Moonspear step by step
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
All Welcome 
aw, tags for reference

be it the new babes that nursed at his mother's side, or the growing figures of his sister and himself, acrux felt the drive to venture free of the ulaq. he'd become well balanced on puppy paws, and was ready to break in his running skills like a new pair of sneakers. and so it was with a brief glance towards @Maggak that he found the courage to step forward, past the mouth of the den and into the warm light of autumn. 

baby blues squinted shut as he adjusted to the new world, paws bravely taking another step forward. again, and once more. here he sat, @Sialuk and @Elentari both able to keep and eye on him should they peak their head out. 

in an effort to mimic the tradition he'd long since learned from his pale mother, acrux lifted his maw and let out a high-pitched howl to greet the day with.
"atkan aleut"
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was a sadness that clung, but the sound that reached him lifted his heart in joy. He followed the tiny howl and saw a tiny smoke and ice baby. He gave a soft howl in return and settling a few feet away from the child he lay the whole way down. He didn't want to scare the sweetling.

He hummed a soft song under his breath as he pulled two small treats the leavings of deer hooves at his paws for the little ones. One for each babe
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
his great and tremendous howl was more of a squeak than anything else, but it sounded mighty enough to him. he sung again, though this time he was able to hold the note for a few seconds longer than the one before. he let his maw drop with a satisfied nod. he was just like mom now!  

proud of himself and his accomplishment, he let a wide smile spread across his lips from one corner to the other. he looked back towards the ulaq, eyes wide and filled with a sparkle of delight. see what i did?! was spread across his face as he looked to see if either sibling or parent had taken notice of his achievement. 

before he had any chance to receive the praise of family, he was greeted with the familiar sight of alaric. acrux turned his attention towards the man and his treats, family forgotten about in the presence of new chew toys. he tottered himself towards the obsidian furred male, mouth open wide and sights set on the deer hooves.
"atkan aleut"
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric chuckled and spoke. Listen to you Acrux. Greeting the sun are we?

Before he could even say a word more the youth was toddering towards him and his treats.

I have one for you and one for your sister, but you can choose first.

A stirring of his tail against dirt and grass. Green eyes alight with laughter. He loved littles. They just made everything better.
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
one for him, and one for sister.

he licked slobbery lips as he set his sights upon what he believed to be the bigger of the hooves, drool pooling from the corner of his mouth. he was growing with each day, and was now visibly larger than his pale counterpart. it was only fair he got the bigger treat then, right?

he parted his mouth to clamp down on the hoof, an excited and playful growl rumbled his his little chest as tail wagged with furious glee. imagine what mothers would think when he brought back such a wonderful prize! acrux, mighty slayer of deer hooves!!

he paused from his gnawing to glance upwards at the real slayer of deer. "tha-tha," he proclaimed with a wide smile. an attempt at a thank you for his gift.
"atkan aleut"
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Two treats for two aiblinga good enough. And littles always got treats.

He was overjoyed at the boys excitement. It just made his day a little better. Green eyes alight with glee.

A nose to the child's head. You're welcome.
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
his tail became a propeller, spinning wildly with untamed excitement. he went back to gnawing on the deer hoof when the man came over to give him a tap on the head. the boy paused his chewing to gaze upwards with wide eyes and a sunshine smile. oh boy, a game of tag! how fun!!

he forgot about his new gift and aimed instead to place a tap against the inky male's paw. should he be successful he would spring away with a fit of laughter and proceed to encourage his companion along with a playful bow.
"atkan aleut"
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled from his stomach. Green eyes alight with absolute devilry. How fun. They could play.

He pushed into a play bow himself. Small growls and a dance of hindlegs moving backwards and side to side as he reached forward to tap the youth too.

He'd press and encourage a small game of chase with the tag. Never getting too far ahead and checking his stride so yhat the youth had to run for it, but could still catch him with paws and nose.
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
oh boy, oh boy!! what fun this was! the older man quickly joined in the game and acrux lit a fire bright in his eyes. he mimicked the growls and play-dance, eventually letting eyes squeeze shut as he anticipated the tap against him. eyes popped open to catch the man darting off a few paces, and acrux quickly stumbled forwards after him. 

"rraaa!" he yelled out as he chased down the man, voice what he imagined to be a mighty roar. he stumbled here and there, but eventually managed to catch up to his playmate. he set his sights on the envoy's hind leg and then lunged to strike a tap against him.
"atkan aleut"
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric found nothing more enjoyable than time spent with those who were young. Perhaps it was a spark of his own immaturity that made it so. Or maybe it simply was they were innocent and joyful and he loved them. Loved how they see the world and make adults remember to slow down.

Alaric gave a soft rrrass!! in return and then a snicker as they bounded and leaped.

A tap to hia back leg and Alaric laughed with joy as he turned to give chase this time.
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
his attack had struck true, and the boy was quick to spin on his heels and begin running in the opposite direction. he stumbled over his own paws but was nimble enough to correct his footing without falling to the floor. laughter erupted from him as he bounded away and behind a rock he thought he could hide behind. 

he snuck around the side of his hiding spot to look for the older man, belly pressed close to the earth and eyes ablaze with mischief.
"atkan aleut"
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric bounded behind him for a way, and then noticing where the boy was going he reversed his trajectory.

He snuck around the area and behind the boy and with gentle laughter leapt forward to tag the boys tail.

I got you, Acrux
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
"ahhh!" came the shout of playful cheer as he felt a tap against his tail. he made no move to tag the man back, instead falling to the earth and rolling to his back while in a fit of laughter. belly-up and paws wiggling, he continued the music of giggling as he looked up to his large playmate. 

"fun!" he exclaimed, his first complete word since learning to speak just a few days ago. but it was true, this was fun. alaric was fun. fun, fun, fun!!
"atkan aleut"
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric allowed himself to fall in a heap next to the boy. Laughter stirring the air. A snap in those green eyes of his. There was no greater pleasure than a child's laughter.

That's right fun. Now whatya say we go and you enjoy your snack, eh?

Alaric gave a soft little pant. It had been fun and it got their blood pumping.
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
food after a workout? hell yeah! "ahh!" he beamed at the mention of a snack, his eyes fueled now more than they'd been when playing. as if in agreement, his stomach suddenly gave a rumble and the boy let out a few more giggles at the comedic timing. 

he rolled to his belly and let his tail smack happily against the floor a few times before he stood and began walking his way over to where he'd abandoned his treat. deer hoof now secured once more, acrux dropped to the ground and began blissfully chewing away, just as he had been before their game ever started.
"atkan aleut"
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Alaric moved and found a spot to lay down and keep an eye on the boy. It was such a good day. And they had fun. An ear lifted to listen to the birdsong. He hummed softly under his breath.