Noctisardor Bypass Fishing, Take Two
74 Posts
Ooc — The System
For @Inkeri <3

Lucius was back in the valley. He had been gone longer than he meant to — how many weeks had it been since he'd last seen Inkeri? The coyote whined softly to himself, then let out a quiet call for his friend. He hoped she was alright.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni

It had been days since she had seen Lucius, and then Anja had gone missing and here she was alone and scared again. She didn't go far, she preferred to stay right where she was, she didn't speak to anyone usually. Keeping to herself.

Inkeri heard the call and for a brief moment, she thought of not answering. HE had left her angry. He had rebuffed her emotions. HE had not spoken to her. He had just left, but yet again the stirring that was always present, the pleasing wolf that lay inside. It called out to be wanted, needed.

She followed his howl, and stood looking at him. Trying to make herself smaller. Shoulders slumped forward, pelt unkempt. She looked a sorry sight indeed. Though she did offer him a timid smile. She had been searching for Anja and him, both of them tirelessly and her emotions to rampant to realize she was simply going in circles.

74 Posts
Ooc — The System
When Inkeri showed, Lucius knew at once that she wasn't doing well. Another whine slipped from his muzzle, large ears dipping back against his skull. "Inkeri..." Her name was spoken breathily, and he hesitated before taking a couple steps closer to her.

"I — I'm sorry I was gone. I didn't mean to be gone so long, I was just... just exploring, a-and hunting!" He had improved his skills already, and he was even ready to try fishing again. Lucius glanced at her, nervously of course, and he asked, "Can you forgive me?" He wouldn't travel so far again. Not without her.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri moved a little closer herself. Eyes on him. Wondering. Waiting. She slowly shifted large body. The space felt too small. Suffocating, because she wasn't sure why she was so upset.

Is okay. Okay. Lucius. You left angry and Anja is missing. I be searching, and sesrching. But cannot find. Find.

She blinked at him and tentatively brushed a muzzle along his head. If he'd allow.

I can forgive you. Do forgive you. Proud of you. she breathed softly.

74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Now he understood. He had not met Anja yet, and she had clearly not been in the area. He felt even guiltier for leaving, but there was no changing that. He leaned into her touch, and he promised her, "I won't leave you again. If we travel, we go together, yeah?" He grinned up at her, and he added, "And I'm ready to try fishing again."
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri closed her eyes feeling the softness of his fur. She felt at peace for a brief moment. It had been so long since she had seen Anja. She was unsure what to do or think or say. But she would do her best.

She wiggled a little. A small smile on her face. We will go to the river. River. This time. Lucius. Lucius. She licked along her muzzle and wagged her tail. The differing colors of her fur showing up stark in the light.

74 Posts
Ooc — The System
The river. It was a ways away, but not far enough to dissuade him, so he nodded, grinned, and began to lead the way, tail held high and waving steadily behind him. "I have a good feeling about this, Inkeri," the yearling huffed, glancing to her and grinning once more.

The lake gave the fish far too many places to flee to, and his natural technique was built for rivers anyways. He felt like today, he would succeed. Perhaps he would not be an amazing fisher, but to say he could catch his own food — and food for others, it meant something.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri followed eagerly behind him. Smoothing her tongue through her fur as she did so. Both to soothe her own self, and to attempt to wrangle the mess of tangles that had taken over while Anja and Lucius had been gone.

I do to. Lucius. Lucius. She said quietly back.

She was very proud of him. He was doing wonderfully, and though it hurt a little, because of her co-dependency. It also filled her with such happiness to see him succeed where he wanted too.

74 Posts
Ooc — The System
They had arrived at the river, at the southern end of the valley. Lucius looked to Inkeri, then moved to sit at the water's edge, casting his purple gaze into the water. He saw fast-moving, small glimmers — looking closer, he could see they were actually tiny fish. Lucius got an idea.

He struck out, to catch one off the little fish — how he succeeded, even he didn't know. But then, he baited the water, chewing the fish into small pieces and scattering them on the water, which began to stain red.

Without moving his gaze from the water, he asked Inkeri, "Are you hungry?" He wanted to make up for his disappearance. He would catch her a meal, to start.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri watched him. Knowing that he did not want her help this time. He wanted to succeed on his own merit.

She yipped happily when he caught one and moved closer. Tongue testing the air to the blood scent. She watched. Surprised.

I'd not thought of that. Yes

She watched curious now.

74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Baiting the water seemed to work, because after only a few minutes, fish began to grab the pieces. He could have his pick of the fish, but he'd have to be fast. Lucius eyed each fish — a small one, an even smaller one, and then saw the perfect catch. It was one of the closest ones to him, and it was big enough for Inkeri.

Lucius struck out with a paw, scooping the fish up onto the shore where it flopped about. Hurriedly, the coyote put both forepaws on the fish's body, keeping it still. A bite to the back of it's head killed it, and he brought it happily over to Inkeri, tail waving.

"Eat up!"
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri watched as the fish swam to the top, fighting over scraps of meat. Her eyes grew wide. She had never seen such a display. She would need to remember this trick. So cunning her Lucius. She blushed at the bold thought, and quickly tried to squelch the thought.

She smiled and leaned forward to press nose to his head. Then bent her head to take a bite. Do you want some?

74 Posts
Ooc — The System
At Inkeri's gentle touch, the coyote's eyes closed and he grinned, tail thumping the ground. How easy he was to please! But then she pulled away to eat, and his eyes opened. At her offer, he nodded to take a bite — it was, well, fishy. He wasn't sure he liked it much, but he swallowed it anyways.

"I want to catch another and dry it," that way he would not have to fish again so soon, and they could have at least a partial meal ready.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
[quote="Lucius" pid='534796' dateline='1659743302']
At Inkeri's gentle touch, the coyote's eyes closed and he grinned, tail thumping the

Inkeri was used to fish. It was a regular staple where she was from. So it tasted good to her. Though, she supposed if you were not used to it. It could be something to get used too.

You can salt it....mmm...find a salt tastes strange....burning and tangy, but not bad. Bad. Or drying and stripping. I have heard of doing this with deer. Makes a hard, chewy meat, very good. Good.

74 Posts
Ooc — The System
"Where would we find a salt cave?" Lucius had never even heard of such a thing before. The drying and stripping thing sounded much easier, so he said, "I mean, we can keep an eye out for one, but I'm good with drying." It was the quickest and simplest thing to do.

Lucius moved back to the river, where his purple gaze searched for more fish. There was no movement save for the water — even the little minnows had gone. He frowned, brows pulling together, and he moved downriver.

Here, there was some activity. Lucius would strike out with his muzzle and pull up from the water with quite the catch flailing in his jaws. He carried it back to Inkeri, then deposited and dispatched it, grinning.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She shook her head. Shoulders bunched. Do not know yet. For future. Future.

She was merely explainin what they had done, but her language was hard to push out.

Inkeri saw his frown and her chest tightened. Would he get mad again and leave. She wasn't sure if she could take it and she knew if it was the case she could not allow him back. It wasn't healthy. Just the thought left her cold and she shook here head. He wouldn't. He promised.

Inkeri smiled anf bent to help him strip them if he'd like. Big or little strips.

74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Last from me <3

Little strips, he decided after a few moments. He thought they might dry faster that way. He shifted so that he could help, and together the pair would prepare the fish Lucius had caught. All in all, it had been a good day.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri would hum softly while she worked. The song running through her head in her own language, but bringing comfort all the same. Something she remembered, but wasn't sure why. She was content right now. Though a piece of her felt hollow that Anja was not here, all the same. She was pleased to have Lucius.