Neverwinter Forest ukalliq
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan

When she found no rabbits in the caches—which was all that she was craving!—Ariadne decided to take matters into her own hands. She kissed her children and husband goodbye and set off for Neverwinter Forest. If her memory served correctly, there was a large rabbit population there, and, hopefully, she'd get exactly what she wanted for lunch.

Thankfully, upon entering the forest, she discovered a pile of rabbit scat and scent trail that led away from it.

She prowled through the underbrush, singing as she followed along, as sunshine danced through the leaves and onto the floor. Although she knew her voice would give her away, she couldn't care less. It was a beautiful day, and it'd only up the challenge of the hunt, which would ultimately be more entertaining for her.

aya! aya! aya!

rabbit, rabbit where did you go?

are you here? or down below?

watch out, watch out, here i come

scurry fast! or get ready to feel numb!

aya! aya! aya!
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
no need to match length at all please! just getting into her mindset again <3

The skies cleared that mid-morning and the crisp air carried her like a feather. She was not sure where the wind in the trees sought to guide her, but each step seemed somehow a touch more familiar. She ranged far as the sun moved along like a guiding point.

A hunter had taught her to follow the skies with a certainty. He had moved in his demonstrations with the sharpness of teeth to skin, she had watched him entranced, she had sung to him to warmth —

Just beyond her second year she had returned. Tall and still thin, but she moved with a grace that told a comfort found within herself. She knew these woods and the faint scents that wove through for hunting trails seemed familiar in places. There was a grand desire to charge through the thick of the trees to where it would surely rise into slopes.

She would have ran right into her anaa! Yet she had to be respectful as any outsider might be.

Outsider! Her heart could have wept!

But she knew that, in some ways, she was. A girl had left and a woman returned in her place. Yet this woman still carried her whimsy of youth with her just like the worn dark fur carelessly slung over shoulders. It was as she slowed and came to stop upon the thickest ring of the borders that she realized besides herself, besides this trader fur cloaked upon her, she brought nothing!

It was good that the forests stopped her. She would find something here before she finished this journey to her home.

"aya! aya! aya!"

Her ginger ears turned at once and soon her head followed, body and legs next. A working song rose through the trees and her voice echoed back.

aya! aya! aya!

down beneath the leaves —

look as rabbits run!

now we do our part,

we must hunt as one!

aya! aya! aya!

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: 2025-01-23

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Sounds good! Feel free to PP her arrival! :) If not, she'll arrive in my next post. I'm good with whatever!

Her ears lifted at the sound of the stranger's voice, and her eyes danced in delight as she listened to the song. "What a voice!" she thought as she turned towards the sound, her ears tall and expression bright.

She would never turn away the chance to hunt with another—even if it was a stranger; their odds were better when they were together.

She broke into a run—laughing as she sprang through the air without hesitation!—starting towards the one who'd called to her.

aya! aya! aya!

down below the trees,

look as they do as they please!

come on, come on, let us hunt!

together we will get our lunch!
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
Her pace quickened, large paws moved in a rhythm set by the tune they shared.

together we will get our lunch!

She allowed her voice to mimic back the last line, joyous laughter soon followed. She felt certain that she had neared the one who would hunt with her.

Only as their paths weaved and she caught glimpses of warm fawn coloring with the underside of winter, her mind changed. They had hunted and what a grand hunt it had become. One that would forever outweigh the flesh that mightier hunters might bring down in these woods.

moon daughters did their hunt!

no lunch found, only love!

Her song ended once more in her radiant laugh, thick as honey and rolling in the warmth of this all. Was it so? Moon daughters reunited by song and hunt?

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: 2025-01-23

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
They could've easily passed each other, like ships in the night, but something beyond worked its magic to reunite the two sisters.

aya! aya! aya!

She chanted as they approached one another, seeing glimpses of the other wolf through the tangle of foliage. Nothing about the assorted peeks struck her as familiar. Only when everything pieced together did she realize who she'd run into—sistraa. Moon daughters! A shiver went down her spine as she recognized the other wolf.

Before long, tears pricked in her eyes, and she flung herself at her sister and pulled her into a wolfish embrace, leaving their song on hold as she snuffed out all the foreign scents upon her; she smelled like adventure.

She pulled back, looking into her face, smiled from ear to ear, and repeated:

moon daughters did their hunt!

no lunch found, only love!

She pulled her into another hug, and whispered into her fur, It is so good to see your face, sistraa.
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
She was far removed from whatever tragedies or triumphs touched the land, her family, in her absence. No word had come reached her ears. She witnessed only the glow of her samely now-grown sister, as if she looked into the warmth of a newly shown winter sun.

The repeated cadence inspired her own teary gaze!

You will see it more! She squeezed her sister and for a moment she hated to think she'd ever have to let go! While the world had been good to the young woman, she had not realized just how much she had missed home.

New faces had excited her, but the familiar was a welcomed comfort unlike any other.

Will you walk me home, sistraa?

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: 2025-01-23

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne gasped! Callyope was coming home. What a delight! A treat!

Of course! she said as she removed herself from the embrace, swept up in an emotional splendor. We are not too far from there—this is so exciting!

She couldn't even begin to recount everything that'd happened since she'd last seen her sister—how long had it been?—and figured her sister was in a similar predicament.

I am sure you have many things to tell me, she said as she turned on her heel and began to lead the way towards Moonglow. As I have many things to tell you! she couldn't help the goofy grin that spread on her face. You are a atchak now. You have many nieces and nephews waiting for you! But my children will be most excited to meet their anaa's sistraa.
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv

Her heart thumped, surely not — yes! Ariadne had already set course for them but Callyope struggled to not still in their tracks. It was enough that she fumbled after her sister like a newborn doe!

That glow! Aya! It was the glow of a mother, that was why it radiated such warmth!

I have many things to tell you, and them! Will you tell me of them now? I cannot wait! She was breathless, leaning into her sister as they strode along to their home.


Callyope had nothing nearly as grand to share, but that hardly dulled her shine.

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: 2025-01-23

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Being super vague because we're in the process of giving the children their names IC!

Ariadne went into detail about the children and their names and fumbled a few times because she was still getting used to them! Each time, she laughed it off and shrugged.

Their father is not of the Sunshine People—he is from Tartok, a shadow crossed her face at this. The allure of their differences was waning quickly—truthfully, many things were waning quickly regarding her marriage. But she kept that to herself. We had a ceremony and gave them their proper names. I think that we did a good job! Anaa was there, too, to hear their names for the first time.

They are such a lively bunch, but they all shine as individuals, too! They are just starting to explore and see the world, and it has been so much fun to watch as they discover themselves, too.

But enough about me!! Tell me about you! she encouraged, bumping her shoulder against her sister's. Where have your paws taken you? What have you seen?
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv


She gave her sister all her attention in these moments. Had this been someone that anaa had picked for her sister? Who was this man and how had he caught the eye of Ariadne? Her cheeks flushed with girlish excitement for it all!

She did not speak upon the shadows. Let them be burned away by the shining lights of her sister's life — children!

Although she had nothing as grand (in her mind) to share, she was still prepared to spill all.

Very far, She admitted sheepishly, content to gossip in the tongue of their mother. To cold places with many hunters! I visited different villages with different hunters but one thing was the same among them all — I tended to their furs and sang songs to their people. The winter brought me no children or husbands, though.

Her shoulder aimed to bump back now with a cheeky grin spread across her pale features.

Maybe I meant to find one here, closer to my heart's home. What do you say? Think I might?

She stopped only to strike a pose in a comical manner. As if they were carefree girls playing dress up instead of the young women with heavy responsibilities that they had become.

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: 2025-01-23

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
That is okay! Ariadne assured Callyope, Not all winters have to bring husband and children—it sounds like you had a good time! I'm sure you have many stories to share! And she would happily listen to every one of them!

Yes, you will find a good husband here, and anaa will ensure it! she said. Just ... do not ask me for suggestions! I am apparently very bad at picking men! She laughed! At least, that is what I have gathered by how people have reacted to him. Another laugh—but more defeated and sad.

Anaa didn't even ask for a bride price, she revealed, her voice quiet. I think I should have known he was not right for me when that happened—but I didn't. And now she was still married to a man her family disapproved of, which had been awful. She'd looked upon Vairë with jealousy; how easy life would've been if her heart had chosen another man!

Just … do not be a fool like me, Calloype. Listen to anaa's advice.
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
Her features softened, the mood in the air shifted around like a coming storm. These laughs were not filled with radiant joy! They spoke of somber things, the words exchanged between sisters were sacred. These emotions were too.

Are you full of love when you look upon him, Ariadne?

Her voice was a hushed whisper. It was good to share these words now before they returned to the walls of the village.

The people of Tartok proved to be rugged, she did not think that to mean them loveless. Yet she did not know what a marriage looked like to them versus how it was perceived in the eyes of sunshine people.

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: 2025-01-23

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
There was silence where there should've been words, and Ariadne felt her words heavy on the tip of her tongue. They were things she'd wanted to speak on, things that she'd held back admitting, but now that she was faced with the question, she wasn't sure if she could say them.

For a time, I did, was what she could admit. She felt tears in her eyes and wiped them away. But things have changed since I returned.

I am tired of feeling like an outsider. I am tired of feeling like I am between two opposing sides. She sighed.

I am ... tired. I just want everybody to be happy, and I know that will not happen if I am with Kigipigak.
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
It was hard, to love one who did not fit among your world. Even moreso when it seemed exhaustive to tend to the fruits of that forbidden love. Yet she did not want those things to rot her sister. It would be best to uproot the plant whole.

She reached to kiss the ginger temple of her kin.

They were women, these were not things they needed to do alone.

Even if her heart lurched at the name placed to this Tartok man. Him? Had he not felt insult at being asked no bride price? Or was it the opposite perhaps?

He knew the people of Moonglow, he knew their ways — follower or not in the beliefs. She found a million things she could have asked after but resigned herself to not further burden her sister's tired mind with this man. She would reserve these things for their mother's ears when a private moment could come.

Now was the time to console and comfort.

There will always be a safe place to speak among us and these things...they can be sorted, happiness can be brought to you and your children.

Let me help carry your heart, sistraa.

We will go home. We can eat and I will fill your ulaq with stories for your children. You deserve peaceful moments in these times.

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: 2025-01-23

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Want to invite mom to this thread? Or fade? I'm good with whatever!

Okay, sister, Ariadne replied, suddenly downcast and sullen. She hadn't meant to make this about her—her sister had just returned home, after all!—and she felt guilt gnaw at her belly. I ... am sorry. This was supposed to be a happy time, but I have made it sad.

Let me lead you there—we will fill your belly, find you a den, and make you feel at home. She quickened her steps, eager to get out of the woods and return to Moonglow.
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
fading! but expect more callyope soon

A soft tcht sound was made as a careful smile slipped over her features.

Perhaps overall it might have been sad, but Callyope was grateful she could be here. She could not help but wonder if fates had intervened to bring her home at this moment. When a sister needed her, when her sister's children might have need of her too.

It was good to follow her home and soon see the familiar sights again.

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: 2025-01-23