.

Leaving the fish to their icy stream, she slipped out onto the bank, shaking water from her coat and appraising her. "Tuwawi. I heard that you had returned." She was surprised. Though she did not know Tuwawi well, she was aware of some of what had befallen her and led to her brief, harsh rule at the glacier. If it weren't for Tezca, she might have felt a sort of kinship to the agressive former Queen. But she wondered what these lands could possibly hold for Tuwawi. Why come back? She did not ask, but there was a slight lilt to her words. Curiosity.