Profile of Majorca: Quick Facts
Played By: Rachel
Basic Info
Full Name: Majorca Tuerto /mAY ór kuh/
Subspecies: Cougar
Sex: Female
Age: 4 years (May 10, 2013)
Birthplace: North
At a Glance
[Image: SnwCPdN.png]
Profile of Majorca: Details
[Image: Oj4kROf.png]

human model: alexia giordano
theme | theme 2 | theme 3
scent: allspice and valencia orange
lawful evil

lift up her face,
her round, bright face
bright as frost
her round, fine-fashioned head
with two flat ears
and stripes in the
brilliant frost of her face
sharp, fine dark rays
keen, fine rays in the
brilliant frost of her face
beautiful dead eyes
so, she will leap up that way again,
with the yellow flash of a
mountain lion's long shoot!
and her bright striped frost face
will watch evermore
out of the shadow of the cave
in the blood-orange rock
she flattens her haunches deep
into the brown leaves
invisible under the ferns
on the cool forest floor.

- poem inspired by barry goldensohn

[Image: tumblr_obnaw09zj11vzen3ro2_500.gif]

eremite [noun] - / ˈerəˌmīt/

1. A hermit or recluse.

happy the woman, whose wish and care
a few maternal acres bound
content to breathe her native air
in her own ground.

whose heards with milk, whose fields with bread
Whose flocks supply her with attire
whose trees in summer yield her shade
in winter fire.

blest! who can unconcern'dly find
hours, days, and years slide soft away
in health of body, peace of mind
quiet by day

sound sleep by night; study and ease
together mix'd; sweet recreation
and innocence, which most does please
with meditation.

thus let me live, unseen, unknown
thus unlamented let me dye
steal from the world, and not a stone
tell where I lye.

- poem by Alexander Pope

[Image: tumblr_obnaw09zj11vzen3ro3_500.gif]

El gat va néixer d'una dona a la qual mai va conèixer. Ella va ser criada per la seva mare, és clar, però la naturalesa felina de Mallorca va repel·lir companyia - fins i tot la d'un cuidador afectuós. Com, la seva mare era la mateixa, i els dos es van separar sense gaire fanfàrria. Mallorca va viatjar durant molts mesos abans de fer el seu camí a la selva teekon. Aquí, el gat va decidir fer la seva casa. Atret pel fred del nord, ella va buscar als pics més alts que va poder i li va fer solera entre els seus neus. Això vol dir que la reclusió Mallorca de vegades passa mesos sense veure els altres, que és el millor.

For a complete history of Majorca's life in the wilds, please visit herPawPrints thread.

Extended list of relationships can be found in Majorca's PawPrint thread.
Profile of Majorca: Additional Information
Registered on May 08, 2017, last visited February 17, 2021, 09:46 AM
Art Credits
Majorca's Signature
el gat és silenciós,  solitari;  el gat parla català  amb fluïdesa;
en la llengua comuna, el seu discurs és fracturat i amb accent

-hover for translations-
Player Notes
Hey! I'm yoga fanatic and public relations maven, in my mid-twenties and living in Miami. Weekends are best for me, but I try my best to respond during the work week. Feel free to tag me in any post, I love surprises!

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