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Ankyra Sound Seculsion - Printable Version

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Seculsion - Meldresi - June 14, 2015

She had not visited Ankyra Sound before, she realized as she looked down upon the Sound.

It had been eons since she had last left her pack on such a long excursion, but she needed to get away. She was surrounded by failure, she began to think as she reflected on the past few moons. Loners ceased to visit Blackfeather, now scared away by the rumors of the dark forest. The Dark Brotherhood now consisted on her and her mate, which was not enough. As if there were contracts to begin with. Meldresi was drowning in the thought that she had failed her goddess, and needed time away.

She did not know why she turned to the coast, however. Perhaps it was just a need to escape from the familiar forests and grasslands of the inland. Why she visited the Sound was another vexing question. The pack that once inhabited this nic in the coast's length had been her only employer, and their mission was cut short when both packs seemed to crumble at the touch of the Dark Brotherhood. The Night Queen wondered where Caiaphas had gone, slightly longing for another talk with the coywolf. She had been a rather interesting character.

But Mephala was not such a merciful goddess to serve. Everything that was woven into her web was done so for a reason. Every event, every death, every failure. Perhaps she was destined for more. Perhaps her children would be the ones that would create the Dark Brotherhood and build it to its strength, and she was merely the vessel for them. Meldresi found a secluded cave near the shore and watched the waves crash against the sands and rocks. Perhaps she could find an answer in meditation.

RE: Seculsion - RIP Xiuhcoatl - June 15, 2015

It had taken some consideration, but Xiuhcoatl would begin her exploration of these foreign lands by following the coast. She had decided this mainly because of the tales she had heard from her sisters - of Tezcacoatl's battle with a rival Alpha, and this so-called war he fought in. The war was the next step in her investigation; that would take her north again, and for the time being Xiuh was irritated by the constant chill in the air. She wished for a more temperate setting, something closer to home. The sea had its own mystery about it and she was lured in by the sounds and the smells of it; the thick brine aroma in the air, the crashing of waves against the coast's perilous edge. And when she came upon a great forest where the trees were too large to put in to words, she found herself enjoying the trip.

But she was here on business. The pack she sought must have been further along the coast, because this place - housing a few spoiled caches, empty pits, and caved-in dens - was obviously abandoned. Xiuh prowled through the trees and found a natural path down to the beachfront, but she did not venture too far. As interesting as she found the sea, she was also wary of it; she knew of its dangers, and valued her life more than her curiosity. Not to mention that she was stopped in her tracks by a wayward shadow; a woman of indiscriminate origins, lurking in the darkness of a cavern. Xiuhcoatl said nothing, but watched and waited. Perhaps the shadow was a remnant of this pack - and that meant she could garner some information from them, if they were willing.

Even if they weren't, she had her ways of getting what she wanted.

RE: Seculsion - Meldresi - June 15, 2015

The dark priestess' gaze began to blur, the sounds of the waves and crying sea birds fading as she felt herself go into a trance. Good. She would find answers in what Mephala would send her in the mists of her dreams, if her goddess took hold of her mind as she sunk into her trance. She prayed silently that Vaermina would not slip her way inside...or someone worst.

Mercifully, she did not have to deal with the wrath of any Daedric God for the moment. Another wolf watched her from the sands. Meldresi blinked, clearing her eyes before swiveling her gaze to the wolf, wondering if she was a potential friend or foe, but not speaking.