Wolf RPG
Greatwater Lake on the verge of the rest of my life - Printable Version

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on the verge of the rest of my life - Nikai - June 14, 2017

Set before Keoni and Nikai arrive at Northstar Vale, at the north part of Greatwater Lake.

During their travels there were moments of rest they needed. Nikai used these moments to rest up in part, but that morning he woke up early and decided to leave Keoni sleeping for a little bit while he took off and explored just a little bit. They were near their destination now and Nikai had found a trail down the mountainside towards great plains. They called to him in a way that made him want to run through them and explore all that was in and beyond them, but he didn't want to leave Keoni alone for too long so he lingered near the mountain's edges while he looked over to the large lake.

Nikai felt his paws itch to jump into the lake for a quick swim after running through the plains, and he glanced over his shoulder at where his sister was, pondering a moment. Then he decided to lose the guilt for just a moment and ran through the dew-covered grass, on his way to the huge lake.

RE: on the verge of the rest of my life - Trail - July 06, 2017

She would give birth within the next week or two, though Quip didn't let her pregnancy slow her down any. She left the woods behind today, scaling the bluffs due west and dropping into the plains below. She trotted until she reached the familiar stream, then turned north. By the time she reached the lake, her tongue lolled comically from her mouth. Quip paused, taking a deep breath, and scanned the shore for any signs of predators before she dared take a drink.

Her hackles prickled when she spotted a wolf across the lake. She supposed he didn't pose a threat from all the way over there, though Quip still hesitated. Perhaps it would be wisest to turn tail and flee back toward the cover of the mountains. Considering how she was heavy with kits, she might need the head start. She began to trot east only to slow and stop again, squinting over at the wolf. Maybe she should wait until he made a move before she decided which direction to go.

RE: on the verge of the rest of my life - Nikai - July 07, 2017

Nikai kept running towards the water, but he halted in his tracks when he spotted a fox across the lake. Nikai didn't have much experience with foxes, but he'd seen one once or twice and had asked Valette what it was. He skidded to a halt just before reaching the lake, ears now perked forward curiously at the fox.

He hadn't tried talking to one before, because he'd been little at the time and Valette'd said to stay away from them. But they were only small, smaller than he, and Nikai found himself curious. "Hi!" he called out to the fox, who seemed to be just passing but spared him the occassional glance that seemed just as wary as he.

RE: on the verge of the rest of my life - Trail - July 07, 2017

He didn't move, though he returned her gaze and offered a cheery, "Hi!" Quip tensed at the sound of his voice echoing across the water, her ears falling backward uncertainly. She looked to either side for a moment, then back at the wolf. She couldn't see much detail from this distance but he sported black fur with what appeared to be green eyes that reminded her of the spruces back in the hollow.

It wasn't often that she crossed paths with wolves. Whenever possible, she avoided them by taking cover. Out here in the open, that wasn't an option. And Quip was afraid that if she didn't answer him, he might give chase. For the sake of her unborn kits, she cleared her throat, raised her voice and called back, "Hello!"

RE: on the verge of the rest of my life - Nikai - July 10, 2017

It was absolutely thrilling to receive an actual answer from the fox. Nikai felt his heart thrum in his chest, but he wasn't sure what else to call out towards them. So far their interactions weren't much more than hi's and hello's, and of course, there was so much one could shout across a lake and still be audibly heard on the other side.

Deciding to be funny, Nikai echoed in a shout, "Ello - lo -" and waited for the answer, hoping that she'd catch up on the game and continue the echo.

RE: on the verge of the rest of my life - Trail - July 10, 2017

He shouted back another greeting, which made Quip's ears fold uncertainly. Was it possible he hadn't heard her? Her voice was rather soft. Gathering her breath in her lungs, the vixen shouted, "Hello there!" as loud as she could possibly manage. She then shifted her feet and flicked her tail as she watched for his reaction from across the lake.

RE: on the verge of the rest of my life - Nikai - July 11, 2017

At her response, it seemed she didn't understand his message. Nikai hesitated to try again, but when she shouted another greeting he couldn't help but try again, excited as he was and unsure what to do with this creature — "There - ehre -" But then he realised she probably hadn't a clue what he was doing and so he decided to explain, even if it'd pretty much take away the fun of the game, "It's an echo!" He craned his neck and looked across the lake with ears perked forward, wondering what her response would be.

RE: on the verge of the rest of my life - Trail - July 11, 2017

There? Quip repeated in her head, confused momentarily. But then he shouted again and everything sort of clicked into place. He was enjoying the way his voice echoed across the water. The fox's lips parted in a small, panting smile even as her eyebrows knitted together. Maybe he was trying to make a game of it.

"Indeed!" she called back after a brief pause. "If you think this is entertaining—" Quip cut off there, waiting for the words to bounce across the lake. "—you should try shouting up in the mountains!" she finished.

RE: on the verge of the rest of my life - Nikai - July 14, 2017

Nikai wasn't sure if his intentions came across, but he smiled anyway as she answered with a few more words (though he wasn't sure if it could be seen all the way across the lake). She adviced him to shout off against the mountains and he looked over his shoulder at them.

Once her words had finished making their way across the lake, he turned to face the mountains. Nikai glanced over his shoulder in silent invitation for the fox to come closer so that she could hear what he was echoing better, and then he shouted as loudly as he could: "Echo!" And it bounced off — "Oh - oh - oh" — across the mountains ahead.

RE: on the verge of the rest of my life - Trail - July 17, 2017

Quip didn't expect him to shout toward the nearby mountains, nor for the echo to work from this distance. Her brows rose as he did and his voice echoed faintly back to him. It was impossible to tell from all the way over here but the vixen guessed that he was young and rather good at keeping himself entertained.

"You should go up in the mountains!" she suggested via a shout, then lapsed into silence, letting the message carry across the lake.

It was time to get going now. Although she didn't mind the wolf—and he clearly posed no threat—she was eating for up to twelve right now and Quip could feel the hunger gnawing at her belly. There would be plenty of prey out on the plains. She licked her lips at the thought.

"I have to be going now," she called to the black wolf with green eyes. They hadn't exchanged names, which was just fine with her. "Take care, Echo!" Her eyes twinkled as she shot him a last glance and then spun, bounding away rather gracefully despite her belly heavy with kits.

RE: on the verge of the rest of my life - Nikai - July 18, 2017

Nikai smiled to himself at the echo, however faint it was. An ear fell back when the fox shouted something more at him, which seemed to make sense. If the echo was this cool all the way out here, imagine what it must be like when he'd stand next to the mountain! Nikai felt excited to try, and nearly dashed off, but then caught himself as he realised he was still having a (sort of) conversation.

Just as he turned back to look at the fox she shouted a good-bye to him. He grinned at the nickname, but had nothing for her. "Bye!" he called out towards her, and once she was out of view, Nikai turned round and started running back towards the mountains so that he could feel the full force of the mountain echo.