Moonstone Quarry If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it
18 Posts
Ooc — Sparx
@Rhode! Forward-dated quite a bit, whenever suits you is fine.

Time of day: dusk
Weather: light snow

She'd passed by this odd structure a few times before but never entered it. Desiring a change of pace, Maud found the mouth of the place and stepped inside. It was like another realm here, limestone piled high with smatterings of strange smooth gems. They twinkled in the moonlight, mesmerizing her. The faint dusting of snow that drifted down from the clouds only added to the magical aura. Pretty as this quarry was, there were few plants and even fewer prey animals to be found. Still, it made for a nice tourist spot. As per usual, she couldn't quite put her finger on how it made her feel, but she knew she felt good, which was enough for her.

With catlike curiosity, she followed the maze-like halls deeper and deeper until met with a crystal-clear pool. It had frozen over, but she could see far down into the watery depths. Satisfied with her findings, she weaved her way back out of the quarry. For Maud, the day was just beginning, and she had hunting to do.
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