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Bearclaw Valley New faces you have to meet. - Printable Version

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New faces you have to meet. - Scarlett - June 28, 2015

@Sesi @Desna @Nanook @Xan The pack gets to meet Scarlett's babies! In a few days the BFW kids can meet them.

Scarlett knew everyone was eager to see the new arrivals, and finally after more than a week Scarlett was inclined to accept the wishes of the pack. She just wanted to bond with them before others would see them. Plus they would still be blind and deaf so now it would be a good time to introduce their noses to others before their eyes would open and they would be overwhelmed with wolves and their scent. The mother moved the pups into a clean chamber, always hearing their loud squeals of protest once she was gone, well probably because their milk supplier and warmth giver was gone.

Scarlett got out the den and washed herself a bit, drinking some water too. The white queen was a bit anxious about their reactions. She howled for @Raziel, @Adlartok and @Crëyr to come to the den. Scarlett got herself back inside and wrapped herself around her litter. She would give them all a quick cleaning so they would be looking perfect to meet their packmates. Even dirty and squealing they were perfect. Scarlett loved them with her whole heart.

RE: New faces you have to meet. - Raziel - June 28, 2015

Brilliant white clouds covered the sky, some were large and seemingly fluffy and soft while others looked like thickly woven cobwebs. The cobweb like looking clouds intertwined with the cotton candy ones while the sun shone on. Raziel tore his bright green eyes away from the blinding light of the sky and focused his attention on patrolling the borders and keeping potential intruders away from Bearclaw Valley. Few were foolish enough to venture close but were chased away with a few well placed snaps and nips, and several guttural growls. 

He often did his patrols alone, which gave him a good amount of time to think. He had been wondering if he should leave the Valley, the oaths he gave his former leaders were no use now since he was the one that was leading the pack. It was better to leave this godforsaken hell of a place where he would be forever heartbroken than to stay here and slowly break apart and leave behind only a shell of his former self. Raziel was still contemplating when Scarlett's howl rang through the air.

For a moment, the silver Alpha was torn between running towards her like a loyal puppy to its master or to stay and patrol. Finally, he decided to go see the new additions to the Valley. Pale paws skimmed lightly over the ground as he made his way to the Beta Female's den and cautiously poked his muzzle through the den, inhaling the thick scents of the two couple and the children. "Scarlett?" he called out softly as he silently trotted to where the pups were.

RE: New faces you have to meet. - Adlartok - June 28, 2015

Artok too heard the howl and set off in the direction, he stopped short when he saw the male alpha and gave him a wide berth. They hadn't gotten off on the wrong foot, he just wasn't liking others to well. Especially any males that liked Miss. Scarlett. It wasn't anything against any of them, it just drew a protective instinct in him that was feral and a little bit anxious. She was his mother and no one needed to chase after her like a half starved puppy, trying to get all up in her business, it irked him.

He tilted his head as he got near the little babes and they caught his eye. He lay down for a moment and studied them, waiting for the go ahead to move forward. He found he felt protective of them as well.

RE: New faces you have to meet. - Scarlett - June 28, 2015

Scarlett waited for them in the main chamber. Adlartok probably knew his way around. The light female hummed softly and was pleased to see the two silver males. It didn't take long. Scarlett was happy, as she always was. "Come in!," she let out. Kove was out so the two males wouldn't have a problem running into him. Scarlett was still clueless about their hatred. The main chamber was big it could fit three wolves but Scarlett laid with her babies since she couldn't miss them. The two might expect them all too be white but the pups went from light to dark.

Her red eyes turned to the two. "Look!," she let out proudly. "Four healthy babies! Four! I didn't know I was that pregnant!" Though everyone around her could have predicted with how much of a whale she looked like. Scarlett licked over the closest which was Desna. She favored to climb on top of her mother and nestle in her fur. "The charcoal colored is Desna, and then we have Nanook, the lighter one after that is Sesi and the last one is Alexander!," she let out, sounding so proud. "I think Alexander is like me..."

RE: New faces you have to meet. - Raziel - June 30, 2015

Raziel gracefully made his way to the chamber where Scarlett and her pups resided. Her go ahead signal allowed the Roman to cautiously trot forward, bright teal eyes drifting from his surroundings to the new mother's features and finally, to the children. They were beautiful little things despite being like fluffy potatoes with fur ranging from jet black to pure white. Despite not being their father, he felt a fatherly sort of love for them and an urge to protect them from all harm and train them to become good wolves unlike their blood father.

But the silver Alpha shook those thoughts away and angled his velvety ears towards Scarlett as she began speaking, simply offering her a small smile as a response. He did not wish to speak, for fear he might begin spitting swear words at the albino for choosing such a terrible mate, so he simply settled down near the children, his green eyes fixed on them.

RE: New faces you have to meet. - Adlartok - July 11, 2015

Artok stared at them all, but his gaze was drawn mostly to the little female Desna was her name. She seemed so delicate and fragile, he wanted to protect her, a lot. He already knew he'd rip into anyone that so much as looked at her crooked. She was a little Miss. Scarlett and for that reason alone he would protect her. He lay down his head on his paws and stared as they moved about, breathing. He had thought perhaps he would be jealous, but he found he wasn't. He was a little indifferent he supposed, but that was him. He was always like that, but he did think they were maybe just a little bit cute.

Their cute. That was all he said, but he stayed put in quiet study of the babes in front of him.

RE: New faces you have to meet. - Scarlett - July 11, 2015

Scarlett watched the two and looked at them with a proud smile. Her red eyes fell on the pup Ad was looking at, Desna. She was a big cute fattie. Scarlett loved her. She loved all her children. She licked over Nanook bet she would be excited with these new scents around her. She carefully grabbed Desna and placed her before Adlartok. The dark little pup wiggled forward until she touched something with her nose. She had no idea it was Ad's nose. She continued her path before she decided that this patch of softness (Ad's cheek), was perfect to snuggle against.

Scarlett watched as the others also started to explore and wiggle around. They were and active bunch. Scarlett only loved that about them. It meant they were healthy and eager to grown into the next step of their lives.

RE: New faces you have to meet. - Raziel - July 17, 2015

Raziel said nothing even when Adlartok commented that they were cute. They weren't really..cute in his eyes, mere balls of fluffy fur. Simply potatoes with legs and covered with downy fur. Perhaps if they grew up a bit more, then the word 'cute' would apply to them, but for now, the Roman thought the word 'ugly' or 'weird looking' applied more. That was his utterly honest opinion and he wouldn't take that back even if Scarlett, Kove and Adlartok ganged up and tried to make him that that back (not that they knew what he was thinking). That was the honest truth.

Raz watched silently as Scarlett picked up the darkest pup of the litter, Desna and placed her before the younger greyscale wolf. And for a moment, the Alpha felt a burst of intense hatred for all the children because their father was Kove. He felt it burn beneath his breast, a raging fiery animal that wished to devour all and recreate the world, making it his. He wanted to slaughter Kove and take Scarlett as his own mate, to make her have his children if she didn't do so willingly.

It faded off a moment later, but the sick thing was, Raz kind of agreed with the monster.

RE: New faces you have to meet. - Scarlett - July 26, 2015

Skipping @Adlartok's turn. Then you can wrap this thread up and archive it after your reply @Raziel

Scarlett sat up proudly with the four wiggling potatoes around her feet. She always wanted to be a mother and now her wishes were finally heard. With care she started to pick up each pup one by one. They had been exposed for long enough to her judgement and she wanted them back in her sleeping chamber. She picked up Desna as last and then went back to the main chamber. "Thank you for stopping by. I know it was short but within a few days their eyes should open and it will make them more fun to watch," she smiled.

Scarlett's ears fell back when she heard the squeaks and whines. "They are hungry. I will have to feed them," she pointed out, carefully dismissing the two. She liked to do the nursing in private. She allowed Kove there, but it might be weird to have Ad and Raziel watch.

RE: New faces you have to meet. - Raziel - July 27, 2015

Raziel watched with mixed feelings at the four wriggling furry potatoes on the ground. He did not know what to think of this, he didn't know what he felt about this and truth to be told, he wasn't really sure if he wanted to know. Somethings you were better off not knowing, and the greyscale Roman felt like this was one of those times when he would not seek to find the answer but drown himself in the queer bliss of not knowing. Yeah, he was pretty sure he would be happy to know that he did not know what he felt. 

Raziel was shook out from his stupor when Scarlett picked each pup up one by one and brought them back to the sleeping chamber, then she thanked them for stopping by and said other mundane things that Raziel heard but did not bother to take in. Velvety ears pricked when he heard the carefully veiled dismissal. The silver stood up, inclined his head respectfully to her and murmured, "Thanks for allowing us to visit," before he turned and left, ignoring Adlartok entirely.