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Frostfire Ridge and all was black and still - Printable Version

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and all was black and still - Kenneth - June 19, 2015

sparring thread? Perhaps @Nochtli :)

The Gladiator strode through Frostfire Ridge, the new lands that was now his home. He might not blend in as well as he had in Blackfeather Woods, but he was now living in the North once more and the North would always, always be his home. But while he might be enjoying life in the North, he had not forgotten what Tezcacoatl told him, how he needed to earn the Warrior trade to prove his worth and rise up the ranks of Frostfire Ridge. And the Gladiator was more than happy to do that.

So far, Spartacus had not met any Amazons and the only wolf he knew in the Ridge was the King Tezcacoatl. He knew he would need to meet his packmates sooner or later, man hater or not. But as the lowest ranking wolf in the Ridge, howling for the all the higher ranks seemed out of question. So what could he do? 

He would patrol the borders, if the wolves of the Ridge were as diligent as he thought, they would also be there, keeping the scent markers strong, warding unwelcomed wolves away. So Spartacus made his way to the borders and began patrolling.

RE: and all was black and still - Nochtli - June 19, 2015

Sorry I didn't get one started yesterday!! I got home from work and just melted on the couch.

She was returning from one of her smaller expeditions, having been learning the layout of the Northern region a little more. There was always more that she could learn and already, she had plans to go meet the two wolves that had faced off with the old crone with her. The Northern packs needed to be aware of one another at the very least, to keep tensions down. War was not something she enjoyed the thought of. 

It was just as she approached the border that another inky figure move along as if he were patrolling. The wind in her favor, she drew in a breath, letting her olfactory senses go to work to identify. The scent of pack was only faintly woven into his fur but it was there all the same. He had joined them. 

Her tail waving, she issued a bark to get his attention, her speed picking up as she closed the distance between them. Even as she met him, her posture changed, circling him. "Spar with me, newbie." Nope. They totally didn't need names. Not until after, anyway. 

RE: and all was black and still - Kenneth - June 19, 2015

His white gaze scanned his surroundings warily, keeping a keen eye out for any wolves nearby. Pausing for a moment, Spartacus lifted a hind leg and sprayed his scent on the ground, remarking the borderline once more. It felt good to be back where he belonged once more, in the North, and even if being in this pack didn't work out (he would make sure it would), he was sure there would probably be several more packs here in the North. He could try his luck there if it came down to that, but hopefully it wouldn't happen.

A bark caught the Gladiator's attention and Spartacus lifted his inky black crown, eyes as white and as pure as snow catching the form of another ebony figure, but as she came closer, he noticed that not all of her was black, her toes were a strange white color. But that didn't matter in the Ridge, appearance did not matter, their skills did.

Spartacus's posture shifted into one of deference as she arrived but then immediately changed into a sparring position when she began circling him and uttered a single command. Velvety black ears flattened against his skull and his snout dipped to protect his vulnerable throat, habits never changed, even if it was just a friendly spar. Without hesitating, for your enemy wouldn't wait in a real fight, the Gladiator charged forward, aiming to pull her forelimb away from her, to unbalance her.

RE: and all was black and still - Nochtli - June 19, 2015


These are gonna be short post bc ajskglalah. I really don't have a reason other than its late. Sorry u_u

She grinned as he rushed her, watched as the male snapped teeth at her leg to pull it out from under her. Nocta retreated a split second too late, gasping slightly as she pitched forward. Catching herself, the girl lunged, teeth snapping at his face, though she didn't close on flesh or fur. She didn't want to. This was a spar between pack mates, not a true fight. All she needed to do was push him back a bit and hopefully teeth near his face would do that, allowing the Amazon shadow to get her head in the game. 

RE: and all was black and still - Kenneth - June 20, 2015

successful hit Its fine :)

Spartacus's teeth snapped at her leg gently, making sure he would not break through skin. While they were both (probably) seasoned warriors, they were still packmates not enemies and this spar was just a friendly one, a small training to test each other out. No blood was to be shed between them Though truth to be told, the Gladiator thought that rule to be rather useless, blood would always be shed no matter what. In the end, it didn't matter. 

The black Amazon pitched forward, Spartacus's hit having connected. Regaining her balance, she lunged, teeth snapping at his face, the Gladiator was used to such hits and simply sidestepped before immediately charging forward, aiming to once again push her over but this time using his weight to unbalance her instead of pulling her leg.

RE: and all was black and still - Nochtli - June 24, 2015

Bah. Sorry for the wait. -kicks self into gear- also, this attack was a miss. Ignore the test roll i did!

She (briefly) appreciated the light touch of his teeth. If she didn't need to tell him to spar and not fight, this would all go much easier. He avoided her advances with ease and even as she fell, Nochtli was already twisting her body to accommodate, rolling as soon as she hit the ground to launch back at him. Where she may not have been as strong as the male, she was definitely experienced enough to get up and keep moving. She was an Amazon, she was resilient and determined. 

Her attack had missed but she was circling him now, legs moving like well oiled pistons. She would watch now, and wait for her opening. 

RE: and all was black and still - Kenneth - June 25, 2015

Spartacus dodged her attacks easily and charged at her, managing to use his weight to unbalance her and make her fall to the ground. But she recovered from the attack quickly, launching herself at him as soon as she rose back onto her paws. Deftly sidestepping her attack once more, he too, began circling the black Amazon scout, eyes the color of fresh snow analyzing her movements, waiting for an opening, a gap in her defenses. She was a good fighter, he did not doubt it, a woman who was skilled in the arts of a warrior, she would be a hard opponent to defeat.

But he was no stranger to fighting, having spent quite a few good months as a Gladiator to a bunch of Romans. And although he seemed to be a bit rusty, with a bit of training, he would be as good as before, if not better. Launching himself forward, Spartacus feinted a strike to her forepaw before going for her shoulder. 

RE: and all was black and still - Nochtli - July 03, 2015

Sorry for the wait! Hit

His strike missed and instead of going to dodge, Nocta darted under him. She sought to use her weight, however lesser than him and topple his dark form to make him display his belly. Teeth swiped the downy fur of his softer areas, letting him know that he had an opening that he should watch better in the future. Had they been fighting for real, in that moment, she could have very easily gutted him, and she'd have thought nothing of it.