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Darker than blood - Printable Version

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Darker than blood - Tonravik - June 26, 2015

train post

The leader moved ever upward, pausing now and then to breathe laboriously; these things within her took energy, but she had always been physically active and would not stop now. It would be better for them; of course, she did not know this, but she believed it. How could strong cubs grow in a thick, lazy, slovenly wolf? 

So she still climbed, her muscles rippling through thick furs, furs made for the North, not these temperatures; but it was night, and cool. She knew, too, Kotsiktok Pond would be cool from a chilled rainfall the hour before. 

Moving toward the peak, Tonravik paused to experience a strong cramp. She stretched outward and looked scathingly toward her abdomen, as though to curb her unborn into submission with a look. It worked in that moment, and she snorted at her stomach, before going and reaching the top at last. 

She moved into the stagnant, undrinkable water; as predicted, it was cold. From above, her eyes panned over the River, and stared now where she knew the Plains to be. 

RE: Darker than blood - Tatsuya - June 26, 2015

For Counselor! :D
Tatsuya worried for his burdened Alpha. She was always moving. Always, always, always. What with her dense, black pelage, it was no wonder she spent the more scalding days in shade or near some water source. Tonravik – whether she liked it or not – was prone to overheating. This was not only bad for her but for her unborn children as well. Despite being nighttime, he sought out the saturnine she-wolf. Head bowed to pick up on any new trails she left behind. Once he found a fairly recent track, he stuck to it. He had to travel up a steep slope to reach her. Once at the top, he took a breather, the wild red raspberry stalks sclutched tightly between his teeth. Wearily, his eyes searched the area to locate her. Course she was taking a dip. He watched her hobble in the jet black water, attention focused elsewhere. Approaching her from behind, he made himself known. Should she wish to be alone, he would not argue in staying. He was rather tired anyway.

RE: Darker than blood - Tonravik - June 29, 2015

Tonravik heard the other approach, and turned to look to the face of the wolf that she had only recently accepted into the fold. He was a man who thus far carried his weight, and threw it around as well. He was finding his place in this pack, as all wolves would. Testing to see who might refute his claim of being superior to them, and who would not. She had seen him go against Nanuk who certainly would physically back the fact that she was strong, and her place as Beta had not simply been given. Tonravik had seen the woman fight, after all, and defend the pack against the Plains.

The woman herself could hardly complain against him testing the weaker-willed, who he would naturally climb above if he could best them. Some were not born to be subordinate to others. Of her own wolves that she knew well, however, she did not question that they would teach him many a lesson for any time that he tested them. Both Echelon and Nanuk were not so well known for their patience; neither was she.

The alpha female looked over her shoulder to Kapvik, and then back over the horizon. He could join her, if he wished. Tonravik had taken a liking to the spirit in the wolverine, and was intrigued to see where it would land him.

RE: Darker than blood - Nanuk - June 29, 2015


The wolves of Tartok had always been an active bunch. Lazy wolves usually either got the hint and started working much harder than they ever had, or they were chased out because they did not live up to the creed. The strong survived and they did not do so by lounging around. Tonravik’s constant movement held this true, because as heavily pregnant as she was getting to be, she was still doing everything she had done before. She, perhaps, should have taken a rest but Kroc did not impede such things on her, for Tonravik’s instincts were well-honed and would tell her when it was time to stop and tend to the growing pups more than anything. Besides that, Kroc would be there to uphold the structure of the pack alongside Iqniq. Together, they would watch over the Spine more fiercely than ever before as the female Alpha got closer to birthing the next generation.

Kroc knew all that very well and had just ended her own patrol, breaking from the borders to head up to the pond that she knew was nearby. It wasn’t a long trek, for she’d been in the mountainous region of their terrain already, and somewhere along the way she scented Tonravik and the newcomer, Kapvik. The trail fresh, she assumed that they had both had the same idea and ascended after them, arriving to the pond swiftly enough to see the male still lingering at the edge of the pond. 

The pale Beta did not hesitate to near them, coming up on the Zeta’s side. Teeth gave him a brief nip on the haunch, not to assert but to greet. Her posture was not quite as stiff as it had been the first time they had met but she still displayed her rank, as was the natural way of wolves. Kroc also did not hesitate to slip into the pond, happy to let the waters cool her heated body, bumping Tonravik’s shoulder briefly in a similar greeting. The creature stayed quiet, gold eyes looking to the other to see if he would join them.

RE: Darker than blood - Tatsuya - June 29, 2015

Tatsuya had been so preoccupied with looking at his pregnant Alpha that he did not notice the Beta approaching. Kroc's nip made him jump, surprise and shock visible in not only his eyes but his posture as well. He knew the Beta was just being friendly but he couldn't help the look he gave her as she passed. You're an ass. You know that, right? To show that he was not furious, he nudged her hip as she went into the lake, going to Tonravik's side to greet her.
INDENTHaving cautiously viewed their superior for any signs of vexation, he took her slack carriage as an invitation to join. Tatsuya slowly entered the pond, working his way through the sediment at the bottom of the pond. Being a static pond, there was no concern for losing his raspberries. Sluggishly, he made his way to Siku's side (opposite to Kroc), hesitant to do anything else besides display that he had a “present” for her. Tonravik was...an uncommon woman, but being gravid was probably debilitating (physically and mentally) and bothersome. The fact there were actual living things inside of her required some amount of restraint yet Tonravik did not seem all that interested in slowing down. I'll...broach that subject later, I guess.
INDENTTatsuya has witnessed two births in his lifetime. Both of them ended horribly. He hoped that would not be the case when Tonravik's time came. But what if it did happen...? Would Tartok survive without her? Looking down into the rippled water, he reasoned that any and all what ifs can fuck off for all eternity.
INDENTPlacing the medicative plant before her, he let it drift in place. The berries were red with fine, woolly hairs. The plant itself could sprout flowers, but this one did not. Regardless, he knew that they were ripe and healthy for eating. Even for a pregnant wolf.
INDENTWild red raspberries,” he informed, focused upon the delectable plant. “The leaves are especially good for contractions and suckling young, so you should save those for when you go into labor...I would not eat them until then. The berries alone help with cramps, uh...assuming you have those.” He paused woodenly. Not every woman endured pregnancy the same way, so he could not be certain. “And it's safe for the young.” He had to make that much clear. It was likely a plausible fear she had to ingest something only to find out it could end in a fruitless birth. Tatsuya shuddered at the thought.

RE: Darker than blood - Tonravik - June 29, 2015


Kroc was soon quick to emerge over the edge, too, to where the Pond, larger thanks to the rainfall, stood. Tonravik smelled her and heard her, but still, her eyes lingered upon the Plains, wondering of the happenings there. Did they discuss war? Did they think that they could march against she and hers and survive it? Tonravik let out a steady exhale, the breath hardly causing a ripple against the still waters that had settled before Kroc entered them. As unaffected by her as the world would be of the massacre that would befall the Plains wolves, and their deaths.

The woman soon had Nanuk beside her, and then, Kapvik. The leader moved to nip Nanuks face, growling lowly, fondly, toward the other. Then her newest subordinate spoke, and she heeded him entirely. In his mouth he carried berries, which she sniffed at. Nonpoisonous. Though most lost their tell of that factor when being disrooted, Tonravik saw the edges of it were clipped and gnawed on by prey. They knew best of all what was fatal and what was not; it was that, more than anything, which alerted the alpha female to the fact that it was safe. She did not recognize the plant, another sure sign that the thing was safe. She was versed in all things poisonous, not safe.

As he explained its true uses to her, Tonravik noted its tiny hairs and her eyes fell back to him. Leaves, save for later. The berries however, she desired now, if they helped with cramping... one such cramp rolled through the woman then. The Plains wolves were all but forgotten, her care for them very little. They were inconsequential, and already she and hers were prepared. The leader reached for one such raspberry, a clear answer to his unasked question.

RE: Darker than blood - Nanuk - June 29, 2015

Her grin was brief, well aware of the look he'd given her. She knew her attitude and actions rubbed others the wrong way at times and didn't care. It worked here and that was what mattered. Kapvik would eventually learn that it was just who she was, that she was rough around the edges; she could co-exist with others, as displayed by the brief contact between her and Tonravik. If he integrated into the Spine properly, then learning to live with her personality would be a small thing and it would happen as easily as it had with others.

She watched now as the male presented a gift to the dark female, the plant's purpose explained readily. None of that sounded pleasant and Kroc, again, found herself glad that she had resolved to not have puppies, not to mention the fact that she was likely infertile being that she'd not had a heat since her first year. Tonravik picked at the berries now instead of waiting and such an action caused the Beta's focus to truly settle on her superior, paying attention now to her actions. If she was experiencing pain and cramps already, then it was also clear that she was sooner approaching the point where she needed to tend to her expanding belly more than the borders. 

Gold eyes flickered to Kapvik, wondering if the presumably aspiring healer would go so far as to advise her of this. Asking if she was in pain would have been redundant and needless, so instead, Kroc spoke only to imply that they were there to assist and not hinder. "What can we do to help?" It would all boil down to what Tonravik was ready for, if she was truly to the point where she needed to begin settling down. While Kroc could operate of her own will, she reinforced the ideals that she was there to support Tonravik and her coming brood.

RE: Darker than blood - Tatsuya - June 30, 2015

Their leader listened patiently to him without interruption. Kroc did not interrupt either, to which he was thankful for. Kapvik had noted the shroud of worry hanging over her like a dark, thundering cloud. The wolverine was keen at such things, but Tonravik's worry was almost palpable. Speaking of, the pain that swept through her caused both underlings to share a look. If the berries do not at least lessen the severity of the cramps...The affects were not going to be instant; the Issumatar would suffer for at least forty-five minutes after the intake. And if the berries do not work? Such a question yet lingered. Perhaps he should go get some more but the healer in him advised against it. Too much of a good thing is bad. He sure as shit did not want her to have a miscarriage because of him.
INDENTWhen Nanuk piped up, the Zeta woofed lowly in approval. They were there to help in any way they could. Tonravik's worry was not unfounded; the Plains wolves were a very real threat that yet remained. Kapvik would offer to annihilate them one by one, but...well...Ahem. He really...was not...allowed to do that shit anymore. And if the Plains wolves had any sense in them, they would eventually find out that it was him...assuming they let them enter their ranks in the first place. Suicide missions were so fucked up...Christ. How did he ever find his way into that damnable lifestyle...He was going to assume Tartok was not like that and he was going to let that assumption die and never pop up again. Problem solved. Oh, if only it was that easy.
INDENTYou need to let your mate and your Beta do more of the strenuous work.” Hopefully she wound not find offense in him speaking up, but enlightenment. “Let us take some of the burden off your shoulders...or those inside of you will suffer for it.” Honestly he did not want to impose an ultimatum upon his Alpha, though it certainly sounded like it. Kapvik shook his head, unable to say anything beyond what was said. Being pregnant took a lot out of a woman. If she had to hole herself up – albeit prematurely – so what? Tartok was plentiful in spirit and leadership...Their food stores could use some fattening up, but he trusted in his higher ups to do the right thing. And if they didn't, he would. Simple as that.

RE: Darker than blood - Tonravik - June 30, 2015

Tonravik missed their shared look, but as the pale wolf spoke, she looked to her, not pausing as she chewed and swallowed. The taste was unpleasant, not meaty in the least. But she had expected this, and her face remained stoic. Her answer might have came had Kapvik not spoken, and she now looked to him. It became clear to her that Kapvik was something of a healer himself; perhaps he would pursue it, as well.

"I will soon keep to the whelping den," she informed, "but these pains are not so frequent, yet." It was her answer; Tonravik understood that soon, she would need to let the pack protect, patrol, and guard what they waited for. The cubs. The link of their future. And Tonravik would not jeopardize that, for anything. The woman's instincts had steered her in the land more than out, now.

She looks outward. "Patrols will need to increase," With one less, her, to aid them, they would need to be vigilant, "Silata forest..." she looked to Neverwinter, a name she had never learned, her word translating to "the outside", "I do not want any too close."

RE: Darker than blood - Nanuk - June 30, 2015

He instructed her to take a break from the harder work. It was almost laughable, for the pale creature was not so sure that their Issumator knew how to do something like "take a break". She might keep to the den but she would rule there as easily as she had outside of it, and until then she would only gradually slow down. She strongly suspected that Tonravik laying around 24 hours a day was only going to happen at the last. Even so, she gave a well-meaning snort, gold eyes alighting on Tonravik accompanied by a proud, confident expression. "Consider it done." She'd have added on 'yesterday', but their leader was not one for words, and extra ones meant nothing. The simple fact was that there would be none allowed even close to the borders of the Spine.

RE: Darker than blood - Tatsuya - July 09, 2015

Tonravik's answer was not the one Kapvik wanted to hear, but the one he would have to settle with. Idly, he wondered if she knew the repercussions for pushing herself. Even walking up that steep incline they all trod was dicey. Maybe he was misjudging her. Maybe he was projecting his worries onto her. Or maybe his worries were well-founded and legitimate. Until the day comes where the Issumator becomes immobile with child, Kapvik would have to wait and see how she would abide giving birth. He hoped beyond hope that there would be no casualties. The births he has witnessed have imparted a dour outlook on the matter.
INDENTMm,” he grunted at Nanuk's words in agreement. Once Tonravik's near-black eyes went to a distant woodland – ostensibly called silata, whatever that meant – Kapvik released a reassuring croon. A mother will worry for her brood. Those benign and free of ill intent would be viewed the same as those who would inflict harm upon them. Perhaps not all the time but for as long as Tonravik was den ridden and throughout the whelp's childhood. He would ease up in greeting outsiders until they were a year old. Even then, attentiveness was of utmost precedence.
INDENTWould you have us kill any foolish enough to cross our borders?” A weighty question. Tonravik has informed him of Hoshor Plains and their meddlesome associates, but what of those aligned elsewhere? Kapvik wanted to know what was and was not acceptable when it came to patrols and the like. Chances are he would meet those seeking to join with aggression regardless of what she deemed necessary or unnecessary. Blood would not be shed unless she wish it.

RE: Darker than blood - Tonravik - July 09, 2015

They both agreed, and did not push her; for this, she was thankful. She had yet to feel a babe kick... but from the cramps, she knew that they were there, and they were growing. Or perhaps she knew nothing. Perhaps the cramps themselves were her cubs kicking away... was it possible that they were already so strong?

Smugly, she thought: yes.

It was then the tenacious Kapvik spoke again, and she looked to the wolf named for his peculiar markings so familiar to her. His question was one she felt did not think need answering; but then, perhaps where he had come from, wolves were... as different as the ones here. He did not seem stupid. He was a wolf that followed order. But an annoyed flick of her tail was accompanied with her "Yes." Fools were not long for the world, anyway; she did them a favor. Be it a quick death or a slow one (however they decided to die was the last choice they could make, after all), they would be killed.

Crossing the borders as a lone wolf into her packlands was unforgivable. Naturally, Tonravik knew first hand what one could do with that opportunity. But she was more vigilant and savage, and also, would abandon the place only if the herds moved. No food, no point. Prey was key to survival. But she would not go alone; her pack would join her.

Land meant nothing to her, so long as it was a mountain; and while Tonravik wished for a colder place, her physical appearance made for the place she had come from, she could still live here; and the place was filled with game. So to Tonravik, there was only one reason to trespass: to take. Which, she had done. No other would be given that opportunity so long as she led.

RE: Darker than blood - Nanuk - July 10, 2015

She growled, eyes switching to Kapvik. She was not growling at him but at the thought that an outsider trespassing on their lands would not be killed. She elaborated on Tonravik's confirmation. "Any dumbass that crosses our borders, anytime, is a dead wolf. Their heads will serve as warning for others." If he didn't agree with that and showed mercy on one that would infiltrate, it would be his head on the borders. Whether or not he had learned differently, he would conform to the ways of the Spine or he would find himself out on his ass with the marks that any and every traitor of Tartok bore. If he was still alive, that is. 

RE: Darker than blood - Tatsuya - July 10, 2015

They both responded to his question. Nanuk with vehemence and Tonravik with annoyance. Some packs implemented reservations, others did not. Kapvik was learning their ways...or, well, he was trying to. Both of their replies did not warrant further questions. Actually, it sounded like the next wolf to come knocking on their door should be attacked on site, regardless of placement, disposition, or desire to join. Instead of bolstering their ranks, it sounded like they wished to weaken them. Uh. And what about the probability of pissing off some wolf with power behind them.? As if Tartok was the only pack in the entire world to have branches of it's own. Uh! The stupid are not long for this world. Indeed. Foolishness can be found in all places. Even here, it seems.
INDENTHoly shit. It was way past his bedtime and the crabbiness was starting to settle in. He literally sounded like a petulant child what with all that was going on in his head. “I should go,” mumbled he, voice showing evidence to his condition. Not wanting to bite anyone's head off, Kapvik waded through the waters to the bank, stepping back on to land with a tired yawn. He was not good company late into the evening. Looking over his shoulder, he dipped his crown in farewell before trotting off.

RE: Darker than blood - Tonravik - July 13, 2015

It was the thoughtless and the senseless that were not long for the world. If a wolf respected the boundaries of their pack and lingered, that was one thing; if they crossed the border, they were disobeyed a fundamental law of being a wolf. Tonravik had given one such insane wolf a chance... but had ended up killing her. The woman had the experience to know that idiots were more trouble than they were worth; why prolong their life, and waste precious food on them when there were better wolves? Wolves the food would not be wasted on? Status did not matter. If Tonravik herself trespassed, she did not expect to be backed by any; it was an idiotic, moronic decision. She would not support her wolves if they made such a decision; the consequence they were given at the borders would be met without retribution or complaint.

Sometimes, wolves stupidity needed to be beaten from them. Tonravik would have no bad blood with the wolves of the Plains if they learned from that stupidity; but they did not. Perhaps now that they had met with the leader, they would... but only time would tell them that.

As the other made to leave, she did not object. The leader could only assume he got the picture; they painted a clear one, and he had asked no questions. The alpha female was content to spend more time with her Beta in any case. She did not speak, not minding the quiet.

RE: Darker than blood - Nanuk - July 14, 2015

Kapvik seemed to not approve of their methods, which was simply to kill any and all trespassers. If they were too near to the borders, that as their own damn fault. If they were respectful and hung back, away from the Spine, they'd have much better chances of leaving with their lives. Or joining them. For his seeming incoherence, Kroc thought him foolish, and if he slipped up and allowed a trespasser to get away with their life, she would correct him. Painfully. 

For all her thoughts, she did not stop him leaving and instead lingered with her Alpha comfortably. No words broke their shared silence, nor did any thoughts or feelings complicate things. It was an easy companionship, one that lead to them soaking in the cool of the pond, letting the heat of the day finally seep away. 

Thread fade?!