Chimera Fields Falling in Reverse
212 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Night had fallen and while he rather enjoyed the starry night view there wasn't much comfort in the area he had ended up in. Fields weren't exactly the ideal protection. There wasn't much worry for someone with poor intention coming forth, however, he wasn't one to go looking for a problem. One who did often found one. Regardless, at least it was equally arguable one could see anything coming from a respectable distance away.

  He had awkwardly marched in a large circle and beaten the grass down into a large and comfortable space to lay out. One thing he hadn't done in a couple days; which was beginning to catch up to him: eat. His stomach churned uncomfortably and a huff rumbled from his lips. He would have to do something about that in the morning. He had been following a stream after a descent from the mountains, but as it would happen Collision was the furthest from graceful. Hunting small, scared creatures was a challenge given he was a bit loud even in 'stealth' mode. Larger prey was more ideal because it was often a bit slower. He had to pass if it happened to be too big, however, for lack of assitance in a take down. 

 The thought seemed to distance itself from his mind as a live smell danced across the wind and into his nose. His head lifted and his ears began to turn inquisitively. He didn't want to take up a threatening position, but he did bring his limbs closer in to stand faster if it were an immediate threat approaching. Patiently he waited in the moonlight to see if he would be found out.
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Ooc — Vami
If food was something the lone wolf was interested in obtaining, tonight was his lucky night and Vallkyrie was just the girl he was looking for. Though tall, she was slim, made of lean muscle and as swift as any of your greatest huntress. She moved through the Chimera as she had time and time again, trying to decide which half of the face of the fields would bring her the most luck tonight - the half which was still quite lovely, newly sprouted flowers beginning to form or the half which had been previously torn up by a tornado, causing rips and tears in the earth creating pathways and little rises for the rabbits to hide and frolic within. 

The level ground seemed to be the first idea and she strode quietly through the fields, slinking down enough to be harder to see in the tall grasses. It was her nose which was at work and soon she would take note of an unknown wolf not far. Curiously, her head shot up, ears perked as her head could be seen over the grasses. She saw perked ears as well, a figure laying down in the field out in front of her. She chuffs a soft greeting.
212 Posts
Ooc — Impala
He would indeed be brought to the attention of another. She called out gently and Collision rolled his legs beneath him and raised his head above the willowy blades of grass. Not too terribly far away he could see the floating head of a woman. Comically enough, the thought of two floating heads was enough for Collision to smile to himself. Humor wasn't something he was often capable of giving--or honestly receiving. 

 "Oh hello," He called out. She hadn't progressed any further (likely with good reason) they were strangers to one another with unbeknownst intentions. Legs began to move him forward at a leisurely saunter and he hoped she would stay where she was. Company was happily sought after. He would even go as far to say it were valued in a land where he knew practically no one. Loneliness was not a feeling he had ever admitted to, but in his admittance of late it was not a feeling he had ever been accustomed to.
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Ooc — Vami
She lifted her chin, peering out over the grasses and he too lifted his own, peering back. She too couldnt help but laugh at the display they were making. Hey. She speaks with a small greeting and watches as he lifts up from the ground to come into her direction. She takes a few paces to him too, a few bounds that might mimic the movements of a fox. He is, quite a large man she notices though she takes no threat to his size. Just because he was big didnt mean he had any more meaning to harm her then one who wasnt. Besides, it only could mean she would be quicker enough to get away. She was ever always a cautious woman and yet not unfriendly or rude. Have I interrupted your rest? He had been laying, after all. Resting alone in the middle of a field didnt at all seem secure and safe, but maybe he was far too tired to care and just needed a break. A traveler, perhaps?
212 Posts
Ooc — Impala
She would be the first to move and truly close the distance between him. It didn't seem as though much effort was required with her body easily jumping from location to location until she arrived. She seemed polite, though short; and that was fine. Collsion failed to do well at endless banter. He would be the one picking up the pieces while the other attempted to drag him on in decent conversation. 

 "Not in the slightest," That was, for all intensive purposes, a lie. Though, he didn't care that his sleep would be delayed, nor did he care that she was the reason. He asked to meet more wolves of this place provided he were open minded and ready for whatever it was that came his way, "It is late, no?" For a pack wolf. He could smell them on her--the assortment, and he doubted it was for any other reason. Alas, he had been wrong before.
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Ooc — Vami
Not at all, he would say, though whether it or not to be truth she was not certain. Either way, his attention was on her now and he wasnt alone. If he hadn't willed her attention she was sure he would have had no problem warding her off. 

He speaks of the hour then and she nods, her icy eyes momentarily lifting and looking over the vast, open black sky. It was so dark tonight, pitch - even few stars were seen in the heavens tonight. It is...Alas, a good huntress takes every opportunity she (or he) has. She admits the lateness of the hour as well as her reasoning for being out here regardless. Besides, She goes on and with it moves her gaze back to him. I dont particularly have a sleeping schedule. She did all the way up to being a yearling, sleeping at nights with the other youngsters while the adults would trade times prowling at night. Though she didnt stay long in the pack after turning a year old and when she was a rogue, learned to sleep whenever she could and of course, when it was safer to. It was something she had yet to grow out of, having been wondering as a loner far longer then since she had been settled in Neverwinter. 

And you? She then questions with a tilt of her skull. Or you just prefer resting in the open? Having caught him laying in the fields, maybe his original plan was to stargaze. Who knew, though when she was a loner she often tried to find some amount of security while sleeping.
212 Posts
Ooc — Impala
It was probably odd to find a loner acting so leisurely in the open. He had no cohort to aid against enemies and he had no shield from the elements should the weather take a turn. The air was more on the frigid side, but his thick body preferred the chilling winds. They soothed him. It was the summer months he had less of a thrill about. 

 She mentioned she was a hunter and his ears perked with a new found interest. Should he ask for assitance? Was he going to? No. His golden eyes observed her body--void of lust, as there was no intention to imply he had that on his mind. She had long legs, angular features, and she was clearly built for speed. She was probably best at catching more agile prey and that was likely what brough her to the field. Her chest was squared, but still feminine. Her eyes were a piercing silver--no, blue...quite pale blue. She was a pretty girl if one was looking at her in that way. "How useful of you to make the best of any hour,"

 "I've only recently happened upon this place. I don't know the best direction to go for anything in particular. I was in the mountains and shelter was easy, but it seemed this was as good a move as any at the time," He was strong enough he could likely pull his own. Of course, every dog had their day, and it would be considerable that one with poor intention could be having his when he happened upon an unguarded loner. The longer he considered it--he had chosen poorly.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
His eyes move over her with a perking of curious ears at the mentioning of her being a huntress. It seemed as though he might be 'inspecting the craft' of the hunting machine that was Vallkyrie. A born and natural killer, as any. It was just as easy to be aware of Vallkyrie's uses as his own. Let's just say here, one hundred and eighty pounds was a lot of wolf and a hell of a lot of muscle. She could only imagine the power he would have in order to drive an elk down to the ground in ambush. It thrilled her! 

She smiles at his first set of words, her slim shoulders moving for a shrug to go along with it. That was her, being all productive and what not. He then mentioned he was new to the lands, decided this field was as good as any, having no particular direction to go. Vallkyrie had majorly stuck to the fields when she had been a rogue if only due to hunting purposes without the herds having returned yet. She had found a rock formation along them and had made a little place for herself for the time being. Life as a loner however meant never staying in one place for long. 

I'd advice sticking around here on your own for too long... Her eyes sought those bright golden ones of his own, a vision of his emotion. There has been some attacks on the locals here, not too long off, from some gang of wolves. It was just a fair warning she felt the man was deserving of. We've been told to try and stay in pairs... She trails off, obviously taking in her own wrongdoing by being out without bringing someone. But caches needed filling, didnt they? Besides, she wasnt exactly alone anymore, was she?
212 Posts
Ooc — Impala
he was not the only one doing some assessing here. perhaps they could be of use to one another if one were so bold to inquire of it. his body was ready and he could feel the quiver of anticipation rush through him at the mere thought of taking down a meal. he wasn't above it, but he wanted to make sure they could trust one another. it would have to be a dual effort. one that he had already thought of. if she could catch up to a kill and slow it down he could move in to do the majority of the damage. keeping up with such a lithesome wolf in terms of speed was not going to do him well. he could run for plenty of time--slowly. 

 "then it is my pleasure to ask you to accompany me," the night was deep into its latter hours. surely she wasn't trying to rush any plans. "we should be fine. we're a pair now," his tail swishes behind him in idle satisfaction and his mind wanders to the thought of the scavengers she mentioned. attacking lone wolves? one should have richer tasks at hand. collision would make sure she had safe passage here at the very least. no harm would befall her tonight. a silent promise to himself.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
The large wolf would ask her to join him then, stating that they would be safe together by sticking to this 'safety in pairs' tactic. She smiles and nods her head in agreement, long black tail brushing back and forth over her hind legs in the same manner as he. A pair then. And with that she begins moving along as she had prior to having run into him. Her muzzle would jut, urging her newfound partner to follow. 

Ever since her discovery of the large herd of pronghorn she had made with @Arcturus, she had been trying to place their scent with a means to find these beasts. The idea of hunting new prey thrilled her and even with two the pair had a chance at taking one down. They were smaller then the heard of deer which lived in the forests here and with smaller horns. They were far less of a challenge then a goat or sheep either for sure, whom kept in close range of the mountains. I've been keeping track of a large herd of pronghorn in this area. I dont think they are far. Vegetation was plentiful here between the forests and fields.
212 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Another perk to her having happened upon him was the fact that she seemed much more aware of the area they were in. She probably had a decent knowledge of the entire lands and that made it very easy for him to follow her lead. Collision knew that he had very little knowledge of where to find the best within this place. This would add a new spot to the map, however, and for that he would be most grateful.

 He fell in step staggered slightly behind her and used each step to awaken the muscles that had calmed beneath him. He was more than ready to begin their endeavor and hopefully equally reap the rewards, "That would be a fairly decent catch," Collision was sure she was on the same page as him. All he needed her to do was slow it down and he could deliver power within a blow. He wondered if this kill was something she would turn on him for. After all, she had arrived bearing the scent of a pack wolf. If she did--then so be it. He would have participated in lending a helping hand. But that would be something worth considering after the fact. Best not to make his judgement prior.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Within the Chimera Fields they moved and the place took one look to another. Leaving the level flatlands of growing wildflowers of all kinds and into a more broken and rugged area, with lack of flower with the ground upturned and torn fron previous disaster. Vallkyrie bounded along, moving to where the Spine laid to their left. 

There is another pack just south here, called Moonspear for the mountain which they live on... She spoke, simply offering a bit of conversation whilst they moved. Having picked up on a more fresh scent, Kyr arched her direction more northward just towards where the edges of the Spine, fields and Weald forest came together. The ocean is north, just keep past these flatlands until you reach the beach. She went on, ears perking up to listen in to his responses. 

Hey wait... A sudden stop and she sniffs, listens. They were not far now, for sure. I think there just within the forest. I can arch around and direct one out into the open towards you? She spoke as her head moved around, trying to place a good spot for Collision to lie in wait for the attack...
212 Posts
Ooc — Impala
I honestly thought i replied to this. im so sorry for the wait x.x

He follows alongside her. The two moving as a unit with a single goal in mind. He listens to every bit of information that she offers him and he wonders about each pack and what they are like. Generally birds of a feather flocked together--were the wolves of Moonspear wolves he should generally aim to avoid? 

 The Ocean....There was a yearning to visit near there. It had been entirely too long since he had welcomed the clean fragances of the ocean. 

 She draws to a halt and he waits to hear what she has to say. It was actually a decent idea. He didn't have a chance at keeping up with most things...but if it were driven right to him. He nodded and began the search to find a place to lay--a collection of bushes to the side was his best bet, "lets do it, then," He backed away from her and made sure he was in the most optimally down wind position while he awaited the task at hand.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Perfectly fine! As you can tell, I've been slacking too. Lol

She nods to him, growing silent as she readies herself for the hunt to come. She watches for a lingering moment longer as the large wolf situates himself by a cover a brush. His coating of molted grays, some darker bits and gold, would melt perfectly into the flatlands around them, still grayed out struggling to revive with the leave of winter. 

Vallkyrie, as black as can be, would do her best to use the shadows to her advantage. She wanders how much of a patient man Collision was as she took the time to travel a large arc around the collection of pronghorn. They were far different looking then the deer she had hunted before - yet smaller all around, including their horns. 

Her icy pale eyes trained to a few that may be potential targets - a doe swollen with child, a male with a broken horn and another that didnt seem to have a limp yet had an open wound on his shoulder. 

Vallkyrie started, coming in at an even pace, growling and snapping her jaws. The deer fled away, scattered into the open plains. The doe, pregnant or not, did not slow enough to be caught, lost amongst her brethren. The injured male was strong, capable and veered off and away. It was the young buck with the broken horn which was in her grasp. 

She kept close after it, coming in faster, snapping at its ankles to cause it to kick. She was wearing him down but by now she too was tiring. Closer and closer Kyr steered the doe into the awaiting jaws of her hunting partner...
212 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Tick tock? Had she disappeared? Or was their plan to steer prey into their optimal direction one that was only good in theory. He would, ultimately, let his trusting and patient nature be what made his decision and he would continue to wait in a presently relaxed position. 

 It all paid off. 

 He could feel the subtle vibration through the ground. He could hear the careful snap of the huntress doing what she did best. Allowing her to be their speed and their stamina was the best thing they could have done. Collision would give her the opportunity to rest very shortly. 

 His hips readied and his eyes widened in hungry desire. The buck was young, so not fully strengthened, a horn no longer in tact. That made the catch slightly less dangerous to them as well. 

 He fled from his coverage and charged onward briefly. His body moving quickly and without restraint. When the distance was just enough he forced himself off the ground and threw his full weight into the buck. OF course, the great collide was equally as rough on him and there would be bruising. But, it was natural. 
 His teeth tightened around the shoulder and he twisted an arm around the male. With his weighted momentum Collision would manage to cause the buck to loose balance. They would both come to the ground with Collision pulling on top. The buck continued to kick as Collision continued to bite. Relenquishing the shoulder and trading it for the much more vulnerable neck.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Finally Vallkyrie would have the opportunity to slow her pace as Collison dashed from his hiding placement and upon the unsuspecting target. Slowly her pace, her legs trembled, her breath heavy. Still she would keep tabs on her partner and their kill, pacing around the two of them ad Collison maneuvered to take the young buck down and gain a choking hold. 

When able, Kyr would snap and bite, striking smaller blows to the buck in order to both tire and distract, hoping his kicks go out to try and seek her as its head flailed to get the wolf off of him. But his labored breath would slow and though he every so often would kick and cry out before ultimately dying, Vallkyrie thought it safe enough to flop down to the ground and lay, heavily panting to catch her breath.
212 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision could feel the minor discomfort that encumbered the parts of his body he had absorbed the brute force of their dinner with. As it lay lifeless he stretched his limbs and shook to loosen each muscle. His breathe was heavy and he remained standing until it began to slow and even back out to a comfortable pace.

 He moved towards the lifeless carcass and looked at Vallkyrie, "Thank you," :He offered her a warm smile and motioned towards her, "Ladies first, whenever you're ready," They had worked to their own strengths and both could reap the rewards now. He was sure after the encounter their meeting would conclude, but the grey boy was pleased that she would be his first acquaintance in this land.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Collison stood, gathering himself in the same manner Vallkyrie was doing- resting until her breath was evened out. The smile which the large wolf gave was returned and she lifted, leaning back on legs and then stretching her hind limbs forward as she tried to shake out the trembles and tension in them. 

She strides to the carcass on the opposite of which Collison stood. She nods to his words, flashing a bit of a smirk and adds, I think we did quite well together. She states matter of factly and lowers herself back down into a lay in front of the kill. A meal like this and some good rest should do you good on your travels. If he had only just arrived, as mentioned, he had much to see before settling down. At least, that was how she had felt when she arrived here before in the long run joining up with Neverwinter. 

I'm Vallkyrie Archer, by the way. Finally an official introduction and then she lowers her dark skull and begins to eat.
212 Posts
Ooc — Impala
I figured this was a good opportunity to close our very old thread lmfao. thank you for threading w/ me <3

She would offer some pleasantried that it would seem they had dimissed upon their initial meeting. that was alright. he didn't need to know the name of the dark girl to know that he was quite fond of her. she had a good heart, solid motivation, and an admirable work ethic. it did not appear that she was the kind wandering around and seeking hand outs. 

 "I have to agree," The food would be appreciated and the rest would help him get to wherever the hell it was he was going, "It's a pleasure ot meet you Vallkyrie. My name is Collision Adravendi," He nodded his head in a sort of bow and also ate until he would reach his fill. 

 His stomach fattened with the meat of their kill he pulled back and stretched, "I think it in my best interest to find somewhere to rest for the night. I look forward to meeting you again," And Collision told no lied. Meeting her had been a hopeful event. he was certain there would be more wolves of this place that were like her and there was an ignited need to find them. This time, however, he hoped he could find them in quantities to offer his services to. he nodded his head politely to her and set off in the direction he had been moving since his arrival in this place. 

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390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Yw and ty as well! Collision seems like your ol fashion paladin type and I love it.

That surname of his was quite a mouthful, that was, had her mouth not have already been full. Collision was his name. Cole, she decided, for short. Though it was not his name which she would remember him for. It was his impressive size and the raw power behind it, although he was gentle in nature. Trusting and patient with those willing to lend a paw, stranger or not. A good egg, she figured. 

When they were finished eating she would roll to her side, stretching out all four legs in opposite directions as she yawned. She flips back over to her stomach when Collision decides it would be best for him to lie low and rest for the remainder of the night. I hope so too, She of course wouldnt mind running into him again and she would have even offered him a home in their forest if she hadn't known he was only just exploring these Wilds. 

Still, There is a lot of nice places around here, lots of packs too. But if you get to not finding a place to settle, feel free to come by our forest, just east of here. And with that she would watch him head off. Vallkyrie wouldnt spend much time settling herself. It was nightfall of course and the smell of a kill would being forth anu predator. She would need to move quickly if she was going to get the remaining bits home.