Redtail Rise if it doesn't
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
All Welcome 
maybe @New Snow before she's in heat? :)

How long had she supported the Rise?

Longer than some, more than others. Plenty have come and gone, even those he wished to stay forever, but she is still here. Mother, hunter, family.

He carried a scrap of meat for her now, searching with red eyes for the familiar shape. A smaller and feminine version of Augur, he thinks, with a small smile.
314 Posts
Ooc — ???

New Snow could feel the changing of things within, but still had yet to grasp its meaning. It made her mildly irritable, but today felt a good day. New Snow had been resting, and now woke; she pursued falling snow, which had somehow just gained her newfound interest, and snapped at the sky.

And came up with nothing! These falling things were wet like water, too quick to melt. So quick that she was scarcely aware she caught any! But it was fun, and so she continued to snap wildly at the quickly falling snow with huffing laughs.

A bright spot of color distracted her. Too familiar in their silhouette to be unknown, New Snow turned to brother Red Eyes with a happy chuff. The scent of meat caused her mouth to water more and she trotted toward him, dipping her head lowly in submission. Her tail waved in a clear sign that she was happy to see him.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
She greeted him like he was brother and he greeted her like she was sister.

Gone were days of thinking any and all of the feminine kind might wish to see him flex muscles or provide. His attentions laid solely upon the red Wealda they all bowed to. Especially knowing that he had been picked for a second year, that they had comforted each other in the wake of war as lovers.

But, ah — His thoughts ran away with him at a bad time, didn't it?

Perhaps it was childish, but the meat in his mouth was now tossed upward. Into the air where he'd offered a gravelly bark, inviting her to play with the meal he had brought!

Did she dare wish to indulge him in it?
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
Her spirits were high this day. She was healing, and felt light on her feet again. And so when he flung the meat in the air, New Snow reared to make a bid for it. When he barked, she had it between her teeth—

And when she landed on all fours, she slid into a play bow and slammed her forelegs against the earth, snow flying upward! With a hearty shake of her head, New Snow rose to dash past him with wild eyes and a wolfish grin, meat between her teeth.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
She was radiant in those moments and Prophet could only feel the fondness bloom that Augur had brought her among them.

When she took off, he gave chase just as quick. Inclined to hunt her as much as he hunted the meat! He did not seek to tussle with her for it back. Only wished to strengthen their bonds as packmates even further.

A warm rumble slipped free from him.
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snows ears backturned and lay near-flat against her head as she playfully fled the warrior-hunter. She was frantic in her efforts, a bat out of hell, churning through snow and sending it this way and that! Her energy was as high as her spirits, and she enjoyed this game with brother Red Eyes (who was hot on her tail)!

The noise he made was echoed with a rrrr between clenched teeth. New Snow then lost her footing on a sheet of black ice, invisible to the eye (well, at least during her lightning speed running). Her legs splayed as she slid but did not lose her footing, though there was no danger of falling through the cracks into water. Surprised as she was, though, New Snow released the meat and looked with whale eyes at the world that moved even as her legs did not!

And when she reached the end New Snow spun on her heels and pawed at the strip, squinting and looking to Red Eyes with a racing heart.