Ouroboros Spine Gossamer things and angel wings
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Amalia walked amongst the pack and its lands of Moonglow. They were so welcoming here. She understood a bit where Kigipigak and Sahkmet were from now and their personalities made sense. It was nice here, serene. Her mind was still on the black wolf that had made her wary, but he hadn't harmed her. So she didn't quite understand her feelings on the matter.

It was with these thoughts she gently moved along the river, stopping to smell and listen to the small animals that rimmed it's edges. She finally settled to the ground. A paw in the water, as she watched the clouds above. Broken and reforming different shapes.
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
She had not meant to neglect time spent with their newest. However the trip had taken much of her energy and her focus had been directed on herding her sons.

So there was relief to see the woman still with them, settling along comfortably in the scenery of Moonglow. Sakhmet announced herself with a soft bark, a questioning look on her features. She did not wish to disrupt the woman if she desired to be alone.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had not held anything against the alphess of her pack. She was still learning their language and the alphess in theirs was hard to pronounce, but she was attempting to learn. Sakhmet was a very busy wolf and so it was with surprise and good tidings Amalia met her gaze 

Amalia wagged her tail and spoke. Her voice stirring up the river creatures more. Good Morning Lady Sakhmet, care to join me. I was merely making out shapes in the clouds.

Perhaps it was foolish to some, but Amalia took pleasure in small things.
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
Lady Sakhmet.

She smiled soft. Such a title felt above her! Yet how often did she still think of herself as that young girl in the forest? Too scared of the outside world and too ridden with anxiety from past incidents.

She was not that woman anymore. She was a mother, a wife, the Issumatar of her village! The title of Lady was perhaps the most fitting thing.

This is a good place to watch the skies, She admitted as she gently settled near the dark woman. Kigipigak was a great hunter here, before Natigvik.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia often saw Lady Sakhmet as just that a lady. She was soft and petite. There was a strength to her also. That was obvious. But she just reminded Amalia of a lady. That mysterious and graceful air she had. Amalia rather liked her royal leaders. Her Issumatar and her Sangilak. Though they were very much a mouthful to say.

Amalia chuckled. It is very pretty here, and the clear view to the sky is breathtaking. 

Amalia turned an ear back and listened, hearing the love infused in every syllable. She wondered briefly if she would ever love anyone as much as Sakhmet loved her hunter. Though following on the edges of that thought was the thought that she would have to leavve, if she wanted children. Kigipigak had made that clear to the strange one Void, though she didn't mind that he had sent him packing, and that was what scared her most of all. Not that certain wolf, but that she didn't care to pursue anything.
She had always thought she would want children, want a family. But she was content in her place at the moment. She was happy, and she had grown to care so much for those that she followed. The thought of leaving them it welled a sick pit up in her stomach.

Though she liked the small tidbit of information about Kigipigak, Amalia was more curious about her Issumatar right now. That was who had her attention, the woman in front of her. 

I have heard. Though it doesn't surprise me. He and Cerne were both extremely skilled when we hunted for rabbits. Were you a great hunter here also?
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
Sakhmet found comfort in turning things outward. Never one to gawk about herself — save for the boasting of her children and husband — and hardly one to open up about things long ago.

She preferred, in truth, to not hold on too much to the things that transpired before her adulthood.

No, She answered honestly with a soft smile. Hesitant to divulge, but she supposed she could crack the window to her soul a little bit. I lived a very wayward life before reuniting with Kigipigak this last winter.

Her pale gaze turned to the swarthy woman.

What might she ask? What might she wonder?
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had noticed quickly that Sahkmet was one to shine her own light on others. And that was admirable, but Amalia hoped she also remebered to shine on herself ince in awhile. Balance was important.

My family, save my father were like that. Roving healers, storytellers who went from place to place. I myself traveled for almost 1 year before i found myself here.

Amalia ran a paw through the water her brief thoughts flashing. It is not an easy life. It can weigh on your soul, but I wouldn't regret it.

Amalia lifted her gaze back up a smile on her face. Was there any place that you absolutely adored?
511 Posts
Ooc — siv
so so sorry for the wait <3 would you like to fade this and i can snag her open in natigvik? i want more threads with them still <3

Sakhmet held no regrets either, not in earnest.

For her wandering ways had brought her Kigipigak. He had brought her sons. All of them had brought her Natigvik. Even Amalia had brought her Natigvik.

There is a plateau not far from here. It has much meaning to me. I once intended for it to be a home.

And she would have no qualms in spending the hours to come trading stories with Amalia. It was not a woman's circle exactly, but it was them. Almost as sisters — if Sakhmet could imagine what such was like.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
no worries and I'll fade with my post :) amd I'd love another.

Amalia listened quietly. It was nice to just exist. Have moments just to enjoy conversation and the like.

It sounds beautiful. I hope you will take me to see it someday.

For now she would lay in repose and listen as the plateau and wanderings unfolded with her leaders quiet voice.