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Hoshor Plains Shor Tawakof - Printable Version

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Shor Tawakof - Rakharo - June 15, 2015

Mandatory pack meeting, set after the Spine wolves brought Kivi to HP borders.
I need this thread to have a fluent development so the posting time for each round will be five days or until everyone posts, what happens first. Next round starts Saturday, June 20. Anyone who doesn't post by then will be demoted.
I'm assuming that Laqikki and Raezho were already there aiding Kivi. And maybe Tomahawk because she was always there...? Being vague about it...

Rakharo's mood was not a toy to be playing with. The spine wolves had to be really tough to confront the golden Khal in his own territory, and he would not forget. Dotharan wolves were a radical race, driven by pride and a love for war that had no match, and Rakharo was the epitome of that description, but he knew when to moderate his decisions. It had to be taken into account that it had been his people who had provoked the Spine pack's reaction, but even then he wouldn't forgive what they'd done to his Lajakeesi.

Kivi had not awaken since she was dropped at their doorstep a couple hours ago, she had lost a lot of blood and her pulse was slow. She would need a long time of recovery to walk again, and even then she would need the mercy of the great Rhoa to confront Rakharo about her actions. She was still a Dotharan, and she would be taken care of, but her little slip up would bring her severe concequences.

Rakharo had made a decision after considering his options. He knew when to be brooding if he needed to, and the pack needed a strong hand to make the rules be respected. New rules. He called for the pack with a howl, direct and urgent to everyone in the Dotharan territory. Anyone who didn't attend the meeting would face concequences.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Zaria - June 15, 2015

Zhavvi had been close to the Khalas for once with the only reason being Zoratto. She didn't trust the wolf after she poisoned him. She called her something that she did not wish anyone to know, especially not her father. So Zhavvi had been shadowing her father for most of the time so she could intercept Zoratto from going to his Khal to tell her little secret. Frankly Zhavvi wasn't really caring that much for her uncle it was just fun to toy with him and get some own fun out of it.

The slender female trotted from the shadows when her father called. She was so light in her step though she did had some wounds she did not have perviously, also inflicted by the Spine wolves. Zhavvi wanted to greet her father but then saw Kivi. Her face fell into a frown, not really expecting her mentor being close to death. "What happened?"

RE: Shor Tawakof - Zoratto - June 15, 2015

Zoratto was weakened by Zhavvi's poisonous trick, but could not ignore the call of his Khal. Especially with such an urgent tone as that. The young wolf stood from the little den he made for himself as he recovered, and judging that he was close to full strength, he ran towards Rakharo, as fast as he could.

He was out of practice. Usually a run like that would leave him barely breathless, but now he was panting slightly. The Ezok walked over to his khal, his eyes flitting to Kivi's body. His pale eyes widened. "Who did this?" His blood was rising at the thought that some Rhaesh Thaan wolf had injured one of their own! His rage was so absolute, that he ignored Zhavvi's presence. Or at least, chose not to acknowledge her.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Azzaro - June 16, 2015

Azzaro had been watching the Bison for what felt like months, all he did was sit there — sometimes he stood and paced — and stare at the beasts until his eyes watered and he needed to blink. While the senior wolves, the older ones who were no longer in their prime were content to just laze about, the aspiring Lajak simply could not bear it. He did his duties whenever it was needed, but otherwise, Azzaro decided, he would go and explore, or perhaps go on Athozerak duties. Even mindlessly patrolling was more interesting.

Remind me again, why did I sign up for this life? This life without raids and battles? I thought this was a Dotharan Khalas for Rhoa's sake, Azzaro grumbled to himself mentally.

When the urgent howl rang through the air, the Dotharan was more than glad to leap onto creamy paws and dash away from his guarding duties to where Rakharo was. He was fast, for such a stocky wolf, but it was natural that two wolves had arrived before him. One was the Khalakka, the daughter of Rakharo and the other was a wolf he hadn't talked to yet. Zoratto was it?

Those thoughts left his head when Azzaro's fierce ivory eyes settled upon the form of Kivi, he remained stoic though inside he was boiling with anger. He had actually liked the girl, she had the spirit of a true Lajakeesi. But surely, she had done something to deserve this fate, she could have provoked a pack or something. Nevertheless, he was furious, though he did well to conceal it under a stoic and concerned mask.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Rhanno - June 16, 2015

The Khal's summons came as a surprise to the old wolf, who hadn't really been paying attention to the current events. He knew something had been going on — it was impossible to not notice the tension between the Khalas. Still, Rhanno stayed out of it, not overly eager to pry into business that could endanger his place in the pack. Besides, he was quite enjoying retirement, simply watching the bison graze without the looming threat of raids and other such worries that came with being Khal.

However, Rakharo's call was to the whole pack, and it sounded urgent. With a snort, Rhanno rolled onto his paws and began to lope in the direction the howl had come from, wondering if all this tension had finally come to climax.

The bloodied figure lying near Rakharo was the last thing he expected, but the elder kept his expression serious and critical as he approached. A few others had already arrived, and Rhanno gave a half-glance to Zoratto, features crinkling slightly. He still wasn't sure how to feel about his former captive and the boy's apparent freedom, but it was a subject that was in the past now. There were obviously more pressing matters to attend to. Drawing up beside Azzaro, Rhanno gazed at the female on the ground, her tail a stub and throat nearly torn wide open. He looked back up the Khal, a hint of interest flickering in his eyes. "Does she live?" he asked bluntly, without any of the concern and worry of the younger wolves' questions.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Lavakho - June 16, 2015

The Khasak hadn't strayed from his brothers side ever since the pair of foreigners had entered their land with the body of one of their own.  Kivi's actions had brought trouble along with them, and if she were to pull through, she would surely wish for death.  Lavakho would make sure of it. Rakharo may have been lenient when it came to Lavakho's escapades, but they were family.  Kivi may have been Dotharan, but they did not share the same blood.  And therefore, Lavakho did not hold the same affection for her.  

His brother howled to summon the rest of the pack and Lavakho couldn't help his eyes from drifting to the barely breathing body of Kivi.  Even as the healer and the crone went to work on her, he still poked and prodded with his nose in the hopes that he would get some sort of a reaction.  Even though wasn't fond of the girl, he didn't want her to die.  She was still Dotharan.  Stupid, but one of their own.  However, Kivi would never know the way Lavakho felt about the matter because he held no intention of telling her he wished that she would pull through.  That would make him appear soft.

The other members of the Khalas had begun to file in and ask questions by the paw full.  "She trespassed," he growled in smug disgust.  "—Stirred up shit with the natives."  He turned to Rhanno, the elder, who had asked the most important question of all.  "She'll live, but she'll wish she won't."

RE: Shor Tawakof - Tomahawk - June 16, 2015

Tomahawk clung to her Rakharo's side, hunched low so she did not appear to be his equal in any way, shape, or form. Kivi remained motionless, but breathing. Tomahawk had acquired the two wolves that her master had asked for, but the Dotharan girl's outward condition had not changed. If it had changed internally, the coyote could not tell. Others arrived, though Tomahawk's eyes were distant. She did not acknowledge them, just as they would likely not acknowledge her. It was the way of things.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Laqikki - June 16, 2015

Laqikki had already been present, but at some point the elder had wandered away to seek something to aid the ailing Kivi. She never found it before the whole pack was summoned back, but as was usual for her, she didn't answer right away. She kept meandering away through the golden grass, and only turned back when she was certain she wouldn't find what she was looking for here. In fact, Laqikki knew she wouldn't find anything anyway. There was no herb that could help Kivi now. Nature would help her, but nothing more.

The Dosh Khaleen was slow to return, so that when she once again came among the khalas, four others had assembled. Rakharo, Lavakho and the slave were still present, but now an older wolf stood among them, alongside the Khal's daughter and a couple of younger males. Laqikki spared all of them only a passing glance before she swept slowly up to Rhanno.

"There is nothing to help her here," Laqikki said in perfect Dotharan. She would need to think on it, and meditate, and perhaps then an omen would become clear. That would have to wait. Her eyes swept down to the unconscious female. Unlike the others, she didn't immediately assume that Kivi had done something wrong; she assumed the outsiders were uncultured barbarians who didn't know how to respect the nomadic lifestyle of the war-born Dotharan, and so she assumed Kivi had been wrongfully attacked and returned as a mockery of their way.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Raezho - June 17, 2015

going to assume Raezho is already at the scene. Also I'm reply on the iPad, so this might be weird

Without enough blood in Kivi's system, the girl would not be able to move. Raezho had laid out her head in a better position, sticky cobwebs now binding around her throat in thick layers. Kivi's was currently unconscious, leaving the golden blonde wolf wondering if she could live through this. A thraot wound was normally fatal and nothing can help her now except for nature.

He faintly heard Rakharo call for the rest of the pack. Within moment, other wolves came poring in, one of them being his brother. With a small sigh, he padded towards Azzaro, tiredness prickling at his skin. Settling down next to the dark place furred warrior, the healer joined the crowd, awaiting whatever words Rakharo wanted to say.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Kivi - June 20, 2015

Kivi was completely useless and it was driving her insane. She could do nothing but breathe and listen. She heard as Rakharo howled for his wolves and one by one she heard them come to the unexpected meeting. The two wolves that her Khal had ordered to come did indeed follow his orders and came to check on her. However it seems there was nothing to do to help her. She heard as Zhavvi asked what happened and Kivi wanted to yell at the girl and ask what she was doing at the Spine, but her lips did not move.

She heard as the young male Zoratto asked who had done such a thing to her, and was soon followed by silent. Then came the question she had been waiting for. Would she live? Lavakho spoke saying that she would live, but Kivi was not sure if that was the case. It grew silent after that and Kivi waited, wondering who would speak next.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Vitihi - June 21, 2015

Vitihi raced across the plains with haste to heed her Khal's call. It wasn't long before the scent of wolf's-blood wafted pungently upon the breeze. When she had arrived many had already gathered - some faces familiar, and some not. However, in the center was a felled Dothoran wolf of Rakharo's tribe. She was grievously wounded, brown pelt frayed and messy with open wounds oozing despite a thick layer of webs.

The khalas buzzed with questions. What happened? Who did this? Will she live? The maiden's orange eyes moved between her people, but rested upon the wisest of them all: Laqikki. Unfortunately, the crone's words alluded to a grim outcome. There is nothing to help her here, the elder said. Vitihi looked to their companion with a sympathetic gaze before turning back to Rakharo, awaiting his word.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Rakharo - June 24, 2015

I know I said friday, sorry!!
New round, and it goes exactly as the last one. A week for everyone to post, and whoever doesn't will be demoted.

Rakharo stayed silent as the pack started to gather around Kivi's unconcious body. He looked at them with fire in his eyes as they started asking questions, and decided not to say anything until everyone was in place, this was going to be the meeting that changed the way the pack worked, and he wanted to make sure no one missed a word.

"We - are Dotharan..." the Khal started with a deep and severe voice. "The Dotharan run in group, the Dotharan hunt in group, and if a Dotharan goes into another pack's territory it is in group..." his eyes trailed around each of the members gathered. "I don't know what Kivi thinks of herself, but she got what she deserved for leaving her pack behind."

"I will not tolerate my subordinates causing trouble that we do not need. This pack -the one Kivi harrassed- is far from the plains, and they had the guts to come to our doorstep and drop one of our own, nearly bled out to death. All because she thought she was invincible. That is not the Dotharan way... Our strength lays in our unity."
Rakharo's disappointment in Kivi was evident in the way he spoke, and it stretched out to Tomahawk as well, for her incident with Lavakho, whom was also included in the not-so-bright list for letting himself stumble to the temptation of spread legs.

"This pack needs order, and it needs strength. You have all followed me to this un-tamed land, one that we will need to tame, as a group, but we cannot defend what we take if we don't fight for it. We need to be good at what makes us Dotharan. We are warriors, war runs in our blood, so from now on it will be required for all the members of this pack be warriors or wardens by trade, no exception... Lavakho and I will be training you personally." Rakharo turned to his brother, eyes fixed in his golden gaze, "He is your Beta from now on, my Khasak."

His eyes then turned to Zhavvi's for a second, his only daughter, the one who had changed the most since the day they arrived to the Plains. He had to make a desicion that would probably cause a reaction from the Khalakki, and one of which Rakharo was concerned.

"And I will be choosing a Khaleesi to rule by mi side..." what was coming next was probably obvious to the pack. There were only five females in the pack, one of them an old crone and another a coyote slave. Only three females were in their reproductive stage, and were the only fit to be Khaleesi. One of them was Zhavvi, the Khal's daughter, and another one laid half-dead at their feet, without mentioning the fact that she was no longer holder of Rakharo's trust. Rakharo's gaze fell upon mahogany eyes, trying to get hints of what the holder's reaction would be.

"Vitihi." The Khal said taking a step further. "Your father brought honor to my pack before I departed from the homeland. I expect that -by my side- you will be what this pack needs. A strong Khaleesi, a mother..." he said looking at her with tenderness. His decision was final, and it was for the best, but his heart still ached for choosing a mate so soon after his beloved Zhalia's death. But he was a Khal, and Khals had to do what was best for their Khalas, and Rakharo hoped that Vitihi would be a good Khaleesi to share his weight with.

"This is the way things are going to work around here from now on. No one will leave the group without noticing us leaders beforehand... And those who hurt us will suffer the concequences." the Khal claimed, starting to think of ways in which he would take revenge from the spine wolves.

The Khal's fiery eyes traveled from face to face, taking in the reactions from his subordinates. He knew that some were already good Lajaks, but he needed every one of them to be able to fend for themselves if needed, and most importantly, being able to offer physical support when the need arises.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Tomahawk - June 24, 2015

Tomahawk listened, ears pricked toward her Khal's voice as he spoke of the Dotharan. A pleasant chill ran down the length of her spine, and she felt at peace here. When he eluded to his disappointment in her, Tomahawk wanted to speak up, to tell him that she would make it up to him, to tell him she had gifts for him on the way, but she did not. Instead, she flattened her ears, cast her eyes downward, and clenched her jaw. When they came, he would know. She would keep her tryst with the coyote safe. It was the only way. Perhaps Lavakho would help to protect her during her pregnancy if she told no one.

It was then announced (with no surprise) that Vitihi would become his second half. A strange pang of jealousy swept through her then, but she dampened it. Why should she be jealous? There was nothing to be jealous of. Rakharo was a wolf, the Khal, and Tomahawk was his slave. The coyote relaxed herself, glanced to the new Khaleesi, and smiled. Because she was now bound (or would be bound) to Rakharo, that made her Tomahawk's secondary master. She was pleased.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Zaria - June 24, 2015

You can say Zhavvi is not happy... xD I'm aware there will be consequences. 

Zhavvi stood by her father's side as the other lower wolves came to view the injured Kivi. Zhavvi didn't feel too much remorse for her mentor. Yes, she had been training Zhavvi but she had no other emotion for the female that lay on the ground. Maybe she hadn't been an amazing warrior in the first place to be injured like this. Zhavvi sat down and then looked over the group of wolves. She almost dozed off when he father mentioned of picking a Khaleesi. The instant her father mentioned this her eyes turned into suspicious slits. He better pick her. When he spoke of Vitihi Zhavvi bared her teeth. Had he forgotten her mother so soon? She had not even reached one year and her father was lusting after someone else-- Damn Vitihi. Zhavvi bared her teeth. "So you already forgot mother then!? Good to know. Now all my respect for you has completely vanished," the girl let out boldly. 

She didn't want a stepmother or any other female next to her father. Zhavvi looked rather vicious at the moment. She thought she could never hate her father but what she felt for him now was pure rage. He was just like all the other males. Their minds didn't function once they got to think of sex. It was the same with her uncle. She could easily get his mind on other things with a certain sway of her hips. That made her think, maybe her father never loved her mother. Maybe she was picked like he picked Vitihi. "Did you pick mother from all the available females?! Is that what she meant to you? Just a breeding bitch because you so badly wanted pups with your blood? Well let me just tell you that you shouldn't bother. Are a terrible shitty overprotective wanker of a father," she hissed in front of the whole Khalas, not caring what the consequences would be. Her father better be worried about her wrath. 

RE: Shor Tawakof - Zoratto - June 24, 2015

As a result of his illness and wounds, Zoratto had not met the new female of the pack, Vitihi. He was surprised that, in one fell swoop, she was promoted to Khaleesi. The true Khaleesi, mind you. Not Zhavvi, never her, never again. He was not surprised by his former mistress' reaction. A temper tantrum, like that of a spoiled child. While she was a female and could never command a khalas on her own, the Khalakki was still dangerous to the health of the khalas, and to the Khaleesi, if she bore the Khal's children.

He stepped forward, a deep growl emanating from his throat. He said nothing, but kept his pale eyes on Zhavvi, warning her that if she acted rashly, he would get his revenge, and protect the khalas in the same stroke.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Azzaro - June 24, 2015

Azzaro's gaze lingered at Kivi's body when Rakharo spoke, and although he wished to cause harm upon those who wounded his fellow Dotharan, he could not help but think that she had gotten what she deserved and that whoever ruled the pack Kivi harassed had done an extremely good job. Sure, he was supposed to act like the natives hadn't done the right thing, to think that they, the wolves of Hoshor Plains were the best and the greatest but truth to be told, Azzaro believed that their Khalas was growing weak. They spent too much time lazing underneath the sun, using the excuse of guarding Bison to simply lie on the grass and relax. They were growing too soft, what they truly needed was raids, to remind the Dotharan what they truly were once more.

They had to let the natives know that they were not simply petty trespassers, but warriors and raiders, wolves to be feared of.

Azzaro approved of Rakharo's decision of appointing a Khasak, (even though it was his brother and he the Khal was kind of biased) and almost grinned when he said that every wolf had to either be a warrior or warden by trade. Finally, they were getting somewhere. Honestly, why did it have to take so long for the Khal to realize that he needed to discipline his subordinates? Especially the females of the pack and his daughter, his daughter was too arrogant, too spoiled, she was no true princess, no true Dotharan.

The aspiring Lajak's gaze landed on Rakharo's chosen Khaleesi, Vithi. He had met her when he called for a spar, but didn't know her personally. Either ways, she was a much better option than Zhavvi or Kivi. A much better one. He would support the Khal's decision even if he was rather surprised she was promoted in a blink of the eye, anyone was better than Zhavvi. "Wux tepoha sia gliiwr herunga," he said to the Khal before Zhavvi exploded.

And then the Khalakka herself proved she was not suitable to be Khaleesi a moment later.

Rhoa be good, Azzaro almost smiled when the pathetic child threw a temper tantrum. She was simply proving what he thought, what most of the Khalas thought. That she was a spoiled, arrogant, idiotic girl, worthy only of being a slave. He withheld a snort as he too, stepped forward and allowed a deep warning guttural growl to ring dangerously through the air, his fierce ivory eyes fixed on Zhavvi's face. Black nostrils flared and he cocked his head, wondering if she would be so stupid to challenge her father and the Khalas once more.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Rhanno - June 25, 2015

The pale brute beside the Khal answered his question quite succinctly, and Rhanno breathed out a soft chuff, his disapproval of the girl plain as day. They had yet to fully map out the lands and learn about the wolves who lived within them; why did a member think it right to go and, as Lavakho put it, stir shit up. Even as Dotharan — a brutal race known for their raids and savagery — they knew to always respect a pack's boundaries, especially on foreign ground. He glanced back down at her crumpled form, not really sure if she got what she deserved. So long as she learnt her lesson, should she survive her injuries.

The elder glanced back up as more wolves arrived, his eyes lingering on the woman with two dark streaks running from her eyes. It was then that Rakharo spoke, announcing what he expected of the Khalas and his plans for them. There would be no complaint from Rhanno, who accepted the requirement of being a warrior or warden with a nod. He had already planned on proving his ability in those areas, and no doubt the rest of the pack were working towards that as well. Though, he wasn't sure if he wanted — or needed — either the Khal or his brother, the Beta, to train him. He was nearly double their age, with double the experience!

The man continued then, and the talk of a possible Khaleesi caused Rhanno's eyes to sweep the wolves gathered, picking out the females, few as there were. The crone, the slave, the Khal's daughter, the bloodied one that lay at their feet...the only suitable one left was the fiery-coated female. Despite that, she wouldn't be his first choice, the man thought, gaze idly drifting back to Zhavvi's slender form, before suddenly she started spitting and hissing like a snake, biting words aimed right at her father. Rhanno withheld a smirk, waiting for her to finish, before looking to Rakharo, awaiting his reaction. He half-hoped the girl would completely fly off the handle and attack the Khal, give them some entertainment. By the sound of their growls, Rhanno assumed the other males would be all too happy to put the girl in her place.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Lavakho - June 27, 2015

Lavakho has turned into much more of a megalomaniacal monster than I ever envisioned... and I love it.

While Lavakho had never spoken at length to the old man, Rhanno, he already knew he liked him. The two shared a deep rooted disdain for the shit-stirrer, Kivi, and while Rhanno may have not held the same personal vendetta that Lavakho held, but the enemy of his enemy was his friend. After his snort of disapproval, Lavakho nodded to him in agreement before his eyes drifted back to Kivi's prone body. She would be dealt with... and Lavakho was already brimming with ideas.

His brother began to speak and it was all the standard fodder. Everyone would be trained, blah blah blah, all that stuff. Neat-o. But the next bit of information that Rakharo provided took Lavakho by surprise. Although he had previously suggested his brother should take a wife, he hardly believed he would. The memory of Zhalia ran deep and Lavakho was unsure if his brother would ever get over her. But, he supposed it was time... and a wife could be a useful tool. But Vitihi, his childhood friend... she was no tool. She may have been the only proper choice, but Lavakho felt she deserved more. Sure, his brother would treat her right, but would she be loved? Lavakho was unsure. However, he was certain of his own jealousy.

Thankfully, Zhavvi's outburst distracted from his own disdain. Lavakho watched on with eyes wide as she caused a scene. His hackles bristled in aggravation as he took his brothers side, however... it wasn't his place to punish her. That would be her father's job.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Vitihi - June 28, 2015

There was truth in Rakharo’s words. The Dothoran’s strength came from its unity and the ability to channel an individual’s ferocity to facture seamless teamwork. From hunting to raiding, the Khalasar worked as a single unit to rend its path – and so it was strange for Kivi to have ventured so near another tribe’s purchase alone. This land was strange, and the natives obviously didn’t obey the same laws so familiar in Rhadsh Dehaan. Plus, Kivi was female. A woman’s status was already below a man’s… and it was bad enough she acted outside her traditional role. If she survived this ordeal her reputation would certainly be tarnished.

Vitihi’s face was reticent as the Khal continued to address his people, deep gaze watching the shallow rise and fall of Kivi’s breast. The pale maiden couldn’t comprehend her comrade’s motive, but the Khal would be sure to enact strict contingencies to reunite his followers. They would all study to be warriors or wardens, for one. Vitihi thought the art of fighting was quite a beautiful dance. However, though she had been raised amongst the Dothoran’s savage ways, she was not particularly suited for the task. Never the less, she would train hard for her Khal and Khalas, as they all would. The Silakeesi gave a small nod of approval, gaze wandering between the other pack members.

Next, Rakharo announced his Bloodfang. Lavakho was to run with the leader – to which Vitihi was utterly delighted. She wished only the best for her dear friend, and knew his rightful place was besides his half-bother. Though soft spoken, Vitihi couldn’t help but shout a whoop of approval. However, Rakharo’s next announcement left her speechless. A Khaleesi? Quickly, she searched the crowds for a woman suited for the task, but found the Khal’s blazing eyes directed at her. She attempted to remain composed, but before Vitihi could utter a single word Zhavvi, the Khal’s daughter, began an outburst.

The girl snarled herself feral, spatting jeering remarks about Rakharo’s choice. Vitihi only knew their history second hand, but Zhavvi laid her personal feelings on thick in front of the whole Khalas to see. Breeding bitch… Vitihi’s eyes narrowed, ears folding back in disdain for Zhavvi’s noxious words. Never could she have imagined speaking to Nevakko this way, no matter the circumstances. Fortunately, many were quick to rally in an attempt to subdue the irate yearling. Yet, even Vitihi knew, the final word would have to come from Rakharo himself.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Kivi - June 29, 2015

Kivi listened to all while she slept and with every sentence she became more and more confused. Lavakho had become Bloodfang? Who in their right mind would choose suck ass fighter Lavakho as their Bloodfang!? Kivi realized she was not exactly in the best situation to say she was the greatest fighter ever, but at least she was an actual Lajakeesi! Kivi had defeated Lavakho in a fight, wouldn't the Khal actually want someone who can defend him by his side?

Next came the unexpected decision of who is going to be Khaleesi. Even though she had an incredibly good gut feeling it wouldn't be her, Kivi actually didn't want to be chosen. She didn't want that kind of responsibility on her shoulders and most certainly did not want to be forced into having pups. Kivi was sure she was the only female who didn't want to become Khaleesi,  but her blood just wasn't meant to rule.

Vithi was chosen. A female Kivi still had yet to meet, and honestly didn't want to meet. Her thoughts were intruded by the one and only spoiled little brat Zhavvi. All of Kivi's respect for the girl went down the drain in seconds. The princess was soon put in her place by growls being thrown in her direction, but Kivi was most exited for Rakharo's reaction.

What suprised Kivi the most was that this new Khaleesi, Vithi, didn't stand up for herself.  What kind of true Khaleesi allows a lower female to throw insults at her and does nothing about it? It already became clear that this Vithi chick was weak, and that over time she just wouldn't be able to handle everything Kivi causes.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Rakharo - July 03, 2015

Make sure to get your posts before tuesday. It's time to finish this thread

The pack seemed to agree with Rakharo's announcements, but it wasn't like they had a choice. Rakharo's word was final and whatever he comanded they would have to do without question unless someone decided to stand up to him. It would be foolish to stand up to the Khal.

The news of Lavakho's appointment as Khasak seemed to have no negative effect on the Khalas. Rakharo knew that his being his brother Lavakho's promotion might seem by favorotism, but he was the only one who'd earned the place so far, and he deserved it. Rakharo's trust in his brother had no comparison, not even to his previous Khasaks in Rhaesh Dahaan.

Vitihi seemed, like the rest of the pack, surprised by her sudden promotion, but deep inside the Khal knew that she understood the reasons behind it. Vitihi would have to do a great deal to prove that she was worthy of the rank, but Rakharo was faithful, she had a fire only dotharan did burning inside her. The Khal knew of her plans of becoming a spiritual guide for the Khalas, but being Khaleesi was not an obstacle for that. She would be a guide. A leader.

The memories of his late wife were still burning bright in Rakharo's mind and heart. Zhalia had been his moon and stars and he was sure that no other would fill the void she left in his heart, but marriage wasn't always out of love. He still wasn't sure if he could love Vitihi. He felt attracted to her, she was beautiful, but he still didn't know her that well. Still, she was the only good choice, for he would not take his own daughter as wife. He knew that she didn't approve of her dad getting another wife, but he didn't know that she would be so upset about it.

When she snapped, everything went cold.

"So you already forgot mother then!?"

And then as hot as lava.

"Good to know. Now all my respect for you has completely vanished..."

Everyone in the Khalas stood up to hold Rakharo's back, but none of them took action. Good. Zhavvi was still his daughter and he was the only one who could put some sense into her at this point. Her self was so rotten inside, so full of ire and bitterness that she wasn't thinking clearly, and that wouldn't take her far.

"Did you pick mother from..."

Rakharo looked at her without expression for a while, but when the insults to Zhalia, Vitihi and himself started flowing out of Zhavvi's venomous tongue his muscles tensed, his lips curled up in rage and his whole pelt bristled up in a display of fury. He would not allow anyone to insult him and his future wife, not ever his own daughter. She was old enough now to know her place, and she needed to grow up, or else her father wouldn't put up with her for too long.

"Just a breeding bitch because you..."

It was the last he heard coming out of her mouth, for in the moment he heard her calling her mother a bitch he too, snapped and lunged to pin his daughter to the ground with a hard grip on her neck and all his strength pushing down. He would not take this, not from her, not from anyone. He did it there to let the whole Khalas see what would happen if anyone dared stand up to him or confront him. He would win, he always did, and the fact that it was his daughter doing it wouldn't change the fact that he was the Khal and had the right to make everyone obey whatever it took.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Zaria - July 04, 2015

Zhavvi was soon grasped by her father, which was to expect. The slender female ignored all the others of the Khalas. They weren't of importance to her. She wished them all dead. Zhavvi had no connection with anyone really, well, maybe except for Lavakho... But he also had a plan to get him in trouble, technically she didn't care about him either. Zhavvi knew that struggling would only make it worse but she couldn't help but press her back paw against her fathers neck. She wanted to try and poke his eye out, just a bit more flexibility she needed to be successful.

It looked like the girl wasn't bothered too much. She kept on growling. She had more willpower than her father, at least she believed that. And Zhavvi was not a quitter. Her tried to move her hind paw further. Even if that meant this being her death, she wouldn't live in a Khalas where her father just picked a Khaleesi not even qualified to rule. Zhavvi wondered if he father could even kill her. After all the time protecting her from everything... He would probably not even manage to kill her. Zhavvi was eager to see what her father would do. Because holding her down against the ground didn't make her feel anything. She wouldn't stop struggling and her father would have to hold her for a long time, since she was never going to submit to him ever again.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Lavakho - July 06, 2015

Rakharo was quick to lay Zhavvi out on the ground for her insubordiantion, which was to be expected.  No one, not even the Khal's daughter would get away with that type of lip.  However, what wasn't expected was the way she fought back. Her growls and her incessant squirming was an insult not only to Khals rule, but the Dotharan way of life...  it seemed apart from Vitihi, the Dotharan women were all bat-shit crazy.  It was a rare moment like this that Lavakho was glad he had taken the slave.  She was at least quiet, but most of all... she was controllable.

It took every ounce of Lavakho's self control to not jump into the fray, but it wasn't his war to wage.  His niece needed to learn respect the same way Lavakho had— at the end of tooth and claw, but the beating was to be delivered by her father, and her father only.   Lavakho took a few steps toward the tangle that was his brother and niece and growled lowly in warning to Zhav in the hopes she'd cut the crap.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Azzaro - July 07, 2015

Azzaro had an intense urge to leap forward and pin the disrespectful girl to the ground, to teach her a good, sharp lesson but restrained himself. Rakharo was her father, and therefore it was his job to teach her to be respectful not his. Nevertheless, he still found himself disliking the spoiled brat and couldn't help but think that the Khal might have made this monster himself. Sure, his intentions might have been good but he probably went about it in the wrong way and created this monster of a princess. Love was a terrible thing.

He watched as Rakharo pounced on Zhavvi and pinned her roughly to the ground. Good, he was disciplining her. Azzaro hoped she would shut up and submit to her father but she did not, instead she fought back, she growled and squirmed. That fool. For a moment, he almost felt sorry for the Khal. Almost. It was sad to have such a pathetic daughter, a daughter who did not know her place and rebelled.

Azzaro's tail flicked in frustration as he controlled himself, forcing himself not to leap at her and rip her throat at. Instead he snarled lowly, warning her, but refrained from acting..yet.

RE: Shor Tawakof - Zoratto - July 07, 2015

He felt rather smug at Zhavvi's punishment in front of the whole khalas. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he watched. The crazy vikeesi deserved every bite on her flesh, from every member of the khalas. From the looks on the gathered wolves' faces, it seemed everyone agreed with his inner thoughts. There was a shared look of satisfaction as Rakharo put his daughter in her place.

The young wolf looked towards the new Khaleesi, silently urging her to take a piece from Zhavvi; tear off some of her ear, blind her, do something! How was she to be respected as Rakharo's equal if she didn't fight back against the woman girl who had insulted her? He willed the female to at least do something.