Pharaoh was growing round with his children, the swell in her shape sweet enough to make the stone image of Taweret on the walls of Akashingo burn with envy. Between the arrival of the Ta-senet guardians and his wife’s pregnancy, Semer-wati’s vigilance was restored to joy, his life filled to overflowing.
He thought of Toula every hour. His dreams were images of her lovely face and four little bodies at her breast. During daylight he insisted on keeping @Tavina and @Izaiah close, that they would care for her until he was again able to assume the esteemed duty from them.
The consort returned from patrol, a task he readily took up in the absence of jodai and medjay. He drank water at the edge of the serpent, feeling a curious mix of elation and nerves, most alien to a king and a god.
He thought of Toula every hour. His dreams were images of her lovely face and four little bodies at her breast. During daylight he insisted on keeping @Tavina and @Izaiah close, that they would care for her until he was again able to assume the esteemed duty from them.
The consort returned from patrol, a task he readily took up in the absence of jodai and medjay. He drank water at the edge of the serpent, feeling a curious mix of elation and nerves, most alien to a king and a god.
July 11, 2024, 12:59 AM
Day by day, Tadihor had grown more comfortable in the red sand palace, the desert land. This was evident in her descion to roam further from her chamber, and follow a small river leading to a lake; serpents lake. She had neared the water’s, eager to drink from it, but as soon as the Divine black figure came into her view, she lowered herself to the ground, “Tahiaati ya 'iilahi. (Greetings, Divine one)”
She would not bring her self to face him until he had spoken so.
She would not bring her self to face him until he had spoken so.
“Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences.
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences.
July 24, 2024, 12:20 PM
His greeting for the sand-silk lady was a fanged smile and a rumble of invitation. “Join me, Lady Tadihor.”
Rashepses pushed through patches of reeds and descended into their sacred waters. The sun floated on the green surface, shattering and reforming as the king’s body punctured its shape. Searing golden eyes watched her from the shallows, running down over her legs and back up her hips.
“The court will select a suitable husband for you from our allied kingdoms, Nebet,” he informed. At two she was beginning to lose the value of her youth, but she would make a handsome bride still.
Rashepses pushed through patches of reeds and descended into their sacred waters. The sun floated on the green surface, shattering and reforming as the king’s body punctured its shape. Searing golden eyes watched her from the shallows, running down over her legs and back up her hips.
“The court will select a suitable husband for you from our allied kingdoms, Nebet,” he informed. At two she was beginning to lose the value of her youth, but she would make a handsome bride still.
July 25, 2024, 01:59 PM
He invited her into the water, the green water a mirror for Ra’s light. Tadihor had simply given a nod, a dip of her head, as she gracefully stepped into the cool waters of the lake, her golden eyes watching his as they look over her body. In her homelands, she had drawn a few eyes but none made a move, none claiming her as theirs. This is why, below her fur, her face would be cherry red as Semer-Wati spoke of a husband. She was not opposed to the idea of marriage, but it was not something she had obsessed over, as she had her studies.
“This is kind of you, Semer-wati. Your words are an honor.” She replied, her tone soft, thankful. “Tell me, about yourself, your kingdom. I wish to learn of Akashingo’s history.” She was very passionate about learning, especially history.
“This is kind of you, Semer-wati. Your words are an honor.” She replied, her tone soft, thankful. “Tell me, about yourself, your kingdom. I wish to learn of Akashingo’s history.” She was very passionate about learning, especially history.
“Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences.
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences.
July 25, 2024, 05:31 PM
“And would you know how to please your husband, Lady Tadihor?” The king chased lazy river ripples with a forepaw and shared a laughing gaze that settled squarely over her face in a drape of heavy lid.
“I was born prince to the west bank river kingdom of Ta-senet in lower Egypt. Akashingo is my wife’s birthright. It has been her family’s realm for two generations,” and a third would follow when his firstborn son sat upon the throne of Pharaoh.
The red shadow of the mesa sprung itself from the flatlands in the distance. “Imposing, isn’t it?” In the waters semer-wati waded nearer to the young woman.
“I was born prince to the west bank river kingdom of Ta-senet in lower Egypt. Akashingo is my wife’s birthright. It has been her family’s realm for two generations,” and a third would follow when his firstborn son sat upon the throne of Pharaoh.
The red shadow of the mesa sprung itself from the flatlands in the distance. “Imposing, isn’t it?” In the waters semer-wati waded nearer to the young woman.
Don’t feel a need to match this, lol. I’m very expressive with words, trying to illustrate the moment. :3
She listened closely, interest showing on her face, her brows raised. Only a chuckled escaped her lips.
How to please a husband? This answer she knew, and she was straightforward in her answer: “One shall serve her husband. Answer his beck and call, work to please him. Each young woman in my homeland was taught this. Yet, we are taught to be independent all the same.”
Next, he told her of his birthright, that he was a prince, and from Egypt as well. It would seem a miracle that she would find another Egyptian in the foreign lands. “Ah, a prince. You are the embodiment of your title.” Never hurt to flatter a prince, earn points. “And I too was born in Egypt. Southern, west of the Nile.
And last, but certainly not the least of details; That Akashingo belonged to his wife, than perhaps it was not he who was Pharoah, but instead his wife. This thought seemed fit, seeing as this kingdom has been in her family for generations.
He came nearer to her. Her legs urged her to move, to shift, but she didn’t. He was of status, she will honor him. Her own eyes, now, looked over his black physique. His bright, golden eyes, a reflection of Ra.
Her gaze averted, she let out a sign on an exhale and she asked: “Perhaps you would grant me the honor of meeting your wife. Not now, but in future. She must be blessed to have found a treasure.”
“Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences.
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences.
July 29, 2024, 04:54 PM
Semer-wati invited her look. She would notice the way his hackles ridged and shone down his spine in the sunlight. She would see the defined muscles in his chest and legs as he bent near, his neck arching high like a stallion’s while his face pressed close to her’s. A dripping arm emerged from the river to trace a covetous line down her jaw with a black claw-tip.
“If you are a good wife you will be loved passionately. A husband will clothe you, protect you, keep your belly full, and you will be a fertile field for your master,” his smile revealed a pinpoint of ivory.
“Indeed, we are blessed to have found one another. High priest Senmut will arrange a meeting, but not until after Pharaoh has delivered our children and recovered from the birth. I’m afraid you're trapped with me until then,” he purred.
“If you are a good wife you will be loved passionately. A husband will clothe you, protect you, keep your belly full, and you will be a fertile field for your master,” his smile revealed a pinpoint of ivory.
“Indeed, we are blessed to have found one another. High priest Senmut will arrange a meeting, but not until after Pharaoh has delivered our children and recovered from the birth. I’m afraid you're trapped with me until then,” he purred.
July 29, 2024, 07:51 PM
It seemed they were two being trapped in this moment, the rest of the world a blur. He came nearer to her, his midnight face to her earthen, his sleek neck arched ever so elegantly, and a strong arm brought up to trace her jawline with a single claw. She felt chills, a shiver running along her body; arousal.
It was as if Tadihor was in a trance. She didn’t speak until well after his words ceased, agreeing to his previous words with a nod. “Very well.” She replied, her body quivering from their closeness. “Allow me then, to congratulate you and the Pharaoh, Semer-wati. Taweret must be envious.” Narrow eyes of gold looked to those of Ra. Perhaps there was much more in store for Tadihor than she had expected. For now, it was just her and Rashepses, and deep in her mind, she wondered if this was something to embrace, or to fear.
It was as if Tadihor was in a trance. She didn’t speak until well after his words ceased, agreeing to his previous words with a nod. “Very well.” She replied, her body quivering from their closeness. “Allow me then, to congratulate you and the Pharaoh, Semer-wati. Taweret must be envious.” Narrow eyes of gold looked to those of Ra. Perhaps there was much more in store for Tadihor than she had expected. For now, it was just her and Rashepses, and deep in her mind, she wondered if this was something to embrace, or to fear.
We can close this up whenever you see fit. I must say, I am quite intrigued with how this played out. Your characters are simply fabulous. ;)
“Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences.
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences.
July 30, 2024, 05:57 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: suggestion
"My wife draws the envy of all," he crooned as his hand moved lower, stroking over Tadihor's neck with a paw that could easily crush her throat. One shift and he would have her pinned beneath his hips. He looked down at her thick tawny nape over reverent shoulders which quivered with arousal and sought to worship her Gods.
He pushed into her side then in a deep-throated laugh, so she might feel the strength of his virility, and crested dark lips to her crown. “Enjoy the bath, nebet nefer.”
The riverking emerged from the serpent in a cascade of water, leaving in his wake a sopping foot trail that headed for the mesa.
The situation escalated, and Rashepeses advanced further. As he stroked a wet paw along her body, she could feel the strength, and she could’ve very well melted. She had never felt an emotion, a sentiment that was simply an inkling compared to how this could grow.
Water dripped from her back and her fur grew damper from his touch. As he pressed into her side, she could feel the rumble of his deep laugh, and all she responded with was a pleased giggle and a simply thank you. “Shukran, Semer-wati.” Then, like the desert winds he moved from her, leaving parting words as he created a trail of damp sand back towards the mesa.
She dunked herself, eyes closed and breath held, coming back up not damp but wet. She stepped out of the serpant lake and gave a graceful shake, water droplets like crystals shone in the sun. With her bathing complete, Tadihor made her own way back to the red palace.
Water dripped from her back and her fur grew damper from his touch. As he pressed into her side, she could feel the rumble of his deep laugh, and all she responded with was a pleased giggle and a simply thank you. “Shukran, Semer-wati.” Then, like the desert winds he moved from her, leaving parting words as he created a trail of damp sand back towards the mesa.
She dunked herself, eyes closed and breath held, coming back up not damp but wet. She stepped out of the serpant lake and gave a graceful shake, water droplets like crystals shone in the sun. With her bathing complete, Tadihor made her own way back to the red palace.
“Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences.
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences.
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