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Greatwater Lake at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Printable Version

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at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Raheerah - January 23, 2014

Predated to before the IC joining thread.

Though he tried to keep his attention on Lham as much as possible, there were times when Raheerah found himself tiring of the presence of the monk. He was virtually attached to her hip, and there was no way to corner the fragile little doll without him to follow. He valued his solitude over the company of the monk, and so Raheerah found himself parting, temporarily, from the traveling group.

The moon lingered high, illuminating much of the lake with its pale glow. It seemed to make the winter air that much colder. His skin was thick and blistered, but without the protection of fur in some places, the cold would send perturbations and shivers through him. The wind would often tousle his long, oily hairs too, revealing fractions of skin and chilling him further. It would be a lie to say that Raheerah did not experience the cold. A dragon thrived on the fire in its chest, but that did little to warm him externally. Still, he hoped that he could find a distraction.

Clouds dotted the heavens, and the light of the moon revealed only as beams through the dense cover, diffuse until they would part. And then the gusts would bring them together again, and he would fall into minor darkness. He stood out against the pristine snow, which littered the shore and the frozen lake that yawned further out. He could see its ice, where the snow had blown away. Raheerah was hardly unwise enough to tread into its center. The brute instead hovered by its edge, looking out into the field of snow, and the cloudy skies, and the veiled moon and huffed out a tendril of mist.

RE: at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Xinuata - January 23, 2014

OOC: Mood Music
Night beckoned softly with the sway of naked trees, drawing the eye from white earth to black clouded sky. Each pull of long spires, a lure for the rise of a lone wanderer of the earth to embark within the night. The cold was biting, encouraging the restless spirit to remain within the waking world where near all life had fallen silent. Not dead, but slumbering, awaiting the glimpse of radiant beams to part the gloom and bring the warmth of its smile to those ravaged by ice and snow. There were hours yet to wait until then, and for another night, she would receive its smile on the birth of a new day.

But she was tired, and cold, a loner's banner to complement an unrelenting pride. Were it not for the silence, the way of the cursed world, she might have found her bed in the warmth of a hollowed tree. Or perhaps alongside the warm bodies of others unknown. The only aspect of the mountain she missed; however distant the community, however cold their gaze, there was always warmth to be found in fur and flesh.

Yet there was only air now. Each sigh of the winds made it all the more colder, biting through matted fur and worn flesh to bone. The ache nigh unbearable, yet still she carried on; a spectre along the lake. Beneath heavy paw, the ice sang of her presence, creaking softly at first til she dared tread further out. Only when their octaves reached a splitting tune did she back away from darker ledges til their songs became whispers again. Her ears danced to the tune til another chord join, bidding she still for a moment in search of its origin. Surely another was not awake at this hour, though amber and umber betrayed her as they fell upon the visage of living dark. Unearthed coal within the pristine folds calling forth the attention of all that lingering awake in the late hour. She gave it no word, only the silent regard to its passing across the white til it paused... until he paused by the lake to look beyond its crystal form.

She woofed softly.

RE: at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Raheerah - January 24, 2014

i love your writing @_@

In the still of the night, quiet creakings bent into the darkness. Raheerah could hear them, gently belting out as if tentative they would be heard. He had not been able to isolate their origin, though he was confident they had been coming from the lake. Initially, he dismissed it as the natural wailings of the ice under the pressure of the snow and wind, and had not so even noticed another creature traveling its expanse. Not until he paused and gazed over the lake, and saw her. In that moment, she had uttered a mortal sound, grasping for his attention.

The beast narrowed his single eye and looked upon her. He had no place to question her presence here, but he did none the less. Dawa and the monk were hiding somewhere near, within the shelter of a copse of trees, and he felt sudden unease knowing that this creature lurked within reach of them. More curious still was that she had tried for his attention, and he could not deny that he was intrigued as to why.

Raheerah remained unmoving, standing at the shore. Bathed in his own shadow, the sooty beast parted his jaws and uttered a strange bellow. A response, though empty in its meaning. He was acknowledging her, and nothing more. Should she wish to elaborate this chance encounter, she would have to come to him.

RE: at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Xinuata - January 24, 2014

ooc: Oh shucks :3 You're writing is lovely

A moment longer standing idle there in wait and she might have slipped from the waking world to dream with ease. Had it not been for his scent, his audible regard to bring her forward, she might have believed she'd fallen asleep so sudden. Fatigue cast strange spells on the mind at its peek, and she was due for an impossible vision of her own.

Caution remained absent in her stride as she neared, though her eye would turn toward the ice on occasion. Each crack was a pressure line. Each creak, a word of warning for the bold. She was mindful of it, but did not fear its grip, especially when the song ceased and she was near the nightly spector at last. She offered her greeting by a gentle sway of her tail, freeing frost that clung to fall away into the awaiting embrace of its likeness.

"The cold," her voice peaked at a whisper. "...does it keep you from dreaming?" Her gaze rested on his muzzle, though peeked with care to the pit of his eye.

RE: at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Raheerah - January 24, 2014

oh no thank u uvu

He couldn't help but notice the lackadaisical nature of her stride as she crossed the ice on her way towards him. Any creature his size would be weary of their paws breaking through the ice, sending them crashing into the frigid depths of the lake. That was why Raheerah avoided the surface, adhering to the shore like a dog patient for its prize to float in with the current. She must have been light of foot, agile enough to avoid whatever depressions in the crystalline sheet would promise her death.

Ears twisted backwards, and as she came near him, he assumed his usual stance. Tall, and his head cocked down to stare at the fearless waif that approached. She was of fair size herself, which made it that much more peculiar that she so elegantly danced across the surface of the lake without fear of falling through. But what he found even more interesting was her lack of hesitation in closing the distance between them. Despite the twisting of his skin, the warped and sneered expression that had burned onto his face, she regarded him as a like being. As though he could not bring himself to crush her between his teeth. She was wrong, but he admired her boldness.

Her voice was no more than a breath on the wind. He narrowed his eye further and tilted his head. "Iiiii do not dreaamm." Raheerah rumbled deeply, peering upon her. It had been a long time since he witnessed images in his sleep. Since the day he destroyed one third of the Cleric faction, they were all he could see in the darkness behind his lids. Their faces, and he could hear their screams, and he was haunted as he toiled within his prison. It was all he could do to block them out and never dream again. The man huffed, and tendrils of hot breath came curling from between his teeth, touching his muzzle and reaching into the sky.

Raheerah pondered anything else to say, but could think of nothing. Were the cold not so unforgiving this night, he would have abandoned her in favor of his solitude. But indeed the frost bit at his skin, and he found distraction in the company of this stranger.

RE: at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Xinuata - January 24, 2014

Undoubtedly she was bold, but no more than a tree would stand tall against the coming storm. It knew of its disadvantage; a fixed thing that had grown in the land it was planted. It knew that in time it would bent, wither, and fall away to become one with the earth. It was it was fragile against the elements, shedding tired leaves in the summer til its balded in the winter. It knew that though it stood tall and braced against a violent storm, its risk of bending was no greater than any other being that walked upon the earth. A calm acceptance that gave to her humility.

She dipped her head in such humble grace before him, not in bow but in courtesy; it was she that imposed upon his quiet moment. The withered tree that stood in the path of the storm.

"Would you remain awake then," she continued as softly as she began. "And offer me your warmth, that I may live through a dream?" It was strange, yes, to present this request to a stranger so openly, but she offered no hesitation. Only a whispered call of need. The dangers of the unknown were not forgotten, but ignored. Lest she find her end by another's fangs or the snap of winter or of withering to age, she would pass into the next life when her time was ready. Though if it would be by a stranger, drawn under the beautiful illusion of safety, as least she would depart the world in warmth. How much kinder that would have been, than dying beneath the snow.

RE: at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Raheerah - January 24, 2014

Mobile post, pls excuse any typos!


Ah, yes; indeed she was courageous. His curiosity was beyond piqued when she made her request. It was his belief that strangers would keep as far from scarred monsters like him as they could - even those he knew tried to avoid him. He held little concern for the personal comforts of others and should they feel discomfort in his presence he would not care, but it was a sad truth none the less. She was unlike them, and he struggled to understand why. She could merely be a greedy fool, so hungry for relief that she would disregard all semblance of danger. Or perhaps she was just so confident in herself that were he to lay a trap, she felt she could escape alive.

Or, maybe, her whims were innocent and honest, and she was taking a chance. Raheerah blinked his single eye down at her. As weary as she should be of him, the beast was equally as cautious. She could have been sent by the soldiers of Jokhang to finish the job they had failed to. If that were the case, then he would be the cocky one. He would assume that she was no threat to him. Were she to prove him wrong, she would be the first whose blood he would shed in these Wilds.

The man set back his shoulders and issued no more than a grunt. He sank back to his haunches, a heavy movement that resounded with a thud in the snow. Posture adjusted, and he opened himself up for her to crawl inside. There was no doubt that he would find satisfaction in her warmth, too. He let his gaze drift away for a moment as he waited, and inwardly he mused. The monk would praise the dragon's tolerance.

RE: at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Xinuata - January 24, 2014

The scarred shallows were treacherous, whispering death upon the foolish should they not respect the apparent danger posed. It was the eye that uttered this threat in muted tones. The void of what had once been a seeing thing, conveying so soundly the threat the host of the vacant eye possessed. No creature bore a scar that was not without reason. The more horrid the brand, the more of a threat the living posed. For whom would seek to cripple another if not in the hopes of lessening their aura of danger?

She walked toward him carefully, lightly, drawing nearer to the rippling shadows to the origin of their creation, brandished by an onyx side. The shadows themselves would part in beckon, inviting the lone wanderer to find solace in their warmth. Their frayed wisps curled by a cool night wind pulling first the female by sight, then by the anticipation of a shared heat found within the shadowy abyss.

Inch by careful inch she lowered herself to the ground within the shadow of her stranger, then crawled forward with head low til snow dusted ears pat the scars of his pasterns and she was embraced. The warmth was intoxicating, a drug for the senses. A sample was not enough as she drew herself closer pressing creme flank against his belly then let her head rest comfortably on the tops of his well-weathered paws. And she was silent save for the soft growl of gratitude.

RE: at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Raheerah - January 24, 2014

He didn't care to look upon her as she came near. It was a strange and unfamiliar proposition, for none had ever sought such closeness from him. But it felt only right to allow her this heat, for he suffered from the cold as well, and it was not in his nature to promote needless death. She had done no wrong thus far. In his eye, perhaps it was even the homeless who were more deserving of their survival than the brutalist war-mongers of packs.

As she settled in, the monster refrained from moving, peering out over the frozen lake. How could he be certain that she was without a pack, anyways? Subtly he drank in a mouthful of her scent as it wafted on the cold air. It was her fragrance and hers alone, speaking nothing of companions. Surely a wolf belonging to a pack would for no reason find themselves sleeping alone on a frosted night like this. As she became comfortable, he finally looked down at her.

She looked at peace, attempting to silently sap as much of his heat as she could. Raheerah shifted and hunched as well as he could, blocking the wind as it raked against his back and screamed in his ears. Each breath accompanied a low rolling growl, what could have sounded like a purr were it sung from a cat, and he once more let his stare cross the lake.

It lingered there, before the quiet had beckoned his mind to slumber as well. Lulled by the novel source of warmth she provided from below, he let his head hang and his remaining eye close.

RE: at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Xinuata - January 24, 2014

Peace became her as she slipped within the obsidian curls of warmth. The rhythmic pulse felt through the fur of her flank offered a lullaby of sorts to bring her further into the sweet realm of ease. The beat of a heart, a comfort she had lost since her depart from her mountain. Above the warmth, it was that which she cherished, reminding her with each gentle beat beneath colored fur that life surrounded her, though it may have despised her. It reminded her fondly of her littermates left behind, yet at the same instance pained her as she recalled the betrayal of her sire that forced them apart. A heartbeat became the key to a memory, proof that upon time, and at present she existed. Her existence felt through the life of another.

"To whom do I thank?" she whispered through a sigh as she shifted beneath him to lie on her side. Her voice was a wisp, a chord strung by a still waking state. Audible though barely as though its form was not more than a figment, present as the wind as it coursed that vast land, then drifted to naught just as softly as it began. And with her eyes partially lidded, she would have thought she had already fallen into dream, and her words were nothing more than a creation of that realm.

RE: at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Raheerah - January 26, 2014

He could have fallen asleep there, with his head hanging between his shoulders, his back hunched to form a protective wall over the canine huddled beneath him. Raheerah had slept in stranger positions; it was among his quirks that he could very easily fall asleep in strange posture. Perhaps it came to his advantage just as well that he could easily wake up, too - Raheerah found himself waking often through the night, kept awake by the sounds of trilling birds and nearby voices. Voices, they had always kept him awake. The guards outside of his cave. He memorized their voices, and he had found pleasure when he ended them.

She suddenly spoke, and Raheerah's eye slowly peeled open, looking down at her. As she moved, he adjusted in turn so that his lurching posture would overshadow hers. Her words caused him to draw his lips back in mild agitation, then close his eye in dismissal of her. "Sleep noooww. You may thank me when you survive your dreaam." Raheerah answered lowly, and resumed his hanging head, ignoring the gusts as they beat against his back, and the cold that radiated up through his toes. With the female warming him from beneath, he wanted nothing more than to finally rest.

RE: at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Xinuata - January 26, 2014

OOC: Very nice intro for these two :D Thank you!

There was a lapse between spoken word and reply that led the heavy mind to conclude that it was withing a dream. Coarse words were like an echo without a certain origin. Rolling over again into themselves to make a sound, joined by the warmth that flowed and surrounded her. The cold was a fading thing. Even the gusts of winter's wind was a thought once had then lost in the embrace of familiar heat.

She sought no reason to awaken her mind and the feel the cold, all for the sake of impressing the question further. Too true, she could thank this soul once her mind and body were rested, and the had the precious moment to live a life composed of dream. By lead the heartbeat, she drifted from the world and walked in longing with eyes closed to the realm beyond...


RE: at least pretend you didn't want to get caught - Raheerah - January 26, 2014

There was no response from the woman, and Raheerah found it safe to assume that she had already drifted off to slumber. He was thankful for that; the wolf had no desire to talk any further. It was cold, and with each moment he opened his jaw he felt the tendrils of cold air slip in beneath his tongue and freeze his teeth. With his remaining eye closed, the beast let his head hang and his mind begin to wander. Sleep would come easily to him despite the cold and the harsh winds - he had survived many winters in his life, and this was no different. At least it was not as dreadful as his cavern prison, where the walls accumulated frost in the winter and there was no where he could rest where it wasn't cold. The only plus was that he was protected from the wind, lest it breathe in through the entrance.

His ears set upright upon his skull, listening, prepared to leap to action should any nearby sounds rouse him. But besides that, he was already beginning to drift away, and the images and voice of his mind faded into the nothingness. He would not remember any memories that played in his head, any imagery or scene; all he could look forward to was waking in the morning.

exit Raheerah