Chimera Fields Provide
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
Limit Two 
Decided to try out the hunter trade for Astraios! <3

Astraios was on the prowl, slinking through the tall grass and tracking a hare. Hare pellets littered the ground, and there was even a clump of fur hanging off of some thorny underbrush. The giant male padded forward; the scent was growing stronger.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,359 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Yet again, Rodyn found himself a few lengths from home, his nose following the track of a hare. He wanted more meat for the caches. It was with one minded movements, he followed the trail of hares into a warren, or what he hoped was a warren.

However, he was momentarily startled from his hunt, when another wolf appeared. His own nose down. Clearly they were hunting the samething. Rodyn eyed him, he was familiar. The father of the pup he had walked with.

Rodyn himself was a large wolf, but this one was huge. He had not realized this the one night so many days ago when they had met. It made him wonder briefly if they could hunt something bigger than a hare. Could they kill a doe and share the kill. He chuffed in greeting, but stood still not moving. Ears erect, body neutral.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
Rodyn's scent hit him, and he glanced up as the other male chuffed. Astraios dipped his head, greeting quietly, "Rodyn. Hello." They were on neutral ground, so he offered a rare half-smile — more of a smirk than anything else, really — and asked, "Care to tear up a warren with me, or do you fancy something more... substantial?"
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,359 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn returned the smirk, eyes dancing with mirth. Hello again, stranger. He didn't say much more than that. He was kind and he had liked the brief conversation they had, had how many ever days ago, though how long had it been really?

I will glady tear up a warren, but i wonder if you and I could take a doe. If memory serves you have a least one growing son, who probably eats his weight in meat now. He offered a genial smile. Not questioning, not asking about more than one. he knew of one and that was all he needed to know.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
He had not given Rodyn his name upon their last meeting, for fear of being recognized, but now, he had a new name, one he was proud to have, and share. He told Rodyn, "My name is Astraios — you're the first outsider to hear it." Another smirk.

"I'm certain we could take a doe," he continued. He lifted his muzzle, scenting the air; there were deer nearby. At mention of his son, he gave a low chuckle and a small nod. "Yes, my children grow rapidly... Perhaps it is best we found each other today, then." A doe would more than feed his entire family. He set off, tracking the herd.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,359 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn dipped his head. Well met Astraios. Then I count myself lucky. That was all he would say on that. Thought truthfully, there was probably more to the story, but he was not a nosy wolf. Didn't need to know, though he wouldn't have known very much given that he was new to the area anyway.

Rodyn dipped into paw step, beside Astraios, his own nose to the ground, eyes falling on the hoof prints of many deer. They could take a doe, down. Rodyn was actually excited for the chance to ply his trade as hunter, earn his tracker trade. He wanted to make the moonwoman proud of him he realized a brief second later. Prove to her that she hadn't made a mistake when she had offered him sanctuary and a home. Pay her back some small kindness at her trust.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
He did not mind sharing information now — he hadn't had wind of Vex in almost an entire season, and things were stabilizing. He felt safer. His courage had returned. As they went about tracking, Astraios continued genially, "I am married. To Themis, as of a couple weeks ago." And he'd never been happier.

They came across deer scat. Astraios turned his nose up at it, then murmured, "They're close, probably just up ahead... I can take it down. We should come at it from two sides."
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,359 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn continued in the comfortable silence. He was enjoying himself. Enjoying the company. He was surprised and humbled that the stranger would share information with him. Though he had already assumed they were an item. Most packs only allowed the alpha pair to mate, and Themis had told him of her children, and Astraios had also had children, so he sort of just assumed.

That's grand. It's nice to find that special someone, and yours is a kind one. I haven't been as lucky myself, but I also don't want to rush it. It will come when it comes.

He briefly thought of Sialuk who he thought was beautiful albeit a bit strange, but he hadn't spoken to her in some time. Not even in the pack lands that he now called home. Which he realized he had never offered that information.

I chose the Moonglow pack to make my home. They are a pack of hunters, and traders. I enjoy the hunt, fills my soul. Never traded before, but it's always good to learn new things.

He nodded. Very well I go right, you go left?
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
Astraios chuckled, a low, quiet sound, and he murmured, "I waited six years to find someone like Themis." Okay, maybe that wasn't entirely true, but he was glad to have found her. Glad to have her by his side.

He was from Moonglow. Astraios nodded, replying, "I am trying to hone my hunting skills. So this is good practice." Back home, beneath Vex, he had been a fighter. Now, as he aged, he found he no longer enjoyed the rush of battle.

The two split up with another nod. Astraios fell silent as he stalked through the tall grass. Ahead, there came grunts and cries of the herd. Lifting his head, he saw them grazing. He found Rodyn, met his eyes, and gestured to an older doe. She looked injured, and walked with a slight limp. She would be easy prey.

Astraios rushed towards it.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,359 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Could Rodyn wait that long if aomwthing wasn't meant to be. He'd b3 an old man, and yet hw could handle that. And if it wasn't in the cards for him it wasn't. Though, he balked at that thought.

Rodyn grinned. You ever need a hunting partner you let me know.

Rodyn had always been a hunter, he actually wasn't very good at fighting. He could his hold his own, probably, maybe. But he wasn't formerly trained.

Rodyn rushed at the injured doe from the other side. Teet tearing at the flank. Though he made sure to dance backwards and not turn her against Astraios.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
The wolves descended upon the doe. Astraios' teeth clamped down on the side of the doe, tearing into it as it lurched away. Blood dripped steadily from the wound, and covered his muzzle, staining his teeth. Adrenaline began to course through him.

He fell back as a hoof struck out — it narrowly missed his skull, instead clipping his tattered ear. He smirked, letting out a booming laugh. This is what he'd been missing.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,359 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rolled a 9 in discord to unbalance her

Rodyn feinted and lunged as the beast turned towards him to get away from Astraios. He grasped her shoulder and used his weight and her kick to pull her to the side. Long enough he hoped for Astraios to rip her throat out.

The laughter from the other male adding fire to his heels. This was a good day.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
Their quarry lost her balance, thanks to Rodyn, and Astraios took the chance to lunge for her throat. Teeth clamped down, tearing, and then there was a shower of blood. His pale coat reddened, and he released the doe; she fell, and within moments, she had perished.

Astraios laughed again, and he let out a triumphant howl. Looking to Rodyn, he rasped, "Good hunting!" And he moved to tear open the stomach — he would split the fatty organs with the other male, and then gorge himself until he could eat no more.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,359 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn felt the give as she fought and then finally the last breath as her throat was cut. He lifted his voice in triumphant howl. He backed away licking his muzzle. Keeping a respectful distance. Astraios had made the kill, it was his right to choose what he wanted first.

When he was given a share of the fatty organs he began to eat, absolute ecstasy causing him to close his eyes in pleasure.

He made thanks too Sedna as Kukutux had told him.

After they had eaten their fill and both were full of belly he spoke.

If you have no need of it. I'd like the deer pelt. I was tasked to start getting furs for moonwoman to help dry and for a bride price when or if I am lucky enough to have a mate.

He'd also like some of the meat, but he'd allow Astraios to choose what he wanted first.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
Astraios pelt and face were sticky with the doe's blood, but he did not mind. At Rodyn's inquiry about the pelt, he nodded, saying, "Certainly. Perhaps later you could help me fell another deer, so I might bring the pelt to Themis?" It would be his first gift to her. Astraios moved back to their kill, where he tore a good hunk from it. This would be for his wife and children.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,359 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was also sticky with blood, he would need to take his portions and then bath, but it didn't show up as starkly as in his neighbor friends pelt. The deep red was mixing strangely with his lighter pelt. Like the Moonwomans, Sialuks, and Samani's.

I will gladly. Do you know how to scrape and dry it? If not I would like to share this knowledge with you.

Rodyn studied the doe, he would need help getting it to the borders unless he cut it apart here. He thought about it for a moment. Then he looked up and smiled. We did well today neighbor friend Astraios.
110 Posts
Ooc — The System
Astraios shook his head. "Perhaps you can show me after our next hunt?" In his previous life, the women had tended to the pelts. "Indeed, we did well." He smiled slightly, then dipped his head in farewell. "I'll call upon you again for another hunt soon. For now, farewell." He would then gather up the meat, and head back home.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"

Physical Health (100/100)

Astraios is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Astraios is mentally well.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,359 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn grasped the leftover pieces and began the trek home. He would work at the pelt this evening and call upon Kukutux in the am.