Totoka River Diving in the deep,
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All Welcome 
The kraken was tired. She did not know the ways of healing, and did not know how her wounds faired. Skin had been ripped, and unattended for the remaining few days, it was most likely to leave a lasting scar of his teeth. Though she accepted it, letting it remain as a reminder for her dear revenge.

The seafang would return to her coast.

However she needed to rest, and perhaps know what is facing. It was not smart to simply crawl back with an injury, and without knowledge of his back-up. He was a pack wolf, but how many, and where, was a mystery for Umbra. At least while thinking so, the rest of her injuries seemed to be healing. Except for her shoulder..

She needed a medic. She needed shelter. Glowing eyes stared at the overflowing river with a fustrated sigh- there was no safe place within these wilds.
Daddy Moonglow
1,010 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
It was the smell of the sea which had drawn him. Aiolos missed his island home he had temporarily left behind during these horrible storms. Though the air was misted, drops of rain falling here and there, Aiolos took the opportunity to go to the coast while it wasnt pouring. 

Amber eyes sought out the sand bar which connected from the mainland here to his island home. There wasnt one. The Sea and the river had swollen, swallowing the bridge which led to the island. The sandy beach was much thinner, the waters having overwhelmed the area nearly up to the grassy slices of earth which lined the beachside. 

A new scent caught his attention  now -blood. But not of prey, he thought and as he strode forward his thoughts were confirmed at the sight of the injured dark female. A grumbled woof comes from parted creamy jaws. A small hello as he pauses, not wishing to tread close to an injured wolf without permission.
moonglow daddy
192 Posts
Ooc —
She was like a wild boar, half tempted to charge at the man. Instead she had to sigh, and take a breather, knowing fully that it would be foolish to simply attack with injuries like herself, "What do you want?" The seafang bared hostility, he may be friendly, but the kraken would never trust any. 

The only one's Umbra could maintain a friendly co-op was the one's who helped her so, one was at an unknown location, but the other was.. She didn't think much of him anymore.
Daddy Moonglow
1,010 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She turned on him, like a wild animal- teeth baring, a snarl, a wild and desperate look over her features. She was, of course, a wild animal. She was wolf.

To find you help. He spoke, honestly and kept his placement on the sands. He did not press further to her nor did he back away. His head lowered, aligning with his spine in defense, ginger ears falling flat against his skull. 

Aiolos had no reason to help her but neither did he have reason to pass by knowing or not if she would make it on her own. Aiolos had his own people to look after. Same, how did one gather allies and friends without first offering a helping paw?
moonglow daddy
192 Posts
Ooc —
"Do you know a healer?" She lifted her head high, less hosility but more of a monster in waiting. A stare of beast toward the red man, as she asked him so. Umbra did not understand why some wolves simply help strangers, but nontheless, the fools proven to be useful for herself. If he found someone, she would be indebted.

However survival, was all she cared for.
Daddy Moonglow
1,010 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Her head rose, curious and yet still skeptical, or so it seemed and thus so Aiolos assumed. 

I do not, not one in my ranks. He admitted honestly and paused, seeing if she would be quick then to begin and turn away or if she would bother to linger a moment longer. 

Right now however, my family is settled with our ally in a forest south of here. I believe they do have one. Or at least, so he had been told previously. Were they still there? He didnt know, but the least he could do was try. Surely, someone within the two packs knew enough to at least get her wounds cleaned up properly. Hell, he could even do that.
moonglow daddy
I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be.
58 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
Aimi was walking, for what seemed like miles now, with her nose trailing sand for a scent, she even scouted the Bayside nearly ten times. Yet the blue orbed shark was nowhere to be found — YUNXU was NOWHERE to be found. He'd ignored the otter's warnings to stay put on those shores and to not move a goddamn inch until he was at least partially healed, and yet here the sandy she-wolf was, searching for wherever he went. 

When Aimi found Yunxu, she was going to put him 6 feet under the grave. Lovingly, yet painfully at the same time.

A trail scent was followed, but not one belonging to her brother, unfortunately. Aimi's sour expression still remained planted on her scrunched muzzle, but turned into suprise when she saw both a red and black figure infront of her. They were natives, ones that the otter probably couldn't understand...............shit
192 Posts
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"Then take me." She had no time for idle-chatting, and since he wanted to help her so, Umbra was going to take it. Her voice was full of haughty demands, as she lifted her head up to stare down at the red wolf. She was ushering him to show her the way, yet.. 

"Who goes there?" Then the kraken snarled to the intruder, not too friendly since the beast was injured, she needed to be extra careful who was around.
Daddy Moonglow
1,010 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos took a heavy breath, his front paws pushing into the sands. In a manner, he wanted to rise himself in the same manner which Umbra had but his rank meant little on neutral lands to a rogue wolf. And she, a woman, was only fitting to hold herself in pride. At least so he thought of most women. 

In agreement, he began to turn yet took note of the other female making way down the coast just as Umbra had. Aiolos said nothing and he waited to see if she might answer... But Aiolos could understand Aimi, at least some of whatever she might have said. In some way or another they were family despite the lack of blood relationship. At least Aiolos could try and think of the foreign tongued women of Yuelong as a family, one which he had never the pleasure of having before.
moonglow daddy
I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be.
58 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
Aimi stood frozen with pale sands beneath her foot pads and the indecisiveness of what to say or do. She smelled blood on one of them — it could be assumed that these two were brawling with each other and one unfortunate soul had lost. Or maybe the red and black pair were mates and she was just interrupting some steamy romance session. Whatever the case was, the coastal she-wolf was clearly interrupting something or else this heavy silence wouldn't exist. 

Bright seaglass eyes quickly glanced over towards the woman draped in pelted obsidian. Not a single word of what she said to Aimi was registered properly and she honestly didn't understand a damn thing that came out of their mouth, but that flash of white molars which mimicked their sharp voice? Yeup, that was definitly aggression — the universal sign of agression in the canine world. "你在威胁我吗?" The otter's muzzle wrinkled as well, black lips itching to reveal her own set of ivories and sand dusted hackles rising on instinct. Aimi didn't know if she was reading the situation correctly at all because of her language barrier, but 'fight or flight' is what this ultimately generalized to.
192 Posts
Ooc —
"You're challenging me?" Umbra crouched down despite the pain she felt, but was not one to back down. A kraken of storms, she lifted, showing her ugly fangs to the one who spoke of the unknown. A language of unfamilarity, but they didn't care, they cared only by the actions that was given. It was an attack, and the seafang would not back down.

"Are you prepared for the consequences?"
Daddy Moonglow
1,010 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Quickly, very quickly, everything took a heavy turn for the worst. 

Umbra had flashed her fangs warning at the other's arrival, the yearling did the same, then Umbra... Naturally, it would have been Aiolos' place in this world as man to step back and watch the women duke it out between themselves however Olo had come far since then and perhaps, maybe, speaking up over them would do some good. 

没有-No. Aiolos spoke the single word, though it was obvious Umbra was, in fact, challenging. 她只是受傷. His words were choppy, broken, but he tried. Maybe he would get the point across to the other woman that the black knight was just on edge because of her injuries, angry, worried... Maybe too there was a reason she had been attacked after all.
moonglow daddy
192 Posts
Ooc —
"You know what, nevermind." Umbra shook her head and shrugged this off.  The two spoke a language she did not know, and one flashed her fangs toward, which she recognized as a taunt for a battle. Though the seafang was in no condition to battle, and she would have to back-out. 

Any other day, she would wait patiently, and then strike like the kraken she always is. Instead, a look toward the red man, and the foreign woman, and Umbra removed herself from the scene.
I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be.
58 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
The dark she-wolf before her shot a nasty snarl in Aimi's direction and was about to go in for the attack. She was generously injured, but much larger than the otter — probably even stronger too. The only real combat experience Aimi had was in small physical feuds that quickly got out of hand — ones she often ended up losing due to her opponent being larger than her. But a little intimidation from stronger opponents never stopped her from going all out before, and it certainly wasn't gonna stop her now..

The snarls from her chest vibrated louder as she shifted her paws to lunge for an attack, but attention quickly shifted when the wolf draped in reds interfered.

'No' there's no way she could've missed it, but how? 'She's just hurt'. Was he....speaking her language!?

The small otter's head snapped in the direction of the masculine voice — that red man spoke to her in the language of her home."Y-you speak Mandarin!?" She shouted questionably towards the sire, and now aware that there was no longer a language barrier between them, Aimi felt comfortable talking like this. Her eyes glanced back over towards the black femora as if to ask the same, but she had already started fleeing from the scene...
Daddy Moonglow
1,010 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Let's just say he is speaking Mandarin cause I'm too lazy to look up the translation and do the code. Lol

For a moment longer Aiolos would be left to wonder if a fight was about to break out. It would be anyone's game, really, if Aimi was much smaller but Umbra was injured. Well enough though, the black female backed down and quickly stepped away. Aiolos didnt exactly want her to go, he was willing to help, but it seemed the woman's patience (what little she held) quickly ran out and she was off. Aiolos watched for a few lingering moments as she trailed away, only turning back around when he heard that odd and yet familiar tongue which came out of the other female's mouth. 

Uhhh... He hesitated. How did you say 'a little' again? Small...? Burnished shoulders would roll as front paws lifted up on his toes a moment. Understand word, speak small. Maybe that would get his point across for although he could understand what she was saying quite well enough. Hearing it so much before and the body language and facial expressions that came with it was one think but speaking the tongue was another. He spoke Greek, not Mandarin.
moonglow daddy
I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be.
58 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
Lol I feel you. I just kept the color and stopped trying to translate XD

Aimi couldn't believe it. There was someone away from her homeland, speaking her language! Well...not in a very fluent manner, since he seemed to be stumbling on his own words, but it was good enough for the otter to get the jist of it. 

"Who are you? Do you live here? If not, where are you from? How do you know the language of sea dragon lagoon?" A barrage of questions came spilling out of the small otter's mouth like an interrogation, circling his body with an overly-excited skip in her step. Aimi didn't even consider that he might not be as fluent as she was, but a simple glued together sentence in Mandarin from him was more than enough to peak her curiosity.
Daddy Moonglow
1,010 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She circled him, skipping a beat, prancing at she did so with a sudden excitedness as she flooded him with questions which he did so much to try and keep up with, laughing all the same. The moment Umbra had dismissed herself, this little woman had a quick change of pace. 

I'm Aiolos. He spoke his name in the common tongue, then remembered himself and that she, of course, needed him to speak her language. Though he was sure the name 'Aiolos' would be odd to her either way. Yes. Island. The mandarin rolled off his tongue less smoothly. He just his muzzle off robe coast which they stood on, to the island not far from them, yet no longer a sandbar to reach it easily. And wild did the waves thrash. Stay in forest now. Storms. He didnt know exactly how to explain that he knew her language. That it was his time with Ying, Ruo, Hua and others which gave him the practice as they spoke it. 

Family. He decided then with the one word. Family ro him and yet, true family by blood to her and equally unknowingly to him. I show? Maybe they would have better luck introducing her to his leader, so that she may get a better answer if she was needing help navigating, was new, or even looking for someone.
moonglow daddy
I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be.
58 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
The sand-colored ball of energy settled herself down infront the red sire to listen intently. His Mandarin was still a bit off, but easy to understand nonetheless — so he did live near the beaches. And an island? Aimi assumed he might be talking about the one that sat miles away from these shores. Without the flooded tide there would've been easy access to walk towards it, but the raining refused to falter.

Next, the mention of a family — maybe even a possible pack. Her heart skipped a beat at the mention of this. Could this be what Yunxu was talking about when he said their sisters residing here!? They must've lived on the very island he talked about. 'I show?'; an offer — an opportunity for the otter to meet long lost family she'd only heard from in a repeated tragedy story. She was more than ready to be whisked away by the promise......but....

"I.....can't....." a sigh left her lungs when forcing the words out. As much as Aimi wanted to see for herself what family Aiolos was referring to, that didn't change the fact that Yunxu was still missing. If her brother was out of her sight, then the otter wouldn't know if he was okay or not. Besides — it would've been better if the both of them were discovering this pack together.

 "I'm sorry, but I can't leave this island until I find my brother and kick his ass for ditching me." As emotionally clingy as the otter was though, she was still as salty as ever. "If the rains stop though, you will come back with your family...right?" She asked while peering up with large, puppy-like eyes of seaglass. She really wanted him to come back and see if there was truly a pack belonging to the island....
Daddy Moonglow
1,010 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
We can wrap this one up in favor of your newest one?

She wanted to come, an excitement and readiness filling her seaglass eyes as she squirmed on the sands. Yet it was, with a sadness in her expression and an explanation, she could yet not. Her brother was still wandering around this coast and likely searching too. If she left the beach and went inland to the forest, there was a chance they might loose one another permanently. He understood it all and confirmed so with a nodding of his head despite the frown he now wore. 

Yes. He ensured her as his oddly placed Mandarin came off his tongue. It just did not flow correctly in the way Greek did, an obvious foreigner he was. His bloodline came from wolves carved hardy by cold rock and salt, though far different from the tides which these coastal wolves came from. 

Unknowingly how to politely explain that he should be heading back to the forest, he settled with a simple "goodbye" in her tongue. After all, he needed to deliver the message to his Empress the state of the island as well as a woman akin to her breed, eyes and language.
moonglow daddy
I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be.
58 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
Yeup! Thanks for the thread Vami :D

The sea woman saw the frown of dissapointment on his features and for a moment, she couldn't help but feel a little bad for causing it. Her mission still stood though; she was gonna try and find Yunxu, and Hopefully that was soon. Hopefully, the shark of a he-wolf was safe.

In response to his eventual leave, Aimi nodded and smiled with a "再见." in response before departing herself. Perhaps back to those noisy hunting grounds again — she was starving.