Shadewood Fall, my dear. Fall in reverse.
537 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ
for the lovely @Amaya <3

Cry did his patrolling as it seemed fit to be this freezing winter night. Snow fell from the unforgiving skies as he kept a patient walk around the silent woods. It was a gentle breeze that caressed the titan tonight, for once his array of issues seeming to bless him with their absence.  

He was a sleek piece of the woods themselves, a shadow detaching from brethren to be passed from one sibling to another as he walked slowly into the midnight. The moonlight tried to alert all where he passed...

but alas he was a phantom in this filling forest of his, bright glacials looking to settle on any intruders with immediacy.
58 Posts
Ooc — Tara
Her fur ruffled in the breeze sending a shiver through her body in the cold night air. Amaya didn't much like being on her own in winter and missed the company of her mother and brothers. She couldn't stay though, it was time she moved on with her life and find herself a new place to call home. The gray girl didn't know exactly what that meant for her but she was open to whatever might present itself.

As night fell and the temperature started to drop the gray lady had found herself at the edge of a forest. Instead of trying to find a way around it she’d ventured in amongst the trees. They left shadows over the ground in the moonlight that seemed in some way a little ominous. She was unaware of another amongst the shadows.

The forest being new to her and not knowing what secrets it held she was on high alert. The rustle of a nearby branch caused her to startle and look around for the source.
537 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ

'She's a wise one', Cry thought as his breath-taking orbs settled across the visitor who had caught his peripherals on the edge of the border. A wise one, indeed. When he hadn't formed Shadewood as far as he had now, Phex had been the only intruder they had as of breaching the woods. But he wasn't angry or anything at the piebald fae; the woods hadn't been claimed yet. But the instincts he felt grow in him, the repeated routine growing more and more firm in his mind, all of it combined to make the Phantom more territorial of the Woods. And thus his intense need to be ever-vigilant grew with it.

Striding up with silent ease from the just left of the location where the femalia had heard the sudden groan of a snow burdened branch, Cry had pulled himself seemingly from the Void, itself. A gentle curve of sound, much like a mixture between a hum and a greeting was issued from him as regarded the fellow blue-eyed one.

"Hello," he began, a light smile pulling his etheral face into a perspective of something a bit more friendly. "Welcome to Shadewood."

58 Posts
Ooc — Tara
New places always left the gray girl with an uneasy feeling. Especially when the forest she was now surrounded with seemed no stranger to the company of wolves. The sound of the cracking branch had not only startled her but sent her mind reeling as it considered many scenarios. She couldn't be too careful, having been a lone wolf long enough she what it meant for her and for her life. Her mother had been a perfect example and Amaya wasn't sure of she wanted that for herself.

Her nose reached put on front of her to catch any concerning scents, anything that could tell her about the place she was in. She scented him before she saw him his dark coat hiding him well. When she finally was able to rest her eyes upon him she immediately tried to figure out who he was, what he wanted, all the typical things wolves wanted to know about another.

Blue eyes met his when he spoke his greeting, she offered a half smile. Her nerves might have been coming through a little. "Hello and thank you that's very kind. Perhaps you can tell me a little more about it?" She asked hoping that in knowing more she might be.
537 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ

Absolutely; though I can start with us not being too informative on the happenings within, as those who live here like their privacy a bit. We’re a rather tight knit family, miss.

With a light laugh, he brought up the paradox of it all that made them so tight. “Even though none of us are in the slightest related.

Chilling glacials met the azures of the fellow lupiness as he tried to be a bit more appealing in the topic. “It helps even the newest of souls to not be ostracized if they join. We’re a friendly group.

If he had to go deeper than that, there was nothing much more he could offer to the fae. As they had claimed everything within the foresty jungle, everything behind the borders was now a secret to those who hadn’t visited before the pack attempted to settle there. 

But should the woman desire a family, freedom, then this place would herald wonders for her. 

And I am Cry, the Watcher of the Keep.

58 Posts
Ooc — Tara
[size=small]With the scents of wolves strong on the air she supposed she should have guessed she'd run into someone. Still she was quite shocked when he seemed to materialize out if the forest. He hadn't chased her off, she'd had that happen a couple of times. Really it was something that didn't need to be rehashed. She tried to keep her cool, she didn't want to upset him since he seemed nice. [/size]

[size=small]He continued to show his friendliness as he explained a little to her about his pack. He gave some good information but he didn't give away anything at the same time. “That sounds like it might be a great place to live. Especially the family part.” Amaya did miss her real family a lot but those days of her life were over.[/size]

[size=small]She laughed a little when he spoke of no one in the  pack being related. “Well, I don't think that you have to be related to be family. It's more about who you care about and who cares about you.” Even though she’d been a lone wolf her whole life this was the belief that she had.[/size]

[size=small]His next words brought a smile to her face but left a question upon her tongue. “So even the newest of members are welcome into the pack as family?”[/size]

[size=small]She’d never considered becoming part of a pack before but what this man spoke really made her think. Maybe this was a pack for her and she could make a home with them.  Amaya knew the life of a loner was hard, though she had done okay surviving on her own it was sti a struggle and she had grown tired of the struggle.[/size]

[size=small]She bowed her head to the man when he introduced himself. “I'm Amaya, a lone wolf.” His introduction sounded much more prestigious than hers. “It's nice to meet you.”[/size]
537 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ
Cry nodded to Amaya, a subtle and wave of a name compared to his abrupt cull of one. It was almost childlike. And in a way, he wondered if behind it all, it had a meaning. 

The pleasure is mine, miss Amaya.

It seemed she didn’t realize much more than over half of the packs were related in some way or another. With litters being made all over, it was a complete blend of families, more than likely a blend of family into other families. They, however were the stragglers, related to  near none here. Or so he thought. He would have to speak to all of his members however if they planned to make families of their own. In fact, he would have to hold a meeting soon, just to lay law as to who and what was going to be going on regarding families and their own capabilities versus capacity.
Along with what to do should either of those delicate balances be tipped unfavorably. 

He did appreciate her opinion, however. It showed she was much more keen to be outspoken on how she felt, rather than falling into a basic rhythm. 

Of course,” he agreed to her connection. “There’s no reason why wolves should claim a home, but the members of the home don’t claim them. It’s just a waste of time, and treason. All something like that does is harbor inequality, and Shadewood is anything but.” Everyone here, from the moment they started, would be considered Family. They all worked for the better of the pack, so why wouldn’t they? “However I will say, newly joining wolves who seek refuge are not granted the permission to mate with their partner if they have only just recently joined. It in encouraged to meet everyone, to know who your Family is so they too feel comfortable with you bringing in more mouths to feed.” It did make sense, as they weren’t just going to allow their capacity to run amuck. 

Should she be willing to join, he would readily bring her in and explain their ranking system, as well as what weight such ranks were expected or pull.
58 Posts
Ooc — Tara
[size=small]When she introduced herself she didn't bother with giving her whole name. It hadn't mattered since she'd had to leave her home, she didn't think it would matter now.[/size]

[size=small]He was as very kind in the way he returned the peasantry and she gave a wave of her tail and offered a smile to the man. “You’re very kind. I wasn't expecting that when I came upon this place,” she admitted.[/size]

[size=small]In fact she was starting to think she might have to rethink everything she knew about packs. Amaya thought she knew how they were toward loners and even how they might treat a wolf new to the ranks. Everything he'd told her so far sounded like it went against all of that. For a moment she wondered what it might be like to have a family again, it'd been so long since she'd had one.[/size]

[size=small]Cry went on to explain how his pack saw new wolves into its ranks. She felt it made a lot of sense and felt she understood better about why the pack saw all wolves as family. “Again, I have to say I certainly wasn't expecting such an outlook when it came to newcomers. I don't have a lot of experience with packs but what I do isn't anything as welcoming as what your describing.” Amaya was thinking more and more that this might not be an opportunity she wanted to pass up. That this might be the place where she could finally make a home. The next thing he addressed what rights to mate she would have. Amaya looked at her paws a little embarrassed, “I'm sure that won’t be a problem. I don't have a mate to being with me. I certainly would like to meet everyone though.” She had no problems with that part. Since she would be working alongside them and considering them family she felt it necessary to meet them all.[/size]

[size=small]A nervous look crossed her features since she wasn't really sure what came next. Did she go or did they talk some more? Having never had a conversation like this with a pack wolf she opted to see what would happen next [/size]
537 Posts
Ooc — Sɪᴛʜ’ᴀʀɪ
It went smoothly as Amaya confirmed they were in fact a friendly bunch. It was true - there was no point in fighting for ranks when it came to an entire pack. Hiarchy was menaingless; it was much more efficient to simply work together. 

“Absolutely. I’ll have Morgan show you where the community dens are set up.” A gentle wisp of his shoulder against hers solidified her being a member of their newfound home and gave her access beyond the border without question. “I would personally show you, but I have to meet whoever Colt spoke to me earlier about. Everyone here is friendly, though. So make yourself at home, miss Amaya. I can atleast give you a personal welcome.” He chuckled a bit before leading her to the umbrella-like underside path to the heart of the woods.

Welcome Tara!! Also gonna invite you to the discord! Gonna have to set up a thread between Morgan and Amaya ASAP!
58 Posts
Ooc — Tara
[size=small]When he spoke again she realized that he was accepting her into his pack. So after a long year on her own could she have just found herself a home? Her stomach fluttered a little at the thought that she was going to be starting a new chapter to her life.[/size]

[size=small]“That will be great and then tomorrow I can start meeting the others.” Amaya didn't know about community dens but she was eager to see them and especially get some rest. A part of her felt that in this place she wouldn't have to worry about the things she once had. “That's quite alright, I understand and hope things go well. I will settle in and Thank you for this opportunity.” He was allowing her in no questions asked, Amaya knew there would be work to do but at least she wouldn't have to do it on her own anymore. The gray girl followed him along the path towards where she guessed they would find the wolf Morgan he’d spoken of.[/size]

Thank you! I definitely will.