Wolf RPG
Blackfeather Woods In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - Printable Version

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In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - Grimnir - June 29, 2015

@Ayana  :D

Blackfeather woods was darker than usual. The hauntingly beautiful territory was always shadowed, but with the grey clouds above his home was even more alluring. A tension tainted the air as well and humidity clung to his fur. Grim could tell that it was going to rain soon. His lip lifted in a scowl. Rain. He didn't really enjoy having his coat soaked, though the layers of fur protected him from the harsh weather for the most part. Not to mention he dried fairly quickly. It was just... uncomfortable. Like how walking through a river that only came up to your stomach wasn't the greatest feeling in the world. 

He was hunting for Lusa. She always seemed hungry with their pups growing inside her. It wouldn't be long now before they were born. Grim was overly excited even though he knew the pups wouldn't be up and about for a few weeks. He gazed to the right with his nose to the ground as he walked. The den she was in wasn't far from him. He never strayed too much. Not since promising her he wouldn't leave. It made him wonder if she was annoyed with him yet. A grin spread across his muzzle. How he loved her. Even the simplest thoughts of her could fill him with adoration. He would be eternally grateful that they found each other. He sighed. It was strange being in love. All his life he had felt nothing but the need for blood. This relationship was the complete opposite of everything he had known. But it had been good for him.

The scent of a deer caught his attention, pulling him from his thoughts. Slowly he sniffed along the trail in an attempt to figure out in which direction the deer was headed. If it strayed too far then he would have to find something else. But it seemed that the path was curving around towards his mate. He wonders if she would spot it before him, but Lusa wouldn't be able to attack it. Her belly was too big to allow her much movement. 

Another scent mixed with the one he was following. He could tell it was a female wolf. Just a hint of the scent of Blackfeather clung to it. Was the wolf a new member? A lot of wolves came in and out of this place it seemed. Grim didn't understand it. This territory was too fascinating, too captivating. He could never leave it unless forced to. That made him wonder who was still around. He would have to ask Lusa about it. See if she knew what wolves made up Blackfeather now. But what if this was an intruder? Anyone could pick up pack scent just by rolling on the territory line. Should he investigate? Perhaps not. His hunt was more important. If he came across the wolf, then he would confront her. But for now he'd stick to his task.

RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - Ayana - June 29, 2015

A wolf. Definitely. Her heart shrank. This time wouldn't be as easy and lightweight as her meeting with Lusa. She felt some kind of weird tension that mixed with the penetrant scent of a male wolf.
Ayana clenched her teeth and she could feel her neck hair raise. Subconsciously she growled a little, which surprised her. It had been a while since she last felt really threatened, although she didn't know if there was a reason to feel scared now. The last male she met, Burke, was really sweet. Impressive, but kind of funny considering his behaviour, she thought.

Ayana picked up the scent again so she decided to quietly follow it. She didn't know whether the wolf noticed her or not, but she was too curious to simply ignore it. The coat of the rather light wolf made it seem a little awkward, though: hiding in a dark forest with a coat as light as ginger was harder than she expected.

However, the female didn't give up. She didn't really care anyway. The male would probably turn out to be as gentle and somewhat boring as Burke. Slowly she could feel her muscles relax again. How stupid she was to be so overly scared by a scent.
She started to trot a little, the soft wind that appeared was cooling her down a little which she really appreciated.

Suddenly she could see him. Taller than she expected. He seemed like he didn't notice her. He was probably a little bit silly. Ayana stared at him for a while, while she was deciding about her next actions. Would she stay hidden or should she just indroduce herself to her pack mate, who still seemed to ignore her?

RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - Grimnir - June 29, 2015

Someone was watching him. The dark male was sure of it. He paused with his head still lowered, his gaze shifting from right to left. There was no movement that he could spot. His head rose as he turned around to face a light brown wolf. A warning growl sounded from his throat, low and deep. This one belonged to the scent he had caught mixed in with the deer. He wonders if the female had circled around to get behind him. Were her intentions harmful then? His tail rose as did the hair along his spine. The stranger was too close to Lusa's den. 

He took a few slow steps forward. Teeth shone beneath black lips. He snapped his jaws together with another growl, this one threatening. Grim was becoming over protective of his mate. It wasn't a good quality to mix in with the shadow tainting his heart. It was a deadly one. "
Who are you?" She would have to be extremely considerate of her actions now. If Grim determined this stranger to be a potential threat, he would attack without hesitation. Not that he wasn't already planning his assault.

He would lunge forward if she declared to be an intruder. Zone in on her neck. Attempt to pin his teeth around it. If she managed to wiggle out of his grasp, he would break a limb with a crunch from his jaws. She would either fall or remain standing on three legs. He would snap another leg to get her to the ground if he had to. Grim would feel no remorse in doing so. In fact, the darkness inside would welcome the screams that would stab into the air.
Why hesitate now? the voices questioned him. Kill her,they demanded of him. Grim began to consider listening to those voices. For he could see in his mind's eye that once she had fallen to the ground, he would rip the flesh from her throat. It would take her a moment to die. There would be an increasing pool of blood beneath her body, soaking into the dirt. And he would just watch....

But what if she is a pack mate? Another lighter voice questioned him. She would be protected under pack law. Grim snarled at this voice. He shook the bloody vision from his head. That's the one detail he had to find out now before finalizing a decision of killing or warning this female. He honestly hoped for the latter. Sometimes he really enjoyed his old personality. So now he waited, staring down the female with a deadly gleam in his gaze.

RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - Ayana - June 30, 2015

She was upset. Helpless. Scared. Angry? Probably. She decided to stay hidden behind the big trees and bushes of Blackfeather. She really appreciated the forest now.
With her eyes still focussing on the big, brownish wolf, Ayana moved around him to see more of him. Maybe injuries. Disabilities. Anything that would make him less potentially dangerous. She couldn't find anything.

The wolf growled, it made Ayana shiver. The last time she heard someone growl like that was ... her brother. How her teeth were burying inside his flesh, his warm blood covering Ayanas light coat, how he could hear his heartbeat getting slower until it finally stopped.
She was disgusted by herself. Still, after so much time that had passed. She wasn't like that anymore. She changed. She'd never let anything like this happen again. She had a codex.

After a while of checking the stranger out, she stepped out of the shadows.
"Who are you to ask who I am, stranger?", the light wolf said, staring directly in his eyes, which had something frightening about them. She shivered again.
Deep inside of her throat she could feel a growling forming. Much better than her first growl. This one seemed like an actual growl to warn the male.

"Why are you so scared of me? I'm a lady.", Ayana said teasingly. She didn't know of a better way to talk to this stranger without being killed straight away. She felt that he was angry, very, as if he had to protect anything. Or maybe he was simply a loser that needed to sound dangerous because he didn't know how to fight.

RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - Grimnir - July 08, 2015

She was cocky. But the female was too far out of Grim's reach. He remained where he was while keeping an eye on her. If she managed to get close enough then he would lunge. "I do not believe that I am the one afraid." The taunt didn't bother him. He knew which of them was nervous. A female could never intimidate him. In fact the only wolf who made him wary was Burke. The size of the male was unworldly. Grim didn't think he could fight such a force. "I ask who you are for your own safety." Teeth shined beneath their prison as he grinned. "It will determine whether or not you die here.

If the white tainted female didn't answer him soon, Grim would attempt to chase her off. Maybe catch her. Teach her a lesson. It was dangerous to annoy him; anger him. Things would get ugly in the end. Even if she did turn out to be pack, perhaps he should give her a reason why she shouldn't dance around important questions in these woods. He wasn't sure anymore if he was the only male that would rip this strangers throat out. There used to be Slade. Keith. Who else? His Lusa? Maybe. She wasn't really the type who carried a dark blood lust though. Grim kept on alert, ready to lunge if a moment presented itself. He would have to wait for her to answer him once more. 

RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - Ayana - July 09, 2015

Ayana was unsure. He seemed angry, which might just be a faked emotion to hide his low self esteem? However, maybe it was genuine and he was really about to attack her. It was hard to read the male's mind.
She turned around and walked some footsteps away. Then she started to circle him slowly to get more time to think of an answer. Was she ready to tell the wolf who she was? Or should she just have a bit of fun and risk it? She looked the male straight in the eyes. He was rather big and Ayana could imagine him killing very well. Maybe he was just like she used to be? Maybe he needed help?

"Why would I tell you something about me without knowing who you are? I'm not very interested in talking to you anyway.", Ayana said with sparkling eyes. It made him mad and she liked it. She knew that he wouldn't wait any longer, tho, she had to do something.

"I am part of the pack. Ayana is my name. Nice to meet you, stranger.", the light wolf said while walking away. She wasn't interested in him, although she would have enjoyed some kind of argument.
She sat down on a big rock and looked at the male. He was so angry, but seemed to control himself. She was ready to see what would happen next. Would he attack? She didn't think so. He couldn't attack her as she was part of the pack. Burke liked Ayana. He would defend her.

RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - Grimnir - July 17, 2015

I am so sorry this has taken me so long to answer.

She had refused yet again to answer at first. Asking why she should tell him anything when he has not told her anything. Grim didn't care about that. She then remarked about how she wasn't interested in speaking to him. Well, they had one thing in common. It was only because of Burke that he had not right out attacked this female in the first place. He had no interest in speaking to her whatsoever. But the lack of respect and her refusal to give him an answer infuriated him. 

Grim lunged with a snarl, intent on pinning her to the ground. As he went for her, she finally gave an answer. Ayana was her name and she was indeed a pack member. Well, he couldn't stop now. But instead of tearing her to bits like he had wanted, Grim decided to give her a small scare. There was nothing wrong with that so long as he didn't harm her right? He was above her here and she would respect him. Ayana would understand that he was a danger. If he could manage to grasp her on the scruff, around the neck, or some where on her back and pull her down, he would show her his strength by holding her there. It wouldn't be but a fraction of what he was capable of, but maybe it would be enough for her to understand what she had gotten herself into.

RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - Ayana - July 20, 2015

There was anger rising up inside her. How dare him? She was part of the bloody pack and he had NO right to harm her. Physically or psychologically. Right? You did provoke him, though. Just let go. If he feels like he needs to show his "power" then let him. He lost anyway.
"Let. Me. Go.", she said, almost screaming at his face. She let out a deep growl. She didn't intend to make him that mad. That wolf was simply dangerous. And Ayana liked that.

With a quick jump, she got up from the ground and stood infront of him. She carried her tail low to make him realise that he had done enough. Ayana couldn't be bothered to get into a fight. She would probably just get a few scars which would destroy her innocent outward appearance, which really didn't make anyone think that she was crazy in any possible way. She looked more like a dog than a wolf, a rather pretty dog, though.

"I'm ...", she started. But she didn't want to apologize. Not to him. That would make him feel even more powerful. She looked him in the eyes and then turned around, making no sound. She started to walk away, shaking slightly. Was she scared? No. Not one bit. He thinks he's better than me, but he's not. I killed someone, too. I don't care about what he has "done" to make him think he's the king of darkness. Maybe I'm the Queen. She obviously wasn't. Meldresi was, and Ayana respected her. But she had something dark inside her. Very dark.

RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - Grimnir - July 21, 2015

Teeth gripped the females scruff and drug her down to the ground. Ayana yelled at him to let her go. Grim snarled at her in response. Let her go? She needed a lesson. But the little female wiggled her way out from beneath him. Apparently he hadn't had a good enough grip on her. She kept her tail down as she stood before him. She begun to say something but then cut off her words. Her eyes made contact with his. Grim bristled, growling low in his chest. She still wanted to challenge him? Before he could wind up his muceles to jump again, she turned and left. Narrowing his eyes, he watched her leave.

He wanted to go after her; chase her down. Give her something more to remember him by, but there were more important things to attend to. He needed to find more food for his mate and pups. Grim snapped his jaws together. If she ever appeared before him again it would be too soon. And if she ever disrespected him again, he would give her a reason not to a third time.

RE: In Times of Rage, Voices Cloud the Mind - Ayana - July 23, 2015

Ayana wasn't sure whether she was fine with the meeting or not. She needed harmony in her life, which was a rather big contrary to her soul which always told her to be a lone wolf and stop developing feelings for another individual. The light wolf felt weird in her tummy.
She couldn't hide the fact that she liked that wolf in a way - in a very weird way. She felt like he was somewhat like her, although he didn't bother to hide his darkness, which she always tried extremely hard. Nobody knew about her little accident and she didn't want anyone to know, at least for now. Maybe she could one day talk to Grim about it, she felt like he would understand. But he made her feel pointless, she knew that he hated him right now.

Ayana walked away into the darkness of the woods, her new home, where she felt a little bit more accepted than in her old pack. Everyone had some kind of dark secret. And so did she.