Lion Head Mesa borradura
15 Posts
Ooc — Anon
All Welcome 
It was the smell that hit him first.

An awful dampness hung in the air as the boy crept along the foot of the mesa, ears pricked and eyes wide for any movement. Scavengers, survivors, picking at the metaphorical bones of a desolate civilization that, unbeknownst to Emilio, had once called this place home. Objects caught in the crossfire; a drowned fox, an upturned boulder. It was as enticing to explore as it was repulsive.

"Joder." It was too dangerous.

He half expected to see the figure of Vincent taunting him but instead was met with a deafening silence. What had happened here? For a moment, the boy stood as still as the world around him and contemplated his own mortality.
I use this website to translate Emilio's speech
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
354 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
ever since the evacuation of the cenotes, soto’s mind is an unending gyre of needling thoughts.

he roves north, passing with grit teeth the very place niño’s body remains, cloaked now in snow and the seeping fingers of rot.

northward again; this time prevailing winds carry the rich scent of decay and damp. he follows them to a storm-flattened mesa where evidence of recent flooding still fleck the red halls.

he sees an uprooted sapling held nonsensically against a cliff-face.

a body of a fox turned downward, fur disshelved with the lapping tongue of strong currents.

and everywhere, upended evidence of recent devastation.

he studies the mud-strewn entry for a long time.

it’s dangerous, niño’s shivering voice cautions him.

yet somewhere in those halls another’s voice trickles outward. survivor? scavenger such as himself?

he only need to remember niño’s violent end to steel his resolve. any and all survivors must be routed. he will make a spectacle of them; string their bodies up by the tendons in their hocks.

in a dangerous slouch, soto rounds the corner and it is then he comes face to face with a stone-clad yearling whose shape promises a future of violence.
15 Posts
Ooc — Anon
I'll say they are meeting nearby the entrance but not inside, as it's blocked :)

The nearby trickle of a moving pebble, Emilio's ears flicked towards the sound as a figure moved in the corner of his vision.

Turning to face the stranger in full revealed a low slung, brooding man and the boy was instantly on edge, fur bristling and hackles raised. His cold stare traced the ugly scar that marred his face - not that he would have been pretty without it - and in a way he was reminded of his absent father. 

A swish of his tail as the boy broke the silence between them. "¿Y quién coño eres tú?"
I use this website to translate Emilio's speech
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
354 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
soto silences the instinct to step back, despite the manner in which the yearling receives him. he's reminded of the bristling edge of cholla; menacing blades turning towards any intrusion.

the fur along the boy's spine rises, not unlike the threatening display of said opuntids.

if he were not standing on the ruined ground of his enemies, he might be pleased to hear his native tongue. yet nino reminds him that the stark white she-wolf had spoken their language -- with none of the pretty rhythm he'd come to love.

soto. he responds, turning a glittering eye over the menacing creature remaining like a golem in akashingo's collapsed kingdom. y tu? he breathes, muscles on edge as he waits for the boy to declare his affiliation.

conflict: this is a conflict heavy character. if you do not enjoy IC conflict he may not be a good fit! let me know, though. i prefer simple dice roll for outcome if there is no preferred IC outcome communicated beforehand.
mature themes: soto is 3-3-3. subject matter in his threads may explore themes of violence, sexuality, and substances. i will defer to your comfort level if you communicate them.
translation: i enjoy the challenge of working around language barriers. at times i will not provide a hover translation, this is to help my own immersion. if you need hover, just let me know.
common knowledge: packmates may reference soto patrolling, hunting, etc freely.
powerplay: minor PP to set scene is ok.
archival: i will archive threads if a participant is inactive or it has been more than 30 days since last reply. participants are welcome to revive the thread at a better time for them.
code by chelsie
15 Posts
Ooc — Anon
Despite his display of threat, the stranger remained steadfast and the boy felt a whisper of doubt within him. Was he not scary enough? Why was he not afraid? Should there be anything to find here, Emilio sought to remind him that the mesa was his to salvage first.

Teeth snapped empty air and he took a prickly step towards the man, fur softening only slightly as he spoke a tongue he was familiar with. There would be no need to translate - something the yearling had found increasingly difficult in his isolation - so long as the stranger was fluent enough.

"Emilio," meeting his gaze with a hard stare of his own. "Yo estaba aquí primero."
I use this website to translate Emilio's speech
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
354 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
bold, this one — the air around him crackling as fresh white teeth flash in earnest.

soto’s ears flick forward surprised, his solitary eye roving the boy’s handsome figure top to bottom. brio — much of it — emanates in a fiery aura around the yearling. soto has seen spirit of this caliber before — admiring it, even.

does he wish to claim this squalid kingdom? a grin breaks the blackened rout upon soto’s face, a snort of laughter following.

esto? his paws turn palm up in a gesture towards the ruin around them. what use is a squandered realm to the segundo?

puedes tenerlo. the boy was free to it all — but if soto’s estimation was worth anything, he imagined the silversprung youth could find better places to plant his claim.
15 Posts
Ooc — Anon
Unflinching as ever, Emilio watched almost self-consciously as the man's eyes surveyed him as if he were a hunter inspecting a meal. But still, he saw no fear in his posture, not even an ounce of intimidation in fact.

What did he see in him if not a force to be reckoned with? Dismay, disbelief, as laughter echoed from rock to rock and the boy felt his ears droop in a dramatic pout. 

"Te ríes de mí. ¿Por qué?" He was not wrong; beyond the stench of damp there was nothing here beneath the rubble that Emilio could see of value. Perhaps then, the urge to claim was more self-satisfactory than it was out of hunger or plain interest. ¿Qué sabes de este lugar?"
I use this website to translate Emilio's speech
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
354 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
were the boy just a little older — were they not on the final battlegrounds of his vanquished enemy — and were he not himself so seasoned a militant, soto might feel something akin to fear ice his veins at the young bruiser’s hostile display. 

but they stand on a razed kingdom where the sight of it tinges soto’s tongue with sweet victory. he has won, and no stormclad yearling could rob him of this triumph. 

porque eres demasiado joven para tomarlo en serio. ever one to deliver things plainly, soto’s golden eye simmers with the hard bite of truth. no hay nada que saber.

he spits at the ground between them, reproach curling the edge of his scarred gums. estaban aqui. raising his head to drink in the stench of rot and failure he speaks again: y ahora, no son nada.

he kicks contemptuously of the dirt and turns. this enemy may be undone, but many more wait to take its place.

conflict: this is a conflict heavy character. if you do not enjoy IC conflict he may not be a good fit! let me know, though. i prefer simple dice roll for outcome if there is no preferred IC outcome communicated beforehand.
mature themes: soto is 3-3-3. subject matter in his threads may explore themes of violence, sexuality, and substances. i will defer to your comfort level if you communicate them.
translation: i enjoy the challenge of working around language barriers. at times i will not provide a hover translation, this is to help my own immersion. if you need hover, just let me know.
common knowledge: packmates may reference soto patrolling, hunting, etc freely.
powerplay: minor PP to set scene is ok.
archival: i will archive threads if a participant is inactive or it has been more than 30 days since last reply. participants are welcome to revive the thread at a better time for them.
code by chelsie
15 Posts
Ooc — Anon
Something sparked in Emilio's chest at Soto's next words. Too young to take it seriously - yeah right! "Ya no soy un niño," his haunches met the ground with an indignant huff; there was little point in trying to intimate the man anymore and so the yearling continued to sulk.

But whatever Soto knew, it seemed he did not wish to share beyond a few cryptic phrases, though it spiked his curiousity nonetheless. The man's display was met with a sneer of his own as the boy let his gaze wander absentmindedly to the cloud of dust kicked up by a blackened paw. 

Too late did he realise Soto had turned to leave. 

"¡Espera!" Hind legs tense, ready to intercept. "¿Adónde vas?"
I use this website to translate Emilio's speech
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
354 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
soto laughs, but the sound is not with cruelty. oh — to be Emilio’s age again! to look through the world in his lenses, a world yet devoid of all its warmth. 

he turns back to the boy, leveling him with a long and studious look. finally, he speaks again. 

me voy a casa. aqui no hay nada mas que fantasmas para mi.

but he waits — the angle of his shoulder leaning towards the boy in the unspoken suggestion his company would not be unwelcome.

conflict: this is a conflict heavy character. if you do not enjoy IC conflict he may not be a good fit! let me know, though. i prefer simple dice roll for outcome if there is no preferred IC outcome communicated beforehand.
mature themes: soto is 3-3-3. subject matter in his threads may explore themes of violence, sexuality, and substances. i will defer to your comfort level if you communicate them.
translation: i enjoy the challenge of working around language barriers. at times i will not provide a hover translation, this is to help my own immersion. if you need hover, just let me know.
common knowledge: packmates may reference soto patrolling, hunting, etc freely.
powerplay: minor PP to set scene is ok.
archival: i will archive threads if a participant is inactive or it has been more than 30 days since last reply. participants are welcome to revive the thread at a better time for them.
code by chelsie
15 Posts
Ooc — Anon
And there he laughed again, and though the yearling could tell it was almost without malice this time, his teeth tightened nonetheless. To have a home to return to was a privilege, did he know that?

Emilio was confident enough in himself to survive alone, but that didn't mean he wanted to. Part of him missed roughhousing his brother, sneaking into the palace when no one was looking. What use was misbehaving when there was no one to witness it? It took the fun out of it, honestly.

"No me gustan fantasmas."

He could not stay here, at least. Rising to his paws, he followed in the wake of Soto.

fade? :o
I use this website to translate Emilio's speech