Wolf RPG
Bearclaw Valley State of Grace - Printable Version

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State of Grace - RIP Valette - June 20, 2015

Daddyyyy! <3 @Kove

The dark little girl woke with a startle when her soft bed moved and made her slip off. Instantly the bossy girl protested and screamed loudly. How dare her soft fluffy bed to move! This was unheard of. She soon felt the warm tongue going over her fat body. The pup wasn't soothed by it much but eventually settled because she kinda licked the warmth going over her. Once the warmth was gone again she protested. What she didn't know was that her mother went for a quick drink and to stretch her limbs. A bit lost where her soft milkbar was Desna started to crawl forward until she stumbled on another fluffy object. Was this another milkbar?

This one scented different but a bit of the same. Though somehow he knew that this wasn't her normal milkbar she could snuggle against. Her plump body tried to move on top of the fluffiness. This she also tried with the other milkbar, it was difficult but worth it. What she didn't know was that she tried to climb/move against her father's chest. The pup tried to paw at it and even nose through the thick fur for a teat to suckle on. If she couldn't climb this then this furry food giver should definitely give her some food! Pronto! She wanted it.

RE: State of Grace - Kove - June 20, 2015

Since the whelps' birth, Kove had been doing his best to stay either in the den or close to it, that way he would never be far form his family. It was hard at times, though. Several times already he'd needed to stop himself from wandering too far away, reminding himself that he needed to stay close and watch over his family—that he needed to protect his family. Protect them from the other's in the valley, especially, as he didn't want anyone coming in and trampling all over the newest generation of Apaata wolves. It was difficult, but he was slowly getting use to it. He was getting use to sticking close and watching over them, so when Scarlett decided she wanted to stretch her legs and whatnot, he was already there and happy to watch over the little lupines. He hadn't expected one to come over to him in the way that the plump female did, however. All he'd been expecting was for them to lay around or sleep, maybe whine or try to find Scarlett for food, but he'd expected wrong. The dark girl came right up to him, nosing through his fur and seemed to be trying to climb him or something. Not wanting to risk knocking her over, he kept still for a bit, but once he started to suspect what she was doing, he couldn't keep still anymore.

Carefully, Kove moved his head back a bit so he could grab the little girl gently in his maw, recalling the way he'd seen it done, and faintly how it was done to him. He moved her back a bit, setting her down between his front paws, then lowered his head some to watch her. The Inuit was unsure how he should act with the child, having never really seen a newborn up so close before. What he wanted was to take the little furball outside, but he knew he couldn't. Not yet, anyways. They were all still so small and so fragile, and not yet ready for what awaited them outside. So, for now, he settled for just looking at the little girl, wondering what exactly she might be trying to accomplish. “You are a strange child,” he commented lowly, though he knew she could not yet hear him—even if she could, she wouldn't yet be able to understand him.

RE: State of Grace - RIP Valette - June 21, 2015

Desna squirmed when she was suddenly picked up and placed between two mountains! They weren't as soft as where she was before. A protesting cry came from her lips but it was a short one, she wasn't as much as a screamer as her sister. Desna wiggled forward again, not hearing her father, though she did caught some of the vibrations, but didn't think much of it. Her plump body, that was always eager for food, crawled forward with some determination. She would find this milkbar!

Her darker fur didn't show much dirt compared to her siblings, yet Scarlett made sure she was groomed just at much as the others. Desna was a sucker for the warm tongue. The determined little pups crawled forward between the two mountains that were her father's front legs. To then got back with nosing through his fur for a nipple. She let out soft whines now because she wanted it really bad!!!

RE: State of Grace - Kove - July 22, 2015

So sorry for the wait @Desna

When the cry left his daughter's mouth, the Inuit's ears fell back slightly. Thinking he might have accidentally hurt her, he leaned his head down again to start nosing over her. Everything seem to be fine, which caused his ears to perk back up, and his gaze to linger on the child's form. He was still getting use to being around children who were so small and fragile, so Kove often worried over his actions when around them. He didn't want to accidentally step on one, or sit on one, and he certainly didn't want to risk hurting any of them. They were each a part of his family, and he treasured them, despite his constant state of worry when around them. His anxieties were sure to fade as they grew older, and larger, but for the time being he wanted to be as careful with them as was possible.

As Desna started to nose through his fur once more, he let her go for a little longer—despite having already figured out what she was looking for, and knowing she would be deeply disappointed. After a few moments were permitted to pass by, he moved her back gently again so he wouldn't have to crane his neck to see her. The new father then proceeded to move his head down to his paws, that way his head would be leveled with her body. "I can't give you what you're after," he informed her, though he knew she couldn't hear him. His eyes shifted towards the entrance, checking to see if Scarlett had returned yet, but moved back to the little grey body when he saw nothing. In this situation, he was useless, as he had not been born with the ability to feed a growing baby.

RE: State of Grace - RIP Valette - July 22, 2015

It is cool! ;)

Desna was determined to find the teat and eagerly nosed through his fur, it was clear by the scent that his fur mountain didn't scented the same as her mommy. She was picked up and relocated, or so it seemed. Desna was used to being picked up by her mother, but it seemed this furry mountain could do that too. The food obsessed pup connected No Food to this scent of wolf. She needed to have her mommy then. She crawled forward, deciding that she would want to nap. She crawled forward and snuggled against a lesser furry part of her father. She didn't know she snuggled against his cheek.

The plump girl yawned and relaxed on her spot, but when she relaxed she also relaxed her bladder. The pressure that was located there was instantly released, leaving a mini puddle coming from the creature. She let out the cutest little squeak as she tried to get to a more dry part. Accidents happen, Dad....

RE: State of Grace - Kove - July 22, 2015

When the girl had finally seemed to realize that he could not give her food, she didn't appear as disappointed as he'd been expecting. Instead, she'd decided to curl up against the side of her father's face, which he smiled at. He liked knowing that, even though he couldn't give them the food they needed at their current age, he could still be useful in providing them comfort. He was about to let himself relax, too, but then there came a warm liquid. It took a second for his mind to register that the liquid had, in fact, come from his daughter. Once he realized that, however, he knew exactly what it was. Of course, the Inuit couldn't be mad at her. She was still so young, and it wasn't like he expected her to have full control over her body just yet. Even so, a sigh escaped him, and he gave a gentle shake of his head as he raised it away from the girl.

Kove pulled himself up to his feet, then leaned down and picked the furry potato up out of her mess. He moved away from the puddle, before sitting back down and placing her in front of him. The man then proceeded to lay down again, pulled the girl closer to him, and went to work cleaning her of her accident. It wasn't the most pleasant of things to do, but it had to be done. He drew his tongue over her continuously until she was clean, though there wasn't much he could do about what had gotten onto his own fur at the moment. After he'd finished, he moved her to the other side of his face, and then laid his head back down on his paws. "Don't pee on me again, okay?" He grinned a bit as he heard himself, realizing just how funny it sounded. For a brief moment, he wondered if he'd ever done the same thing to his parents, before writing it off as a 'most likely' and turning his attention back to his daughter.

RE: State of Grace - RIP Valette - July 22, 2015

Desna was instantly picked up by this other wolf, Non-Food. That is what she called him now. It was usually when she had another accident that her mother would pick her up or she would crawl out of the mess herself. Usually she got a cleaning afterwards. This time was no different. Desna was instantly happy when the warm tongue surrounded her. She let out a happy coo when she licked clean. Desna loved being clean and it made her feel so warm and fuzzy and... happy. Yes, she was very happy.

Desna toppled over on her back, happily having her legs sprawling in the air for this Non-Food to lick her tummy, because that was where she needed to be cleared extra, the bossy girl decided.

RE: State of Grace - Kove - July 22, 2015

Kove had to stop and let out a low chuckle as he heard the soft noises coming form the little girl. She was adorable, as were all of them, and the cooing noises she started to make seem to add onto that. He didn't mind cleaning her, them, despite knowing full well what he was cleaning off of her. It didn't seem to matter to him anymore, though it never really did in the first place. Seeing his daughter happy made him happy, as was shown when his tail started to move side-to-side behind him. He was careful with it, though, as he didn't want to risk hitting any of the others, nor did he want to create too much air movement by doing so.

When the girl rolled over onto he back, showing off her pudgy stomach, the Inuit was quick to figure out what it meant. He started to run his tongue over her stomach, but moved slow and made sure to be gentle. Even as an adult, one's underside was sensitive, so he assumed it was even more so for young. With that thought in his mind, he kept himself from trying to rush through the motion, as he didn't want to risk harming the child. Once he felt she had been cleaned enough, he poked her belly with his nose softly, before nudging her to try and get her to roll back over.

RE: State of Grace - RIP Valette - July 23, 2015

Desna was in complete heaven when her stomach was licked. The pup let out content noises. This one was good at licking clean. Her mommy was too but this Non-Food wolf was allowed to lick her clean more often. The dark baby let out happy gurgles when she felt the warm tongue going over her again and again. A protesting cry came from her when he stopped. No! Keep going! She wanted more! But Desna was only nudged. But this was the difficult part. The pudgy puppy was too fat to roll over. Her fat paws scrambled through the air as she tried to roll over but she was stuck.

Her fatty stomach was in the way and she couldn't. turn. She couldn't. Damn it. She let out a frustrated yip, now focussed on rollin over again. Her tail was trying to help too but was basically of no use. A long whine came from the baby, why wasn't this working!!!

RE: State of Grace - Kove - July 23, 2015

I started laughing as I read your post, omg. Poor Desna<3

When the little girl let out a cry, clearly not approving that he'd stopped licking her, Kove was almost tempted to go back to cleaning her. Almost. He stopped himself from doing so, however, and instead watched as she tried to roll over. It wasn't going too well. Not well at all, actually. He tried to keep himself from laughing, but a few chuckles escaped here and there. He let her try to work herself over for a few minutes longer, believing she could do it as long as she didn't give up. The Inuit felt bad after awhile, both because he laughed, and also because he'd allowed for her to struggle. It became clear to him that, no matter how many times she tried, Desna probably would not be able to roll over onto her stomach without some help. Perhaps he would need to say something to Scarlett about limiting how much the pudgy child ate, but then decided against doing that. There was nothing wrong with her having a little extra weight on her, and she would most likely grow into it, anyways.

"Calm down," he said, hearing a whine come from the dark child's mouth. "I'll help you, don't worry." The man used his nose to gently nudge her side, working to help her roll back over. He went slow, so as not to force her over before she was ready, but also fast enough to urge her to help out. While he could very easily turn her over on his own, he wanted his children to be able to experience the feeling of accomplishment as earlier on as they could be introduced to it, and now was a perfect opportunity for the girl to be introduced to it. "You can do it, Desna," he said, encouraging her quietly.

RE: State of Grace - RIP Valette - July 23, 2015

She is like this bulldog. xD She just can't! Hahahaha

Desna was starting to kick the air and trash around a bit. Sometimes the little girl had a bit of a short temper. She was boss of her body and it wasn't listening to her! She let out growls and a light tantrum to get was she wants but it wasn't getting her anywhere. Her little whines and growls were adorable though. Desna started to swing back and forth now. She wasn't able to roll over. Yet with the help of her dad she manages to flip over. But because she was wiggling and kicking so much she didn't feel the push from her father's snout. Once she was older she would probably hear that tale over and over again. 'You were so fat you couldn't roll over'.

Desna wagged her tail excitedly and then slumped down on her tummy. She had spilled so much engr. that she was drained. And with those drained energy levels Desna passed out on that spot. What an adventure! And she conquered it. Desna was pleased and instantly went to dreamland, snoozing.

-Desna Out-

RE: State of Grace - Kove - July 24, 2015

omg that bulldog... the poor baby! xD

Kove couldn't help but be amused by his daughter. Her struggles probably shouldn't have been funny to him, but he was unable to stop himself form chuckling a bit. The little whines and growls that sounded from her tiny mouth were adorable, too, which made the situation even funnier. The Inuit would be sure to remember the event, and would definitely remind her of it when she was old enough to understand. Poor kid would forever be known as the one whose stomach was too big for her to roll over on her own. Again, he chuckled, amused by the entire thing. He'd even forgotten about her little accident, for the time being, as he was busy focusing on the current situation at hand.

Once she'd finally gotten rolled over, her tail started going, showing the elder wolf that she was happy about her success in rolling over. "Very good job, Desna!" he exclaimed quietly, no shame in praising her, but not wanting to wake the others. She'd done majority of the work, and was deserving of some sort of reward. He smiled as he watched her fall asleep, before picking her up slowly and placing her back with her siblings carefully. The man then proceeded to lay close to them to keep all the children warm, but kept his eyes on the entrance just in case. Every now and again, though, he'd look back to his children and smile, especially when he saw how peaceful they all looked. Kove couldn't be happier, finding his family to be quite nice.