Wolf RPG
Blackfeather Woods La Lune enfants - Printable Version

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La Lune enfants - DeadLusa - June 29, 2015

Maybe @Grimnir or @Ayana?

 It felt so near. The pains have grown worse. The pups kicked wildly inside her. Instinct told her to be ready very soon. She had taken the prey Grimnir had caught for her and headed for the bigger den her and Meldresi had discovered. 

 It was the perfect place to raise her young. It was a secluded place deep within the territory. Water ran close by. The den was warm and safe. It was perfect. She cut through the shrubbery and went down into the den. She immediantly floped down by the kill and started eating. Hopefully this would last her the whole day. She didn't want to stress Grim with millions of tasks.

 She licked the blood from her maw when she finished. Something kicked at her stomach as she did so. "Don't be so restless, she whispered, as if they where already here, "we will eat again soon." She licked her bulging belly before resting her head to sleep.

RE: La Lune enfants - Ayana - June 29, 2015

Oh my, I can't wait for the pups!

It was summer and the air was warm. A soft breeze was blowing through Ayanas coat, cooling her down a little although the big trees of the woods didn't allow the air to heat up too much for Ayanas liking.
The female was walking around the territory. Her mind was wandering around while she was looking for some prey or some nice spot where she could relax for a while. Suddenly she picked up the nice, light scent of the female wolf she met recently. Lusa. The black female brought back feelings like care and friendship, although the two females barely knew each other.
Didn't Lusa expect pups in a few days? Ayana decided to follow the scent to meet her ... friend?

After a while of walking around somewhat cluelessly - she found herself deep inside the woods - she finally noticed the scent getting more and more intense.
Ayana discovered a small den, hidden perfectly in the dark woods.

"Lusa? Are you in there?" , Ayana asked. She didn't hear a reply, although she could definitely hear someone inside the den. She decided to sit down infront of the place for a while. She felt like Lusa could need some help, however she didn't want to get inside the small den without being allowed to.

RE: La Lune enfants - Grimnir - June 29, 2015

Grim is currently in a thread with Ayana (it will be a spar) So this thread may come after that? If I need to change anything let me know :D  .... EDIT: OOPS SORRY AYANA, my post took too long LOL .... let's just assume Grim was already in the den with Lusa before Ayana showed up maybe??????? I can always edit the post though xD 

New wolves were a nuisance, Grim decided as he watched over his mate. Ayana. She had annoyed him, but he had put her in her place. Of course she also cost him his hunt. He had returned to Lusa with nothing to offer. That made him very angry. He wanted to turn around and attack the light brown female again, but he felt that he had been away from his little killer too long.

Lusa was sleeping, her belly seeming even bigger than the last time. He could smell the last meal he had given her, but it was gone. So then she must have finished it. Grim scowled. He would have to go hunting for her again. But for now he just wanted to watch over her. Being careful not to wake her up he moved around behind her and laid down. He pressed his body against hers and just laid there admiring her as she slept. He studied each scar on her rump, the scar on his face tingling. She had given him that scar and he wore it with pride. But the scars on her were not from him. Once she woke he would finally ask the reasons behind it. Though to him the scars made her seem even more beautiful, the curiosity of the story behind them worried him. What had she been through in her past? Who had harmed her like that? He wanted to kill whoever had hurt her. 

A voice called from the entrance. Grim immediately stood over Lusa with a growl. Who would dare disturb his lover?

RE: La Lune enfants - DeadLusa - June 29, 2015

Me too! X3

 The sound of Ayana's voice had awoken her from her short slumber. And the feeling of fur besiede her. It wa her mate. Her tail thumped on the ground a bit. "Yes I'm here. You can come in if you'd like. " She was always happy to have some company. It made her feel more confortable. And she was happy that it was Ayana and not Ohen. She didn't know if the male was still out for her blood. She would have to keep her offspring away from him. Who knows what might happen if he got to them? She would certaintly flay him if he even came near the nursery.

 Shaking the thought out of her mind, she looked up into the den entrance and waited to see the light coat of her packmate.

RE: La Lune enfants - Ayana - June 29, 2015

Ayana was relieved to hear Lusa's voice. It seemed like her ...friend was alright so the light wolf could stop worrying. She was going to step right into the den to catch up with Lusa when she started to hesitate. ,,You barely know her, Ayana. Maybe she doesn't even want to be disturbed. Maybe she needed help, tho. But maybe.. Ok stop. You'll go in there and offer Lusa your help.", she said to herself.
That's how friendship worked, right? She didn't know, but this was what she heard of. To give and to take. To be there for each other and support each other. To share thoughts and secrets.
Disgusting, kind of. Ayana still didn't understand why that was necessary to keep up a friendship.Of course contacts were important ... but asking someone about their problems and genuinely caring? She shook her head.

However, it was different with Lusa. Ayana did feel something for her, she figured that it was care. Although that "care" could also just be there to keep up that mask she had to put on to hide her true feelings. Ayana was ready to find out whether the care she felt was real or not.

The light wolf sighted quietly and then stepped inside the den. "Lusa! I wanted to ask you if you're fine and maybe need some ... Oh."
There he was. Grimnir, also known as Mr. Knowitall and Mr. "Rememberwhoyouare,girl". Him and Ayana definitely did not have a good start.

RE: La Lune enfants - Grimnir - June 29, 2015

As soon as he saw who had entered the den, Grim snarled. "Ayana." He thickened her name with the sound of distaste. So his love knew this wolf then? He positioned himself so that Lusa now lay underneath his stomach. He didn't like the cramped space of the den. There wasn't much in the way of maneuvering himself around if a fight broke out. He would have to pull the white tainted female from the den to protect his mate from any harm. But his little killer had welcomed the new pack mate in. Were they friends? He didn't really want them to be. But Ayana did know her place in the hierarchy. He could give her that at least.

So he calmed himself, but stayed where he was and waited for the light wolf to speak. He assumed that she wasn't really a threat. That didn't mean he would completely lower his guard though.

RE: La Lune enfants - DeadLusa - June 29, 2015

 She had come in, and Grim wasn't happy to see her. He stood over her in a protective way, snarling her name. It was obvious they didn't like eachother. She didn't seem to like him and visa versa. That put Lusa in an awkward position.

 She looked over at both of them with questioning eyes. "Well, I'm doing well. But I'd much rather have these pups out of me." She wanted to see them so badly. She could hardly wait.

RE: La Lune enfants - Ayana - June 30, 2015

Ayana's heart started to race. This situation was definitely nothing she knew how to deal with. What would any other wolf do now? Disappear? Fight? Well, she was weak and couldn't really fight again - she also simply couldn't be bothered - so she decided that leaving was the best option.

"I guess so, Lusa. Must be tough to carry around little pups inside of you ... Well, I just wanted to make sure you're okay. If you need any help just call me.", Ayana looked over to Grimnir who seemed a little pathetic trying to protect Lusa as if Ayana wanted any harm. She would never harm babies tho. That was against the codex.

"Simply let me know and I'll be there. I'd love to help" She didn't love to help, especially because she knew how much Grim disgusted her. But she wanted to make friends with Lusa as she didn't really had any other friends.

RE: La Lune enfants - Grimnir - July 08, 2015

He was glad when Ayana announced she would leave. He would be prickly no matter who it was that came near his pups. Grim wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. In his opinion he would think that his pups would be safer for it. But would Lusa accept it? Or would his overprotective nature make her angry? Grim brushed off the thoughts. If she was bothered by it then she would voice it. Lusa wasn't one to keep things from him. 

He kept his stance over his mate while waiting for Ayana to leave. It wasn't safe to let down his guard quite yet. Not until she disappeared from view and the sound of her footsteps faded. Only then would he relax.