Gyrfalcon's Keep your mouth pressed to his
days when my heart was volcanic
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All Welcome 
new toon + first thread = i have no idea who he is or what i'm doing.

a snort is followed closely by they call that a mountain? in a scoff. pale moonbeam gaze studies the squat, desolate mountain that's not much more than a tall, rocky hill with a quirk of his brow and a sardonic edge to his voice that did little to filter the fact that he was throughly unimpressed. wandering the coast — where he entered these lands they call teekon wilds — have proved to be, thus far, as unexciting as any other region outside of the wilds that he ventured to and eventually through. and the gyrfalcons are proving to not be company he wishes to spend a prolonged amount of time among.

he lingers in the northern edge of the territory, ghosting along the fringes of the woodland surrounding the keep and though it helps to be a bit of a sound barrier between him and the constantly squawking avians from their nests it's not exactly noise cancelling and he still hears their calls to one another like that annoying, pet-peeve noise that makes him cringe and grind his teeth together with the seething impatience of a ( young ) man about to lose his cool. it a dangerous line to toe, he knows.

with a roll of his eyes and a low rumble of discontent he sticks to the fringes of the treeline, using it as a rough guide — stumbling his way through these wilds was not apart of his plan but even the best laid and vetted plans are subject to abrupt shifts that end up rending them moot anyway. you couldn't control everything; a lesson severin had learned the hardest of ways.

a discontent huff press from betwixt his lips and he gives his dark coat a shake, velveteen ears fluttering back to rest against his skull as if it might block the raucous noise of the gyrfalcons. it does not. instead it just gives severin an appearance of having a resting, contemptuous bitch face ( a look, he's been told, that he does very well ).
thread with a misfit
available for sprees on the weekends
closed for threads until further notice

you and atlas are one and the same.
cursed to hold a weight you can't bare.
and still standing not because you can
but because you have to.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
So, fun fact about Maia.  Her sense of direction? Terrible.  Always.

She'd left the Firebirds with the intention of going to visit Terance and then maybe, on the way, stopping by to visit that one guy, Charon? Who she'd met on the borders, because he'd seemed kinda down that their pack hadn't done that before.  She'd told @Wraen she was going, and that she'd hopefully be back soon. The mountains were like right next door, and while it was a ways to Terance's place, she wasn't terribly worried.  

But she'd gone for mountains and instead, look! Ocean.  Maia gave a soft ugghhh as the water came into view and stopped where she was, looking up.  Oh, hey, the sun.  Yep.  This was north.  Shoot.

She tried to think of what to do about this, maybe double back? The sound of the birds that seemed to flock all around here made that hard to accomplish.

Hey, birds!!! If you can't help can you keep it down a sec!?? She shouted, to absolutely zero effect.
perfect! Have a Maia
days when my heart was volcanic
12 Posts
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thank you so much for joining!

movement from the ground is caught out the corner of severin's eye and for the briefest of moments that it does not occur to him that it's more likely another wolf than a gyrfalcon come down from their high perch to antagonize him he draws in a heavy, 'what is it now' sigh. as his head swings in the direction the ground movement came from he is pleasantly surprised to find that it was not a gyrfalcon but instead a fellow canine. a pretty canine and he realizes that it's the tan that adds a unique touch to her pelage — it is that unique little quirk that continues to catch his eye.

she shouts at the birds — the soot streaked fiend assumes that she has yet to notice him — to quiet it down; unpredictably her moot shout that goes thoroughly ignored by the gyrfalcons draws a short laugh from him that tapers off into a snicker accompanied by a slow shake of his head. ah, an optimist. it was cute. unfortunately, severin drawls long legs taking him nearer to her. i don't foresee them listening to you any time soon. he stops a few feet away; close enough that he doesn't have to shout at her because that would become increasingly exhaustive after a while. they really have zero fucks to give.
thread with a misfit
available for sprees on the weekends
closed for threads until further notice

you and atlas are one and the same.
cursed to hold a weight you can't bare.
and still standing not because you can
but because you have to.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Wait.  There was another wolf here, one who heard her shout.  And he was laughing at her?  Uh, rude!

Yeah, well.... maybe not. She replied, a little flustered.  She really hadn't thought anyone would be around to hear that and this was the worst.  But would it kill them to let a girl think? Okay so this was a bust anyway and he probably thought she was nuts now.  Might as well embarass hereof more.

Truth is I got a little turned around.  I'm looking for Moonspear?  She looked at him hopefully.  Ever heard of it?  If he could help that would be amazing, she did not want to wander around on the shore forever.  And she was getting hungry.
days when my heart was volcanic
12 Posts
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severin offers her a soft curl of his lips that could be described as charming ...if he hadn't just chuckled at her seconds before for shouting at the loud gyrfalcons nearby. oh i don't know, the soot streaked fiend draws his considers aloud on a deep breath, moonbeam gazing lifting from her to study the nests of the birds atop the tall rocky hill. it just might. he jests with a half laugh, as his head lowers and his gaze turns back down to her.

her look turns towards him, hopeful, as she admits that she's gotten a little turned around and asked if he knows a place called moonspear. ah. looks like i'm damned to be the bearer of your bad news today, he sighs with a lofty roll of his shoulders. i'm afraid that i've never heard of this ah, moonspear. i'm very new to these wilds. it might've pained severin to admit that under normal circumstances ( such is the life the pretentious ) but as it was she'd been honest with him and truth be told he assumed that he might as well have 'outsider' stamped across his forehead in big, bold, neon letters.

but i'll offer my company and an eventful morning of getting lost together and hope that we can get you headed in the right direction, if you'll accept it.
thread with a misfit
available for sprees on the weekends
closed for threads until further notice

you and atlas are one and the same.
cursed to hold a weight you can't bare.
and still standing not because you can
but because you have to.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She looked at him a good long minute, as if trying to tell if he was laughing at her or not.  It was easier and better to assume not, so she did, letting her indignance turn into a shrug. 

Man, she'd been hoping.  Oh.  Well, I guess... welcome?  Though that stinks.  Normally when I travel I have my sister with to kinda keep track of things.  But I'm more than able to handle it myself. She amended it almost a little too quickly, and a bit defensively.  He hadn't said a word, but she definitely didn't want to seem like a dumb kid who couldn't find her way.  Even though she was going on two so definitely not in any way a kid, sometimes she got worried.

His offer was definitely tempting.  Hmm... I guess I could keep you company though.  If you want. Smooth Maia, real smooth.
days when my heart was volcanic
12 Posts
Ooc —
severin offers her a lofty shrug of his shoulders, understanding where her disappointment stems from even if it does smart a bit. admittedly, if the shoe'd be on the other foot he'd understandably be a bit dejected if he was looking for help getting to a place and he'd ran into someone far too new to the teekons to be of any real assistance. a flick of velveteen ear is given and the left side of his mouth lifts with unspoken apology. he won't verbally apologize — it wasn't his fault he was a foreigner anymore than it was her fault that she'd gotten turned around — so the unspoken half apologetic smile would simply have to suffice.

she gets a bit defensive in her explanation and his ears taper back to rest at half mast atop his skull before his tail raises and wags in a white flag manner, hoping to assuage her and remind her that he wasn't judging. i ...didn't imply that you couldn't, he assures her and adds after a deep breath that puffs his cheeks is expelled from betwixt his lips. and, for the record, having someone tag along that can navigate doesn't make you incapable. it just means you're smart. a small rise and fall of the soot fiend's shoulders are given. as far as he was concerned there was no shame in utilizing all the assets available.

she doesn't sound so certain as she replies that she could keep him company, using 'i guess' and 'if you want'. a small half laugh is given and severin hangs his head before his pale, moonbeam gaze rises to rest upon her. you don't sound so sure, stating his observations aloud is not anything that severin's ever struggled with. it was just an offer. you're allowed to refuse if you want to.
thread with a misfit
available for sprees on the weekends
closed for threads until further notice

you and atlas are one and the same.
cursed to hold a weight you can't bare.
and still standing not because you can
but because you have to.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh.  Embarrassment carried heat up her neck as he called out her insecurity, and she shifted uncomfortably.  Did he think she was dumb now, worrying about needing his help when he obviously didn't see it as a bad thing? Probably.  God Maia you're such a spaz.

I didn't say it made me incapable, she said a little mulishly, but since she'd already kinda cemented herself as an insecure weirdo she definitely was going to let it go.

I know.  This was in response to his insistence that she could say no if she didn't want him to come.  She wasn't about to be desperate enough to feel forced to travel with someone! Her trip with Wraen had shown that when it came down to it, she could manage.  I like company, though.  And you seem nice.  Unless you aren't, in which case, I'm definitely more than capable of leaving you behind later. She added with a smile.  Ok, there, this was going better now.

She'd travel with him, for a time.  And he'd help her get pointed in the right direction.  But eventually she'd duck out of his company, parting ways so that she could go visit Terance without  him worrying about her 'escort'. That might not go over so well