Ankyra Sound See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight
1,022 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Had there not been a more pressing matter right in front of her face in the form of Arrille, Wylla would have needed to sit down. She was still being blown away by Caiaphas' unexpected support when Chusi chose to flank Arrille, something Wylla took personally in spite of the other she-wolf's respect. What did Wylla herself expect? She hadn't gone far out of her way to make friends with her pack mates and she didn't even really know or remember the name of the opposing wolf, but she had been chosen as leader (by Ingram, not anyone else, but it was all the same to an egotist) and didn't like any show of defiance.

Her jowls quivered as she watched Chusi for a moment, then turned her sharp gaze back on the accused. Arrille was being properly respectful now, only because Caiaphas had forced him to be, but it was better than nothing. If this gathering had happened a few days later then she might have chosen to focus on that and lose her mind over it, but that wasn't the case. "I don't care," Wylla snapped, half to Arrille and half to Ingram. "If my pack mates were being attacked and they told me to run, do you think I'd listen?"

Let's not assume that Wylla had any noble bones in her body, though. She would run if the situation was definitely a losing one, and throw someone else to the wolves if it meant escaping with her life, because Wylla was also cowardly. Except when it came to Lycaon and Ingram. She was as angry as she was about all this solely because they were her brothers and she was immensely biased.

"They fought to defend you," she growled, whiskers vibrating, "they could have died for you and you just ran like a coward." Her muzzle wrinkled across its bridge and her eyes darted to the collar on his neck once more, and another hateful shudder crawled through her as she asked, with the intention of giving Arrille the benefit of the doubt for all of two seconds, "did they attack you because of that thing? Or because you were too much of a coward to leave them on good terms?"
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RE: See I got friends inside, it's my birthday tonight - by Wylla - February 28, 2018, 10:42 PM