Wolf RPG
Greatwater Lake Devine Encountanance - Printable Version

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Devine Encountanance - Monotac - January 23, 2014

An onyx figure creeped forward from the edge of the lake; her pelt was terese against her musculature and her demenor was as if she was on guard. Eyota had been lost from her visage, and she'd wandered away searching for food and drink. Devine encountanance, Mo was; as was her namesake, God.

She was a beauty if one ever did see her in all her grace. Her whip hung low behind her as she creeped up to the water; her auds folding back and forth slowly as if awares of everything and anything that where happening around her.

She lowered herself down further; her maw finally meeting the luxurious liquid that sustained her life. Her tongue melted out of her maw as she lapped it up, ever paranoid - knowing she was in another pack's territory. She fretted a wolf approaching and attacking her; she was in a very vunerable position; though she knew well enough when to lower her head, and when to lift it again. Almond oculars scanned the area as she lifted her maw to search for any would be adversary, or creature who may have issue with her.

Lowered her maw again, for a moment at least feeling safe. She lapped up more water, and tried to recall the last time she'd had a drink in her long travels. She lifted her head again as she swallowed, and slowly scanned the area carefully; as she had every other time. One last time she lowered her maw and took a drink. Swallowing she stepped back a few steps and plopped down on her rump needing a few moments to rest from her long journey.

Her whip danced behind her lightly as she allowed her nostrils to flare, and for a moment she relaxed as scents infiltrated her snout. She was content for now that she was safe. Though ready for hostility she was.

Mo looked about, the watering hole she'd stumbled upon - by luck was massive in its size, and just as beautiful. She'd never seen anything like it, and it appealed to her as somewhere she'd like to stay for now. Having been on the run for so long she seemed to be longing for some kind of company.

Auds folded back against her skull as she picked up the scent of a pack as it surrounded her, and immediatley she knew that she probably wasnt alone. She'd have to keep her wits about her, that was for sure. But she was prepared for anything. She wanted to share the land with others of her kind.

It was then she decided to lift her maw skyward and release a howl, as if to announce her presence so there would be no suprises. The howl that resounded from deep within her vocals carried far and wide, and was loud enough to carry through the sky.

'Here I am' she thought to herself. 'Here, I am.'

RE: Devine Encountanance - Xinuata - January 23, 2014

Silence had become her faithful companion long after the says she encountered the white Wolf. Suffice it to say, she had been puzzled by his presence, but it awarded her a rare kind if ease, especially when found in the company of another. And that ease had lasted for some time, extending to the days where she made her camp by the water.

Fodder flocked at near a routine to the shores of the lake to steal a drink. The crystalline depths luring and sweet, and treacherous as the ice sang of the weight it was burdened to carry. At times it would give way, offering the haunting female an easy meal. But it was not the same as the warm blood of a hunt. None the less it was a form of living; this parasitic attachment to the lake.

As she lied in wait for another moment this day, her companion named silence had fled to the sound of a melody nearby. A summoning, by the swell of the octave and the range it sought to reach. A lost soul, perhaps lost... seeking for its own end. Though what ever the cause, it has marring the calm. Slowly, the female rose from her snowy bed, shaking loose the glittering flakes as she wandered nigh to the origin of sound. Or own voice remained preserved, save for the quiet exhale of faint curls as she trot. The was no true urgency, but she was inclined in investigate this call. A summon meant others would come from the recesses of the woods. And she needed to know how much longer she had to keep her own abode.

Perhaps the dark figure ahead would aid her in this...

RE: Devine Encountanance - Monotac - January 24, 2014

Mo lowered her maw when she heard the faint echo of pawsteps upon snow. The snow hadnt hindered her any; for she'd been evolutionized over the many years wolves had run free to be able to withstand it with ease. When the figure approached however, she kept her distance, nostrils flaring to the scent, inhaling deep, she allowed her lips to lift upon her maw as if to waft the scent of the female further - deeper into her system. She backed up a few paces as well, the snow sucking her mits in deep.

She lowered her lips and her auds folded back against her skull as she fell to her side, whimpering in submission. She didnt want a fight; onyx pelt now covered in the alabaster substance, she allow her whip to curl between her limbs.

"I mean no harm" she murmured as she lay, exposed.

"I got seperated from my sister, and I -- " her almond oculars looked about for a moment. "I just.. was thirsty"

Mo's form was large to say the least, her bodice held itself, when she was standing pretty weighty, and strong, though one would not want to encounter her in a fight. It was one of her advantages as well.

Back in the real world Mo was still laying on her side whimpering, hoping that maybe this wolf would accept that she was no harm, or threat and that she'd only wanted a drink. She decided that she'd hold this position incase any other wolves showed up, they would immediately see her down, and submissive.

"I hope this is okay..." She murmured as she careened her neck upward to see the new female.

RE: Divine Encountanance - Xinuata - January 24, 2014

She needn't walk far, only enough from her abode to get her heart racing. The course of stirred blood brought warmth into her veins, driving away the cold a little at a time until it was naught but numbness felt by her paws. Even as she stood still in awe at the form of a passive lying dame, she felt little of the cold save for what nature's wind sought to whisper.

Quietly the paler of the pair observed its counterpart, her brows knitted and high as she attempted to make some sense of what lied before her. The large girl was... explaining? But to her, she could not fathom why. Never had she met another so keen of justifying their presence on open land. Perhaps she was skittish, a child of rough upbringing. Regardless, there was no need to bend her ears with such a tone. The unknown was harmless at best, as she conveyed by the delicate shift of her tail.

"Be careful of the edge," tired chords creaked softly. Lightly, she nudged her toward a more stable patch of ice, where snow bled seamlessly into sturdy white. "Lean from where the ice turns white. Any further into the blue and you will be lost until the spring."

RE: Devine Encountanance - Monotac - January 24, 2014

Mo slowly got to her mits after the female explained the situation. Maybe Mo was suicidal after she'd lost Eyota. She really didnt know. Almond oculars pinned on the female as she moved with her. She kept her demenor calm, submissive as she held herself lower than the other female. Mo wasnt sure if the female was a member of the resident pack or not but what was more important to her was not having confrontation of any kind.

Mo offered a nod and said
"I was thinking the same actually"

She plopped down on her rump before the female looking around still very cautious of her surroundings.

"Are my senses correct in sniffing a pack here?"

Mo was hoping she was wrong but her sixth sense was keen on keeping her awares of her surroundings no matter how hard she tried to deny it.

Mo was longing desperately for her sister to appear, but the more she urged on her sister with her mind, the more let down she became when she didnt appear. It was obvious in the way her demenor changed, as she became a little more skittish, like a wolf just released from a human cage, into a new land. That was pretty much the state of mind Mo was in.

RE: Devine Encountanance - Xinuata - January 26, 2014

The female's sense had been correct but also false. Indeed she could smell a pack in the area, but it was not this land that they claimed. "What you smell is the remnants of a pack," she corrected. "Surely their numbers expend if even now they scent remains when only a few have come to these waters." She turned her head carefully toward the towering visage of rock on the distance then shifted her sights to the flatlands adjacent.

"To the north, they claim a wooded sector shrouded by dark shadow and ice. The trail of fodder both begin and end in their realms." Smoothly, the caressed her muzzle with the width of her tongue, taking care not to skirt too strongly across a blistering lip. Last she needed was to nurse a sore for trying to plot a better course for this female. Surely she could seek better than the callous grace of impatience and arrogance.

"If you travel due north, be mindful of your proximity, unless you intend to crawl to the lands on your belly. The cost of even a feeding appears high on the plateau..." Again she rolled her tongue over her muzzle, whilst letting her muzzle tip in casual dismissal. Surely, her call would been heard before now, and the wanderer had every intention of departing get before the stubborn hounds of the plateau received her again.

Quietly, she turned to leave.

RE: Devine Encountanance - Monotac - January 28, 2014

Mo listened to the female carefully, her words ringing in her ear. She said nothing, still sitting on her rump, her head lowering and auds folding back against her onyx skull. A few moments passed almond oculars following the female, finally she spoke as she observed the female turning to leave.

"Wait.. I-- I.. I dont want to be alone." she murmured a whimper heard behind her voice as well, though she hoped the female hadnt heard it.

Mo shifted into a standing position now raising her maw to the sky to sniff the scents all around her. She took them in on an strong inhale and exhaled as air flooded out of her nostrils.

"I-- My sister, she.. she's missing. And I--I dont want to be alone. I've been alone so long -- Will--Will you stay with me for a little while?"

Mo was four years old, though having been alone her entire life up til this point; finding her sister, she had cherished those moments. Now that her sister was gone, she was petrified of going back to a solitary life. Terrified of what that might bring her, expecially with a pack not too far from her. Mo was not ready to face them alone either.

RE: Devine Encountanance - Xinuata - January 28, 2014

No more than two steps, and she was called to halt; a trait taken on by most she encountered, it seemed. What's was it that compelled for those left behind to call it? Was it her presence? Her brief encounter? Was it perhaps not enough that they needed to call out and endure her for longer?

Smoothly she turned back toward the female, her brows creased in concern as she looked her over. Alone? We're they all not alone in the end and beginning of life? What made this instance so special? The abandonment of a sibling, apparently. Though how this was acceptable to request the companionship of a stranger...

Sightly softly, she retraced her few steps and more still she was in front of her female then seated herself accordingly. The quiet female was perhaps not the best for loquacious company, however she did offer a solid countenance of sorts. In silence, there was certainty, and a time to reflect while the body and earth stood still. In her own sliver of time on pause, she was able to thoroughly look beyond the crystal lake and ponder on the time she wished to remain there.

Eventually the silence brought with it a calling to carry on, and dismissing herself silently to the female she carried on.
