Blackfeather Woods two because you won’t push me around
107 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
All Welcome 
backdated to the 14th.

It was exactly where the former pharaoh had promised her she would not be, and yet here she was. Refused by Khaba, she moved north. Her eyes sought movement, peering warily around every corner. The forest was dark and foreboding, but the girl pressed on, wondering which face she would put on for the next path she crossed.

The fragrance that enveloped her could attract all kinds of wolves, and she would be quick to defend herself if she sensed danger.
99 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
This had to be the darkest forest Jasmine had ever seen, and that made her plunge in all the deeper. Corvids fought in the trees overhead - she thought she could hear a mob of crows and the single muffled cry of a raven. A rustling of feathers, anger in their voices. All contained to the skies by the thick shadows strung above her.

Down below belonged to silence, and a stranger.

She was small — even smaller than her! — and dappled, either by nature or by the trees. 

A foolish thought came to her, a devilish one. It wasn’t often she found a wolf she could best. They were always much bigger, much grander in size. But this one, though a stranger, was perfect to surprise.

So Jasmine sought to slink through the shadows alongside her, out of sight, and wait there in the quiet just until the other passed.

Feel free to notice her or not! xD
107 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
*big eyes* rolled for her to notice or not, and she did not!

Forward, forward, forward. Instinct drove her now, and she kept herself pointed north. Diantha had no real plan, only the promise of something better than whatever others kept throwing at her. The other wolf had already slipped into the darkness by the time Diantha looked that way, and she glided by without hesitation, unaware of her stalker.
99 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
:o I love it hahaha!!

She became the shadows, a devil in the dark! Truth be told she almost started giggling, but managed to keep her amusement tucked behind the tight curl of a smile.

How she managed to escape the other’s eye was pretty much a stroke of luck, but it was one she would take. And when some funny kind of recognition breezed over the girl, she brushed it off — though the momentary confusion almost made her miss the beat!

BOO! Jasmine flung herself out of the shadows and leapt into the space right behind the stranger with a wild twirl as she already prepared to bounce away if the other tried to strike her.