Qeya River The gentle ones can't handle me, the rough ones despise me
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
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All Welcome 
Sadey walked through the pack lands. She had learned the area well. She wondered after Briggs, who was smitten with the red queen. She wasn't sure how this was end, but ole Sadey be there to pick up what pieces she could afterwards. IF was his own death warrant he was signing, especially if her man came back and found another trying to get into his happy home. And what would that Kivaluk think.

She was rather fond of the youngling, though she wouldn't admit, even under pain of death she'd wager that she was.

She smelled the scent of something prey, rabbit maybe, or fawn. Her nose wasn't exactly the same. Smelling all those herbs, Miss Amalia had slathered all over her snoot. But today she started giving back what was owed. Cause Colt was thinking with his other member, not his head and they had debts to pay.
Swiftcurrent Creek
659 Posts
Ooc — ebony
lestan had come for amalia, but who he found was — "oh!" his honeyblue eyes stared at the woman. "you're sadey!" the man's brogue thickened for a moment; flustered, he stooped to pick up the three mice he had dropped.
"how are you getting on?" the amaguk asked with concern, warmth expanding through his features. she didn't seem rough at all!
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
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Mature Content Warning

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: swearing lightly
Sadey gave a small snicker at the mice he dropped though she tried to hide it. However, it came out and well it was an honest laugh so if he didn't like it. Tough. She eyed him with grey eyes. He had a pretty coat and better groomed than Colt was that's for sure, but there was something about him. He smelled soft, like newness that didn't quite wear off. Sadey both was happy for him and pitied him, because life would teach him a  lesson and it would hurt.

And if I were. Whose askin'?

She tilted downy head and watched him. You wanting Miss. Amalia. Red leader sent her on a journey of some such thing about that black beast and her man.

Sadey shuffled back to the ground her nose, trying to hunt the scent. I'm not gettin' on. Can't smell for shit, and it pisses me off. I find that black furred beast imma rip his heart out and feed it to him, so I am.
Swiftcurrent Creek
659 Posts
Ooc — ebony
oh. oh. 
the young man was immediately flustered. "i — i'm lestan, ma'am. lestan mayfair. i'm a friend to amalia." his eyes softened, thinking of the kind young woman with the dark fur.
"i came to see her, but i found you instead. you don't mind, do you?" he pushed the mice to one side, then thought better of it and offered one to sadey. 
"if you're going to — well, do that, you should eat something."
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey eyed him. His flustered expression. Lestan Huh. What kinda foreign name that be? Where youse from?

She saw the softening in his eyes and smiled. SOft spot for Miss. Amalia do you. She is a pretty thing. She'd get ripped apart where i'm from though. But she is a nice one, better than the likes of our gang.

Sadey shook her head. Naw I s'pose i could use some company. Not much roun here but birds and rabbits. And my ole snoot is broken anyway for a time. Too many herbs packed in the hole.

She dipped her head and with all the politeness she could muster chewed without another word. Fanks. she spoke past a mouth ful.
Swiftcurrent Creek
659 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he was flustered! his eyelids fluttered! "she is my friend," he repeated, a little more firmly. sadey was rough indeed, in a way he had not expected! "and — relative! i think! i'm from a while away."
still he was glad to see her eat, and happy she would accept his company. "if there is anything more comfortable i could bring you, tell me. you're our guest after all."
ripped apart! "where uh, where is your gang?"
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey could tone it down she supposed, but why bother? If he couldn't handle what she had to offer and say, then he didn't need to talk with her anyway. That's how she saw it. And she wasn't certain she could either. She had always been this way.

Sadey smiled. How distant is distant? We are canines you know. 

Sadey frowned at his next words and sighed. Me too, Lestan, me too. she thought of her home. Though it hadn't been perfect, full of dust and violence. There had been happiness there. There had been love there. Sure most would probably scoff how could a wolf the likes of this she witch love anyone, but she had. With everything.

She shook her head. I'm just fine.

Sadey frowned. Not entirely sure. Some roun these parts. Some still back home. Some probably cold and dead.
Swiftcurrent Creek
659 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she shocked him again. "i-i don't know. we're still trying to figure it out." and that was that! lestan did not want to talk of amalia anymore, less out of dislike and more out of sheer protectiveness. sadey seemed to know so very much and she had not been here long.
she listened. she remembered. he would have to tread carefully and speak lightly.
"did — do you have one you like? a member of your gang, i mean." he offered sadey another mouse.
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Ramesses? hehe  can you imagine sadey around royalty.

Sadey was a listener. Always had been. She made up for some of her shortcomings with sheer grit and determination with a little bit of wile in there. She was not one to not use information to her advantage if she needed too. Thus far in her life she hadn't had too. But perhaps, someday.

Sadey lay her ears against her skull and nodded. I was mated once if ya can believe anyone would like this wolf. Best damn outlaw i ever knew. They took him from me. Buried him before i came thissa way. His name was Jaxon.

Thank you. She remembered her manners at least, before she took the second mouse, but she would not take the third, that was for him.
Swiftcurrent Creek
659 Posts
Ooc — ebony
LMAO pretend its lestan i cant edit! but that would be funny

she'd had a husband.
all at once, the romantic sentiment in lestan burnt bright. she had lost him! all at once he considered asking her more about this man, but what mattered was that he had fallen.
he crept a little closer, not enough to touch.
"do you want to tell me about jaxon, sadey?"
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey eyed the other wolf as he drew closer. He had seemed stand offish just  few moments ago and now here he was, attempting to move closer. If anything could be said for Sadey it was that she was untrusting and it flared to a head. However, there was no harm in speaking of Jax, not really.

And she found a small part of her wanted too. We met when we was pups. No bigger than a minute. I was a little more rough and tumble than he were.

She chuckled for a moment, grey eyes going back in time as she returned to memories she rarely visited. WHere we was from you see. It's either fight or die, so we fought. I lost track of him for a few months. And then when I met him again, we was old enough to mate and possibly start a family.

Sadey swallowed thickly. It wasn't much we had, but we had our own little piece of ground, some nice hunting places, a few rivers. It was quieter than most other places, and Jax well he was really liking it you see. He liked the peace, liked to just hunt and live. He was building a garden you know. With plants we could use to heal, some berry bushes. The man like dberries.

Sadey gave a soft chuckle. I used to tell him you see. Now Jax we carnivores we ain't meant to eat nothin' but meat. He'd just laugh and say. Try em Sade, you'll like em and o' course i Did and o'course they were plum awful, but they made him happy.

But when you're a fighter Lestan, when you make enemies....they come lookin', they don't like it when you have peace. And they did come lookin' and they had their revenge on my Jax. He musta known they was comin' cause he sent me out to find some sort of berry bush, black raspberry, awful to find you know just awful. And by the time i got back, he were cold and dead. I couldn't just leave em there. So i buried him, swore revenge and found Reno's gang, joined up stayed with them since. Until now.
Swiftcurrent Creek
659 Posts
Ooc — ebony
lestan listened and he would be lying to say his heart was not greatly moved by all that sadey said. she and jaxon had known each other for their entire lives. 
his eyes were wet by the time that sadey described jaxon's last act of sacrifice: sending her to look for the fruit he loved while he knew his end was coming.
"that must have been horrible for you," lestan said uselessly at last, voice cracking. he sniffed and cleared his throat. "you said you swore revenge. have you ever gotten it?"
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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She shook her head. I haven't and it was.

She furrowed a brow. Though somewhere along the line you see. I gave up on it. Found new things to put my paws too. If i See em. Oh sure i'll kill em dead and if i ain't near death's door meself. I'll dance on their cold dead graves, but I no longer go looking. I have the gang now. Colt and Augustin, and Reno. They can keep my loyalty i'll watch their backs.

Her offer was extended to the Natigvik wolves now, cause you didn't unpay debts. There was a debt owed here and now they had her loyalty too.
Swiftcurrent Creek
659 Posts
Ooc — ebony
sadey had given up — only she hadn't. the debt lay dormant and waiting to be repaid. she lived her life in the shadow of it.
lestan was wise enough not to ask if she had ever been contented since.
he offered her his shoulder, just the edge of it, to lean on, to know he was there and listening. "what else do you want?" life was more than gangs and revenge.
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey did live in the shadow of it, but it wasn't a burden of any kind. It was just there, an extension of her existence. And mayhap came the day she came across those bastards....well maybe she'd just walk away. Who Really knew. Sadey didn't. She didn't like to plan much past the day she was in. Cause no one was guaranteed a tomorrow, certainly not her. She had been living on borrowed time her entire life.

Nothing. I had what I wanted. I tasted that happy peacefullness that only comes from giving your all and reaping the benefits. And if I want. I can remember those days anytime I want too, remember that feeling. That's not nothin.

She sat near him, she didn't lean. SImply sat, their fur touching.
Swiftcurrent Creek
659 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she wanted easier days and peacefulness. lestan could admire those wants. what was more, he admired sadey for still wanting them after all she had gone through. to still hold hope after loss, it was a great thing and no small feat.
"that's definitely something," he agreed. the pair sat in contemplative silence, until lestan cleared his throat. "if you'll lean on me, mis sadey, i'll take you to the river. maybe the flowers there will help with this malady of smell you are suffering."
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey imagined her feelings and her want for peace and hope were foolish really. Think about it, could she really achieve such things. She was a wild woman with a pretty face. There was bound to be an end for her, and not a pretty one. She would die as she lived hard and cold.

She snorted. Not an invalid. I'll walk with you and you can catch me if I fall, how about that?

She stood and slowly began a slow limp towards whereever he was pointing. The river as it were. She'd find out if she could make it, she probably would on spite alone.
Swiftcurrent Creek
659 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he laughed. "absolutely!"
as usual, the surface of the river was frigid, ice flowing down from the palace of white called duskfire. lestan lapped happily at it, then poked around with wet muzzle for those flowers.
"smell these," he playfully ordered sadey, pointing to a patch of indigo blossoms, "then these," to a spot of orange ones.
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey chuckled, but continued on her jaunt with him. Slowly, it was quite irksome. However, when she bent her nose to the cool water, she froze. It stung a little. 

That's cold as a witches teat. She growled out, but continued to drink at it. It'd be nice on warm days.

She looked at him and then the flowers. She didn't recognize them, but she bent and did as bade, the latter making her sneeze a little.

What are they? My Jaxon liked flowers, but I don't know these ones.
Swiftcurrent Creek
659 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"you know, i really am not sure," lestan chortled gaily. "again, miss amalia would be the one to ask. i do know they are not poisonous, so sniff away."
he himself sat down on his haunches, content to wash his paws in the cold rush. "a witch's teat, eh?" he laughed again, eyes dancing at her sardonic humour.
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey chuckled. This Amalia seems to know more than most about a lot of different things. I like a girl like that, can take care of herself.

Sadey shifted and eased into a seat. Her eyes on the horizon, she chuckled. Yes, hard nuff to cut diamonds you know.

She knew some of her mannerisms and quirks were a little strange, but she wouldn't change them. She would never change for anyone ever. She was a wolf of independent means, and her own personality and way.
Swiftcurrent Creek
659 Posts
Ooc — ebony
lestan grinned, still greatly charmed by sadey's ways. and he enjoyed the way she continued to talk about the late jaxon, as if he were still present.
her love, then, was widely apparent.
he reddened at all the nippling talk, blushing across his cheeks as he tried to recover.
"miss amalia and i might be related, do you know?" he chuckled. "it is a small world indeed!"
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey scoffed and guffawed at his expression. Yew a shy boy Mr. Lestan? I can try and curb my more unruly nature if you please.

She chuckled to herself again and shook her head. Finding this place and it's wolves though charming, also strange.

Sadey frowned. Too bad you'd have made a handsome couple had you decided to pursue, but familial bonds are important to. Now me. i ain't got none anymore, but I remember them. They are nice.

She nodded her head. Eyes going out over the land.
Swiftcurrent Creek
659 Posts
Ooc — ebony
lestan snickered. "do not allow me to curb your witty tongue, miss sadey!" he winked at her and sniffed at the flowers once more with a sigh of pleasure. 
handsome couple! he could have sputtered at that! "yes, well. mr kigipigak, that is, sakhmet's husband, told me in no uncertain terms than they alone have rights to children. and i respect that. so it is for the best!"
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-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey chuckled. Witty eh. I think you took too much poppy. It is not witty as much as vulgar, but thank you all the same.

Sadey was not one that would trade her words for anything. Sometimes she reveled in saying the most disgusting vulgar thing she could, just to see if she could and the reactions it would stir. Because she was a small she wolf, with pristine fur. Anyone who looked at her would possibly make the mistake that she was genteel and they would be extremely wrong.

Sadey dipped her head. I have heard of packs doing that, but they do sometimes offer the honor to those that have been loyal for sometime. But you don't need babies to be happy. My jaxon and I were not planning on littles, would have been a cruel injustice to bring such innocents into a world, with two parents of guilt.