Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: heavy suggestion throughout
Away from the festival, up the steps and down the hall, he drove his love towards the throne, where he pushed her back into it. He prowled, circling the dais, ears focused forward as the vibrations in his throat conveyed his intentions. He enjoyed watching @Toula there, untouched. Waiting. The waters were being tested now, the obsidian man showing her a different love than they’d made before– one of candid possession.
He rose the front half of himself onto the throne, for a moment reveling the feel of his wife's thighs against his. Her beauty lured him. He gazed down into her perfect face.
“Feel the torment you put me in,” his mouth hovered over her lips. One arm steadied them both while another slid down to her hip, pushing her leg up over his.
“You are bred into my bones– part of my flesh.” As if to prove it his teeth bore past the fur of her neckline with a zeal born of starvation, a strength thus far withheld from his goddess. With a heavy growl he leaned down to nuzzle her chest, breathing faster into her fur.
“Your blood runs fast when mine does,” he drew himself tighter against her, "your body burns when mine does."
April 28, 2024, 05:57 PM
would her rather be proud or disappointed to see himself in her as she stood upon the throne then, gaze smoldering as she held Rashepses in thrall? it had not been priest and priestess she saw, but Herself and Him—
Rashepses had awoken something in Her. and now He lit a fire in Her from within—with His holy words, with His actions,
and then His lips were against Hers, and He was speaking scripture, and She released an unholy noise against His lips—or perhaps it was holy, She did not know anything then except for Her want,
and His grip was all that She wanted, and yet not enough as Her foreleg hooked around Him to bring Him closer, to show Him what existed within Her—only He would ever know this,
and She wanted to repeat each of His words, but Her eyes were filled with Her need, Her hunger, as She said to Him:
I am burning!!!!and, maneuvering Herself so that He might see all of Her, She said to Him,
I burn for You,
Her delicate body draped across the throne where once sat her sister, and father, and now Semer-wati had mounted her beneath him until her spine pressed into the seat of power and he was free to look upon all that was Pharaoh.
His teeth found purchase of the plush skin of her collar again. A low rumble shook them both, unable to think beyond the sensation of her. His kiss was harder this time, laced with the thirst he feet pulsing inside them both. His paw brushed along the length of her thigh, and then they were fitted together, pushing close– closer than before.
It was more than staking possession. There was something much different about his wife this day, the whole of her like a sun sought to find every unreached limit and ensnare him with her energy. He was less gentle than before, but no less loving. He felt himself powerful, a demiurge that moved instinctively towards consciousness, with a need to create something corporal between them. Not because they should, or because it was expected, but because he wanted to define himself by her. He spiraled Toula until they were a single form, and gave to her the sweet ambrosia, nectar of the gods. This was divine providence. This was how art imitated the Gods.
“You and I will change the world,” a promise groaned deep against the side of her cheek.
May 07, 2024, 07:15 AM
the stone throne behind her did not bite into her flesh as perhaps it ought to of in this moment. it was yet another blissful sensation that stole breath from her lungs, drew it against the dark-limned lips of her husband. if there was anything different about him this hour, Toula could not recognize it—perhaps because in this moment, she was unwittingly his mirror. she wanted to possess—she wanted to be possessed,
She! He! each gesture of His, each touch, meeting its mark with the all-consuming power of a wildfire. scorching, indiscriminate—and She breathed life into it, so that it roared, so that it could never be put out. as His hips were flush against Hers, She arched helplessly against Him—not even realizing it, not even wholly in control. all that She was aware of then was Him, and Her need of Him. and then, yes, She was the sun—Ra was within Her!—and She had determined that She must bathe Him in Her light, this warmth, arms wrung around His shoulders, bringing Him closer still until Their chests touched and there was only one thing left to do—
She was spinning, and laughing, and as She turned to look back at Him there was a need greater than anything She could ever articulate in Her eyes, but Her body conveyed it with a fluency He had taught Her. still He was not close enough, but as He spoke She felt the rightness of His words. this all... it was only the beginning. and in answer, She said knowingly as She pressed against Him,
but possessed by this fire, and by Him, Toula breathed a high note of demand, pressing against Him again, overtaken, embracing Their Divinity.
She! He! each gesture of His, each touch, meeting its mark with the all-consuming power of a wildfire. scorching, indiscriminate—and She breathed life into it, so that it roared, so that it could never be put out. as His hips were flush against Hers, She arched helplessly against Him—not even realizing it, not even wholly in control. all that She was aware of then was Him, and Her need of Him. and then, yes, She was the sun—Ra was within Her!—and She had determined that She must bathe Him in Her light, this warmth, arms wrung around His shoulders, bringing Him closer still until Their chests touched and there was only one thing left to do—
She was spinning, and laughing, and as She turned to look back at Him there was a need greater than anything She could ever articulate in Her eyes, but Her body conveyed it with a fluency He had taught Her. still He was not close enough, but as He spoke She felt the rightness of His words. this all... it was only the beginning. and in answer, She said knowingly as She pressed against Him,
We will rebuild it,yes, They would,
Together,a soft kiss to his chin as the sentiment was not lost on her. Toula had lost so much, but perhaps it was all for this—all for what They two would make.
but possessed by this fire, and by Him, Toula breathed a high note of demand, pressing against Him again, overtaken, embracing Their Divinity.
After, he would ask for her again, rekindling their just fed flames with exploring provocations. His breath came faster until he was panting and stealing his wife’s own singed moans from her lips. Long ago he’d mastered this want, only now to carve a new name for it.
When they were undone once more Rashepses brought his wife into his arms and kissed her mouth deeply. “Gods, you’re beautiful. Nofer harneb (most beautiful of all). Merere tu (I love you), my Toula.”
He began grooming then, christening every landmark with a gentle brush of tongue, beginning with the silken skin of her wrists. She looked so bright in his arms, an ivory lotus against the crimson of her throne.
“Tell me of your desires,” he whispered between strokes of tongue, “the ones you are too shy to voice aloud.”
“Have no shame with me," his sunlit eyes are heady as he nuzzles the lobe of her ear.
When they were undone once more Rashepses brought his wife into his arms and kissed her mouth deeply. “Gods, you’re beautiful. Nofer harneb (most beautiful of all). Merere tu (I love you), my Toula.”
He began grooming then, christening every landmark with a gentle brush of tongue, beginning with the silken skin of her wrists. She looked so bright in his arms, an ivory lotus against the crimson of her throne.
“Tell me of your desires,” he whispered between strokes of tongue, “the ones you are too shy to voice aloud.”
“Have no shame with me," his sunlit eyes are heady as he nuzzles the lobe of her ear.
May 22, 2024, 02:43 PM
ah!, She wanted this, Him, over and over again. it was an unquenchable thirst that She endured, but finally for a time it was slaked. the Pharaoh lay limply in His arms, content and luxuriating, a pleased and lazy half-grin upon Her lips. when He kissed Her, again She awoke, for Him and with Him—
and His words made her stir once more! the question, deeply personal, and one She would answer, but first—first!!! helpless again, She stretched wantonly beneath His gentle administrations, which were sweet and tender and all things She adored, but distracted Her all the more, and so Her first answer to Him was,
and so She did not!
when They had finished once again, Toula looked at Him in quiet awe, and felt Her question to Eset answered as She felt him look at Her the same way—yes, this wanting, this love, it would last forever, an undying flame. a softer kiss was given this time as Her breathing evened out, gemstone gaze not leaving His of the purest shade of honey and gold.
a lazier smile now as She stretches out before Him, hoping He would resume His gentle ministrations.
and His words made her stir once more! the question, deeply personal, and one She would answer, but first—first!!! helpless again, She stretched wantonly beneath His gentle administrations, which were sweet and tender and all things She adored, but distracted Her all the more, and so Her first answer to Him was,
for you to kiss me like that again, my love,and now that half-grin was a full smile, and when He pulled Her closer, Toula could not resist Him,
and so She did not!
when They had finished once again, Toula looked at Him in quiet awe, and felt Her question to Eset answered as She felt him look at Her the same way—yes, this wanting, this love, it would last forever, an undying flame. a softer kiss was given this time as Her breathing evened out, gemstone gaze not leaving His of the purest shade of honey and gold.
a lazier smile now as She stretches out before Him, hoping He would resume His gentle ministrations.
you must forgive me—it appears I already do not!Toula laughed then as She recognized the truth of this. where had Her self-control gone?! oh, She felt Herself and yet so very different! at least now, for the moment, Her mind could work!
let me think,came Her first answer, soft and considering—and She was also regaining Her breath!
tell me of yours while I do,oh, yes, She was quite tired—never before had She… exercised this energy quite like this before! then Her own foreleg began to affectionately sweep against His, a paw moving to gently caress the furs upon His shoulder.
May 23, 2024, 02:31 PM
He kissed his wife as commanded, deeper, hungrier, compelling her lips to part with his tongue. “I want to inhabit every part of you,” he stroked beneath her eyes and kissed her bottom lip. A hand slid between her limbs and brought his mouth down to her hip.
“I desire you to close your eyes. I desire you to listen. I desire you to do as I bid—” Then he leaned back into the redstone throne and pulled Toula on top of him, his teeth brushing her chin. His goddess loomed above as his altar for prayer. “I want to close my eyes. I want to listen. I want to do as you bid.”
His eyes melted away to slits, all the crimes of his touch a result of the arson between them. The way he coveted his wife was different from the way he used concubines. There was no crowd of worshippers to carry their bed. He did not want any other eyes upon her. He did not want to see her with anyone else. He wanted her only for himself. Sweet, and savaged inside his temple. He stared up at her.
“Toula,” the name fits in his mouth perfectly. He quieted then, the headiness in his eyes replaced by something intangible. “I desire most for our love to blood the eternal skies.” He lifted a paw to caress her cheek.
He wanted to see her swell with their sons. He wanted to watch her chase their godlings down the palace hallways, and settle them into bed at nights. He wanted to watch her nurture his children– the evidence of their love in flesh and blood.
“I want a family with you.”
“I desire you to close your eyes. I desire you to listen. I desire you to do as I bid—” Then he leaned back into the redstone throne and pulled Toula on top of him, his teeth brushing her chin. His goddess loomed above as his altar for prayer. “I want to close my eyes. I want to listen. I want to do as you bid.”
His eyes melted away to slits, all the crimes of his touch a result of the arson between them. The way he coveted his wife was different from the way he used concubines. There was no crowd of worshippers to carry their bed. He did not want any other eyes upon her. He did not want to see her with anyone else. He wanted her only for himself. Sweet, and savaged inside his temple. He stared up at her.
“Toula,” the name fits in his mouth perfectly. He quieted then, the headiness in his eyes replaced by something intangible. “I desire most for our love to blood the eternal skies.” He lifted a paw to caress her cheek.
He wanted to see her swell with their sons. He wanted to watch her chase their godlings down the palace hallways, and settle them into bed at nights. He wanted to watch her nurture his children– the evidence of their love in flesh and blood.
“I want a family with you.”
May 23, 2024, 05:19 PM
how did he do this?! firemaker, with his tongue and with his tongue! she thought that she could rest, but his words reinvigorated and reawakened her—all things that echoed within her,
atop him, now, Toula sat proudly—Rashepses was her throne! the wicked thought stirred her longing.
atop him, now, Toula sat proudly—Rashepses was her throne! the wicked thought stirred her longing.
there will be a time I bid you to close your eyes,she said, lowering her lips to his ear. again she knew herself, again she did not.
but I want them open as you provide us with our shared wish. fill me with our sons and daughters, and see it done,she tempted, eyes bright. for a moment, the fog seemed to lift as their dream came to life in her mind. but as again she felt him against her, her mind turned only to him.
Osiris,she whispered, looming over him,
We will be the Gods that provide!another wish—but spoken against his lips like this, it felt a sacred prayer that They would see come to pass, Together!
May 23, 2024, 06:02 PM
Together they became nun, that from which all rivers flowed, from which all life came. Rashepses would not close his eyes, but look up vigorously into his wife’s incandescent face and never feel more certain that she had always been destined by the Gods as Pharaoh of the red serpent. His arms drew her hips tight against him, completing the cycle that had begun all those months ago. They pulsed jointly, as one.
Osiris, she called him. A quiver licked down Rashepses’ spine. When the moment of pleasure came he buried his face into her neck and groaned her name in ecstasy.
But it was the trickster god who grinned, and Set who cradled the girl Toula to his chest after.
Osiris, she called him. A quiver licked down Rashepses’ spine. When the moment of pleasure came he buried his face into her neck and groaned her name in ecstasy.
But it was the trickster god who grinned, and Set who cradled the girl Toula to his chest after.
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