Arrow Lake Fair freedom
Loyal to the death
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@Sootbird or anyone

Ferdie Von Pelt had always been a bit of a homebody. A scout he was not. Once he picked out packlands that was usually where he stayed. Today however was an exception he wanted more flat terrain he wanted to run.

Summer had been kind; even on the mountains food was plentiful, his belly was full from his own hunting though he needed to call a pack hunt and get a large cache going, he put the thoughts of his pack far from his mind. The moment his paws hit dirt he took off like a shot freeing his mind from responsibility and care.

His paws pounded the earth eating up the miles; he was planning on doing a large loop and eventually finding himself back at the base of the mountain so that he may go home when night fell with relative ease.

As the sun climbed higher and the day grew hotter finally he had to take a break and slow his flat out run to a easy lope then a to walk detouring to a lakeside. He was panting to hard to drink just yet, but the cool breeze off the lake was more then welcome to him.

His tongue lolled out the side of his mouth and he lay flat upon the earth, thoroughly happy with himself. The wounds healed and thankfully his pelt was not marred with white hair. He lifted his head still panting and looked around, taking in the sights memorizing the lay of the land so that he may run this loop again perhaps do it routinely.

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
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Hawkeye had traveled far away from her "home". "If you could call it that..." the black wolf mumbled bitterly. She felt completely alone in the world, but maybe it was best that way. Relationships of any sort only caused trouble, and Hawkeye thought of making her way home and she walked the outline of the mountains. It would be at least a two day travel, more likely 3, but she would be with her mother and father — even the younger brother she'd never met but heard of through the grape vine.

The swarthy female could tell that her old home Blackfoot Forest was only a couple of hours away, but soon she came to a lake she had not seen since she moved her pack to the plateau many months ago. Feeling reluctant against her own adventurous curiosity, Hawkeye sighed and slowly dipped herself into the lake. There was a part in the mountains where the refreshing water led, and the she-wolf figured that maybe the secluded feeling would comfort her.

After exiting the water, Hawkeye shook her thick ebony coat out and lay down to rest, never laying her eyes on the male that was nearby otherwise she would have been more cautious. She sank to the ground, drained of energy, both physical and mental.

"I'm glad to finally be alone." She mumbled to herself.
Loyal to the death
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Ferdie Von Pelt had not spied on her while she had swam in fact he hadn't really noticed her until she spoke aloud. Since he had been laying the the brush the whole time she may not have seen him, and the wind was not blowing so there was no current to drag around scents today.

He shifted and stood up pulling his large body up from the earth and gave himself a hearty shake, oh how he hated to have any debris in his pelt. He yawned gathering air into his chest before chuckling, Maybe not so alone as you might think He offered kind word and a soft tone to match it, still had having lost his slightly Canadian accent.

Here he was not on his mountain home so he offered no dominate posturing he was her equal, He needed to gather females to himself He'd need to pick a mate soon he was worried about his packs future. They desperately needed their numbers to grow if they were to stand a chance against Fox and swiftcurrent creeks stupidity. He swayed his tail gently in greeting

I am Ferdie Von Pelt He offered up his name first though it seemed in the teekon wilds wolves loved to hoard their names and not give them freely, he was just the opposite, perhaps that was his more friendly Canadian upbringing or mayhaps he was just completely reading things wrong

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
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Hawkeye was so startled that her body instinctively shot upward into a defensive position. Her mind raced so quickly that she hadn't yet noted his friendly tone. It was only after her sharp eyes scrutinized his posture that she moved into a normal standing position, but still slightly tense. He had shown no signs of aggression.

Still, the black female watched the male carefully, even after he gave his name. Giving up on her hunt of him being a threat, she relaxed her posture. "Hello, Ferdie Von Pelt. My name is Hawkeye." The she-wolf wondered why the male was not more cautious and if he truly had such a kind disposition.
Loyal to the death
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It was odd to hear a wolf use his full name, though he always introduced himself that way not many used it, preferring to call him Ferdie instead. In his younger days that bothered him, but he had long since learned to accept the shorter version of his name, and usually unless a wolf was making fun of him or intentionally trying to piss him off they never used his name correctly twice.

Ferdie was truly a kind wolf at heart with a clear favor toward pups, but while on 'his' mountain he was all business when it came to greeting other wolves and keeping the peace in the pack, so a chance meeting outside of 'home' was welcome.

Hawkeye, it is a pleasure to meet you, Does your name have a story behind it? He was curious as to the origin of her name, but in making small talk he hoped he wasn't drudging up something hurtful from the past. He was vividly learning to leave the past behind him.

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
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Now that the black beast had a chance to examine the male, she did so while taking her time, not caring if he knew that she was checking him out. Her eyes moved across his large figure — larger than she, which was rare. His face was slightly lighter than the rest of his muted pelt, all of which she found pleasant to look at. His shadowy yellow eyes held a serious yet gentle look and this piqued the curiosity of the female whose light key-lime eyes saw these things. There was something about his face she couldn't quite name, but there was security there.

Realizing she had been staring for quite a while, Hawkeye looked away a moment due to embarrassment, and then thought about the story behind her name. "Well, ah, my given name is Vilocity. Due to a fall when I was a pup, I am mostly deaf. From the fall, my eyes became significantly stronger, like the eyes of a hawk — hence the name 'Hawkeye'." The female shifted her weight before taking a step forward and sitting. It was a vulnerability that she was hard of hearing, but she shared the story with the male anyway.
Loyal to the death
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Ferdie at first didn't realized he was being sized up he was rather dumb that way, even if he did need to take a mate and sire a litter for his pack. He was to traditional to allow another pair of wolves to breed in his stead he was alpha and that was his right. A right he intended to embark upon next spring when his pack was stronger. It wasn't until she looked away that his own eyes widened and he realized what she had been doing.

He smiled then feeling very full of himself, he stepped closer but not so close as to invade personal space, he just wanted to make sure she could hear him. At least that's what he told himself. She was a pure-bred Mackenzie Valley wolf like himself as far as he could see, she was dark with the same color eyes as his brother, thinking of his own brother cooled his jets just a little. I'm sorry for the loss of your hearing, but it seems you have been given a gift that is quite useful. Ferdie sighed softly and looked toward the trees, What do you think of the mountains? He asked gently, looking for another way to send the conversation and hopefully keep her around, He was rather enjoying her company so far

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
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Hawkeye saw at the corner of her eye the small movement towards her. She looked up, her green eyes meeting his golden once, and gently took a minuscule (and almost hesitant) step forward as well. For once, Hawkeye thought before acting and knew that her actions had an impact on the world around her.

She nodded when he spoke of her eyesight. Sometimes she wished the even hadn't happened, but then realized she wouldn't have a precision in her light green orbs that any wolf would envy, even at the cost of most of their hearing.

Hawkeye looked to the mountains when he had mentioned them and a hint of a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. Looking to him once again, she smiled a little wider, but not by much. "The mountains here are the nicest I have seen. I like that this area is sort of closed of from the world. I could just stay here forever." It was a moment before she noticed that she should ask him the same. "And what about yourself, Ferdie Von Pelt? What do you think of the mountains?"
Loyal to the death
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Ferdie was now very aware she was a female, and very aware of his need to take a mate, and yet he held himself back. He did not want risk falling in love again, for all love had done was earn him years of heartache. So her question to him was a welcome distraction he grinned and waved his tail slightly, lifting it high over his back as he looked toward The Sunsire itself, but as he looked back to her his tail lowered respectfully and he made sure to face her as he spoke. A hint of laughter in his Canadian accented tone I took it that one step further, I will stay here forever I have made The Sunspire and those who dwell upon it, my home and I will forever remain here as long as I live He was rather proud of himself for that speech.

None could see what the future held but as far and he could see and divine, he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. His unswerving loyalty shifted from the swiftcurrent creek that cast him and another out. and changed into something even more fiercely loyal. Something he would give his life for in an instant should the need arise.

There is an oasis up there on that mountain, perhaps one day I could take you to see it, it is a sight to behold and the view below is even more breathtaking. Even if she were not to join his pack he'd honor his invitation and take her to visit 'his' mountain

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
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Ferdie could not have known that Hawkeye's heart felt the same way as his, but with much fresher wounds. She no longer desired sexual partners, but one that would stay by her side no matter what happened.

His words sent a look of surprise to Hawkeye's face that she didn't have time to hide the reaction. "You live here... as Alpha...?" A seed of jealousy planted itself in the black wolf's chest. "I would love to see your home. It's an honor that you say that you'd take me there someday. You are... very kind to me." The she-wolf looked down, almost shyly. She had wondered why the wolves she placed around herself were mostly selfish and self-serving.
Loyal to the death
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Ferdie was not as self-serving as most, he would rather put others before himself, In his pack the well being of his packmates came before his own, he'd feed them all if he had to starve to death in the process. And that he was told was against an 'alpha nature'... though he commanded respect from his subordinates he was not a tyrannical leader. Far from it.

He had nearly starved himself giving his kills to the last female of his interest, though she was an alpha and he had been looking to claim her for his own having fallen in love with her; though that love had been very very onesided, in the end, she too had broken his heart with her constant rejection. If only he could find a female that would accept him and would show him the utter loyalty he would bestow upon her. That too against an 'alpha nature' since most alpha's were out to find the next strongest mate to carry on his or her bloodlines.

His skin under his cheek upon his neck below his expertly groomed pelt bore freshly healed scars. Scars that would ever be a constant reminder to this horribly vain wolf of his last tryst with 'love' though his loyalty toward his mate would ever be absolute he vowed never to fall in love again. Such a waste of a vow; one could never control their heart, but they could ignore it for a time.

Ferdie Von Pelt cocked his head to the side. His voice all serious now I do not just say... He look confused I promise. ... Words that come from me are not just drivel He wondered if she had been lied to in the past somehow it felt like that and it bothered him that someone may have caused her distress. He then had to wonder if it was his place to ask that question of a new acquaintance.

He wondered to then if he would be able to find his Owl friend to show her or if she even liked the birds of prey from which she took her name. Ferdie looked to the sky as if to seek out the bird he had just thought of, but instead noticed the sky was beginning to darken, With a small sigh he turned his gaze to Hawkeye. I need to return The Sunspire I was just out for a run, He smiled then sharing with her a secret it's hard to go for a good long on the mountain, the ground is ever changing and the terrian though beautiful is difficult, not that, that is a bad thing. just hard to enjoy a flat out run. Care to run with me? He offered hoping for her company just a bit longer, he had no idea if she had a place to sleep and he had long since neglected building a den so he had no shelter to offer her beside the Mountain itself.
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
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Hawkeye would not have guessed the story behind Ferdie Von Pelt's eyes, not even with the scars her eyes barely glanced. She had felt a slight satisfaction that he had won — or at least escaped — the fight that had caused the wounds that marred his perfect body. Yet, Hawkeye thought they made him even more perfect.

She then looked into his eyes when he made his promise, fighting the urge to pull them away in submission of the idea that a small part of her thought he would back out of his promises, too. But, she reminded herself that he was not Peregrine. He was very different; different in every way as she thought about it. His eyes, his disposition, it was basically the opposite of her old mate. Hawkeye was hurt, though, raw and bitter. No one could change that feeling, and she doubted she would ever take a mate again.

When Ferdie Von Pelt said he needed to leave, the black wolf's heart sunk a little. And then, he asked her to run with him. Her face brightened. It was extremely difficult to run on the plateau, and running somewhere where there would be no trees as obstacles was highly appealing in her mind. "I would love to run with you, Ferdie Von Pelt." Hawkeye smiled, waiting for the male to lead the way.
Loyal to the death
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Ferdie Von Pelt pressed his leathery nose into her shoulder and bounced backward with a mischievous smile upon his face. Catch me if you can!? He chuffed and took off his tail waving behind him like a young fool.

He was a large wolf his stride was long, though not as graceful as a females, allowing him to chew up the miles as he ran. She knew where he was running to though since he had told her and as such she was going to be able to use that to her advantage. Not to mention that The Sunspire was the most predominate landscape feature in all the teekon wilds especially this close up.

Ferdie curved his trail around Upper arrow lake the path he took regularly was beginning to become worn if not just slightly. He glanced back to check on her progress

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
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Hawkeye was initially startled by the touch of Ferdie Von Pelt's nose to her fur, but smirked at the male when she saw the smile on his face that said "trouble". Surprise showed on her face when he showed his intention play, which is when her smiled matched his mischievous one.

The dark female was not the fastest wolf out there, but she was about 40 pounds lighter than her male counterpart, letting her hope that she could catch him. His long legs were not something she accounted for, though. Hawkeye was stuck about five feet back from the male, her concentration on his butt (although not intentionally). Her brow narrowed in focus as she blindly followed wherever Ferdie led her.

It wasn't until he looked back that she realized she was staring at his butt, a flush overcoming her face. The she-wolf broke her concentration to smile at him, but it was most likely a strange wince-like "smile" since she was running and starting to tire. (She used to run a lot on the plateau, but was too depressed as of late).

"Give up Von Pelt! You can't go on forever!" She panted out between strides.
Loyal to the death
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Ferdie and another wolf released some raccoon's around here somewhere so I thought I'd NPC them in here :D

Ferdie was used to running the path of late he could make it to the far end where it went back up toward the sunspire after he jumped up on a ledge but he slowed just some he couldn't help the hearty laugh that escaped him when he chided him, that was a new one, no one had ever called him Von Pelt before not as for as he could recall, Ferdinand when they wanted to piss him off sure. but not Von Pelt...

Ferdie glanced to the path in front of him and had the leap and dive for the left to not step upon a raccoon cub. He yipped loudly came to a dead stop coming face to face with an angry mother raccoon. She slashed at his face with her sharp nails and screamed raccoon profanities at him. Ferdie reared back bolted toward Hawkeye then back around to the right toward his 'ledge'

Running side by side with Hawkeye now with a fat coon chasing them Ferdie shouted since he didn't know if he was on her deaf side or not There that ledge!! He took the ledge in one bound; it was four and a half feet from the ground he quickly moved to the side ready to grab at her if he needed too. Raccoons were faster and far nastier then one might think

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
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Moments after hearing the handsome male's laugh (and then smiling herself), Hawkeye's eyes widened, almost not believing what she saw in front of her — when suddenly a raccoon was slashing after Ferdie's face! He reared back and then pulled up next to Hawkeye, close enough to make her heart race (and not from all of the excitement and running).

He shouted to jump for the ledge, which Hawkeye was thankful for. No one ever really acknowledged she was deaf — which may have been something she felt vulnerable about in the past (and still some now) — but it was nice to have someone think of her, even in a moment when something could be forgotten. Hawkeye would have followed his cues and actions, but to have another wolf find it important that he lessen the troubles of reading mouths or bodily movements.. the green-eyed she-wolf was grateful.

And then she jumped. Her back paws landing right on the edge, and Hawkeye's green orbs widened and she began to slip and try to catch her balance all at once.
Loyal to the death
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Ferdie Von Pelt saw the fear in her eyes as she began to slip and his heart raced fear and panic beyond that which should be there for a mere acquaintance griped him but his reflexes were stronger then his emotional thoughts and his teeth snapped gently yet firmly into the ruff of her neck and he backed up a step putting all his weight against her backward momentum and drawing her closer to him only letting her go when all four of her paws were on the ground safely beside him. He was oblivious to her nearness, as he creeped to the edge and peered down at the screaming raccoon. Quickly the thing gave up and tottled off, it's baby was safe no need to chase the wolves any further she seemed proud to have chased them up a rock to begin with. Likely she was going to tell her own kin and laugh at their expense later, or whatever raccoon's did.

Ferdie looked at Haweye and plopped down unceremoniously and laughed, he reached up and scratched behind his ear with a rear paw, That was more fun then I've had in ages He chuckled, Ever been chased by one of those before? I have they are worse then badgers if you ask me

Ferdie's eyes drifted over her body, telling himself he was looking for any injuries he may have caused. yeah that was it, injuries... I didn't hurt you did I? He questioned suddenly appalled with himself for not asking sooner. His eyes sought hers looking to make sure she was telling him the truth and not hiding the fact he was a brute and may have bruised her skin....

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
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Panic still gripped the large female, but it mostly vanished when Ferdie saved her from falling. The fear stemmed from the tumble she had two years ago (leaving her partially deaf), but the cliff back then was larger by a huge degree.

As she looked back down to the ground past the ledge, she heard the golden-eyed wolf ask if she had ever been chased by a raccoon. "No," she replied. "I have seen them, but only when I lived in my old gypsy pack." The dark female paused for a moment. "Maybe if you hadn't saved me, my large ass would have crushed the pest." Hawkeye smirked and turned back toward the male just as he looked into her eyes and asked if she had any injuries. Her breath stuck in her chest a moment before she drew close to him and swathed his cheek with her tongue (or what others would call a "kiss"). "I am fine, Knight Ferdie Von Pelt." A small bit of playfulness touched her voice. She smiled and stepped back. "But, really... thank you for saving me."
Loyal to the death
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This leads so nicely into why Ferdie was not inside the pack land during This thread so feel free to have had your toon watch it since Ferdie is about to leave her there

The moment she said it; his eyes flicked to her rump, appreciating it taking in the view his eyes lingering on her tail. He shook his head and grinned foolishly as he licked his cheek. Ferdie stood up then tucked a front leg under him, lowering his front end into a bow for a moment. Then mi'lady shall we proceed? Ferdie brushed his shoulder against hers if he had an arm to offer her he'd walk her up the mountain side arm in arm. Instead his took the lead keeping her close to him,

If he had known while he was away that Fox would incite a riot and his pack would do what they were told to do and defend valiantly, if he had known he was leading Hawkeye into a near war zone he would have left her there with the promise to return and get her later. Instead as they ambled toward the pack lands Ferdie caught scent of piss not of his pack. His hackles bristled and his tail flipped high over his back his teeth showed themselves of their own accord. He drew a deep breath filling his chest his body instantly trying to appear bigger then he already was. Hawkeye wait here! Ferdie commanded her even though he had no right to. His voice was stern enough to garner no disobedience as he took off toward the sound of snarls.

He was upset he had spoken to her like that and would have to beg forgiveness later if she gave him the time of day after that.

<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
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ooc: WOW a lot happened in that thread!!

One second, warm fuzzy feelings were being felt by both Hawkeye and the male she currently traveled with; then, Ferdie's hackles shot up. The dark female looked around, not knowing what was happening. She did not know any of the scents in this place, so she scrutinized the surroundings, readying herself for any trespassers.

Ferdie then puffed up and shouted for her to stay put and wait for him where she stood. She figured danger of some sort, but they were his lands. If he hadn't said anything or invited her along, she would have gone with him without thinking twice.

Hawkeye was completely oblivious to that fact that a battle between packs would start shortly. It didn't help that she was mostly deaf and never heard what was going on, though she sensed something in the air. The large black female started to take steps forward, but then groaned and stopped in her tracks. She did not want to disrespect Ferdie on his own lands.

Hawkeye sat and waited, looking around and sighing now and then until she heard a very faint call.

(Thread continued here)

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