Moonspear by night was a pale green
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Ooc — Twin
@Sialuk !! <3

Scattered still was his family, and Slaney himself now had little place with any of them. Eshe was well, at least, and although her pack hadn't exactly been his biggest fan, he was glad to have seen her face again.
Because now, chances are he wasn't going to for many moons. If ever again.
Alone, he made the journey back across the mountain range and into the flatplains; stopping, at most, for half a day when his stomach roared or his muscles could take no more. The fur on his back grew tattered and oily, and he spoke to no passersby.
His journey was one to be made in solitude.
And at last, amidst his survey of the land from wild lakes to swaths of spruce and mountains that held snow even in mid summer, a pungent border mark catches his interest. One just at the edge of a rather imposing stretch of mountain; picturesque, admittedly, and intimidating but inviting all the same. His blood runs hot.
He stands leaning against an evergreen as his call of curiosity is sent out for anyone who might listen.
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Ooc — aerinne
Eight days passed since her beautiful daughter and son were born. They were born upon the mountain, just as the spirits had told her. She left the both of them in the care of the many who loved them, knowing they would never see a day without that sense of belonging and safety. It was everything she had wished for her children, and more. Not only was Kukutux there, but Towhee had been, too. And though some part of her yearned for the company of Chakliux and Glaukos, she knew that Maggak would grow up with Argent and Whip there to guide her in the ways a father did.

Along the ridge, Sialuk paused to listen to the call of a stranger. A strained smile pulled at her lips, knowing Njord would be unable to answer the call in his current state, Elentari and Argent were likely with the children, and Alaric was delivering the goods to their neighbor villages.

It was the head of the village who came down the mountain that day, her underside heavy with milk, swaying gently from side-to-side with each stride. Glowing like any new mother would, she offered him the standard salutation. This woman greets you. I am Sialuk Ostrega, and you look upon village Moonspear. She let her gaze fall on his handsome features a moment longer. I do not know your face.
Atkan Aleut
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Ooc — Twin
The answer came to him quickly, and it hit him like a metaphorical bag of bricks.
Sialuk. Moonspear.
A moonweaver figure stands before him, and he finds himself wonderstruck. His nostrils flare. Sweet milk clings to her scent, and when he looks down, a swollen pink belly meets his gaze. A mother; was he ogling a taken woman?
My name is Slaney, he straightens himself out, deciding upon flashing the most cordial smile he could muster. Slaney Frostfur. I, um, I just moved up to the Wilds not that long ago. Allegedly, my parents used to live up here. he didn't expect her to know who they were, but he says it anyway.
He stalks a few inches closer now, tail falling to a gentle sway. I, um-- are you the leader here?
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
gotta love a misunderstanding. ;)

Sialuk watched with delight at his gaze wander over her own body. A new mother, her worth as a giver of children now known to all. She did not think he would be the last to come seeking a place to lay the groundwork for children of his own. He gave a name for his face, then spoke of family who lived here once. This was a surprise to Sialuk, who had never heard of the family name, nor of anyone besides her own lineage who had come to live upon the treacherous slopes. To say she was not skeptical was to lie, but she did not immediately dismiss his claim. Not yet.

She laughed gently when he asked his question. I am head of this village, yes. She did not divulge the state of her other leader, the sole elder to serve on the council since the village's creation. Njord was injured, but it would not due to give this information away without cause. Your parents lived on this mountain once? she asked, seeking to poke holes in his story. It was rare one could be an authority on such a thing, but Sialuk had lived her whole life hearing the stories of her parents and grandparents upon this mountain, and not one bore the name of Frostfur.
Atkan Aleut
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Ooc — Twin
Did they? No, his parents had never even mentioned someplace called Moonspear, as far as he knew. Oh, God, he already screwed up!
Oh, no, his ears bow out to the sides of his head. they had their own pack somewhere to the east of here, I think. Sorry, I think I misspoke, his head comes to a slow shake. at least I don't think they lived here. Do the names Rannoch or Liffey ring a bell? a light jest; his shoulders move as an airy laugh fills his chest.
His tongue taps against the roof of his mouth as he performs a gentle survey of his surroundings. Her accent, inflection; nothing like anything he'd ever heard before. He found himself growing ever more intrigued. What's it like here? In Moonspear, I mean.
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who stole my toe?!
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Ooc — aerinne
Ah, she had misunderstood, and Sialuk chided herself for not knowing better. Why should she suspect ill tidings from a stranger? But she remembered the two, precious new lives sleeping soundly in the ulaq, and she knew. Any unlikely told by a newcomer was sure to set her parental instincts into high gear. She had two children to look after, and she intended to keep them safe from harm.

Her demeanor brightened and her strained expression turned to its usual relaxed one. I do not know those names, she confessed. Slaney was quick to move onto another subject, setting his sights on the village Sialuk had formed not too long ago. Although, come to think of it, many months had passed since she had returned to her birth place and made it into her own. A rekindling of the mountain had morphed into a full-on bonfire, and the mountain was alive.

Village Moonspear is a peaceful place, she began. She is filled with many villagers who care for one another. We are sister to village Moonglow and village Moontide. Soon, a younger sister of mine will make another along the seaside, Saltshore. Many villages in this region are in our good graces. We have healers and hunters, four older children, and two who are fresh and new to life. She would leave it to Slaney to guess that at least one of those was her own. Some parents prefer to pair off two-by-two, she said. My own children have many mothers and fathers.

Do you seek a village of your own?
Atkan Aleut
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Ooc — Twin
Sialuk details. This was no average land he'd stumbled across. Sister to Moonglow and Moontide and Saltshore; presumably an extended family of alliances, if he had to guess. Hunters. Healers. Children. Lots of co-parenting — shared children? Multiple parents? Perhaps that was why she referred to it as a village, if everyone did everything.
He listens, intently; bicolored eyes searching hers, the occasional nod given to ensure she knew he heard everything from her mouth. And then, the age old question: did he want to live here?
And to that, he pauses. He thinks of Rannoch and Liffey, his siblings; the ones he, still, somehow felt obligated to return to, a tugging in his chest.
Was a different life not why he'd come here?
Are you offering? his head quirks. I wouldn't say no. Do you think you have room for, um, one paw ghosts over the front of his bony chest. this?
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The pause allowed Sialuk time to study him further. She noted the way his fur clung to his body, and the way he held himself like many men did. He was still young, perhaps born in the same year as herself. She wondered if those her own age would always feel young, or if that would fade with time. Neither anaa nor Towhee appeared old to her, still giving life to children and quick on their feet. And although Njord was older, having recently acquired the title of "elder" among the ranks of Moonspear, he too was no decrepit old man. Perhaps age was simply a number to track the seasons passing and nothing more.

The village did not hurt for numbers, but they were not as full as they once had been. Its people came and went, always busying themselves with matters both at home and afar. Sialuk thought fondly of Glaukos, wondering if the impending thought of a child might have scared him away. She had not asked, only sent him along with well wishes and a mission so he might feel useful in his journey. That one always yearned for purpose, and it was an easy thing to grant.

Fennec, Penn, and Killdeer had all slipped away, though Sialuk had not asked them about their plans either. She held no ill will toward them, and she knew that if they ever returned, she would welcome them with open arms. So adding another to their numbers would do no harm, and Slaney seemed an affable fellow.

Sialuk laughed at his second question and gesture.

Â, she said. Tell me of the skills you can bring to our village, and I will find a place for you.
Atkan Aleut
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Ooc — Twin
His skills?
Now this was just a matter of ruling out what was and wasn't appealing to him. Rannoch and Liffey hadn't exactly given him a specific purpose or tasks; he did what was needed. He roves over the various things he knew he was capable of in his mind, and even as he does, none jumped out to him saying, pursue me as a career! All he knew was that he certainly was no Eshe; no gardener. So what was he, away from his family?
He swallows.
Well, he pauses again, this time giving a thoughtful lift to his eyebrows. back home, I have a lot of siblings, and I babysat them pretty often. When they were young, I mean. And, y'know, pack stuff, I guess. I hunted, I went over to our neighbors for trade deals, I dealt with the borders sometimes, he grows more and more unsure as he speaks, his shoulders slouching. I never really, um, had the space or time to hone in on one particular... thing.
Which was just code for I've lived in the metaphorical basement of my parents' home for too long, and now I don't really know what I'm doing.
I've been doing a lot of exploring, he adds, then, if that's considered a skill?
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Again, she listened. Slaney spoke of many skills he had learned, but none he had mastered. She knew many wolves with this story, and it did not surprise her to meet another. If he wished, there would be room for him to focus his efforts here upon the mountain, though it was not a requirement of living among the other villagers. His last comment made her ears twitch, though.

There are many uses for a man who can travel at length and know the land around us, Sialuk said with a nod. Deer to track, messages to bring, and gifts to give to neighbors. She thought of Alaric, who was currently doing the latter for their friends at Brecheliant and Epoch. Come, I will show you more of the mountain, she suggested, turning her shoulder toward the upper slopes. Do you seek a wife here, too? she ventured to ask.
Atkan Aleut
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Ooc — Twin
Sialuk knew how to ease his mind. A friendly sort, decidedly; cordial and welcoming, and with a shockingly low threshold for who was to join her village. He supposed it should be considered advantageous, to be able to explore what he wanted here.
What she described sounded not unlike a scouting position. This earned a twitch from feathered ears. Maybe I'd like that, his lop-sided smile curls as he weaves between lush mountain spruces, cicadas trilling overhead. I'd definitely love a tour. He follows wherever she would lead with a pleasant sway and a gentle wag to the plume of his tail.
And then, the age-old question: are you single, and are you trying not to be? Um, his face flushes a telling rose color, eyes blown wide. I mean, maybe, if I meet the right person. person. Such vagueness in that, an implication of willingness to explore that he'd never even thought to voice before. Though he'd certainly never complain about a woman finding his company enjoyable, either. ...Do you have a husband? Just, y'know, out of sheer curiosity.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Her body swayed gently from side to side as she began to meander closer toward the center of village Moonspear, gladly granting him the tour he had requested. She found an easy path for them to follow, walked over many times by both wolf and creature alike. Deer had stamped out much of the underbrush along this route, and the trees were bare wherever their long necks could reach.

To find the right person is the difficult part, she laughed, gaze thrown over to him easily. I do not yet call him husband, but Argent wishes for it. Elentari wishes to be wife to me, too. I have been slow in making arrangements, she replied with a sheepish look. Now that the children were born, perhaps it was the right time. I have many lovers besides, she added, her eyes wandering over to see what Slaney might think of this bit of information. Some found the thought repugnant, but Sialuk had found that those were few and far between here in the wilds. For the most part, she had seen that others could be wary of diving into such a thing. And there were those who were curious, confused. To her, it had been natural.
Atkan Aleut
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Ooc — Twin
The path Sialuk guided him through felt so steep and yet simple all the same, wooded and cool with insects that chitter among treebranches. He is quiet while they walk; an effort taken to breathe in through his nose and out through his mouth. His head swam; the elevation would certainly take some getting used to.
From the look of it, Moonspear is lively and absolutely massive. He didn't think a settlement this high up on a mountain could be so well-connected! He finds himself marvelling, dipping his head beneath the tendrils of foliage and making note of where this path led.
And he was listening — Argent, Elentari. Many lovers. That seemed much more complex than trying to keep up with only one person, but who was he to judge? Perhaps, he thought, it could be appealing, the flush of his face only worsening as the thought of being one of them passed through his mind.
Do you, um, he thought himself to be full of the stupid questions today. all, like... is it one big relationship, or is it separate?
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk found that she could not comfortably jog in her current condition, so she was relegated to walking swiftly. She had known from the start that pregnancy and childbirth would change her, but some part of her had not suspected such discomfort underneath. There was little to be done aside from finding workarounds, and she flicked an ear back at Slaney's question, bringing her back into the conversation.

She smiled, trusting his question was one of innocence, not prejudice. Argent and Elentari have a child between them, Sialuk explained, but that is not true of all lovers. They know of one another and are... but she could not think of the word that hung off the tip of her tongue.
Atkan Aleut
24 Posts
Ooc — Twin
omg i'm so sorry for the wait D:

A child? Oh, and it comes from his throat high-pitched. well, um, give them my congratulations. As well as you, he gives a sheepish nod towards the supple pink flesh at her stomach. I'm assuming you're all involved?
He could feel the muscles of his legs begin to burn and his bones ache. This elevation would be more difficult to adjust to than the polyamory, he thought; shaking away a cicada that flutters near the crown of his head, he feels the sickening rush of lightheadedness. How long does it usually take to get used to the, uh, the altitude? He wets his lips with a pass of his tongue. Been a long time since I've climbed a mountain. I feel a little rusty.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
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Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk laughed, air passing through her lungs with ease. A daughter, Maggak, came from me. Argent serves as her father, though he is not my only lover who could have given her to me. Chakliux, Whip, and Glaukos could have just as easily given Maggak life, but Sialuk did not—could not—know.

Slaney remarked on the mountain as they continued upward, and Sialuk slowed her steps. This is not a thing known to me. This mountain is where my first breath was drawn. She had spent time in lower regions, but she had always known what it was to climb and try to reach the skies above. Tullik may help your legs become accustomed. She is mountainwalker here.
Atkan Aleut
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Ooc — Twin
Content is he as he listens; she drew her first breath here, and so did her daughter. How nice it must be to have such a small, closely-knit family? The Frostfurs were dear to him, yes; but they were a vast and messy and proud bunch, all sprawled in a great diaspora — some here in these wilds, some not. In the grand scheme of things, Slaney was insignificant; one child of many.
Maggak seems a lucky girl.
The talk of Tullik is drowned by his own thoughts, crashing against him in a bitter wave. Maybe I'll pay her a visit, he remarks absently. thank you, by the way, for the tour. And for, um, taking me in. I'm sorry I don't have much to offer you right now in return.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
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Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk bowed her head, gesturing her acknowledgement of the thanks given. In time, you will find a way to repay, she said, a suggestive tone in her voice. He was healthy, young, and attractive. Those three qualities alone were valuable in the village—and even more-so to Sialuk personally.

When you are settled, come to my ulaq. The bones will have much to say about you. Sialuk did not attempt to explain further, preferring to leave the conversation open to questions if they lingered on his tongue.
Atkan Aleut
24 Posts
Ooc — Twin

She may as well have been dangling a carrot over his head. Oh, because of course a shrimpy squeak of shock would be the first thing out of his mouth upon very clearly being flirted with. What a simple man he is, he thinks to himself; simple and painfully easy.
Normal. He is so normal.
Admittedly, the thought of bones having things to say about him was a bit frightening without context. She does not elaborate. His ears twitch until they settle calmly in a resolute perk. Okay, yeah, he was willing to learn, was he not? I'll come to you soon, then.
He's sure to give a dorky, lopsided smile before their paths diverge, if Sialuk were not to continue to walk with him.