Dragoncrest Cliffs on the field
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All Welcome 
it would be impossible to avoid family forever the longer he stayed within sapphique.

so he decided to sniff them out on his own terms first. @Mireille was the obvious choice. so fresh on her scent he moved. the lean form of a scout now, trained steps like one too. although he still bounced a bit. boyish in some ways he could not control.

he tried to play it cool, like he had not been scouring the coast for weeks from home.

mir-mir-mirrr. whenever he found her. voice like a trumpet as he said her name.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
862 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"quen-quen-quen!" she sang back to the younger boy, before pouncing toward him and hoping to rub her paw roughly against his head. "oyster head! where have you been?" she reprimanded him. "you have to give me a good answer. i am your sister an' your leader."
but mireille laughed now; she would not lord it over her brother in such a way!
336 Posts
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he did not know why he thought anger might meet him.

instead it was as if no time at all had been apart. mir ruffled his head with a paw. calling him names and pulling rank. all of it enough to give him a good laugh for a moment.

scoutin'. was the only way he could think to put it. shrugged his shoulders in boyish nonchalance. i didn' realize how long it had been. here was a soft cracking of his joke facade.

a look into the guilt that had devoured him.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
862 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille snorted. "you an' loko bot'!" she looked up the coast as if she would see her wayward littermate, then sighed. "what did you see dis time, quennell?" despite mireille's worry, she took a deep interest in the comings and goings of her siblings, as they began to leave sapphique and explore the world outside.
336 Posts
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he home?

this asked with only half genuine curiosity. some part of him figured his brother was still out there. having seemingly left as quickly as he had come back home. yet no part of quennell could blame his older brother.

i met a lady. den i met a...sea monster.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
862 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille shook her head. "not yet." and her heart ached. out of the four of them, only she and sobo remained here.
the girl was determined to be happy.
"tell me about de lady." but her eyes flashed with great interest. "an' den, de sea monster."
336 Posts
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not yet.

he moved on from the thought of sadness. the very thing that had driven him beyond sapphique in the first place. he would not allow it to sour his moment

de lady wanted to eat my nose! but his voice was light, laughter lined his words. but ain't no resistin' de charm of quen.

he tossed a boyish grin, waving his tail about.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
862 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille snorted a laugh. "yeah, you be charmin' in de way of a jellyfish on de beach!" she snickered, meaning no harm. 
"now. dis monster. how you be takin' in out, boy?" her eyes shone with a deep emerald love.
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he laughed with her. loud and rattling. hardly ever offended by the ribbing of mireille.

oh! i stuck gulls on 'im. stinky he was, they were ready! the story had become this way to him. the truth clouded by his version.

you still be wantin' to see de inlan' together?
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
862 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"yes. but. i met a man of dat island, out t'ere." she gestured in the direction of wheeling gull.
"bart'olomew is his name. he invited us to come to dat place, to visit. so you tell me, little bro'ter: where are we goin', o mighty gull-hunter?"
336 Posts
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a man!?

his face full of humor, knowing that men were not the direct blood of sapphique. he was humored one had met his sister and had settled so close!

i t'ink we be goin' to see 'im, stink shark!

he was already cackling like a hyena, pouncing on large paws to the side. expecting her body to tackle his.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
862 Posts
Ooc — ebony
fade? <3

"stink shark?" mireille laughed, then leapt at him. 
"you be payin' for dat, little urchin!" she would let quennell tag her up and down the land in a fast game of tag, and in the time to come, she would lay plans for them to visit the island.